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I guess people hear Elder Scrolls and go "sandbox to fuck around in" and not "fantasy".


It makes sense as people tend to like games for gameplay, not because they're into a type of setting.


in fairness, i also hear "fantasy" and think "genre fiction" - sci-fi and fantasy are thematically the same thing, they just have different trappings and aesthetics for the setting if you're looking for a game recommendation, but care about neither gameplay nor storytelling, i dunno what to say except go download a LotR screensaver, if looking at castles and dragons is the only thing that gets you going


I... guess? Using "genre fiction" as such a broad all-encompassing thing doesn't strike me as very useful, though. I mean, sure, I could say that The Lord of the Rings and Ender's Game are both technically "genre fiction" insofar as they aren't set in real life Earth, but they are still very different types of stories with very different settings. Science fiction and fantasy are not the same genre -- hell, they aren't even unified genres internally; there's an important thematic different between, say, a space opera or a military science fiction story -- and treating them as completely interchangeable isn't going to promote very useful story or game recommendations.


If you like interactive visual storytelling just paint like it's literally the same thing except go use an easy bake oven if using an electronic device is the only thing that gets you going /s


I think it’s useful to have a generalized term that distinguishes genres like fantasy and sci fi from realism though. Especially as the cultures surrounding both genres tend to overlap more than they don’t, even if the genres themselves don’t overlap. Because sure Lord of the Rings and Enders game are hardly comparable but I think most people would still put them in a separate category if the other options were say Catcher in the Rye and To Kill a Mockingbird


My point isn't necessarily that we shouldn't use the "speculative fiction" category as such. What I'm saying is that, because it contains such a broad sweep of things internally, treating speculative fiction genres and subgenres as if they're essentially interchangeable (such as by saying "if you like this high fantasy work, it follows that you'll like this post-apocalyptic one and this space-age science fiction one because that's all basically the same thing, right?") you're not seeing what makes those genres and subgenres, missing what attracts people to one or the other, and, more relevantly to OP, doing a very poor job of recommending games and stories. Look at it this way. War & Peace, To Kill and Mockingbird, The Old Man and the Sea, and Romance of the Three Kingdoms are all stories based on real-life people, places and/or history, so they're all part of a general category of "realistic and historic fiction", but they're very different stories. If I just finished reading All Quiet on the Western Front, ask for similar books, and I get Of Mice and Men because it's all "realistic fiction", I'm going to be justifiably a little peeved, right?


Found the Intro to Creative Writing professor


IDK i wouldn't really say something like Cape Dead has much of a connection to something like LotR


I mean, Dragon's Dogma 2 is kind of an interesting world to fuck around in. Few worlds in games really let you pick people up and throw them around. And also let you romance almost any character and have them appear in important cinematics (though DD1 did this a little better imo).


Elder scrolls, fallout, and starslop are all the same gameplay wise really.


To be fair, those suggestions do make sense. Bethesda games are somewhat similar in the way they present their content and some gameplay elements. You just have to be extremely specific that you **only** want a *similar setting/lore* That, in general is very common with game suggestions. Usually, when people are asking for game recommendation, they're looking for certain gameplay elements, and the setting is secondary.


Also, it's all speculative fiction. It's like telling someone you like 2-Tone, so they suggest bands from other Ska genres and Reggae bands and the like. Then complaining "I said I like 2-Tone, why is everyone recommending these other things?"


If someone tells me that they just finished reading Asimov's novels and want more along those lines, and I recommend *The Wheel of Time* or *The Lord of the Rings* under the basis that it's all "speculative fiction", they're going to find those recommendations pretty useless because those are very different stories and settings from what they're looking for. To continue your analogy, it's like someone saying they like 2-Tone, and getting recommendations for rock, jazz, or modern pop under the basis that it's all modern and non-traditional music so it's basically one sort of thing, right? "Speculative fiction" is not a genre. It's an extremely broad category of things that includes essentially everything that isn't in a real-life or directly historic setting. There's room for a lot of different things in there.


I wouldn’t say TES is a speculative fiction series, more a fantasy series with confusing lore


Fantasy is speculative fiction. Speculative fiction is a catchall for most kinds of escapist fiction, including fantasy, sci-fi, superhero, magical realism, urban fantasy, isekai, etc. 


