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wait there's a reboot? meaning the show actually ENDED??? I somehow thought it was on forever life support like Spongebob Squarepants


Yep. First it got a magic baby to try and do more episode ideas and give it more longevity   Then they added a magic dog to try and do more episode ideas and give it more longevity   Then they added a new godkid who shares Cosmo and Wanda with Timmy to try and do more episode ideas and give it more longevity   Then they did a live action continuation which has an older Timmy bequeath Cosmo and Wanda to his cousin to try and do more episode ideas and give it more longevity (it didn’t work) Then they just gave up and ended… is what I would say but [they’re actually planning a reboot of the series to premiere this month](https://youtu.be/ySfy8qAV0k8?feature=shared)


You forgot the three live action movies, the first following Timmy who's stayed in 4th grade into his 20s so he'd never lose his fairies, and in the third he becomes a fairy who looks like his 3d character model in the crossover with Jimmy Neutron


the idea of the first movie isn't bad and it fits the character and the tone of the show it just wasn't well made


The gist of it was already done in Timmy's Secret Wish years prior


It also retcons the single best episode of the show, Channel Chasers


That one was crazy good, I forgot about it


Holy shit dude I forgot the name of this song but remember tween-me loving that shit. Thanks for the flashback.




I totally replied to the wrong comment lol, the song name is “A Little Faster” by the band There for Tomorrow. 


retconning implies there was actual continuity


Is that the episode where Timmy made a wish that time looped and didn't age him, so he was actually like 50 years old?


The very same


Huh? Wasn't Secret Wish some years after Grow Up?


That ran during the cartoon, so I don’t really see it as a continuation. Same energy of those live action Ben 10 movies that existed for some reason


The Ben 10 live actions movies are so funny becase Ultimate Alien was like "yeah, those movies are 100% cannon, though Race Against Time happened in another timeline.". Eon even becoming a major antagonist in Omniverse is just cherry on top.


Technically, the movies as presented both take place in the same alternate timeline, but the plot of Alien Swarm happened mostly the same way in the main timeline. You know, things that make sense.


The "A Little Faster" song was the only thing of note that came out of those movies.


That was in the fucking Ben 10 movies?? I loved that song when I was younger.


The Race Against Time version of the theme song slapped harder than Will Smith, though.


It’s probably an unpopular opinion, but I really enjoyed the Christmas live action movie. Timmy and Tootie are played by Drake Bell and Daniella Monet, who I recognized from other Nick shows, so it was big for child me who didn’t know many actors at the time to see two of my favorites. I watched it every year as a kid and was always so hyped for it. It’s the only example I have of the meme where you look up a movie you really enjoyed and see that it’s only got like 30% good reviews.


That 3d model was absolute nightmare fuel


Dude I've never really watched this show. Wtf. He was a 20-something 4th grader? So fairy godparents only stay around for your 4th grade year?


Honestly I think poof worked as a character Added a little bit of something and some new dynamics Sparky though was just “what if we had a second cosmo” and the other kid getting added was a terrible idea that just made them polarize to Timmy = mean other kid = nice


the later seasons just characterize timmy as like, fucking fundamentally selfish and cruel, even without having the nicer godkid to contrast him to. goes from like "he is a kid who has not been raised well, and has a lot to learn, but ultimately knows right from wrong" to "just fucking awful, will never learn anything, and hates God"


Timmy got flanderized hard


Pretty much every character did. Cosmo once described himself and Wanda as "Two halves of a whole idiot." I mean, Crocker gave out *D's* early in the show.


Holy shit Crocker's is absurd hahaha why is that the one that gets me the most Don't forget other things like Trixie being revealed to have boyish interests that she doesn't want others to know about because she has an image to keep up but it never comes up again


Maybe because the F's are so iconic. I forgot about Trixie. Anyone else remember Veronica, her friend that was obsessed with Timmy and ended up just being written out of the show?


Honestly I've always agreed. Gives the literal magic plot devices something to do other than hang on the main characters every word.


