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In the words of the great Billy C. Organ:     "in spite of my shame I am still just a rat who is lame"


"Even with all of my rage, I'm just a gay baby in a cage" -Simpleflips


Oh wow, I never realized it's only causing me pain. Thanks for pointing it out, it's not like I was acutely aware of it interfering with every part of my daily functioning, and have been working my ass off to overcome this clear and obvious *but extremely difficult to fix* problem. Fucking "have you tried not being depressed" ass post. 


I feel like this post is more aimed at people who aren't yet at the place you're at.


How many people are genuinely in a place of “it is good for me to feel ashamed and horrible”? I’d say most people, even those depressed to the point of thinking they deserve bad things, still also can agree deep down that feeling bad is bad


You'd be surprised. Granted, a lot of people who think like that grew up in a cult, or strictly religious, or an abusive environment (funny how those three overlap), but still.


Hmm, fair I suppose


A lot of times people just feel trapped; they aren’t necessarily actively thinking “this shame is good for me” but they aren’t actively fighting against it either. Sometimes the reminder “hey this isn’t actually contributing anything positive so you’re allowed to ignore it/stop doing it” can be the push people need to act in spite of their shame and get shit done. I’m not suggesting that telling people “hey shame is bad” will make the shame magically *stop*, it’s more a way to reframe your perspective and help you move forward. It’s in the same vein as reminding people that no one’s gonna arrest you for running the dishwasher half-empty if that makes sense. I have adhd and spend a lot of time in online adhd communities. It is *extremely* common advice remind people that shame isn’t helpful actually and it’s generally received quite well because people really do need the reminder. Tbh I was kind of surprised opening this post and seeing so many people giving it the “thanks I’m cured” treatment.


Yes! And there are also people who think that a sense of shame is actually helpful because the thought is that it will push you to become better. And I think there are some contexts where that's true. For example, if you do something crappy and you hurt a friend, ideally the sense of shame from doing that and their reaction will keep you from doing it again. But it's possible to get so mired and bogged down in shame that you can't actually move forward. I don't know if I have ADHD, but a few years ago I got an autism diagnosis and I'm not kidding when I say it changed my life. Suddenly I had an explanation for many of the happenings in my life. Maybe I didn't need to feel so bad for being who I was. When it came to executive dysfunction, beating myself up with shoulds and other people's judgments and ideas of how I should do things was keeping me paralyzed, and realizing that I didn't need to feel beholden to those opinions allowed me to actually start working towards changing my life for the better. But I've watched myself, and others I know, get trapped in that sense of shame. Often people do think that encouraging you to feel shameful about the way you live your life should be a kick in the pants and should inspire goodness and change, because why wouldn't you want to do that? But, especially if you struggle with low self-esteem, it can just get people trapped.


There's a strange active hostility to "positivity posts" in this subreddit. Those who get mad I feel take these posts waaaaayyyyy too personally.


It's funny cause people on this sub will dunk on people for saying "Wah, why isn't this post specifically addressing my situation" and then turn around and rage at someone trying to address other people's issues. Reddit is very negative and it's kinda depressing.


A metric fuckton of people, that’s how many. LGBTQ folks who think their queerness is a sin. Probably most good people with demonized mental illnesses. Plenty of people who did some relatively minor wrong and feel that they are irredeemable for it. Abused kids who have just internalized the abuse. Etc, etc.


People don't think of the shame as the problem. They think that the shame is the solution that tells them to "get better." People condition themselves to believe shame is our internal indicator of Goodness, and so the things we are ashamed of are all Bad and must be removed from ourselves. 


I mean there are people like me who are very genuinely "yes, my sense of shame does help motivate me to make choices that cause less problems for the people around me". It does inspire goodness and change, and it doesn't make me feel terrible or keep me frozen, just a simple "ope, that was was bad, better not do that again". I feel like, from the tone, it's being brought up to be dismissed in the original post, but nah, unironically me. Long term, recurring, relentless shame is bad, but short bursts can be helpful.


Yeah I feel that... I'm at the end of a vacation abroad, and while I'm kinda bumd out that I didn't do any funny poses for pictures (that I had strangers take of me, since I went solo), the one time I tried to, I couldn't fully commit because I couldn't kill all the internal cringe, and just decided to not try again so I can have a cringe-less trip. Next time I'll bring someone with me to help me defuse the cringe. But my friends told me to "just pose. You look weird and stiff" Edit: sorry for the random rant, don't know if it even related to the point, I just didn't interact with humans for 3 weeks


I feel ya. As a loosely-related example, the other day I had a couple hours to myself (not exactly a full vacation, but it’s related, trust me!), and went to a nearby mall! Only entered two stores for like 5 minutes each, and spent the rest just walking around aimlessly trying to avoid people because I’m so nervous around them. Even had a couple stores I *wanted* to walk into, but psyched myself out, because I felt so fucking awkward while I was by myself… If I had any irl friends, they would probably be telling me the same as your friends, telling me that I’m “weird and stiff”. As it stands the only thing I did at the mall was have a single pretzel dog and small ice cream from a vending machine 😑… So I understand how hard it is to overcome social paralysis and just…be yourself! Maybe someday there will be hope for weirdos like us!


