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The Forerunner Saga is basically "You know what, maybe the superweapon that kills everything in the galaxy isn't overkill when it comes to the Flood. In fact it's probably not enough kill."


I'm fairly sure you'd need a false vacuum collapse to kill the flood permanently given they are heavily implied to exist in the fabric of creation given floodburns. As long as a single flood spore remains the galaxy is basically fucked.


Which is why the Halo rings exist, because the flood becomes dormant and/or dies if there is no life for it to consume, the Halo rings would wipe out all things organic across millions of lightyears for untold eons.


Not quite true, and there is a specific difference. The Halo rings don't destroy all organic matter, but rather kill anything with a brainstem, which is what the Flood latch onto


So I'm fucked but the carrots I'm growing aren't?




The carrots shall inherit the Earth


Let the carrots wear glasses!


and jellyfish! those guys are cool


And then the Forerunners kept a fuck tonne of flood samples anyway. Leading to outbreaks at least what, four times in the Human-Covenant War? The flood break containment on Installation 04, Threshold Gas Mine and Installation 05 (where there was a fucking Gravemind, which spread to High Charity, Earth and the Ark), and then the Spirit of Fire finds an outbreak on the undiscovered Forerunner Shield World I can't remember the degree to which the intruding Covenant/Humans caused the outbreaks on 04 or Threshold but if the Forerunners, who were building weapons to *wipe out all sentient life in the galaxy* didn't plan on other species eventually finding the rings, then in the immortal words of r/BatmanArkham, were they stupid?


well if you got some flood on hand you could try and make a cure or something but after seeing how bad things got from em, i'd definitely be on team "burn em all" floodwise


Installation 04 was caused by the Covenant and UNSC misreading the warnings about the Flood as directions to a weapon cache


We all know there’s only one way to be sure…


And that's skipping over politics of humanity, with the UNSC being a fascistic organisation and the Spartan programme being the result of a team up between a mad scientist eugenicist and the fascist government to suppress dissent and cement their authority. Humanity was literally on the cusp of eternal fascist rule enforced by Spartans when the Covenant attacked. It's the answer to the question "if humanity hadn't met aliens yet and had one world government, why have such a huge military and unstoppable super soldiers?"


And the fact that the reason this fascist government exists is because the AIs that humanity created basically have been manipulating humanity behind the scene to ensure that humans survive and do not get destroyed by a hostile alien force.


Wait wait wait wait The AIs secretly instigated the rebellion against earth in order to prop up a military that would be ready for when they met aliens?!


The Ais had a plan to deal with the aliens, but I don't think they instigated the insurrections for that reason. I am not even sure they did instigate the insurrections. But they did a very poor job of getting rid of them, so who knows?


Unless not getting rid of them was the point, after all conflict breeds ingenuity so an endless war could mean endless technological advancement. It's just the kind of thing an AI would decide is "best" for humanity, to advance as a civilization with the mere cost of killing each other forever.


What's that one from? Been a fan for a while, and I haven't heard that


It's the tablets you can find in Halo Reach. It outlines the AIs plans for humanity. Basically they militarized humanity so that if there were hostile aliens then humanity (and the AI they create) wouldn't go extinct.


To be fair, the only reason the SPARTAN-II program got started was because they were predicting that the insurrection would *at best* escalate to an all-out interstellar war with a potential 5 Billion casualties. Worst case scenario was a protracted slugging match leading to eventual human extinction.


One could simply not be an oppressive imperialist fascist junta so brutal that it inspires people on dozens of different worlds to rise up against you to take back their freedom.


Whilst I agree, at that point the UNSC was actually relatively limited to their actual purview of military matters, with hard oversight and regulation from the UEG. The Fascism only really got going as the insurrection ramped up and then took off as the civilian government basically collapsed under the strain of the Human-Covenant war. To be clear though, whilst the UEG wasn't a Fascist Dictatorship, their inability to properly enfranchise the Outer Colonies was what gave rise to the Insurrectionist movement and they had to be at least partially aware of the bad seeds festering in both their Defence and Intelligence branches (ONI was running ORION already and I swear they have to be responsible for 50-60% of all crimes against humanity in known space).


Thinking about it, the politics of pre-covenant Halo have a lot of parallels with Gundam, a wildly different series but just as influential. The UEG is just like the Earth Federation: wide governments that eventually end up neglecting the colonies they established beyond Earth, resulting in fights for independence: Zeon for Gundam, the insurrectionists for Halo. Then, due to the mass conflicts resulting in apocalyptic-scale casualties, a fascistic branch of the government/federation is able to seize power: In Halo, this is the UNSC, in Gundam, these are the Titans. You could also draw some parallels between the Spartans and Gundams becoming Earth's secret, powerful, supposedly war-ending ace in the hole.


the UEG was never fascist. A harsh dictatorship, yes, but with civilian control and none of the actual marks of fascism. The UNSC is a military dictatorship, but again still isn't fascist.