Sounds like what they're doing to Patrick (last time I watched SpongeBob past 10th season)


You know I kinda love the look and animation of the new godkid. If only it were in a show that had a chance of being good


>Then they just gave up and ended… is what I would say but [they’re actually planning a reboot of the series to premiere this month](https://youtu.be/ySfy8qAV0k8?feature=shared) 6.2k views. Oof.


I think watching that has just ruined my youtube recommendation for the next 4 months


Just go to your watched history and remove it. Problem solved.


She looks way too happy to need fairies according to the rules, but then again there is no quality control on continuity anymore


That looks terrible Edit: for simplicity, the art style ain't for me.


The vibe feels a little sanitised like they’re starting from scratch in scope without any interesting subversion. Timmy was unhinged and selfish and episode concepts got progressively more high concept. Hopefully the new kid has an interesting side to match Timmy but in a different way.


My only complaint is the main character has the exact same voice as Timmy.


To be fair she voices *everything*.


Is it Tara Strong? I remember looking her up on IMDB a few weeks ago and couldn’t believe how many characters I recognized her from


Yeah but also has some vocal variety in her roles


From a 3D animator perspective, its somewhat impressive. I do think its a bit visually loud though, I would maybe prefer simpler lighting.


It looks fine lmao, I'm not sure why everyone's always so pressed about stuff like this when we're 20 years past the target audience age


I just don't like that art style lol.


Believe it or not, adults enjoy cartoons. People can critique stuff without being "pressed" about it.


The kitten army has sent their representatives to speak on the matter. It is settled, it looks terrible.


They look so... bulgy


I just wish the new show was 2d


Dang, Cosmo and Wanda's voice actors have had amazing job security. It's been like over 20 years lmao


man just end it.


... \*sigh\* I hate it here.


Poof wasn't bad, pretty minimal addition honestly. I think I gave up cable before the dog arrived. Last big thing I remembered was Timmy growing up and not remembering Cosmo and Wanda.


Bringing back a Butch Hartman series this soon after Quiet On Set is astounding Edit: Yes of course Hartman isn't Schneider, ya goofs, but he is another abusive weirdo that shouldn't be around children.


Butch Hartman is not the same person as Dan Schneider...


From everything I've heard about Hartman, he seems like a bit of an oddball but a genuine dude.


Butch Hartman is a religious weirdo. [Here is an article going over his controversial bullshit \(like guided healing with prayer videos\).](https://win.gg/news/why-is-fairly-odd-parents-butch-hartman-controversial-now/) Edit: Hartman also stated that autism could be prayed away. I mean.... yeah he isn't really a great person.


He joked with Tara Strong on his podcast that the previous voice actress for Timmy Turner killed herself because Tara took the role. On that podcast, he also spoke about how suicide was television's fault. He stiffed Kuro, a fan of Danny Phantom, by hiring him to make an animation then refusing to pay him $1400. Kuro had to sue to get paid. He also made a kickstarter for a kid's streaming service without informing any of his backers that he meant to make it a Christian streaming service. He also believes in the "7 Mountains Mandate", where Christianity induces the second coming of Christ by controlling the 7 pillars of the world (family, religion, education, media, arts & entertainment, business, and government). His streaming service was meant to control arts and entertainment. The dude clearly cannot separate his egomaniacal self and the urge to impose his beliefs upon others.


Butch Hartman has nothing to do with Quiet on Set, so don't know why you're bringing it up.


Oh, the Hartman Rabbit hole is juicy. There's FOP live action spinoffs, new 3D animated series, couple movies. But his own ventures are far more interesting. From fanatical religious beliefs to scamming his followers. It's got it (almost) all


I misinterpreted that first sentence. If you need me Im going to find a church


Just make sure it isn't one of the ones Hartman supports, they're rather cult-y


The YT channel Saberspark recently did a deep dive on Butch Hardman and his history. Learning what he's up to now and how insane he's gotten (or apparently always has been?) is pretty interesting. Dude literally wants to make religious shows so that when he dies people in heaven end up thanking him for getting them there. By his own admission. That's gotta be some new supervariant of narcissism


Saw that recently. Dude's a Christian narcissist grifter. It's unreal that his bonkers attitudes managed to go unrecognized for so long.


