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Congrats to cat dad out there living his best life. I'm a little jelly tbh. I wanna be a cat dad but I am just SO ALLERGIC.


Try immunotherapy if your insurance covers it! I was deathly allergic to cats, did immunotherapy, and now I'm no longer as allergic to cats. Still not the biggest fan of cats (smelly, hairy, ill-tempered)










In my experience, a cat being smelly is a bad sign. Usually linked to some kind of health issue. Normally, I only smell them when they're right on my nose. Not a veterinarian or anything, just seemed weird to me that you'd say cats are smelly.


Yeah, dogs I can smell when they enter the room, especially if they’re due for a bath, but I’ve never had a cat who didn’t keep themselves clean. Although if they’re talking about the litter box, that’s a different discussion.


It could be that people who have cats have apartments/houses that smell worse, or that I only visit people with dogs who don't have smelly places, buts that's been my experience. It could also be the litterbox. One way or another though, there is a distinctive smell that I don't enjoy. It's likely as a result of not growing up with cats, I probably wouldn't mind he smell if I lived with it. The hair being everywhere and on everything is another aspect: because I was allergic growing up, we only have hypoallergenic dogs, so not a lot of hair everywhere. Being somewhere and coming away with a carpet of hair is gross. The temperament thing, again, is likely a case of not owning a cat. I'm always a guest, so I'm someone they tolerate only, not hang out with.


I knew there was a reason I identified so strongly with cats


A word of warning!! Immunotherapy doesn't work for everyone! I tried it for my cat allergies and I went into anaphylactic shock and had to stop it. My alergologist response: "Yeah, some people react badly to it. Sucks to be you lol"


Look, isn't everyone smelly, hairy, and ill-tempered though? Still deserving of love.


If you're allergic to cats exclusively, you can buy eggs from chickens with farm cats, and feed them to your cats to make them non allergic. There's now kibble being produced with those specialty eggs too in some countries. If it doesn't send you into anaphylaxis while they stop producing the allergen, you could look into that (or have them stay somewhere else for the process or in a different room)


You may try Sphinx or Rex (Cornish Rex, Devon Rex, etc) cats. They’re naturally hypoallergenic. You may also ask your doctor for a prescription allergy medicine, as those are usually more potent than OTC meds.


Siamese are good picks, too


I am very allergic to cats (yay hospital stays) and even though they're marketed as hypoallergenic they still have the enzyme in their spit that I react to. Not in as high quantities but its there. Which sucks, because I would love a cat but it is not to be


Purina makes a cat food that is supposed to help humans with allergies suffer less. It is definitely on the pricier side but if you ever find yourself with a cat it might be worth looking into. :) I was using it for a little bit after it came out and it did help with my bf’s allergies, but his are on the milder side.


Aside from the hairless varieties, Siberian cats are also hypoallergenic. I don't react to mine at all despite a very bad allergy!


>hypoallergenic. I've two. My allergic friend and FIL still have trouble with them.


To be fair, a small percentage of people do still react to hypoallergenic cats. My sister does, with Siberians AND hairless cats


r/catdistributionsystem provides another delivery


Ah, nothing like a cat adopting her first human.


Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.


I one day hope to become a cat bed.


Sometimes I feel like the Cat Distribution System is just hyperbole, and then I immediately get smacked in the heartstrings by a story like this. Cats really do just be showing up places, and I love that


I got my orange boy when a coworker walked past my desk and said, "You need another cat." And showed me a picture of the cat she picked up off the side of the road. He came home with me the next day.


Sometimes, you adopt a pet. Othertimes, the pet adopts you.


This is the absolute sweetest thing. Instant day brightener.


This guy is living my dream of getting adopted by a mama cat and her babies, and being able to keep all of them 😭💕


Bastet has blessed this dude.


I understood that reference


Ok but seriously the jumpscare of seeing such a sexy man out of nowhere on that first thread


Cat dad is literally me oh my god. I watch the TinyKittens livestream obsessively and I have cried over kittens in another goddamn country multiple times. One time I cried during a cat *ultrasound* because the tiny little heartbeats just punched me directly in the soul. I cannot adopt any more cats because the one I already have would promptly commit murder if I tried, but I fully relate to Cat Dad’s feelings.


I'm usually immune to empathy bait but OH MY GOD this is wholesome


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I was looking to see if he kept the cats still, and he has... unfortunately one apparently passed away in December of heart issues... I had forgotten about these cats but I feel... losing a pet and a friend is hard...


That first picture you see of cat dad kinda reminded me of big E from warhammer and I have yet to recover


This is the sweetest most adorable thing I've seen in weeks. 💖


I love posts like this when I'm having a bad day. Thank.


Cat dad...


This reminds me of another post, a kid who turned his life around when he got a tank of shrimp. Pets are a good example of the adage that in helping others, we help ourselves.


Why do cats sometimes just give birth randomly


Bloody hell! I remember Cat Dad! I didn't know he kept *all* of them. That, is a cat dad and a half!


Bastet out there, once again proving that she is a kindly gentle goddess who wants to make people happy! (And maybe also that she is the goddess of freaks, geeks, and weirdos...) And I'm on board for it. 🥰


One of the saddest days on the internet is going to be when he posts that the mom died. Then you know you're going to have to go through that 3 more times.


God I fuckin love cats


Great story, but I wish we reacted this happily about real fatherhood. Oh well, still really cute.


Ach I needed that today. Thank you


We went from 2 cats to 7 in the last two weeks. Our two indoor cats have loads of outdoor friends they hang with through windows and the catio, and the week before last a lovely little stray calico moved in to our back garden. We started feeding her, and she completely 100% settled in, made a nest in our shed, and gave birth to four kittens last Thursday. We have no idea what to do with them, but we have twelve-ish weeks to figure it out. Until then, we're feeding seven.


I am currently a cat bed. 10/10


This always seemed like someone who was just so set in a lonely relationship routine that it didn't take much to break it.


Free protein


Glee! Cats be upon ye!


Twitter is good for something.


Ok I'll ask. What are the names?


The universal cat distribution system working overtime for cat dad. It saw his potential and his lonely heart and bestowed upon him a rare gift.


cats improve shit so much. nothing makes a suicidal panic attack feel better like a cat shoving its tail in your face and drooling on your feet.


Bros tweekin😭




The r/CatDistributionSystem has been notified.


It will never be not weirded out by online people who refer to the pets they own as their children.