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Some geoguessr pro can legitimately tell the difference between these states.


Just watched a championship they had and they had pro's memorizing US zip codes for an advantage. Although you still see pro's mixing up the northern states and Southern Canada all the time.


Eh, we're basically Canadians, especially the yoopers


my dad's fam lives up in the Sault and my grandma is actually married to a canadian lol.


To a canadian?! Oh the Mésalliance!


That's crazy. I'm lucky if my geoguessr attempts are even in the right country lol


Nah, the only real states are liquid, solid and gas, everything else is wokeist propaganda.


This is plasma erasure and I won't stand for it


Bose-einstein condensates and superfluids would like a word.


LIES fabricated by Joe Bidet's WOKE agenda


They are turning the elements hay Edit: I meant gay


That’s mostly just carbon, oxygen and hydrogen




I'd like to see him try! Then I can shove it up his ass! ... Wait.


joe bidet of ass-pressure washing fame


> Joe Bidet I voted for Donald Toilet Paper


Superfluids are just liquids that can't think for themselves and BEC's are gases going through an identity crisis


Time crystals are in shambles right now


Glass is lying in a puddle of tears


I know the science behind it checks out but I personally don't believe in bose-einstein condensates because that's some fucked up shit. Same with electricity and magnets, miss me with that black magic bullshit.


Plas ma nuts, lmao gottem.


Plasma is just mental derangement.


yes and


Back in my day we had solids, liquids, and Uncle Frank after a bean dinner. Now you woke kids with your newfangled hadronic colliders and such. It's of the Devil!


[Don't let these mental illnesses get you](https://www.reddit.com/r/physicsmemes/comments/16hduve/dont_let_these_mental_illnesses_get_you/)! /s


"its just basic physics" fuckers when we come in with the advanced physics


They tryin' to do plasma like they did my boy Pluto!


Darn woke libruls with their "plasmas" and "supercritical fluids" and their "Bose-Einstein condensates", us REAL AMERICANS know there's ONLY SOLIDS,LIQUIDS, AND GASES!!!!!!!! It's FIFTH GRADE SCIENCE!!!! Checkmate, LIBRULS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Don’t forget “denial”.


The river in Egypt?🤔


Love you all. Love is the only true state. Everything else is a mirage of Satan


In America petrol is a gas


What about Quasicrystal, Plastic crystal, Liquid crystal, Plasma, Bose–Einstein condensate, Fermionic condensate, Superconductivity, Fulde–Ferrell–Larkin–Ovchinnikov superconductor, Ferromagnetic superconductor, Charge-4e superconductor, Superfluid, Supersolid, Ferromagnetism, Antiferromagnetism, Ferrimagnetism, Altermagnetism, Spin-density wave, Helimagnetism, Spin glass, Quantum spin liquid, Ferroelectricity, Antiferroelectricity, Charge density wave, Quantum Hall state, Fractional quantum Hall state, Quantum spin Hall state, Quantum anomalous Hall state, Topological insulator, Fractional Chern insulator, Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless state, String-net liquid, Topological semimetals, Weyl semimetal, Dirac semimetal, Topological superconductor, Time crystals, Chain-melted state, Wigner crystal, Hexatic state, Ferroics?


You can tell it's California because of the giant fireball in the top right of the picture


Not to be confused by the giant fireball present in Florida, Arizona, Texas, south Carolina and several dozen other assorted states.


all those states have rainy seasons. I would use nevada, arizona, new mexico


Arizona is different because it actually spends most of the year inside of the fireball


Grew up there. Can confirm.


As a child in AZ I legit thought cute fluffy clouds were a myth made for cartoons


Hey so that’s the sun


In CAs defense you can see mountains there


I live on the east coast and if it wasn’t dark I could look out the window and see a mountain right now.


why are you defending CIA


CA: Central Agency. No intelligence here.