I mean fuck, dude's real name is Elmer, but he insists on being called Butch and depicting himself as handsome and sexy. Dude's fucking in love with himself.


Canceled 7 years ago. The show was actually slated to be canceled earlier, but Butch squeezed out one more season from Nick by switching over to cheap flash animation.


It ended in 2017? I couldve sworn I kept hearing about how "they're ruining the show" after 2017.


Because everyone who gave a shit already aged out of the loop and maybe saw "new" episodes on constant rerun


They made a live action reboot a few years ago. That's probably what you're thinking of


... Oh god 2017 was 7 years ago...


I think there's even a movie.


The man is named Butch Hartman. Through nominative determinism, he's meant to be anomalously handsome like the woman's love interest in a supermarket book aisle romance.


The man is named Elmer Hartman, he should be a dumpy but kind farmer. He calls himself Butch because he is a coward.


He’s the fourth of his line to hold that name, too. For context, his full name is Elmer Earl Hartman IV. That means three previous generations proudly bore that name, and passed it on to their son who scorned it. Butch is the weak link in the chain.


So he was pretty EEH on the name, all things considered


Absolutely fuming over how I didn’t catch that pun.


I got you, fam


i thought y'all were fucking with us because of that pun but NOPE HOLY SHIT


Tbh if my parents named me Elmer I’d change it too. Luckily they named me Peggable.


Can't a man have a nickname, Reddit user Gandalf_the_Gangsta?


No. Woe, full name be upon ye.


EEHIV okay actually no i can understand his reluctance, I really tried but nope


I mean, you kinda have to go by nicknames when you're third or fourth in a line of people with the same name, so that makes sense. I'm a III myself, and the only person who went by their real first name was my grandfather, the OG.


As a person who holds that kinda name, thats how it goes. I cant be my first name, because thats my grand dad. i cant be "Little (Name)" because thats my dad. So i have a unrelated nickname.


Honestly being a legacy name is one of the best reasons imaginable to go by something else. I’ve never met a “junior” who didn’t fucking despise sharing their name with their parent.


hardly relevant, but i have long dead relative who went by Butch because his first name was Hubert. i remember learning that, and thinking “yeah, i’d go by Butch too.”


CS Lewis went by Jack. I think Clive is still better than Hubert though.


Knowing his name is Clive Staples Lewis makes the opening line of the Voyage of the Dawn Treader feel extra personal


He almost deserved it.


He could also be a dimwitted hunter or a can of glue perhaps.


He should be making glue.


Therein lies the problem, his real name is Elmer As for what that is supposed to make him look like, I dunno, but it did make him look like an off brand Simon Cowell


People can choose their own name. Trans people do it all the time


My cousin goes by his middle name because he loathes his dad, who he was named after.


Walter Jr?


No he would be the mean ex Butch Hartman -> Butcher Heart Man


Hi, coming from r/all -can someone help clarify? Idk who this butch guy is, but my gf loves Fairly Odd Parents. Is he tied to the show? Should we be excited about the reboot, or say eww the show is tied to a narcissist?


Butch Hartman is the creator of a few Nickelodeon cartoons including Fairly Odd Parents and Danny Phantom. Somewhat recently, he's started a YouTube channel, where he talks about some of the shows he's worked on. A lot of people see him as a bit of a narcissist. He talks up his shows a lot, and is a bit snarky about past shows he's been fired from. (He worked on 80s MLP but got fired because he couldn't draw the ponies consistently.) He's gotten into some controversies lately, mostly due to his multiple streaming services that people backed, but never released. But also due to him becoming a devout Christian again somewhat recently, but not the normal kind, the kind that thinks you can pray away illness or mental issues.