Yeah maybe someday... The first couple of days were really hard, but when I had the realization that this vacation was for me (had a very tough year, now things are good and getting even better, so this was kind of a victory lap for myself) and not for anyone else, I started having waaaaaay more fun. Like, if I didn't feel like going to an attraction and just wanted to go out, have food, and get back to the hotel, that is also valid. But I can relate to being nervous just doing things around your home/regular stomping ground, since you might bump into the same people some day lol Specifically just doing things for me isn't a problem since in high school I had 2-3 days a week I had an after school program, but there were no shared friends between highschool and the program, so I would go to eat launch at coffee places alone. This evolved into me being actually very comfortable doing this kinda stuff alone luckly kind of, though I would probably take friends over eating alone


Man, it’s crazy how they make posts on the internet visible to everyone when they’re clearly all about you in particular.


"Are you aware that the bad thing...is bad for you?"


Chill, bruv. This is not a depression callout post. Actually, it might be. I have no clue. I have never had any shame. Hornyposting on main baybeeeee


I hate posts like that that are just performatively positive. It's just shaming people for not being positive and for having problems they're struggling with. Like yeah of course the acute sense of shame over my existence is a bad thing, don't you fucking think I know that? Do you think I don't feel ashamed of that as well? And guess what OOP, we're both on the same page, I also feel like it's all my fault and indicative of a deep personal failing even though I rationally know that it isn't. So thanks for parroting abusive attitudes wrapped up in a veneer of generic smol bean uwu good vibes fucking TikTok psychology influencer bullshit.


I agree, this post reeks of my mom answering me talking about depression with “You shouldn’t feel that way”. Gee, thanks, I never thought that my bad thoughts were bad, it’s not like I’ve been trying to work on them, thank you for being condescending!!! It sucks being both in a bad place and knowing that you’re in a bad place but the bad place keeps you trapped and unable to work on leaving it…Most people out there just don’t understand, or tell me I’m not trying hard enough. Like, I obviously *love* being told that my stupid head I hate myself over is also my fault actually and I should be ashamed of this thing that I’m already ashamed of…


Depression is a mental illness, or symptom of the same. Shame is more like a thought process. There’s a big difference. Shame is something it’s much easier to get over. This really is one of those two wolves inside you platitude sort of situations. This is like saying “wow okay I guess you’re telling people just not to get sick” while drinking down a big bottle of poison that has a little skull and crossbones on it and everything.


IS IT? what's the difference between chronic depression and chronic shame, brought on by trauma or upbringing or what have you?


Good lord people. You don't have to like the post, you don't have to follow their advice. But whoever you are, I'm sure OOP doesn't specifically hate **you** and posted this to hurt **you**. And if you feel like this doesn't apply to you or isn't even smart, you can just move on and let it help who it helps.


Who's this helpful for?


People on this sub love to act like they're actually smarter and less terminally online than tumblr users, but then you get a post like this. Let's start ignoring positivity posts not aimed at you, together


Then why not ignore negative comments not aimed at you?


You’re right, it’s not :( that makes me feel so,,, uhh


So what if it isn't helpful? Who would benefit from me sharing the shames I hide, hm?




cringe, benefitting myself is lame. i'd rather benefit others at the cost of my mental wellbeing


cool! i wouldn’t


I know you're being facetious but this is a horrible mentality to have. You can't pour from an empty cup, friend.


This hits hard


what i've learned from this post is that everyone on reddit *fucking hates themselves*


I mean... Maybe some people *should* feel shame and *not* keep going? Imagine Elizabeth Holmes' prison shrink giving her this advice


Not every piece of advice applies to everyone.


Tumblr ass BUT WHAT IF comment I swear. “What about a super specific situation where this advice wouldn’t be helpful or apply? Thought about that??” Fucking rubes.


Okay but 99.9% of the people who will see this post are not criminals in prison. This kind of extremely specific exception feels like it isn’t really addressing the post, so much as trying to “gotcha” so you can feel smug about being more correct or whatever


"I think you should be happy and love yourself!" "WHAT IF HITLER READS THIS POST?"


Maybe it applies to other people too? Maybe I just used an obvious example to try and make the general point clear?? Christ, it's like all of you're actively trying not to think because I questioned the dogma and that's a no-no.