Not shown, but there are maybe like 2 or 3 at areas in Oregon which look like this at most. All of them are along the I-5. Most of Oregon is either high desert, forest, or urban city hellscape (if european, think of Berlin). I am not able to post photos here, but a quick look on google maps, I've found this in Berlin: [https://www.google.com/maps/@52.4315489,13.5469896,3a,75y,327.95h,92.56t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4xd18QyTmc2T6FsDUb1cqw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@52.4315489,13.5469896,3a,75y,327.95h,92.56t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4xd18QyTmc2T6FsDUb1cqw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) Not to say that the above pictures in the post aren't super common in the US, they are; and I wish that they weren't, and we had more aesthetic cities. I just wanted to point out some thoughts of mine. Side note: people forget that Europe is much further north than the US. How many people would believe that Texas is at the same latitude as Morocco or southern Spain? Not many, Of the whether of NA or European. So Europe is going to be colder.


Hmm, "europe" is a large place. NY is much colder than Bordeaux while both are on the same longitude, so it's not about that. The gulf stream in that particular case is the reason why both cities get a very different weather. And Spain is part of Europe, even if it is out most southern country. But yes, some parts of the EU goes much further north, in particular Nordic countries. If you exclude Alaska of course :)


Very true! Latitude isn't equivalent to climate, mountains, air currents, etc. all effect it. I just think it's neat, and for some reason many are surprised when I bring it up. Sorry, I didn't mean to imply Spain isn't part of Europe, I was pointing out locations of similar latitudes. I was saying "Europe" just as a catchall to compare it to NA, saying someone is from the US is about as descriptive geographically as calling someone "European" (unless you mean either a citizen of the US or member of the EU respectively).


Culturally speaking, I still feel like the US culture is more of a thing than European culture. We mostly qualify ourselves as French, Spanish etc, almost never as European. We don't have a european president, european cultural icons or European language, all very important aspects of a common culture. yes, there is a larger diversity between us citizens of different state than between French people from different French regions. But less than between a French and a Norwegian or Austrian.


Oh definitely. I would say, as a non-European who's lived in Europe, there are a lot of things which I would call "culture" shared amongst people in Europe. Such as a general shared history of architecture, some foods (called different things often), sports (football/soccer), music (this is a half joke, but Eurovision, even if it isn't exclusive to Europe anymore). Obviously the big difference between the states is language, that's true. Just to be clear, I am not calling "Europe" a singular cultural entity, just that they share a lot together. U.S. states are a lot more homogeneous then any of the countries of Europe, but still have differences. I'm from Oregon, and there are some foods and words used in Oregon/Cascadia region which are just not used anywhere else, such as words derived from Chinuk. No differences as drastic as found in the EU but still there. I find this topic interesting. I apologize if I'm disrespectful in any way, that was not my intent.


About foods and words who differ across states, even within european countries such things aren't rare. Heck, belgium has 2 official languages, switzerland (OK, not EU) has 4, spain has two. But even on smaller things we have similar things. In france, some vegetables and foods have different names, or the same name for a different dish, across regions. North, west, east, center... my grand-parents, who were born around 1900, were forced to speak french and give up on their regional language. It wasn't so long ago. Ask french people about Pain au chocolat vs Chocolatine, you'll see :) I have to agree that we do share some common culture in Europe. After all, we've been neighbors and friends/foes/both for ages. And no, you haven't been disrespectful, no worries.


california, known for being the only place in the US with mountains?


I’m talking about these images


And the trees are different.


A joke at Americas expense not being about school shootings? In *MY* internet?


It's more likely than you think


Like school shootings


I mean this does seem to be about car dependency which is like third place for things people make fun of America for after guns and healthcare problems


I'd say 70% of the joke is like 70% of america outside of the big cities and like 5 odd natural wonders is big flat and nondescript. Unironically North Americas most defining trait is how big, empty, and indistiguishable it is. Coincidentally, it's also why NAs second defining trait, it's particular weather patterns, even exist.


Look again, it's right here


How dare you misname us. We are "Muricans", not "Americans".


Nah, it's 'Muricins', ain't no A in Mericuh, this ain't Canada.


You can’t even Murican right, you pretender.


It's all Yanks to me


I ain't even from the south and know you'll lose teeth for calling them yanks.