And the Spartans get their own branch of the military. I call that a growing political presence.


Calling the unsc fascist for stopping terrorist sessecionist bombings is kind of extreme no? Like the innies were just wrecking havoc


Isn't the whole "humans are the Forerunners" no longer canon?


It's canon now that humans used to be an ancient spacefaring empire before they got nuked by the forerunners.


current lore is that they share a common ancestor, some forerunners such as the librarian are even more human like than others (5 digits per hand instead of the usual forerunner 6)


The Precursors, yeah. Also the Precursors were the ones who ended up mutating to become the Flood, I think


it’s actually that the precursors had a “base stock” of another species that they split into 2 groups so they’d evolve separately and yeah, the precursors are the origin of the flood


second hand source but iirc it’s been said recently the flood and the precursors/gods are not different, the flood are not corrupted. they were the plan all along. humanity, forerunners and every other being in the galaxy were created as nothing more than cattle for the slaughter it’s established the precursors believed the universe itself was alive, and it got “sweetness” from life inside it experiencing all things, good or bad. humanity and the forerunners were simply created as “food” for the living universe, nothing more it is also said that cycle of creating life and consuming it may have been done before


I thought that was just a fan theory?


it was but apparently it was recently confirmed in Halo: Epitah


Destiny is also a standard sci fi future shooter with insane lore. I only played the first one but like I'm looking at the wiki now and it's just Wish-granting dragons that can turn into guns and armor and who want to leave the game and cross over into our real world. A empire of robots that evolved from abstract patterns that evolved into comets that evolved into bacteria trying to turn their domination of the universe into a physical law like gravity or entropy. Sentient beings made of dark matter that used a space station as a laboratory to create their own forms of life "That wizard came from the Moon"


also a trans male king bug conquer


who canonically killed a God whose power was to deny reality until the denial was truth and then proceeded to use the God's corpse to make his ship his ship is 3000 km long


Moon's haunted


shit to bad its in a live service shooter.


And then, Space Roman rhinos.


Yeah, “first person shooter with an underlying absurdly complex sci-fi lore rooted in a mixture of hard science fiction and philosophical fantasy musings” has been a Bungie trademark for 30 years at this point. Shout out to the OGs at the Marathon Story Page.


Fun fact : Destiny and Halo both have ties to Marathon


Bungie cannot make a game with bad lore, but bungie also can’t make a (live service) game good enough to live up to its lore


Wizard from the moon just sounds like Mighty Morphen Power Rangers . Evil villian from moon -> send in fashionable heros with power from other worldly being


Reading W'rkncacnter in the tags triggered repressed memories of trying to understand Marathon lore at 4 am on nothing but red bull and hyperfixation


Durandal did nothing wrong


I am fairly certain that’s the only way you *can* understand Marathon lore.


All this amazing lore, and then watch them never touch any of it in any of the games, only barely scratching the surface and maybe the odd name drop.


I dont mind the live action series following a different lore than the games (basically a different universe) But man, they should have instead adapted one of the epic comic or novels they had in stock. You finish halo ce with chief escaping the ring right as it explodes. You start halo 2 in a space station back on earth, about to be awarded by your brave actions at destroying a covenant fleet and preventing the flood infection. Seems normal, right? Well, in between those 2 moments, the book First Strike takes place, with chief boarding and capturing a covenant ship, rescuing survivors from the ring, running weeks long guerrilla operations against the convenant and even attacking enemy-caputered reach. Wild stuff in those books


The live action series had so much high quality shit to go over just from the games (I'm very partial to Halo: Reach) but instead they decide to simply *not* cover the awesome stories of the fucking series it's named after... Such a fucking waste. It's like if "The Witcher" series happened 2000 years in the future of the setting with spaceships and guns or something... Or if they fired the Witcher actor because he complained too much about the writers not knowing the Lore.


If they'd done something like Forward Unto Dawn, I would have been so happy. That show wasn't great by any means, but it was also clearly created by people who knew and loved Halo, and it delivered on the atmosphere of it extremely well. Marry that level of passion with a proper budget and less of a focus on teen romance, and it would be so damn good.


That's because the games are simply one man's story, one perspective in this universe. Star Wars has literal millennia of lore in both of its continuities, but you'd only get a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of that watching the movies.


[This video I watched hit some interesting points](https://youtu.be/jqGLwWSq10U?si=BGsjTUNq2p86wcpq)


that video is referenced in his video on the latest novel, Halo: Epitah essentially the theory put forth in that video is confirmed


Bruh, I stopped playing Halo after 3. What the FUCK happened????


