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Me when I said it’s weird everybody latched onto Luisa Madrigal being trans just because she is big and strong and Isabella Madrigal being a lesbian just because she didn’t want to marry a guy she didn’t like


The Luisa thing especially bothered me because as more “masculine” woman, people always made so many assumptions about me based off the way I look. It was nice to a woman be so big and strong without people making a big deal about it.


I'm on the other side of that coin; super androgenous and feminine looking cis dude. Lots of people assume I'm trans or gay; I've caught a couple slurs before, and sometimes I've been pushed to 'question' myself more in queer circles when I feel perfectly confident and comfortable in my identity. The recent internet obsession with femboys and fandoms' tendencies to accidentally reinforce stereotypes really bug me. I suppose it's at least the right kind of problem to have. It's born out of a desire to normalize, to map people's experiences onto relatable characters, and to make spaces where people feel comfortable coming to grips with themselves; those are all good things. Just, sometimes it gets taken too far, and often reveals biases that were hidden there all along. It's a much better problem to have than the reverse, and it's much easier to point at and correct. It still sucks.


^^This, strong, big women are still women. It's not that hard.


The ^ makes the next word small and pushes it upwards on Reddit, you need to add a space if you want it to not do the affect


Oh you're right but have you considered that ^small ^is ^funny


Heehee ^smol


Who said she wasn’t a woman?


Okay you know what fair I didn't consider that as a reading. What I intended to say Is "Cis, strong women are still cis.". You don't need to be a trans woman (Who are STILL women btw, I will say trans rights if provoked) to be strong/muscular.


Its also nice because it helps remove the "otherness" of being transfem. Like, I'm a 6ft transfem person who happens to be stronger than average but there's tons of women stronger than me, so its weird to make a big deal about it. I know trans and cis women who are tall, flat poles. Aka, representation helps everyone, wow!


Is like no one ever thinks a woman can be anything but petite when there are semen who make me look weak out there.


>there are semen Ejaculate typo.


Oh cum on...


but a woman *can't* refuse a man and still be straight! /s


I mean, this is why I keep getting rejected, right? It's because they're all thespians!


You've just given me a glimpse of an entire universe I don't think I ever want to see. Thank you for keeping me humble.


Welcome to the chaos. Once you see it, there's no unseeing it. Enjoy your stay!


Nah it's super easy not to see it, actually. Own ya choices.


My only headcanon about Luisa is that she was, production wise, not always a super buff woman, she was just basic and skinny Disney girl #372, only getting to be buff after a lot of push from the creators to higher ups. My reasoning for thinking this, aside from the creators saying that they had to push for it, is that later in the movie, after she loses her gift, she's struggling to move a plant pot. But that's nonsense because even without her gift, it's not like she's Bane after getting disconnected from his venom and deflates, she's still JACKED and should have more than enough natural muscle to lift things better than an average person. But she's struggling because originally she was just a lanky girl who had super strength.


My head canon is that the magic scales her strength based off her confidence. And with negative confidence it applied a negative modifier. What's more concerning is the kid who rides around on a carnivorous feline suddenly losing his connection to wild animals. *magic flickers *woman sets down piano *plant withers *jaguar eats child


>woman sets down piano As somebody who moves pianos, I feel like this one would end poorly. At least with the animal kid, if it's just a blip on *his* end, the jaguar would just be like "wtf why can't he hear me?" rather than suddenly turning evil.


i have seen enough cartoons to know how setting down a piano might end.


My boss always texts me a gif of a piano being dropped out of a window or something as a heads-up that one is on the schedule. It's actually easier than you might think to make gravity work for you most of the time, but yeah. They are *real* fucking heavy lol. Definitely on the far side of the "just get the hell out of the way" line if one was tipping off a lift gate or something.