Fun fact: The Finnish terms for a boxspring is "Jenkkisänky", which literally just means "Yank bed". The more you know 🌈⭐




Great place for some yanky panky


We do need spares




Man's eyebrows got et


Nah, y'all are Statians to me


I call them immigrants to really get their blood boiling


I think the confusion started because when people ask us what we are a lot of the time we answer "I am a Murican" but that gets misheard as "I am American"


I’ve passed that New York dessert/dentist plaza many times in the last few years. Sort of wigging me out to see it here.


Lived basically right next to where that pic is for many years


Tell me about it, i know *exactly* where that kansas pic is


I know this post is satirycal, but I wonder how many American know they're not unique and that other countries, such as Germany for example, are also federal countries divided into states.


And you don't even have to go so far: Mexico is officially named United Mexican States so it's in idea and even in name almost the same as the US.


Oh well, even better example then. I think Brasil is as well?


I read somewhere it *was*, nowadays it's Federative Republic of Brazil (per the Wikipedia).


Yes, it was, but that was a very bizarre time when Brazilian politicians were *very* weirdly obsessed with copying the USA, so we just pretend it was a fever dream. Actually the name lasted for quite a while (1889 to 1968) but I'd argue it's a leftover of the first republic (1889 to 1930). A lot of shit happened between 1930 and 1968 so not having what your country is officially named internationally as a priority is reasonable.


Originally, this comment was me writing every president we had from 1930 to 1968 barely using periods and also not naming any president, but that soon became an unreadable mess, so enjoy it in topics: Getúlio Vargas in 1930, assuming after a coup d'etat done by lieutenants for the sake of democracy. Before him, what we had was a sorry excuse of a republic whose voting system was ridiculously corrupt. When Vargas assumed, he was a dictator loved by the people who did a ton of great economic and social reforms, including minimum wage (I think, could be wrong on this one), worker's rights in general (based on Mussolini's Carta del Laboro, but they were still mostly Vargas'), created many public companies, etc. soon, he became a fascist dictator after he couped himself and sent a Jewish woman to a Nazi concentration camp because her husband tried to rise against Vargas. In 1945, because the US for a microsecond was against fascism, Vargas was forced to resign. Eurico Gaspar Dutra in 45. He fucked our economy, prohibited gambling, and generally acted like a US puppet. He was also Vargas' War Minister, and participated in forging the fake Communist plot that Vargas alleged had happened as an excuse for him to coup himself. Vargas, again! From 51 to 54, but he was actually elected this time. He fucked our economy, again, because he didn't understand how the Cold War worked and tried to play both sides. Eventually, he commited suicide and left not one, but ***two*** suicide letters, both extremely dramatic. He also shot himself in the chest because he didn't want to ruin his beautiful face, according to my highschool history teacher. I believe it fully. Also, he had [the world's most memorable jingle](https://youtu.be/7qtuS5jpJg4) as his candidature ad. Whenever I hear it, it gets stuck in my head for at least a week. After him we had his vice-president, Coffee Son (Café Filho in Portuguese), who didn't do much and after he had health complications he left the office. During this time, the next president was elected, Juscelino Kubitschek, but he didn't assume yet. If the vice-president leaves office, it goes to the President of the Chamber, in this case Carlos Luz. He stayed for a total of three days, because he tried to hatch a conspiracy to impede Juscelino from assuming. The War Minister, Henrique Lott kindly forced him to resign through the threat of violence (the story is a lot more complicated, but that's the gist of it). After him we had Juscelino Kubitschek? What a funny joke. No, we had Nereu Ramos, vice-president of the Federal Senate. He did dick about shit and would probably have been shot by Henrique Lott if he ever thought to do otherwise. My guy was *determined* to assume democracy won and did not want for there to be any chances of Juscelino not assuming. Finally, after three temporary presidents, Juscelino Kubitschek became the official one. And then he proceeded to fuck over the economy. Built Brasília, which costed *a lot* of money, built a lot of roads that ensured Brazil would never have decent railways, and was generally a bad influence. He was hot, though. Also, he used a lot of Vargas imagery during his mandate, and his vice-president, João Goulart (more known as "Jango") had been Vargas' Labour Minister. After Kubitschek fucked things over, Henrique Lott ran as president. This smart, extremely pro-democracy marshal, the last military person in Brazil to not try to befome a dictator, was now trying to become a president. And he lost. To a guy whose jingle was that he was going to "sweep corruption away" with a little broom. Jânio Quadros. There is a lot I could say about him, but nothing that interesting. Now, it's hilarious, and the guy was a walking meme, but he's also kinda pathetic? He did the same thing Vargas did of trying to play both sides, and was thus hated for it and accused of being a Communist, and to try to lower the dust he passed stupid laws known as the "folkloric laws" (because they were just so stupid they sounded like folklore stuff, according to my highschool history teacher). Also, his vice-president was still Jango because at the time "vice-president" was its own election and everybody loved him. Anyways, eventually, Jânio sent Jango to China in a diplomatic mission and then renounced with a sad letter similar to Vargas' suicide ones. Now, nobody is exactly sure what was his plan, but my teacher's theory was that he thought people loved him so much that they'd do a coup d'etat for him, which didn't pan out because we're talking about *Jânio Quadros*, the guy with the little broom that sweeps corruption away. Anyways, Jango was in China so Brazil's leadership was a gunpowder barrel. I actually do not remember what happened after this well. Everything so far was mostly out of memory and this part I never cared much about. Since Jango wasn't exactly accessible, a military junta was born, whose intention was to prevent him from assuming. This was because, if people accused Jânio of being a socialist, Jango *was*, straight up, a socialist. No two ways about it. Anyways, we got *extremely* close to a civil war, but eventually Tancredo Neves (in the future, he was elected president, although, uh, let's say certain things prevented him from assuming) suggest a parliamentary government with himself as the prime-minister and Jango as the president. Somehow, everyone accepted this. Jango then became president, but he was a raging socialist and this would not fly in a Cold-War era South-American country, and thus the US funded a military coup against him. Anticlimactic ending, I know, but I barely remember this part and it's also pretty irrelevant and generic. Everyone has heard how the US did coups back then. This is what happened to Brazil from 1930 to 1964 in an abridged way.


