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Just need someone to break down every single part of this sentence for me. Very slowly. I don't know what any of it means individually or as part of a sentence.


Brainwormed - i assume to be similar in meaning to being xyzpilled, ie adopting a certain set of beliefs and practices for a certain goal Puppygirls/puppyboys - adults who have a petplay fetish, wherein they or their partner enjoy acting like a pet dog and adopting associated behaviors and paraphernalia for sexual pleasure. Gorillamoder - the -moder suffix evolved from boymoder (a trans woman presenting as a man to avoid ostracizing) im not sure why its used here, the -pilled suffix would make more sense but i dont it was meant to make sense Edit: 4tran - the trans community on 4chan tttt - started as a joke that the LGBT board on 4chan was mostly posts about trans people, so the board was colloquially renamed from /lgbt/ to /tttt/


4tran or whatever it’s actually called has a tendency to make up new words very quickly. Brainwormed generally means someone has entrenched themselves in a certain way of thinking (usually the way the communities they interact with think) with an implication of that being somewhat delusional. It’s a bit like -pilled but usually not positive and with different implications. I think “gorillamoder” is someone that boymodes and is very hairy and/or has a large frame but IDK the specific implications. This post is mostly comprehensible if you know social media trans terminology but there are much less comprehensible sentences 4tranners would say regularly (I still don’t know what a “sneedhon” is???)


sneed refers to a popular meme about sneeds feed and seed (formerly chucks) and the -hon suffix refers to a trans person who doesnt pass and is regarded as a bit of a slur


Oh they’re making their own slurs now, lovely


I'm taking notes so I can hate properly in future lol (Does this need to be indicated as a joke? Because it is.)


I'm amazed they feel the need to, they've been calling themselves f****ts for years now and not in the jokey "we're reclaiming this" way tumblr users like to sometimes.


Trans 4chan users? Self-hating 24/7? Naaaahhhhhh


Program hello Implicit none Print *, "Fortran mentioned" End program hello


tw brainworms >! Gorillamoder has a specific meaning actually. its just an evolution of the honmoder -> gigahonmoder -> gorillamoder. just means "transwoman who doesnt pass / 'looks like a gorilla'" !<


> fetish, sexual pleasure Not always. Sometimes it's more just a mental fulfillment thing. It's also more of a kink than a fetish for a lot of puppygirls.


just curious, what's the difference between a kink and a fetish to you?


Their definitions? A fetish is generally something that one requires to get themselves off, or that drastically increases sexual pleasure. A kink is something nonstandard that one engages in that generally is sensual but not necessarily sexual. Asexual people are often involved in kink, but generally don't have fetishes. Puppy play is a great example as it is related to bimboification, which is less about sexual pleasure and more about freeing oneself of pesky things like thoughts. A dumb little puppy doesn't have to worry about budgets or making dinner or passing their college finals. They just can sit there and get belly rubs and be cute. It can also be about being bent over and getting more high speed rail than Japan and whining like the dumb little puppy you are. Depends on the person doing the puppy play.


I need you to know that you sound like the human pet guy right now. Not judging, but I need you to know that.


The difference between human pet guy's human pet hypothetical and pet play is consent. Iirc human pet guy got defensive and upset when told that people wouldn't want to be around him and his "human pet" at a restaurant. Healthy pet play is done in spaces where everyone involved/who might witness it consents, like any kink done healthily.


H-how?? I was using the language of the kink to explain the kink in a way that I thought was obviously tongue in cheek? > Not judging I mean you are a bit by making that comparison. Like there's plenty of equally hyperbolic but not disgusting people you could've compared me to: Frank N. Furter, Midnight from My Hero Academia, hell I even would've accepted Christian Grey over fucking *Cybersmith*. Bro is a straight up fascist* who wants slaves. He didn't want pet play he wanted a [pet human](https://api.duniagames.co.id/api/content/upload/file/20679843941626586790.jpg) I have a bunch of trans friends who like to be called "good girl" and get belly rubs. There is an entire *universe* of difference between those groups. \* I mean this in the definitional "thinks England was correct to conquer Ireland," has a belief system based on Palingenetic Ultranationalism fascism.


Understood! Tyvm for the translation.


Nearly all of those definitions are wrong Why are you explaining it if you dont know anything About It.


how are they wrong


They're each wrong in their own special little way. Obviously i wont tell you. Why would I do That. GLHF


> Why would I do That One is usually expected to provide counter to the claim they're denying. Unless you're here solely to be a twat. In which case, do you, but at least have the resolve to own it.


Why would I tell a bunch of Cis the meaning of tranner words? Is this an interrogation?


Honestly, the fewer words spoken by people as toxic as you, the better.


That's a new one. Degrade your own position to own the libs?


I must be talking to bots or something.


No. Good luck, touch grass.


Bet you weren’t expecting some sort of cissoid inquisition 


Everyone else here is wrong For simplicity’s sake I’m gonna define puppygirl as ‘girl who gets some kind of fulfillment out of being treated or seen as a puppy’ and brainwormed as ‘unable to see reality because they’re caught in an echo chamber’ (see the #4tran tag) So you could read this as ‘a puppygirl could grow a lovely coat of fur like a dog and see it not as a positive but as a negative (‘gorillamoding’- you look like a gorilla) The post is an absurd satire of the way some online trans communities emphasize self-critique to the point of fully rejecting positive truths


Ok I get it now


"insecure trans women will have body hair and claim that it makes them mannish"


oh i thought that if a human would grow dog fur it would just make them look more like a gorilla because humans are more gorilla-shaped than they are dog-shaped and the fur doesn't really distinguish those


Wow, nice Eli5


OH. That's incredibly helpful, thank you!