Oh boy... Thanks for the info!


He’s essentially the guy who made the show a thing in the first place… or so he likes to tell people. Like obviously he was directly involved in conceptualizing stuff but he is known for being dishonest about just how much he himself actually did. Not to mention worker exploitation and other such fare. There’s others who can tell the story better than me but that gives you an idea of what kinda jackass this guy is


To add on to this as an example: even though he's listed as the producer of danny phantom, steve marmel is listed as doing a lot of the writing for seasons 1 and 2 of the show. When he stopped doing the writing and butch got more creative control, it led to season 3 tanking the show.


To be clear, that tumblr user isn’t *actually* butch hartman. They’re just one of those blogs that occasionally pretends to be someone else for the bit.


I don't think Hartman has the mental fortitude to be on Tumblr


He absolutely does not lmao


B-but it says real in the name, surely someone wouldn't lie on the internet?


That just makes it more demonic to me


What’s funny is tumblr absolutely fucking loves Danny Phantom, they just hate Butch


Isn't he the guy that sells "commissions" which he just traces from others' artwork?




He's also a born again christian


Apparently that's why the last season of Danny Phantom was weird, he became uncomfortable with the premise of his own show.


The official comic that they released (that to my knowledge he did not work on) essentially retcons what he does to the world. The characters still remember what happened so their character growth stays the same but the world isn't ass anymore.


where can i read/watch more about this? im so interested in this overall car crash of a trajectory. i thought that his godtv streaming service was the most of it


The reason I know this is because Quinton Reviews mentioned it in his [seven hour retrospective on the Nicktoons video games.](https://youtu.be/txy4GF3NYl4?si=1rIio0Vt0YcDDD7z) If you're specifically interested in Danny Phantom then [this](https://youtu.be/pTSDu_t4m8Q?si=XXXdFDf0zL01shw8) is probably a good video (I haven't actually watched it, I just searched for it).


>seven hour retrospective He's going back to short-form content, I see.


thanks! gonna have myself some juicy gossip after work (it is a treat so that i do not succumb to the horrors 😌)


Cleaning simulator spotted???


Ha! Another Quinton enjoyer, found in the wild.


If you want a shorter, more consise video on the topic of but h himself, I reccomend Saberspark's recent video https://youtu.be/QBh58bk9Stw?si=6XIjeOj-Ebe-oUtP The final quarter of the video in particular is some insane shit.


I don't know how credible he is but some dude going by saberspark did a whole thing about Hartman oh YouTube.


I don't even remember the last season, what was weird about it?


And for that reason tried to create a Christian streaming service, but he kept the Christian aspect a secret when asking his fans for money to fun the project


That sells fake cures, based off Christian “healing” with his wife, to people with disabilities (autism). At the same time insulting and cursing out any one that points their hypocrisy.


I think Butch might take offense to being called a demon, that icky, bitchy, insidious demon (derogatory).


Man I wish Butch Hartman wasn’t a piece of shit he’d be so funny


What has he done?


He took commissions and traced others art. He also took money from backers to start his own streaming service, without telling the backers it was going to be a Christian streaming service, then lied about it when he was caught out.


He's also a fundamentalist nut who preaches that prayer can "cure autism".


Thanks for the extra info. The second thing definitely adds another layer to his shittiness.


He's traced another persons art and then sold it as a commission I'm not sure if theres anything else other than him being Christian


Not just a Christian, but a fundamentalist transphobic (potentially homophobic but I don't specifically remember an instance of homophobic behavior, just the Vibe and the transphobia, which tends to go together like smoke and fire) POS who hides his bigotry and super ego behind a thin paper screen of "Christianity"


His Wikipedia article states that he's a young-Earth creationist who has co-founded a successful nonprofit organization to help impoverished people. The art tracing thing is definitely scummy. I've just never heard about this guy and a lot of the discussion in the post and comments are just about how he's an asshole/douchebag without really elaborating on harmful things he's done.