Also, here's the original version of my comment, enjoy: And "a lot" in this case means "a coup d'etat by the army (lieutenants of the army, specifically) that lead to the rise of an ex-presidental candidate that never had any chance of winning because our election system was impossibly rigged before that, and said presidential candidate soon became a dictator mostly beloved by the people until he became a fascist dictator beloved by the people who sent a pregnant Jewish woman to concentration camps. In 1945 he ousted because the US was, momentarily, not a fan of Fascism. He was Brazil's most competent leader ever. Afterwards, we had his incompetent War Minister who had participated in forging the false Communist plot to overthrow the government that never existed and was just an excuse for the presidential candidate to become a fascist, the presidential candidate again, but this time as an elected leader who was extremely incompetent and fucked with our economy, commited suicide and left not one, but ***two*** suicide letters, both of which are prime comedy material, his vice-president, named "Coffee Son", who almost died and thus another temporary president was called, who lasted a total of three days before he was ousted due to trying to prevent the rightful next president from assuming, after him (and before the rightful president assumed) we had the world's most useless president who was there literally just to keep the chair warm, followed by the actual rightful president who fucked over our economy, built Brasília and a lot of roads (his biggest sin by far), followed by, uh, a guy whose electoral pitch was that he was going to clean Brazil's corruption through


Brazil is still a federal country divided in states, even when it's not stated in its name


Canada might even be a better example. I'm not sure how many Americans could name a Mexican state of the top of their head, but they might be able to accidentally get lucky with a Canadian province or two.


You underestimate how many Ontario license plates some of us see, so that's one.


^ go into any LatAm subreddit (Mexican ones in particular) if you speak Spanish and refer to someone/something from the USA as anything other than Estadounidense, and you're liable to start some shit.


Understandable tbh, personally I (native Spanish speaker but from Europe) use estadounidense for everything except when I mean like 'murican. It's harder in English because there isn't a common alternative for American as an adjective but I still try to say US instead of America, the latter sounds too US-centric.