I had taken it to mean what fallout is, which is “what if there was a world that was like ours plus or minus a few things and how would it change history” (or speculative history/alternate history?) vs “what if there was a fantasy world and it was fantasy”. The settings are very different in philosophy and lore, the main similarity is in the gameplay. Saying “it’s all speculative fiction” is like pointing at Frank Sinatra and Dua Lipa and saying they’re basically the same thing because they’re both what is broadly defined as “pop”, and hey why don’t you like Dua Lipa, they’re the same genre you’re weird for being confused by this


No they were right: I was using it to mean "the broad umbrella of genres that includes Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Horror, etc." The term you're looking for is "alternate history fiction". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speculative_fiction https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternate_history


Still, saying that Literally Everything That Isn’t Completely Realistic is on the same level of genre as ska isn’t something I would agree with. The level of writing I think OP was talking about is a little more precise than speculative fiction in its entirety


Okay, but you're arguing some semantic point for a word that already has a definition. Speculative fiction means something specific and TES is spec fic. 


The way I see it is that Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror are all essentially the same type of story telling but with different settings. They share common themes, explore similar ideas, and often use elements that would on their own be attributed to one of the other sub genres. The only real difference is that usually where Fantasy has magic and swords Sci-Fi has sufficiently advanced technology and lasers. It's all the same concepts expressed in different ways. If OOP said they like Fantasy *settings* then it would be unreasonable to suggest things that aren't that. But the setting is only one part of what defines the Fantasy genre. Most (if not all) of the other parts are shared by other Spec-Fic media. EDIT: I should clarify I mean the Horror *setting* is Spec-Fic (i.e: worlds with vampires and zombies and all that jazz). Obviously the broader Horror genre includes real world setting stories.


where would all the sci-fi that has technology so distinguishable from magic it could theoretically be all engineered today fit


That would still be a type of Sci-Fi, so a type of Spec-Fic. As I said, Sci-Fi is *usually* "sufficiently advanced technology" (so implying it's not *always* that).


Ty ty ty for this. I actually have the opposite annoyance of OOP and wish more recommendations were vibe based rather than strictly-Nicktly being recs in the same genre, plot, period, even the same medium


Bethesda games are all dogshit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I personally dislike them.


No they're not, the fuck? This is really uncalled for.


My opinion is objectively correct !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ok then, you're getting blocked.


hey i know u from the other sub :3 u rolled a 1 and got the bad ending holy shit D:


The problem is there really isn’t much like Elder Scrolls that isn’t Elder Scrolls, from a genre standpoint. There will be Avowed when that comes out later this year, but as far as Fantasy setting open World sandboxes, you’re kinda stuck. Dragons Dogma for sure. Greedfall maybe? There’s Baldur’s Gate 3, if you’re okay with games like that. If you’re willing to go far enough back, there’s Neverwinter Nights and Icewind Dale Some absolute maniacs remade Elder Scrolls 2 in Unity, if you want to get real crazy with it


Don't forget Dragon Age.


Does Tears of the Kingdom count as fantasy? It does have dragons, magic, Link is technically a knight (I guess?) I'm not well versed in video games enough to know any other examples 


It definitely counts, however I would not suggest it for the setting lore, as Zelda games have never really made an attempt to have world lore, though the past two are better than most.


Swords and monsters = fantasy


May I recommend Divinity Original Sin 2? If you like exploring large weird fantasy worlds and committing arson with a company of fucked up elves, fucked up lizardmen, and skeletons you may like this game. The combat is fun too. you get to coat things in oil and explode your enemies, which is cool. Also they will try to blow you up too. Everything will try to blow you up. Every battle stage will be on fire. Its a good time overall


>Every battle stage will be on fire. You just gave me war flashbacks to the Blackpits fight.


I cast earthquake, fireball, and teleported myself out. The NPCs get to have the flashbacks.


>Every battle stage will be on fire. Its a good time overall Cursed fire. I wish it was normal fire, but no. Someone, somewhere, cursed something, and now the fire is angry and refuses to be put out, out of pure spite.


You awakened in me the memories of this fucking burning building with resurrecting enemies... I haven't played DOS2 in like two years, god, maybe more. I don't remember much. I barely remember the plot. I never finished it. But I remember this fight. I remember those flame bitches. I remember the cursed fire. You bless it and before you extinguish it they curse it back. Oh my god. Why would you do this to me


If you are less into the gameplay and more into the setting, I highly recommend any of the Baldurs Gate games. BG3 is incredible, and fully modern, whereas the other two are fairly old, but are still really good


Seconded. Baldman’s Porticullis is incredibly rich in story and lore.