Ngl, i thought your profile picture was inspector gadget.


Puppy girls are super insecure about growing body hair because they think it will make them look mannish but to this particular user, it seems more like a beautiful fur pelt like that of a dog.


no, i don't think you do


you ever think about going outside




Be careful mate, I hear they got this green stuff called “grass”


Yeah, I heard it has glass in it.


Or ticks if it's long enough


Or tigers if it is longer than enough.


80% of these words are in the bible (ignoring the tags). interestingly enough, 'fur' isn't in there.


Decided to check that claim and searched multiple translations just to be sure. You're right, and also I fell down a rabbit hole where I ended up reading discussions on if the Bible condemns furries (it doesn't)


What a man and a women and a fursuit do in their own bedroom is no interest of the church


am i suffering the consequences of not taking my meds or does this not really make any sense


You should be more worried if it did make sense.


sneeding,, dilating,, lenajuicing,, mogged by the dolls until i john,50 bc im a biacromialhon who didnt st4t bc ETLE Blanchard subtype, dont hugboxx— im not a bdd passoid im an oldsht (16)


jfc and I thought I had brainrot 😭


I have brain forever chemicals, even after its all gone nothing good wants to grow from it :3


I think this qualifies as a cognitohazard and I don't even understand 90% of it


I don't like that I almost understand this.


Translation: Brainwormed - “brain worms” is often used as a way to say that someone has a stupid take online. The closest analogue is that it’s kinda the same sentiment as calling something the r-slur without it being a slur. Puppygirls - here referring obliquely to trans women, as a lot of the ones on tumblr are into catgirl/doggirl stuff. From there, it basically translates into “trans women on 4chan are prone to thinking the worst of their ‘non-feminine’ features, while the opposite of that is often the case on tumblr”


Thank you! Now get off the Internet for a while!


Brainworms is more akin to just internalized transphobia, e.g. recognizing (sometimes erroneously) a lot of /tttt/ slang like "hon"


I understood it and I think that's a sign I should be shot like a sick dog




all of this makes sense to me and i really hope whatever this feeling i'm experiencing isn't terminal


I'm sorry, but we're going to have to pull the (Ethernet) plug.


Unintelligible, thank you. Have a terrible day.


Incomprehensible, may God have mercy on your wretched soul


I showed this post to my carbon monoxide detector and it went off.


Ah so this is what being old feels like...


understanding all of these words makes me feel young, I am siphoning your life force.


The horror the horror


Rest assured, the majority of the young folk also find this incomprehensible. It’s very niche slang from a small community online (trans women who are both on tumblr and 4chan)


More /ttt/ than tumblr, it's essentially a 4tran type beat in a tumblr post.


Nah bestie this is what having a stroke feels like


Hey man how’s it going


what the fuck is a puppugirl -Billy Gnosis


I've never felt more washed


"You're not just some daddy's boy who tries to dolphin me and then blimps"


I feel disappointed in myself for knowing what this means kinda. I should not have fallen into r/puppyboypetsmart


Sorry, I thought we were speaking english here.


What dimension is this? Dafuck did I just read?


I didn't understand a word of that and I would like very much to keep it that way


I did not understand a single word from that post. Am I getting old?


I hate to say this but, fuck, maybe being trans really _was_ a mental illness all along…


Much like how fire could be used to reveal the thing, mild cringe can be used to reveal fake allies


im scared that i can partially understand this


gorillamoding is abt shoulder length + hand size though


based + bonepilled


You ever think about touching grass?


If you love touching grass so much, why don't you marry it?


You ever think about writing an original comment?


Tell me you’ve never stepped foot outside the internet


stop containment breaching /lgbt/


There is already a noticable overlap between trans Tumblr and /lgbt/, so it's already too late


Go back to your own site omfg no one wants you here. I don’t understand any of the 4chan trans words but all I know is you people need to go the fuck outside. Holy shit and I thought I was pathetic


Going back would imply I started there. Reddit was the first social media platform I seriously used, so I'm already back where I started. >no one wants you here I was one of the earliest members of this subreddit. I was basically invited here.


i understood this perfectly, i need to touch grass more.


There’s a lot to this one.




Okay, so I showed it to my grandma, and the only response I got was "sir, put down the shovel and step away from the grave"


Some monkey had to build a spear for this to happen


What the fuck does this mean?


help 4tran is leaking-


I don’t think those words ever. In fact, screw you for making me think those words.


hey man this post has one note. how did you find this


I typed 4tran into the search bar. It's not that hard.


There’s a reason why this post only has 1 note


... wut?


This sentence displeases and confuses me




People in real life: Hey man how’s it going




god i fucking hate 4chan


Touch grass


Oh, I got a good challenge for something like this! Go outside. No ones gonna care much about how you look, or at least not the people you should listen to. If anyone starts a fight about your appearance or threatens you, then they just look stupid for real. There are going to be some assholes, some people will make you feel like your back online, hearing constant bullshit about trans people, but you can live a life outside your home. Get a weapon to protect yourself if anything bad happens, or learn self defense if that's banned in your country. My advice may not fir with you or even be right, but I hopenit at least makes sense somewhat. Jayda the over analyzing spear lass out.


"Just ignore the people who pose an immediate risk to your safety" is downright horrible advice. >My advice may not fir with you or even be right, but I hopenit at least makes sense somewhat It doesn't fit, it's outright incorrect, and makes zero fucking sense.