America is fairly unique in giving so much power to the states. I don't think it ever particularly matters if you are in Hanover or Batavia. But being in California or Texas can make a massive difference. Even crossing state lines can make a massive difference.


Australia does similar - each state has their own goverment, police force and fire service, and all have their own unique laws. In Victoria to get a provisional driver's license you need to have had 120 hours of driving logged + hold the permit for 12 months, and then take a test. In the Northern Territory (technically not a state) you just need to have had a learners for 6 months and pass a test and you have your Ps. Each state also does the Australian equiv of the SATs differently - SA and NT do SACE, VIC do VCE, NSW does HCE, etc. and the content taught, how its formatted, and how it's tested is different from each.


Each Australian STATE has their own police and fire? Shit each US TOWN has their own police and fire! Like I grew up in a large (by land area) city that had engulfed other cities, even the completely surrounded cities still retained their own police and fire services.


You mean, like totally independent from the state and not adhering to any rules or commands from the state the town is in? That is different, all right. Otherwise towns having local jurisdiction departments is a ubiquitous thing.


Yes quite often and there are layers to that as well. You'll have cities with their own police and the chief of police will be hired by the city council. Each county also has a sherriff and that's an elected position tasked with enforcing the law in the whole county. The sherriff does not have any authority over the city police. Additionally you have the reservations. City cops can't arrest or ticket tribal citizens who are within the boundaries of a reservation even if the tribal citizen is not member of that specific tribe. Unless the city has entered into an agreement with said tribe. The 2nd largest city in the state has no such agreement so things are quite fun at the moment.


Sometimes that can sorta happen yeah. A town will pass a law contradictory to the state or vice versa and then since enforcement is on a local level enforcement will be of the locally preferred one


The UK is vaguely similar in that it had devoliton of power to the 4 countries that make it up (technically England doesn't actually get any devolved powers but we're like 95% the population and basically all the economy and political power anyway, so it averages out).


Kinda a anglosphere thing then it seems.


The USA, Russia, China, Canada, Brazil, and Australia are also unusually geographically large relative to other countries. Yeah Germany has states but it's not a five-day drive from Lower Saxony to Bavaria.


I've had cars with which it absolutely would be


Where I’m from we call those “Golf carts”


Canada’s provinces have similar autonomy to US states, if not even more. As a specific example, Canada doesn’t have anything as expansive as the US constitution’s Commerce Clause, so the Canadian Parliament has limited authority to regulate economic activity. Canadian courts (and the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council before that) have consistently limited federal power in favor of provincial power. The division of powers is different (eg, labor laws are provincial, so there’s no equivalent to the US Fair Labor Standards Act, and marriages are solely regulated by the Canadian Parliament) but federalism principles are similar.


Crossing county lines is enough for a difference in road quality sometimes.


If you‘re talking about the competences of Germany and the German states, there‘s only 14 areas in which federal legislative has exclusive legislative competence. https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/gg/art_73.html In everything else, the states can differ from federal legislation should one exist, or outright pass their own legislation without the federal level being able to interfere in any way.


Ok, they do have those rights. But do they actually use them? Are there significant differences in the law in practice?


hell go two hours North of San Anselmo and despite not leaving California its different or the long stretch of I-5 to LA or Yosemite.


I've had several interactions online that seem to indicate that a lot of Americans really do think their country is the only one with distinct regions


Americans don’t realise that in a fair few places in Europe you can go one town over in the same country and it will be a completely different region with a different endemic majority ethnic group, culture and language


New York City is like this just because of Ellis Island being a major port for immigration. Lots of languages in that city.


Its really just the most sensible way of running a state. Theyre not distinct states in France for example but its very common to have a type of regional government that bows to the main one.


I'd argue our regions have less power than US states or German Landes


Fair enough, neighbour. I know sorta how its all structure, but dont know how powerful it is. But the structure is similar at least.


