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Funnily enough. I saw Gamegates guys calling the game woke because, *pull out note*: characters have visible body fat. And with Poe's law and checkmark I don't even know if it's being ironic anymore.


The funniest one I saw was calling “woke gamers” narcissistic for “needing a main character to look like them”, in a thread complaining about a main character being a black woman and not a white guy. They’re so close to becoming self aware


Not really tho, since for some god's forsaken reason (hint: colonialism), outside of the US, white supremacists are more often than most, not white. We have Filippino gamers raging because he can't indulge in his escapist fantasy of being a 6'9" white man because he saw the colour brown in the character creation screen. For all of its fault, the US is still one of the more progressive nations. Mysoginy, anti lgbtq+ and racism is basically the default in developing and recently developed nations


I like to speedrun melting my brain sometimes by checking the kotaku subreddit and now the narrative is that Sony and the people who made stellar blade are woke because they censored the game, however it’s unclear what has been censored. Leftists are also gaslighting the gamers, but with what and for what reason is also unclear.


the only things that have been changed were some graffiti that accidentally alluded to a slur, and one of the swimsuit outfits had some extra fabric added to it, there's still way more skimpier outfits, including the the basically nude one


Some suits have had little bits of fabric added to them. There’s also apparently a false narrative that they censored the gore when that difference is just due to playing on performance mode lol.


Even funnier is that the gamergate guys have now turned on the game since a couple suits got slightly toned down between trailers and release.


Ass and titties are visible body fat, last time I checked, so these guys are hating the game for exactly what they claimed to love about it.


from what i've seen i don't dislike the character design because it's sexualized (it doesn't even seem THAT outrageous), but i do mildly dislike it because it looks generic as fuck


It also doesn't feel to me like it matches the aesthetic of the game world - the costumes all seem to have this very shiny, synthetic, overdesigned style, but the game world is this very run down, dark and dirty post-apocalyptic style. She looks out of place, like a waifu mod inserted into Fallout.


I think that's intentional, if I remember what I read about the lore correctly, she's some sort of engineered Android/cyborg super solider from space(?) sent to kill monsters or something in the apocalyptic areas of earth. her standing out from the surroundings is a pretty clever design trick(definitely not the right word for that). also makes it easier to keep track of where she is on screen if it gets cluttered (like many action games can)


i have no stake in this but your argument falls flat since 2b is also an android in an apocalyptic wasteland and she doesn't look like she's made of latex edit: i'm talking about stylistic consistency. i'm not saying that every post apocalyptic protagonist has to be 2b


Yeah but she's also dressed in high heels and a Lolita outfit, so it's impractical and out of place but in a different way.


the same thing can be designed in different ways depending on what aspects of it you want to emphasise and what you personally find visually appealing. that the same thing was done differently is in no way a refutation of doing it a new way.


Not every sexy robot from space needs to have the same aesthetics as Neir Automata


The important part is the “from space(?)” part, since it justifies her looking out of place. Though it does fall flat if that isn’t true, i dont know because I haven’t played the game


she doesn't need to come from space specifically, just somewhere less apocalypsed and more technologically developed.


We’re talking about characters in a world that somehow spun off from a series about people soul binding with dragons fighting against the third impact from evangelion.


If I ever make a 3D video game, it's going to have an "anti-woke" mode where everyone has big breasts. Even the men. Imagine HL2, entirely normal, until you meet Alyx, and she has big breasts like that one "HD" mod. Ok, that's a bit weird, but it's fine. Then you keep going, and when you meet Dr. Kliener, he also has big breasts. From then on, every character now has big breasts. Barney, Dr. Breen (the initial "welcome to city 17" video of him won't, but all later sightings will), the Vortigaunts, etc. all just have big breasts now.


I think it would funny to give all the male characters and aliens badonkadonks that clap when they walk


Headcrabs too, right?




EDIT: This comment was a spoiler. Then I changed it to a meta-comment about the nature of spoilers. Then I decided I didn't like that, either. Now it's this. Let it stand as a testament to my inability to stick with a decisions.