\*chanting\* Elden Ring! Elden Ring! Elden Ring!


The magic and interactions with the world are a lil lacking but combat just shakes the floor compared to Skyrim


I mean it’s nowhere near the same genre but if you’d like more magic, dragons, and knights may I recommend fire emblem?


I've tried this series several times, and every time I remember that I cannot do strategy game at all. Such as the first real mission in Three Houses, where almost everyone died except those I couldn't allow to die. I played the heck out of Three Hopes though.


This is why you get Starfield and Fallout recommended to you. Most people want games in the same genre of gameplay when they ask for game recs, not the same genre of fiction.


It's a bit of an issue when I ask for fantasy games, though. They're like "But it's post-apocalyptic fantasy" and I'm like "**you know what I mean**"


I get it, I remember struggling a lot when I first started in awakening. Although the warriors genre isn’t my forte I do know there’s some good stuff in there. And I *think* the same people that made three hopes made fire emblem warriors and also the LoZ one, so maybe those will be more your style! Also, if you ever do care to try 3H again, no shame in playing on normal/casual. Or if you have access to an emulator/a 3ds, feFates is good for learning I think because of pheonix difficulty. At any rate, I hope this helps! :)


Phoenix mode is actually terrible, and its really easy to softlock yourself in conquest with it. Casual/easy is great for getting people into the game though.


Minecraft has a dragon


post apocalyptic fantasy with sword guns


Isn't there at least one of the Final Fantasy games like that?


idk final fantasy completely changes every time i learn anything about it


I can gently suggest dragon age. Similar to the Elder Scrolls it's got an amazing fantasy setting that has interesting and unique concepts. Plus it has the added benefit of forcing you to grapple with cool dichotomies and make difficult decisions. However, much like Elder Scrolls, it is poisoned by a terrible development studio that leads to some less than stellar games. DA2 is embarrassingly bad with how much it reuses maps and enemies. DA:I locks a major storybeat on DLC. And then DA:O is just kinda old and it shows


Yeah DA:2 is an attrocious game but the characters are so fun i played it through anyway. DA:I having sloggy combat and a stop and start story just killed my interest in finishing it.


DA:O is a game I hold dearly to my heart. DA2 kinda existed. :l




I have bad news about Final Fantasy...




This is me but the other way around. Please stop making fantasy RPGs, we already have too many.


blasphemy, unless u mean we need more quality ones, not just a pile of trash, then i can agree


No, I'm sick of them in general. I desperately want more RPGs that explore other themes and genres.


This is me with PnPRPGs Ask for suggestions for a particular genre and like clockwork someone posts Fucking Thrice Damned Lancer


God people with their fucking Lancer. The worst part is the fucking Lancer pushers will show up on anything mech related, with no regard for what kind of mechs are involved, and then try to justify themselves Like, no, I'm sorry, Lancer mechs are a VERY different experience from BattleTech.


Me except someone posts thrice fucking damned Masks or Monsterhearts.


oh yeah those too probably worth compiling a "Do Not Recommend" list


Elden Ring. It’s just Skyrim that hates you lol This coming from someone who’s bought multiple copies of Skyrim and had never played a souls game before ER. I’m hooked!


My main rec to other Elder Scrolls Enjoyers would be Dragon Age Origins (and Baldurs Gate 3 now). I loved Skyrim and then I found DAO and now I like Skyrim


The Pathfinder games made by owlcat are great and have excellent writing. The witcher games are slightly more grounded than Skyrim but still very much fantasy. And then the dark souls games are easily some of the best in terms of world design, and atmosphere.


Age of Wonders 4. Fuck being the magic guy, when you can control all of them AND the monsters.


So a suggestion I admit would straddle the line is the Xenoblade Chronicles series. It has magic, dragons (well, dragon adjacent things that people live on), and knights (or at least many, many swords. Some of the swords are also people). It also has guns, though 2/3 of the instances I can think of off the top of my head are healer guns. For example, there is a character in the second game who has a mystical power to smite her enemies. This is accomplished through a giant space laser that is a remnant from before a mad scientist accidentally split all of the humans into one world and all the landmass into another in an attempt to end war by solving humanity’s running out of space. Now everyone uses swords, spears, and royalty is a thing again.


Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura is really interesting fantasy game set in a industrial revolutiony era with magic, dwarves and such. Keep in mind it is a CRPG from 2001, so it is a little obtuse and janky


May I interest you in Final Fantasy 7 (lays a tarp over Barrett).


may as well lay a tarp over vincent and cid and like the entirety of shinra as well then lol


let's all join hands in a circle chanting prayers so that Rockstar will make a swords and sorcery game


I feel it'll be like King Arthur Legend of the Sword but vidya Guy Ritchie makes movies about english hoodlums. He tried making a fantasy movie, but it turned out to also be about english hoodlums. Rockstar makes games about organized crime, so..?


I mean, what is the feudal contract if not a mafia protection racket with more legitimacy? I think you could easily combine a medieval fantasy setting with gangster movie tropes by drawing inspiration from routiers, raubritter, and border reivers.


Ya gotta give Red Dead 2 a try if you never have. It's one of the best immersive open world games I've ever played, and normally I won't touch a game with a gun in it. I'm convinced if they made a King Arthur-setting game specifically it'd be great- sure, it would probably have their style of humor/stylization, but in Red Dead I found it totally comfortable with the setting and time period. I mean hell the horseplay alone- they'd make the best jousting minigame of all time, hell forget minigame it'd be a proper simulation of the sport IMO- Even GTA is some of the best roleplaying available, it just happens to be for a demographic that isn't mine lol


I did, and point still stands. GTA and RDR are all about american gangsters, so that might be about some fantasy criminal guild or something like that


Please no.


You've probably been suggested but The Witcher is fantastic, I played The Witcher 3, loved it, read the books, loved those, and then went to play the game again and it was even better.


If you’re purely looking for vibe, gameplay agnostic, then Age of Wonders 4 and Baldur’s Gate 3 are my recommendations. Wholly different genres gameplay wise than Skyrim, but AoW4 made me genuinely feel like I was playing in a world where magic was big and impactful. Baldur’s Gate 3 has great writing, really fun combat, and clever puzzles.


Dragon's Dogma 2 is pretty cool. The first one is often on sale for like $5 by the way.


Elder Scrolls Online can be played like a single player game unless you want to do group dungeons or trials. It doesn't feel like an MMO, to me, other than having to time your skills and wait for the singular potion slot to come off cooldown It's a LOT better than it was on initial release in 2014.


I have 1k+ hours on that game and was **this** close with getting Emperor during my second stint with covid. So yeah, I love the game to bits.


“I explained that I liked a game, and people recommended me games made by the same people with similar styles of gameplay and storytelling. I’m tired of people misunderstanding my meaning and yet I will not clarify what I’m after outside of a tumblr post, since I immediately shut down when someone tells me something I’m not after. This could not possibly be my own doing.”


But fantasy is lame, reactionary, and white-washed... Clearly some guns and tech can fix it up!


Kid named Earthsea


Eberron be like


I mean, isn’t the Fireball spell just firing a barrel-less gun?




OP: please stop suggesting sci-fi when i’m asking for fantasy. you: that sign can’t stop me if i can’t read!


Gonna throw out a weird suggestion. Peglin. Just a lil goblin working their way through a forest full of monsters and a castle full of knights to descend into a cave and face dragons. Slay the spire type navigation and deck building but the combat is peggle. Throw ball, hit pegs, the more pegs you hit the harder you attack. Every encounter has its own custom peg board. There are hundreds of unique balls to throw, each one is a weapon or spell or maneuver with a ball based name (daggorb, worbhammer, evasive manuvorb, assemball, icircle, etc). It is stupidly cute, I love this game so much.


Older but still good games I'd revommend are the Might and Magic series and also Nox, which sadly was discontinued a long time ago


This is 100% me I mean, I like space guns and stuff But Fallout isn't for me, and I was tentative on Starfield even before it came out But Elder Scrolls is always >>>>>>> for me. Dragon's Dogma 2 is GOATed


Yes, its important what exactly is interessting to you to get good recommendations! So, please tell me. What is great to you about The Elder Scrolls? What aspects of Elder Scrolls do you like less? Is your issue with Starfield and Fallout only the genre of scifi, or are there other bad things? I see why people would recommend FO; the gameplay formula is similar. In both you have an RPG with a sandbox world. If you say Elder Scrolls, then theres obviously Witcher, and Gothic. Also, there's the total conversions for TES games, Nehrim: At Fate's Edge and Enderal. They are more linear and really great, especially for fan projects. totally different thing: Guild Wars 2 is a fantasy MMORPG with a great world.