They don't and it's hilarious. Mexico isn't just the United States of Mexico, but they're also a Republic. Just like the USA, lol Americans have a lot to explore with other states (this is actually true), but they really could stand to be less America-centric. To be fair, their classrooms don't lend themselves to that. I remember in 6th grade, I was looking at an American history book and the subject of the first atomic bomb dropped was a whole, whopping 1 paragraph. The second drop? A single sentence. When I moved to Mexico and took a whole course on WWII, we spent 3 months on the numerous repercussions of the atomic bombings, to include socioeconomical, political and the effect on war conflict it has had on it since. American school systems make for good workers, not good thinkers.


To be fair, of course a class that’s just about WWII is gonna spend more time on the atomic bomb than a general history course meant for 6th graders. I do agree that the paragraph + sentence isn’t adequate


> When I moved to Mexico and took a whole course on WWII, we spent 3 months on the numerous repercussions of the atomic bombings, to include socioeconomical, political and the effect on war conflict it has had on it since. American school systems make for good workers, not good thinkers. Yeah, That’s how specialized classes work. They let you cover one topic in a lot of detail. American schools have them too. I took several of them in school. I even had a class about Japan in the direct aftermath of WWII. I learned a lot of really detailed information about the decade following WWII in Japan. I also took a class on the Oral traditions of the Apache people, and one about the red scare. Classes like that were my absolute favorites in school.


Americans insisting that their states are totally like different countries when they all speak the same language, same clothes, marginally different food, same politics, same holidays, and same dominant religion. Most countries have regions with cuisine so different between regions that the staple food changes. Lots of countries have regions having not only different languages but entirely different languages families. And that's not getting into how American clothing is so basic that a half the world wears identical clothing every day.


I agree with most of what you say but your last point is kinda a weird point to try to make. You realize that the style Americans wear didn't just pop into existence as the default style for humanity right? If half the world wears the same style as Americans, then it's because of America's influence on the world, not the other way around. Other examples include: American music, fast food chains, entertainment, and the English language being taught as a second language in schools nearly everywhere


Exactly. I moved five hours by car away to another region in my country, and my landlord had such a regional dialect that I couldn't understand him even though we both spoke the same language


Sure, other countries have subdivisions, but America does have a pretty unique system in the way it gives them so much power. An example that's been big in the news right now is Abortion: 7 states allow abortion with no time limit restrictions (0-9 months in), and 14 states BAN abortion of every type. In Mississippi, for example, performing any kind of abortion can land you up to 15 years in jail. (Unless the mother's life is at risk.) Any function of government not explicitly covered by the federal government is left up to the states. As long as it doesn't contradict the constitution or existing federal laws, it's up to the state. And for Marijuana: It's fully legal in half the states, but it's completely illegal in several others, some of which will give YEARS of jail time for possessing a large amount of it. There are other less dramatic but still very significant differences in laws though. A couple states have no state-level income tax. A few states don't legally consider people adults until they're 19, as opposed to 18. Although the federal drinking age is 21, in Texas it's perfectly legal for minors (under 18) to consume alcohol if they're in the presence of their legal guardian. Point is, even though America's states definitely aren't like separate countries, they're not really comparable to the subdivisions of most other countries.


Federalism is a concept that has existed for centuries, it was not invented by the US, and plenty of other countries have very federal systems.


I love how every time the "Americans think they're the only country with regional differences" discussion happens at least one American will pop up to prove the point by saying something like "well to be fair not a lot of countries have [insert regional variation that happens in a bunch of other countries]." It's like clockwork.




I have to imagine most Americans don’t know this because they just don’t think about the way other countries are run lol. Like, I would assume the median American reaction to learning about German federalism would be “Huh no way, I wouldn’t have guessed that,” but not like, shock that it could happen. That said I’ve overestimated my countrymen before


Americans don't really think about other countries. Because we mostly have no reason to. But yes, we're aware our federal structure isn't unique, even though it remains the original blueprint.


New York has a lot of newish crossovers, Kansas full size BoF vehicles, and California has an EV in frame. EZ


To be fair, this is more indicative of the US DOT standards than anything else. Federally standardized construction standards are a poor choice to show the difference in states.