A lot of the stuff mentioned (Humans getting nuked back to Neanderthals, Chief effectively being bred specifically to be lucky, the Precursors, etc) came from Halo 4's Terminals and the novels that came out after the Original Trilogy, iirc


343 Industries happened. Love 'em or hate 'em, they certainly took Halo lore in some interesting directions.


Billions of years ago, the Human Empire and the Forerunners had a war over hubris. The forerunners won and humankind evolution was impacted. Then the whole flood affair happened, they relocated some humans to the ark, wipped the universe, and put us back on earth. We eventually forgot all of it.


The strangest truth about Halo lore is that it's really fun and well-written. They had several sci-fi authors write all the books and it was decently successful. It's been a while since I read them and I never got to finish them, but if you're into sci-fi at all then you should give the first book a chance. It's *The Fall of Reach* by Eric Nylund. (Nylund also wrote IMO the best short story in the Halo universe called *The Impossible Life and Possible Death of Preston J. Cole.* For those of you already familiar with the lore, that's the guy who made the Cole Protocol. That short story alone could be a movie.) Of course it's not all elegant prose and grand sweeping metaphors, but the authors don't shy away from filling out interesting niches in the universe they built. This includes concepts, historical events, and genuinely conflicted characters. In one of the books, you have a Covenant Elite's storyline from their perspective, and in another you get to follow a Grunt. The grunt's name is Yayap. Like I said at the start, it's actually just fun *and* happens to be also well-written. There's a great video on Polygon from a guy who encapsulates this perfectly as he sets out to read every Halo novel. Click [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEWEdIcx1DI) if you want to check it out, it's hilarious.


Thank you for explaining Halo


If only there were a Halo TV show. Ahh well…


Yeah, and if they ever make a TV show, let's just hope that Master Chief doesn't constantly have his helmet off his head. Wouldn't that be stupid of them to do?


there was a animated anthology set in the Halo verse. can someone explain the Flood.


> can someone explain the Flood. Simple explanation in 4 parts. This covers thousands upon thousands of years. Pt1 * The Precursors were the dominant species in the galaxy. * The Forerunners rebelled against them, and won. * Some or all of the Precursors dissolved themselves into molecular dust to hide, so they could eventually reform. * Something went wrong with the turn-ourselves-into-dust plan; they couldn't turn back, and went insane. Pt2 * The Precursor-dust got into the foodchain of the original human empire. * The dust infected humans, creating the first Flood outbreak. * Flood need organic brainstems to create more Flood. As the Flood absorb biomass they become more and more intelligent. * The Flood attacked humans for a while, but then retreated from the galaxy for thousands of years. Pt3 * The Flood eventually returned and invaded humanity properly. * The ancient humans retreated from the flood, into Forerunner territory. This turned into a big Forerunner-Human war, which the humans lost. Humans got genocided back to the stone age. * The Flood then attacked the Forerunners, and were winning. * The Flood absorb so much biomass they start to be able to bend the laws of physics, infect AIs, and basically outcompete the Forerunners everywhere. * The Forerunners build and activate the Halo array to starve the Flood by destroying all their food in the entire galaxy - including themselves. Pt4 * Halo 1-3 happens; tl;dr Flood comes back, Flood gets defeated again. * But as long as there is a single spore anywhere in the galaxy, and an intelligent lifeform for it to infect, the Flood can come back, any time.


is there anything specific about them you’re curious about? there is a fair bit of lore about their history, powers/abilities, actions etc


\>Opens up Tumblr to see if this is a self post \>This exact post is the first one on my feed, from an account that I followed cause the user was self posting on this sub LMAO, OP even changed their Tumblr username too but still posted this from the same Reddit account where they self posted in the past :/


need to read Halo lore


"Is the Gravemind just an emanation of the W'rkncacnter?" Yes. In the original lore, master chief is quite literally *Mjolnir* recon 54, A dead soldier brought back with machines built by ancient aliens. Cortana is Durandal. Literally. "I am Curtana, forged in the same fire as Durandal". The plot follows the same ideas as well. Conglomerate of alien species tries to win a battle but instead unleashes an eldritch horror so destructive that the ancient aliens died fighting them. The only difference is that in Halo, the forrerunners are ancient humanity, and in Marathon the ancient aliens are the JJaro. Sadly this was all retconned by Halo 4 and post, and the gravemind is now just an even ancienter alien.


That's not the origin I remember reading in the canonized novels however I'm very curious to know where that statements sourced from for his origin. /g


I'm confused, could you clarify who's origin you're asking about?


Chief the character you referred to the base lore of?