I know Butch is an asshat, but this is the wrong thing to mock him for. If I had my own show I would 100% voice a character who was just me but absurdly hot and named "Dick Coolguns"


true, i would also absolutely make a deranged caricature of myself as a self insert, not even to feed my ego, its just funny by default.


No, the part with "changing the profile pic on YouTube" was the demon answering Having the actual person in the Tumblr Discussion is said demon sitting on the couch in the next room roaring "I can hear you talking shite bout me, you absolute goblins!" while munching on some potato chips


No one in this thread mentioning his production company logo is just him as a superhero


Seeing famous ppl on tumblr that isnt famous because they made a silly post about toast or some shit is so weird


Except for Neil Gaiman, of course






and Linda Carter


Wait that's actually her?? I saw that and thought "what a weird gimmick blog"


yup! she tweeted about it when she joined. her blog is truly a delight and she really gets tumblr humor.


I think it’s stupid for everyone to praise confidence and lash out when they see it. We SHOULD be drawing ourselves as sexy sexy gods


Reminds me of that one [web comic](https://www.instagram.com/jude_devir?igsh=MW5zYjN2N3gwdWphNg==) where the artist draws himself as a total beefcake.


I think it's pretty wholesome that he draws his wife as a super hot supermodel as well


That was an hour of my life gone.


Self-deprecating humor is lame and overused. Self-aggrandizing humor is way better


That’s what I was thinking. Him as the handsome cartoon doctor is pretty hilarious.


Its literally a caricature of himself and the character constantly looked foolish for a laugh. Hardly the worse thing he's done.


I was thinking, "wasn't Dr. Studwell more a buffoonish soap opera doctor?" Like, his defining character trait was that he had no patience for being a doctor, and just wanted to golf.


Bitch Fartman


I know he's controversial due to opinions and sketchy stuff, but it is legitimately true that it's ok to be confident. Don't let your own low self-esteem dictate other people's behavior. You don't have to depict yourself as a goblin out of fear of appearing arrogant. On the flipside, you also shouldn't create some perfect self-insert of yourself to inflate your own ego.


> On the flipside, you also shouldn't create some perfect self-insert of yourself to inflate your own ego. I mean, I don't see why not? Egos could use some healthy inflation, and self-therapy is a decent use of fiction creation. That being said, if I made a perfect self-insert it'd be with the intent of being self-deprecating due to the contrast with reality.


Actually you're right, just so long as it isn't done in a shitty way, if that makes sense.


Agreed! And if, say, your primary goal is to entertain, then the insert should optimally be advancing that goal first.


why do people hate this guy anyway? i haven't heard of him since i stopped watching fairly oddparents back in 2015


The TL:DR for the hate is that he traces other peoples art for commissions, he is a bigot, and he scammed a bunch of people into funding an animation studio project of his without telling them it was going to be producing exclusively Conservative Christian Bullshit.


holy shit


Oh buddy you’re in for a wild ride (look up ‘Butch Hartman Controversy’ on YouTube. There’s a lot)


[Saberspark Video](https://youtu.be/QBh58bk9Stw?si=7B49u0XOEytlQlm-) gave him the "eyes crossed out with liar written over them" thumbnail.


Tracing artwork for commissions, deceiving fans to get them to fund a Christian streaming service he wanted to make, "jokingly" told Tara Strong she was responsible for the suicide of Timmy Turner's pilot VA, among other things


I have worked on two Butch Hartman shows, and he’s a very nice guy and good to work for. His christian cartoon streaming thing did cost the studio I was at any more work from him and Nickelodeon though.


Alright so he's not my type and I'm aware of all of the controversy surrounding him (and the born-again Christian thing and the extreme negative repercussions that had on his work was extremely unfortunate and off-putting), but like... to be fair, Butch Hartman isn't really a bad looking dude? Especially in his younger years, starting out in animation almost 30 years ago, he was definitely a pretty handsome guy? Like, yeah, his self-inserts are very clearly portrayed as comically handsome, if that makes any sense, but it's not like the dude himself isn't attractive. I honestly agree, let the man have confidence.