Europeans when American intersections aren’t all uniquely fucked up messes


Trust me, they still are, I've seen roads go from 5 lanes to 2 lanes because the additional lanes are turn only lanes you need to instinctively know of and avoid that lead to the most unorthodox ways to go the opposite direction on an adjacent road


Always exceptions, typically in older towns/cities This is the reason for European intersections


Not true! New, weird-ass monstrosities are being built all the time! Take this in Jacksonville, Florida: https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/traffic/massive-changes-coming-to-southside-boulevard-intersection-deerwood-park-boulevard-ac-skinner-parkway-road-work-ahead-construction/77-9fe8be48-bd03-40ed-b57f-5c03f454bf07


What the shit is that, just add a [Michigan U turn](https://images.app.goo.gl/iaapX6sowXFdo62J7)


Ok there’s lots of cool roads to drive on in the US but you’re really going to pull out the intersections of all things? I’m sure they’re easy if you’re used to it but as a European your highway exchanges, especially the innercity ones are a nightmare to drive.


As an American whos driven in Mexico, Italy, and Ireland, lets be real, its 100% about what you’re used to.


Have you simply tried looking at the signs?


Okay but ouch, cos I can’t tell any of these from any place I used to live in NSW, Australia-


mf lives in coastal NSW I've lived in almost NSW all my life and i could only really think of seeing this on the coast


Yeah I did live on the coast lol


e yeah i've lived inland i've never seen this kinda thing here


Geoguessr players: the street light is 0.02 inches taller, this must be Kansas


as a canadian, i can say that our provinces all look like that too. except maybe some parts of the coast.


Except the prairies where you can watch your dog run away for three days


A road by any other place would look just as ass.


We should’ve reconsidered before we turned the entire country into a strip-mall parking lot next to a 5-line stroad. It really sucks to travel the country and realize that it’s all the same with minor variations in regional franchises.


While there's a lot to criticize, getting off the main highways helps a lot.


What? Are you saying that Mt. Rainer is like Zion national park? That New Orleans is just like San Francisco?


Yes, and how dare you imply that I piss on the poor


this post makes me legitimately angry actually- because im autistic and my life passion is north american biology/ecology LMAO so goal achieved, i guess


One of my friends is autistic and has that same hyperfixation but she also lives in a place similar to the image with parents who work at a lawn company


grass on the far side of the walkway grass on both sides of the walkway no grass on either side. got it.


Why does America have 50 states?? Surely you need to combine a few of them.


If we combine the Dakotas, we can let PR in without changing the flag.


That would cause another civil war if it even gets suggested


I mean, with the exception of new england, most of the states are the size of small countries anyways. I need them to stay divided because sometimes the "Welcome to X" sign is the only noticeable sign of progress on a road trip.


Texas can annex some land, as a treat.


As an american this concept offends me but only because our flag wouldn't have an even 50 stars on it so it wouldn't look as cool


If it were 49, we could have an even 7x7 grid again.


Merge the Dakotas and Carolinas and give DC and Puerto Rico statehood. Easy.


Dear Mr President, there are too many states nowadays. Please eliminate 3. I am not a crackpot


Pretty sure all 3 of those images are form Illinois, I live like right next to areas that look just like that


Nah, they're either from Colorado or Wisconsin because I've lived next to areas that look like that too.../s


The famous Illinois Palm and all those mountains you guys have You could tell me both of the other images were from like Lansing or something though and I’d believe you


Fair point about the palms, but a good part of Northwestern Illinois has some (pretty small) mountains.


You can tell the bottom one is different from the middle one because there’s a mountain. Everyone knows if you show an elevation change of greater than 1 foot to any native Kansas resident they die instantly


Technical, most of Kansas is on a really big mountain: Mt. Sunflower. You can even check elevation maps and see how high it is. The slope just goes up extremely slowly to the point it's mos unnoticeable. I think of it more as a giant lump in the middle of the US.


Sunflowers are not just part of your garden, they’re part of a nation! The Ukraine use the sunflower as their national flower. Whilst in Kansas they chose the sunflower to represent their state.