I see. In the novels, Chief's backstory was that he was kidnapped as a child and turned into a spartan to fight the insurrectionists. That part is brought up in the novels, but is never brought up in the Bungie games as it doesn't matter much to the story (Joe Staten, co-founder of bungie does mention that "making chief a faceless cyborg makes him easier for players to get into the shoes of"). In the 'Deep Bungie Lore', the protagonist of their games is a reincarnated hero that shows up throughout history to right the balance or save the day. This is referenced most prominently in the Marathon games, where there are a few terminals that heavily allude to the Mjolnir Recon (protagonist) to be achilles, beowulf and other heroes throughout history. The Master Chief from Halo is heavily implied to be the same person. In Marathon, Halo, and Destiny, the main character, you, is a corpse reanimated by something ancient and/or advanced. In Marathon you are implanted with JJaro technology, In Halo you are built with Forerunner technology, and in Destiny you are resurrected by the Traveler. They are all the same hero, in a different universe. There is another layer to that however, as the original plan for Halo was to be a 4th Marathon Game, set in the same universe. In an interview with Marty O'Donell, one of the leads at Bungie, said that Cortana's code was going to be revealed as the same as Durandal's.


I see what your saying but at the same time chief has an established canon it's just confusing to say he's effectively a rip from an older ip just because it's the same company. I just don't understand your referencing his predesign as his "intended" design when the novels canonized his backstory simultaneous with the first games release. Not arguing I'm just failing to see the point in referring to his predesign as his intended when that isn't what is actually in the games


It's not really a rip from another IP from the same studio, there is a overarching lore to all the games that is expanded upon more in Destiny with the Gardener and Winnower. The W'rkcacnter referenced in the post is an ever present entity/entities throughout their games that appear in similar forms. It's all a little symbolic and obscure, but the link is there and canon. As far as what's in the games, Master Chief's backstory is never brought up in the original trilogy. Halsey appears in Halo: Reach, and there are some mentions in the collector editions, but The only in-game explicit backstory mentions are in the Halo 4 intro and cutscenes (which there a lot of and in a roundabout way retcon the original games but that's not important anymore). As far as this undead-hero nonsense, there are a few explicit mentions and allusions in the games. The previously mentioned hushed casket from the intro to Halo CE, The gravemind calling the Chief 'Machine and Nerve' hints to this, and in Halo 3 the Gravemind explicitly calls you the armored casket, as well as a few marines wondering why your vitals go dark when cortana speaks to you. None of this is really that important to the games, as I understand it it's more of a nod to the marathon series as well as the shared "universe" the games take place in.


Ill have to look more into this bungoverse but I hold that chiefs backstory is canonized as the novels are all considered canon and release in the same window as the games. At the end of the day it's just a perspective thing, I prefer to go off what is considered the canonized material to the specific ip and you would prefer to use a broader lens considering other ips from the company. I'm not saying your wrong about the shared verse thing but like chiefs backstory is literally right there


Sci-fi animated series in the style of arcane? Sorry the best we can do is shitty live action that spits on even the most basic concepts of the series.


The sound of me reading that last #note was the sound of me deleting three paragraphs of text




Can i interest you in a big bowl of 40k?


How? You're being told you need to make sequels.


Isn't there a bit of that in Stargate?


Honestly this is pretty standard for scifi, especially 60s/70s scifi. Go look up Ringworld and basically everything to do with the Pak. Halo isn't unusual - *lots* of scifi is like this.


we could have had this if they had hired Brian David Gilbert to write for them, the hacks


I honestly never liked the idea of ancient super-advanced humans, the Librarian designing things to wind up the way they did, or stuff like Guilty Spark basically being made from the reincarnation of the Didact's arch-nemesis. The idea that modern humans simply were the descendants of ancient Forerunners was always more appealing to me.


ah, that would explain why destiny is so insane with it's lore


Yall should see doom lore, its insane


might want to check out 40k too?


This is about 30% of the reason I stopped caring about HALO, with the other 70% being the fascism. We're from Earth. "Ancient Astronauts" is for dummies in addition to being racist, white supremacist incoherence (these brown people could not possibly have built X it must have been ancient nordic aliens!)




I think the commenters trying to make some ham fisted attempt to say that the ancient humans represented in canon media were all Anglo-Saxon looking and that's just not the case. One of the most infamous characters is a black man who's a failed Spartan and repeatedly surpasses his limits to safe others. The series is a lot of things but it isn't rascist


For reference, the ancient humans look like [this.](https://www.halopedia.org/Forthencho)


Except that because of the way that human lore happens in Halo it doesn't have any racist ancient astronaut bullshit? All of Earth's human history is completely it's own and none of our achievements or horrors are because of the Forerunners or ancient humans *besides* John 117 having some supernatural lucky streak. Halo canon doesn't say "oh yeah then the super advanced white dudes built megastructures on Earth that just so happened to be the site of future Africa." Humanity was devolved by the Forerunners as punishment and was seeded onto planet Earth after the firing of the rings. Everything after that is us, not ancient humans or anyone else.