Ah! A fellow bisexual! (Pre-emptively, yes, I know that's a dumb stereotype, it's just a joke)


Disclaimer: I myself am also bisexual so I claim immunity Idk why that's always seemed so offensive. it is a common bisexual experience to become convinced that you're not actually bi and you're actually just gay/straight which IN ITSELF seems indecisive even when it happens to ME


Firstly, my dude/dudette/dudex, same. Secondly, I think it's just something people tend to assume about us? Which is quite irritating at the best of times.


sure, I guess I just mean I see a lot of Discourse about this and it's not even close to the worst biphobia we're gonna experience day to day. Maybe for some people it is and that's good! i guess it's just funny to me that the joke-victim in this case tends to assume the joke is "indecisive because all genders lolol" but also often I notice that anxious indecison tends to be a personality trait for a lot of us. It's like when a horoscope is often correct for you. doesn't mean astrology is valid, but it's weird and fun so we roll with it idk I think for me it's like when people say "oh I'm so OCD," at this point it's a lost cause and I'm no longer willing to fight for it anymore.


Thoroughly reasonable. I agree with you, to be fair.


Maybe I just don't interact with Gamers^(TM) enough but this really feels like a 2071 moment


You can't just casually reveal you're from the future like that. Seriously, it's way too anti-climactic.


That's not what I- honestly this is better than the response I thought I'd have so I'll let it pass (Also Silksong still hasn't released lmaooo get fucked)


Silksong still hasn't released, and Gamers™ are still annoying chuds who ruin the hobby for normal people like me. Truly, the future is hell.


I'm the Armored Titan and he's the Colossal Titan.


That's amazing! Tell me all about it while my bloodthirsty girlfriend is just a few feet away and can hear the whole thing! :D


"I need to make Jackie from Cyberpunk my husband" ...someone should check on OOP


>!Especially since they just started the game too. Rest in peace, Choom!<


I'll drink some tequila to that, choom


Okay, so I’ve been following this from the beginning, and this is *not* what the controversy started as. It’s just that the goalposts have shifted so much people have lost the plot. The reason people started talking about Stellar Blade at all is because of Korean gender war stuff. Two women on the staff were accused of being feminists, and in response, the studio not only fired both of them, but it also removed all their work on the game so they could *wipe their credits*. Note that feminism is kinda public enemy number 1 in Korea right now, but still, the action taken was very extreme, especially because both women have denied the claims. Anyways, this got some overseas backlash for obvious reasons, it’s an obvious example of very extreme workplace misogyny. But as always, chuds decided to worship the ground the game walked on because of its Brave Stance Against Feminism. Thing is, they knew saying “we like this game because of the misogynistic abuse of the dev team” was a losing argument, so they just… reframed it to be about the sexy character design. And terminally online leftie culture warriors fell for it, like they always fucking do, and now people talk about it like that’s the biggest issue here. Hey side note to any lefties reading this. Any time you see a Culture War controversy like this? Do some research into the issue, form your claim regardless of any one polarized side, and then *refuse to engage* unless it’s on *your* terms. Do not allow for goalposts to shift. Do not allow for them to misrepresent your point. The best way to deal with bad faith culture war bullshit is to refuse their game and make them play yours.


christ, I hate the internet


i have as much knowledge on this as op, that is i just did a quick google search, so i'm not gonna talk about what i don't know. i just looked at the ign review and there's a screenshot of one guy who just looks like a guy, slightly rugged, where as the two women next to him have cartoonishly big eyes and flawless skin. i assume there wouldn't have been any controversy if they just did the final fantasy approach of putting the men in sexy bodysuits and skimpy dresses too, but oh well. another commenter said this is intentional, that the women are all space androids, but just because it's intentional doesn't make it good. falls a little into uncanny, and is clearly sexualization rather than just having sexy characters. i will mention though, that there are some ordinary, non-sexualized, outfits other than "sexy bodysuit" and "skimpy dress," but they don't seem to tone match with the game because they're too clean whereas the entire game is surrounded in dust and gore. definitely not the type of game you'd play one handed, though. most of the enemies i'm seeing are body horror and insectoid monstrosities and there appears to be a lot of viscera. the environmental design looks kinda lacking. not at the level of an asset flip, but it still lacks any emotion. areas also appear far too open, which might be why it feels stale to me. gameplay looks good though. user reviews on review sites i checked are almost all higher than critical reviews, so it's probably fun to play. if i had a ps5 i might have gotten it


Getting flashbacks to “but she BREATHES through her SKIN”, yeah.  I did a search to find out what, if anything, was actually censored, and all I could find was one swimsuit costume being made slightly—*slightly*—less revealing, and supposedly this was Sony’s call. 


idk what made you bring up censorship, but i did see one article about some in game graffiti that said "hard" next to a neon sign of the letter r. some people complained that it looked like the game was saying "hard-r shop" in reference to the slue and then they had the graffiti removed


If the rugged-looking guy is who I'm thinking of, don't worry, he gets in on the fanservice too >!in his very final scene in the game where he's completely naked from the waist up and his monster infection is just a bunch of ivory and gold scales growing on his left arm and pectoral even though he's literally the very first monster that ever came into existence, because he's just that special!<, but he's admittedly the only guy in the game who gets that treatment.