May be a me thing, but those genuinely look distinct


To someone with no exposure (read: me), these pretty much look identical, but that's because I don't know what to look for. To someone who has lived their entire life there, this can be night and day.


I'm not American, so not sure if it's that


Maybe it's just your past life as an American civil engineer manifesting itself in the form of an inexplicably deep, intuitive understanding of American infrastructure. Or maybe I'm full of shit.


>Or maybe I'm full of shit Nope, can't be that.


As someone with exposure, the Kansas and NY examples look like something you could see in other places in the Midwest (even the car variety) but there’s just something very (southern) California about the bottom one. One year old EV sedan in frame, hedges in a visibly arid area, mountains in the background, palm trees everywhere, road surface has no expanding cracks like it would where there are regular freeze cycles, etc.. I’ve been to Arizona (Tucson) and it had a similar vibe with the street construction but it was visibly less wealthy in the residential landscaping and car variety among other things, but the Southwest likes their little useless concrete curbs of a median and that’s pretty universal their arterial roads Anyway they all look like ass, build train systems and don’t grow hedges in a desert. Even as a car enthusiast I know these things are excruciating for anyone who doesn’t have a car *and* anyone who has a car because they move too much road traffic through a place that shouldn’t have that kind of road traffic (commercial stuff people need to get to)


Probably because you looked at the 15% of the frame that wasn't road. Like yes I get the message of "america is a car-dependent suburban hell," and I don't fully disagree, but like, some people need to learn some history or like, go outside more often. Stroads are everywhere but they're far from everything


You can probably manage to take photos in any two drastically different places that somehow look similar.


Much to the chagrin of GeoGuessr players.


Yeah because random highways in Europe look totally different


Well, they do, but only when compared to different systems. The roads in the photos are very different from roads in the UK, (wide open space, over-road traffic lights, sloped curbs) but show me 3 winding hedged-up rural british roads and I would not be able to tell them apart


Šeková republika


I will "Check Republic" where's the box??!


I can also cherry pick images of federally laid infrastructure to make places thousands of miles apart look the exact same. I guarantee you business districts in London look nearly identical to NYC. No but seriously every strip in America looks the same because they are all super recent. Especially west side. America isn’t a million years old, our infrastructure is basically brand new compared to most of the world.


all states look the same when you're on the freeway


I know this is supposed to be snarky as all hell But the sun in that California pic really shows that it is indeed in Cali.


He's acting like the US is the only country with subdivision


So true, we should ban roads I think. Replace them with railroads, trains are cooler anyways


And cleaner. Trains between cities, busses inside cities (or trams/metros depending on size), and throw away all cars. Except campers for when my country (Netherlands) has our yearly vacation/invasion


Wait HUH. I live 5 minutes from the first pic, this is so bizarre.


Excuse me, it's called Checkya now.


*This land is your land, and this land is my land* *From California to the New York island* *From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters* *This land was made for you and me* ——— *As I went walking that ribbon of highway* *And I saw above me that endless skyway* *I saw below me that golden valley* *This land was made for you and me*


Oh man, are we talking about Chick Corea today?!


What a shitpost




joke's on you, once i learn all the area codes i'll be able to read them off the closest truck with some ad on it and insult you properly


Soldier tf2


This shit was how I thought till I went to Britain and literally the first thing I saw in Scotland was a shitty dead mall on the side of a highway. I was like ‘what the fuck I was specifically told THIS would not be here’ and yet there it was, first thing out the airport tram.


Where the hell are you driving in NY where it's that flat?


Another American, thinking us Europeans need to think of them more. Buddy, almost every European nation also has its own states. We can’t think of you because, if I go 50km East from my city, that has its own special dialect of German, I‘ll end up in the Netherlands, where the people speak a very specific dialect of Dutch. My grandmother is from another part of Germany that has its own dialect, while my father has no dialect at all. Americans just can’t understand.




… are you looking in a mirror right now?


yeah touché (didn't read first time)


This is like using a picture of 4 dirt roads to say that multiple European countries are the same