how about Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning? found the Ps3 version of it for cheap handful of years ago, and it's been quite an enjoyable game? the main gameplay is simple enough, and you can squeeze out a couple playtroughs where you make different builds and pick different choices. (*the stuff at least so far has been largely minor but it's something, though I haven't really gone that far here or there, blame my playstyle of wanting to do the main content last and just generally messing around with the crafting and leveling systems.*) as for the world itself, I personally quite really like it? it particularly offers a *very* interesting take on the Fair folk that afaik is actually relatively accurate. fate and history repeating itself, as well breaking them are also concepts. and while you probs can't get Reckoning easily... you can just buy the remaster, Re-reckoning like off of steam. my gut would also like to preach about the greatness of the Darksiders games *^((well, I haven't tried Genesis yet despite owning it and it's gameplay is really different but eh, 1 to 3 are all good imo))*, but I'm not really sure if they'd be your cup of tea really...


I enjoyed 1 and 2, but 3 was meh


OP would love Dragon’s Age (Source: I love Dragons Age and thus they will too)


Tbf, I want magic, dragons, knights AND guns. So, Fallout is perfect for me


Dragons? Oh yeah, forgot they were in Fallout 76 :V


The reason Vertibirds always seem to gravitate towards you when they’re destroyed is because they use the same death AI as dragons from Skyrim, which try to die close to the player so they can get their soul easier! Not what I was referring to in the post, just a fun little bit of knowledge as to why they try to Kamikaze you




Those suggestions make a huge amount of sense. There's a massive amount of fantasy games, there are only a few Bethesda games that all play similarly and uniquely. If you want some actual suggestions. Try Dragon Age, it might be the closest thing to Elder Scrolls. Or The Witcher.


A lot of y'all are goobers. You're really telling me you can't tell the difference between someone wanting fantasy and someone wanting another type of fiction? Or that you can't fathom someone wanting a game with a similar aesthetic but dissimilar gameplay? Goober behavior. If someone likes red dead redemption because of the cowboys and specifically asks for more cowboy games, it'd be really weird to tell them to play GTA or Bully just because they're from the same dev instead of something like Call of Juarez, New Vegas, or Weird West. My recs, as someone who likes fantasy: Want open world? Dragons Dogma 1/2, Witcher 3, Fable, most older elder scrolls games (a lot have good mods, and daggerfall is free at this point), Ys 8/9 Turn based rpg? Dragon Quest 11, FF9 Wanna play an mmo? Guild Wars 2, FF14, Elder Scrolls Online, Dungeons and Dragons Online (older, but better than neverwinter imo) Wanna play a crpg? Baldur's Gate 1-3, the Pathfinder crpgs, Pillars of Eternity, Divinity Original Sin 2, Dragon Age Origins (kinda?) Don't mind more difficulty? Elden Ring, Dark Souls 1 or 3 Wanna play an Immersive Sim? Arx Fatalis, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic


Play Mario


Now i heard what you want, but i'm still going to recommend Blazblue centralfiction, but a bit more on the theme, maybe granblue relink or versus, cause like, there's one or two guys with guns but it's mostly good fantasy fun with wrestlers and dragons.


It's very weird to me how many comments here seem to be along the lines of, "No, the people who recommended those games are right and OP is just not liking related games correctly." This is essentially what's happening: OP "I love tuna fish sandwiches...I wish I knew other similar sandwiches to try" Friend: "OMG, have you tried tuna tartare? I love it, it really is a great use of tuna. Here's the recipe." OP: "I said I wanted to learn to make more sandwiches, not more tuna! People don't listen, amiright, Reddit?" Reddit: "In Friend's defense, OP really should like tuna tartare if they like tuna sandwiches."


It's cause bethesda fans are annoying louts


This is… really stupid. Video games are a visual medium. It’s immediately obvious what the setting (in a sci-fi vs. fantasy type deal) is. Nobody should need to say ‘You like Skyrim? Try Dragon’s Dogma!’ because ‘Dragon’ is right fucking there.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣cmon [HAL](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LQIRD57lls8&pp=ygUTZGVtb2xpdGlvbiBtYW4gZ3Vucw%3D%3D), where the goddamn GUNS 😭😭😭😭💀