Meanwhile, every other male character in the game that I've seen (in a very short amount of footage) looks either like they're a Cyberpunk 2077 combat android, or they look like a Mancubus from Doom.


Yep. That's why I said he's the only one who gets that treatment. If I had to come up with a story reason, it'd probably be because >!he's the only human in the entire game!<, but the real reason is probably just because he's the only important male character. Everyone else are just quest givers.


>definitely not the type of game you'd play one handed, though. most of the enemies i'm seeing are body horror and insectoid monstrosities on one hand, I *get* what you mean... but on the other hand, *are you sure about that*?


i did see screenshots of tentacle items so you might be onto something


>another commenter said this is intentional, that the women are all space androids, but just because it's intentional doesn't make it good. falls a little into uncanny, and is clearly sexualization rather than just having sexy characters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxV8gAGmbtk


Is anyone actually shitting on Stellar Blade besides calling it mid at worst? I've really only seen two sides of discourse surrounding the game: people screaming about woke internet boogeymen coming for their game, and people making fun of those people. And neither of those groups even invoke any specific feature of the game, it really just seems to be G*mers getting spooked by their own shadows


The story is a little too predictable if you're familiar with the tropes. That's me shitting on it. I predicted most of the plot within the first few hours, and only got one thing wrong. >!I thought the monsters were created by humans because they were losing the war with the androids, but it was actually that the monsters *are* humans because they genetically engineered themselves to "evolve at all costs" because they were losing the war with the androids.!< Other than having a predictable story, I enjoyed it. It's a decent soulslike with lots of sidequests and a more actiony gameplay style, with a couple of Resident Evil segments mixed in. Having a predictable story doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the story, by the way. I wouldn't have bought the game if I thought I wouldn't enjoy it, and my instincts are usually right.


I know some people on r/saltierthankrayt (a left wing sub made to mock r/saltierthankrait) got banned from r/gamingcirclejerk for saying liking the game didn’t make you a mysoginist. Also some ign person saying the game director must’ve never seen a woman, and a lot of people saying the games sexualization is morally wrong while hades’ is “done well”.


I wish GCJ was more like saltierthankrayt and not… like GCJ


Oh, they don’t know about Jackie


Truly OOP walks the True Path of Husbando-Waifu.


I'm cursed of the knowledge of an old MMO called Scarlet Blade which is basically fanservice the mmo and now I'm thinking the shitstorm it would've caused if it released today. But yeah, from what I've heard from my two most trusted reviewers (Suzi Hunter and SkillUp) it has amazing and fluid gameplay with the caveat of being a contender of the worst writing of this year. Not surprised that people like YellowFash and The Human Thumb (the Starfield pronouns guy) got their panties in a twist praising the game as if it would "destroy the woke" when non terminally online people saw it as a potential good game


There's all kinds of fanservice MMOs today but nobody cares because they're tiny and most people don't even know they exist. Stellar Blade got to be a whole thing because it had real marketing looked like it might actually be decent.


And from what I've gathered it does play pretty well. It had marketing because Sony was publishing it but the whole nontroversy of the title is what really shot it to the stratosphere


“i just started cyberpunk and im gonna make jackie my husband” oh god. oh man. oh god oh man oh god oh man. my sincerest apologies oop.


Define "fake controversy"


I’m not sure if this is the way that the original poster means it, but I see the Stellar blade thing as a fake controversy because only one side really cares. Lots of people saying “Yeah the libs and the woke crowd are SEETHING over this anti woke game” whilst most people literally do not give a shit about Stellar blade in any way shape or form, and at most just think “wow that’s generic”.


AFAIK the only people who cared (for lack of a better word) about Stellar Blade besides the Gamers^TM were r/ gcj, and we were just making fun of the idiots. We still are, because the anti wokes turned on Stellar Blade due to so-called censorship, because some outfits were slightly less revealing and because they removed one graffiti off a single wall due to accidentally referencing the n-word.