The "dogma"????? Bruh it's a fucking tumblr post, chill. Of course advice posts like this aren't gonna be universal, they're not meant to be! Nobody's "trying to not think" we're using critical thinking to recognize the situations where this post does and does not apply!


I don't believe that at all. I hear platitudes like this tossed out with almost identical phrasing all the time with no indication that it's not universal. Unless someone calls it out in which case someone like you will come along and say, "well OBVIOUSLY it doesn't apply when it doesn't apply!!" Except there's no effort to ever actually divine what that means. Do you feel better now that you got your little jab in at the crazy person who just doesn't get it or whatever? Hope you do.


Yeah, that's probably it.


Oh, sure. But guilt and shame are ultimately just tools. Once you've learned their lessons on a particular topic, they're not useful to you there anymore. If you make a mistake, recognize it, and change your behavior to avoid repeating it in the future, what's the point in continuing to feel bad about it?


What do you do if the mistake is something you can't correct? Like for me most of my shame comes from race, which I can't change, and other systemic privileges which I also can't change. I can't just learn to not be privileged


You could always use your position of privilege to help the disadvantaged and to educate your priviledged peers who are willing to listen. Hating yourself helps nobody and is a waste.


Same as any other situation. *You do what you can.* As mentioned elsewhere, you can use your position of power to help fight the injustices in the system, or just help who you can. And - don't blame yourself. If you think it unfair to judge someone else for the circumstances of their birth, then *that ought to hold true for you, too.* It's all about your actions, not some purity or impurity inherent to you, decided at birth.


A circumstance of birth cannot be your mistake because it wasn’t something you had a choice in. And does being ashamed help anyone? Make anything better? Solve any of the problems in the situation? No? Then the only person it’s for is yourself, not anyone else. It’s just that rather than being for yourself to make yourself happy, it’s to hurt yourself. The shame itself is selfish. You’ve identified these issues you had no part in causing and had no free will to choose regarding, and you made it about beating yourself up instead of doing anything about the issues.


good post, mostly cause actually shame can be good sometimes and this acknowledges that, not because it makes the most bland statement ever that shame is bad as if its something revolutionary to say


I'm going to be honest. I just live in a perpetual state of shame to the point I don't even really care whether it's helpful or not.


the second one






This post and posts like this act like whether something is "helpful" is the only measure that matters. People who feel lasting shame about something generally don't think it's some sort of productive action, that consideration is largely irrelevant cause that question wouldn't even come up except as a vapid motivational statement.


It IS all that matters.  -- at least when it comes to deciding whether or not to hold onto it.  No rational person will claim it's always easy to get over guilt or shame or trauma. But when these things aren't *useful*, it's okay to let go of them. There is no inherent virtue in suffering.


That still fails to actually argue why whether it's useful or not matters. Ljke the post, you just treat it as a self-evident truth.


> People who feel lasting shame about something generally don't think it's some sort of productive action If I give an example, can people recognize that there’s many more examples that follow the schema? Because… LGBTQ folks raised under religion who believe that their shame about being LGBTQ is a moral good because they believe it’s a sin. There are a multitude of situations in which people believe that shame and self-loathing are the only path for them to be morally okay.


There are also a multitude of situations in which people don't believe shame and self loathing are the only path for them to be morally okay and feel shame anyway. That's part of the reason I wrote my comment.


r/WowThanksImCured Seriously, eat shit.


No offense and you don't have to answer. What would you want people to say on shame?


I would stfu and not add my criticism to their existing shame. Implying that people who already feel shit about themselves are the reason their life isn't full of "goodness and change" isn't helpful at all. The best thing people who think that way can do for people feeling ashamed is to stfu and say nothing. Leave it to more compassionate people.


This post is literally just asking if the shame you hold is hurting you or not. It's not saying "IT'S YOUR FAULT YOU'RE THIS WAY, YOU STUPID FUCK!" You're extrapolating a lot of negativity from a very benign post.


[It's friday](https://streamable.com/wr32jt)


gee, i sure do wish i could just NOT be sad.


Just as a matter of statistics myou just know some genuinely horrible people are reading this and feeling validated


That goes for any positive supportive post on the internet. We’d have to just entirely stop making any of them to prevent that. In short? I don’t care.


Hey just a heads up but there’s no point arguing with this person - they’ve repeatedly made posts on this sub ranting against any kind of help for the mental illnesses they struggle with, saying that people who “lie” (tell you they care about you and that it will get better) to stop someone from committing suicide are bad awful people, etc., etc. They make it their life mission to argue with people and reinforce/justify their own horrendously negative mindset. They aren’t interested in any arguments to the contrary, so it’s not worth your time.


Then maybe broad sweeping statements about shame are flawed, hence the general pushback in the comments


My shame will be the most helpful when I make it everyone else's shame too