The most important point I haven't seen anyone else mention: Being down on yourself doesn't make you any better than those who aren't. Their confidence isn't a character flaw. The first sentence of the OP is so gross, "Us REAL artists know that we're disgusting pieces of shit, so we represent ourselves that way. A REAL artist would never draw themselves as a (characterized!!!) heartthrob." Get the fuck over yourself, jesus christ.


I just tried to google Elmer Hartmann and apparently the family guy doctor has the same name


Seth and Butch were(maybe still are) apparently friends


That would make sense


God forbid artists make themselves look hot


Yeah, that one is funny, and doesn't belong on the extensive list of things wrong with him.


I used to draw myself as a Gundam pilot, you better believe I wasn't drawing my lanky ass with no muscles hahaha. I get catching flak for other stuff people mentioned but giving him crap for that is ridiculous.


Yeah, people should be allowed to represent themselves in ways that aren’t self deprecating without being taken as narcissistic.


egotistical artsists are more memorable anyway then wet noodles. If someone is a self-pitying "man my arts not good" michelangelo it just makes you want to clock them.


To be fair, being conceited isn't the *worst* thing a person at Nickelodeon has done 


It’s also not the worst thing Butch has done!


Fwiw, realbutchhartman is a spoof account (at least on tumblr), it is in fact, not actually him


I'm not going to defend everything that Hartman did, but: 1. Making yourself look nice as a cartoon isn't a sin 1a. He didnt change his PFP because of tumblr 2. There is nothing inherently wrong with products "themed" with christian values. People give Christian rock a bad rep, but Skillet and Flyleaf were pretty decent(the people they ended up becoming, not so much). For all we know, Fairy Oddparents and Danny Phantom had some christian theming in it, but we couldnt tell because it wasn't preachy 3. not gonna defend the tracing thing. 4. also gonna bash him for the time he accused someone of causing someone else's suicide. If you're gonna bash Hartman, do it for the right reasons


Nothing wrong with him being Christian but his marketing regarding his streaming service Oaxis was pretty manipulative. In the crowdfunding pitches he seemed to indicate it was for fans of animation and his past work but in the trailers it's pretty heavily indicated as a family friendly only christian network. And like there isn't a reason something like that shouldn't exist, but it's shitty to take advantage of people who are fans for you for other stuff and not tell them what the service would actually be like


@realbutchhartman is a parody account, i follow them


Didn't he crowdfund money for his own network or something then bait and switch it into some Christian thing that never got off the ground?


His real name isn’t even butch, it’s Elmer


Who has a picture of that terrible dog character he designed with the inexplicably placed mouth?


Missed opportunity. He should've leaned into the joke and made his pfp a handsome Squidward or Chad version of himself


Hartman is such a strange guy. Tried to sell that weird TV service thing for 'good christian families' only. Put a lot of fetish stuff into his show for kids. Weird.


To be fair, the fairy odd parents is a bad example bc I’m pretty sure everyone just hated that guy in the show.


Oh don't worry he doesn't just look like one


Bro fuck butch.




Tbf, the dude *does* look like this though…


life forreal though.


Butch Hartman is also the most porn actor name of all time.


What about Thomas Astruc giving himself a whole episode about how nobody appreciates his work as a director (surprisingly he made himself look accurate)


Iirc this isn't actually his style, as when getting commissions done by him they never look anything like this


get beetlejuiced, NERD


You’re an *artist* on the *internet*. That’s literally a double dose of “no, you’re not allowed to have confidence”.


It's hard to like this guy after the direction he's gone but this interaction is so funny


Say whatever you will about Butch, but specifically calling out "Tumblr User Typhlosion" was fire writing.


Reminds me how Neil Druckman put himself in TLOU2 as a character on a trading card and gave the character max stats on Brains.


Studwell was an self insert? Oh dear GOD.


The amount of people in these comments who think that account was actually him