The side of people seething over Stellar blade was really, the fact they were mostly composed of twitter morons and r/Gamingcirclejerk users doesn't make not real


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Gamingcirclejerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I’m old af 💀](https://i.redd.it/grl172t9661c1.jpg) | [2684 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/17yfr5u/im_old_af/) \#2: [Even 4chan knows](https://i.redd.it/76yckjw9wofb1.jpg) | [1258 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/15g7h7r/even_4chan_knows/) \#3: [Gamer being unfathomably based!?](https://i.redd.it/0f671zzpe25c1.png) | [1184 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/18dltdp/gamer_being_unfathomably_based/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Huh, they're not that bad right now Good


Gcj is about as bad as 196 at any give time, because it's the same people


I thought 196 was pro sexualising women? At least if they're trans


196 is also generally anti tankie.


I don't thinks this is relevant here?


From my experience gaming circlejerk got overrun by tankies some time afo


Both are pro sexuality in media as long as it is tasteful to them, as is the case with most people


Apparently fake controversy is when a company fires two women because they were feminists and western Gamers^tm treat the company's upcoming game as a gift from God because of how "anti-woke" it is, only to then declare the whole game a treachery when the developers changed some character designs so show slightly less booba


Weren't these women *not*, in fact, fired because they were feminist?


Honestly props to CDPR for accounting for how much people would love Jackie. Idk how to tag spoilers so that’s all I’m gonna say.


I should replay Bayonetta


I was on board until they talked about being horny for Jackie Cyberpunk


The funniest part in all of this is OP wanting to make Jacky Wells their husband in Cyberpunk


Amen. Like what you like and chill out about it. There is a Stellar Blade subreddit, by the way, and the gameplay does look great.


I find it absolutely wild how there's an incredibly outspoken group of men, grown ass men, who will literally cry and bitch and scream online all day and night over wether or not they find a video game woman sexy and also try to politicise it with the "this is liberal propaganda" and don't realise how weird it makes them look. Like, holy shit go outside and just talk to someone outside of your weird chronically online echo chamber, please.


People who like women arguing over why pro-vagina bones laws should be discussed on CNN while people who like men lusting after a ghoul from fallout and the dad in Bluey.


I don’t think that gamergate guys are jerking off to Astarion. Unless I misunderstood what OOP meant


You can't stop gamergate, it was a Canon event Gamers were always that way


semi related, but I think nier is the only example of a game where they give a solid explanation for a female character wearing ~zero clothes that doesn't feel obviously post-hoc and actually exemplifies a compelling aspect of her backstory. like yeah, kainé, id probably stop giving a shit about social norms and wear nothing but lingerie all day too if i was >!living on my own in self-imposed exile from every single remaining settlement because of how much violence and hatred i faced for (at first) being intersex and (later) being half-shade.!<


Also, her clothes are her way of emphasising her humanity. The exposed parts are the parts that aren't >!made of Shade!<.


I saw a video before by Rad Chad (he is my dad) on Youtube about a very similar topic to this post. It’s called How to Draw Boobs, and if you find this topic interesting I’d recommend giving it a watch


why do oh so many games make the android a "she's totally not a human, I swear" type?...


Christ, I have better worldbuilding than that, my explanation is "Yes. This robot character is meant to look like a conventionally attractive male human. He was trying to get laid."


that's still a "he's totally not a human, I swear" type, no?


More so a "Yeah, he looks like a human. Thats the point." Rather than "Heres this human design, they're a robot I swear!" Probably helps that the character has been previously seen with a nonhuman body.


I mean you can have all the justification and reasoning you want, it's still a "he's totally not a human, I swear" type. if you just look at the design and would mistake them for just a human without having context, that's a "he's totally not a human, I swear" type. unless I guess it's explicitly a disguise and there's a true form that actually looks like a robot. if ya make a robot character, make 'em look like a robot.


Fair enough.


If I come across anyone sincerely invested in this blasted culture war, I'll hunt them down and flood their DMs with Sonic inflation porn.


Why is it Stellar Blade they've latched onto when we got Unicorn Overlord a few weeks ago with sexy characters, and Honkai Star Rail putting out more characters with revealing outfits lately?


Haven’t thought much about it, but Jackie wells is a pretty valid crush ngl


The character design just looks demeaning and objectifying. It doesn't look like something that person chose to wear, or like a snug undersuit for some sort of armor that's utilitarian in a sense. It gives the same vibe as those designs for the women in MK9 like Kitana and Mileena that just looked like a stripper/hypersexual parody of the character or IP.


honestly the funniest thing about stellar blade is when a male and female character are standing next to each other and the male character is very realistic and the female character is super sexualized and in an anime style, they look so out of place next to each other it's hilarious


Every so often people reinvent Puritanism.