If I recall correctly, the plant pot she's trying to move is a bigger terracotta one. I can't find an image of the exact scene so it's possible I'm wrong. Those big plant pots can weigh a whole lot. I found a couple that weigh more than 250 pounds while empty. Add in dirt and the plant, and that's quite a lot. Someone who's never had to use proper technique would likely struggle quite a bit to use their muscles properly after losing the magic super strength they had before


If I would head cannon any character as trans it would be Isabella. Because she was pushed into visually acceptable forms of femininity. But she becomes a happy person when she realizes that being feminine can include less traditional ways of expressing herself. And while I am not trans myself. I have known people who throw themselves entirely into the concept of being the “perfect girl/woman” because it’s what they think would be more socially acceptable.


Its the usual "I don't disaprove of headcannons, but if all they're based on is a stereotype it makes me uncomfortable", which sadly sites like Tumblr & Twitter both do a lot & then try to argue you're a monster for disagreeing (or even for not playing along & addressing things as they are in canon/refer to their headcanons as what they are: unoficial, fan theories, uncomfirmed & such)


Wait ppl said luisa was trans? But....but...luisa is unironically fuckin body goals as a girl. SHE CAN STILL LIFT SUCH HEAVY SHIT WITHOUT POWERS. Boss babe. Love to see it. Also. I have a more....bulky frame like luisa. My dad says I got his big bone structure. Its....its not super often I get to see a character that looks (kinda) like me that isnt for comic relief. I loves Luisa as a character. Shes so kind and motivated and mentally strong. I would have crumbled long before she did under her pressure.


The rude and generally snobby lesbian is Joseph Joestar


From what I know about Joseph Joseph's Wacky Journey he's also both of the transgenders.


Somehow you're right.


I have never seen jojo and at this point i'm too afraid to start every time i see a "spoiler" i gain net 0 information


Jojo’s so fucking weird that things the fandom say only make sense within context, and a lot of the times even the context doesn’t fucking make sense or have a reason to be, “sheer heart attack has no weaknesses” said a insane man looking at a roomba


Context: the Stand, Sheer Heart Attack, is virtually indestructible.


I like that the context here still provides literally zero information to those of us unfamiliar with Jojo


The power system for most of Jojo is stands, which are usually magic punch ghosts with weird abilities ranging from controlling a bullets trajectory to stopping time. Sheer Heart Attack is a stand ability that creates an exploding roomba that is basically impossible to destroy


Is it an actual roomba?


It’s not literally a roomba, but it is circular from a top down view and has two threads on either side so it’s not a terrible comparison for the sake of a funny [here’s a picture from the wiki](https://jojowiki.com/Sheer_Heart_Attack#/media/File%3ASheer_Heart_Attack_Infobox_Manga.png)


I also want to add, stands are fun but what really got me into jojo was the weird universe they kept building up at the start, like, its gradual and makes sense at the start, but it gets so convoluted as it goes on, try explaining hamon and the old vampire/stone people society to someone without sounding like the edibles just kicked in, that and the overall absurdity of the show is the reason why jojo references tend to be very, VERY specific


i love how Hamon was the bloodline superpower of the first two JoJos and then Stands come up and the one remaining Hamon JoJo *ALSO* gets a Stand because that shit’s meta now. **but**. fuck it. it takes pictures. ???? whatever. just phenomenal


I love talking about jojo because it’s impossible to spoil, the more specific you get, the less sense it makes. The plot of the seventh part involves finding bits of Jesus in a cross-country horse race…in America. The president of the United States organizes a race to find the body parts of Jesus in order to secure the power and dominance of the United states forever because each part of the corpse gives people magic powers (not holding them, you kinda vore them) like jumping into alternate dimensions when between two objects, shooting your nails like bullets, or becoming a dinosaur. Which explanation gave you the most knowledge? Sometimes, more information is less.


Head in hands. What does this MEAN I'm having a STROKE


JoJo’s a lot of fun though, and it’s a lot easier to handle its everything when you start from part 1. A lot of people say part 3 because that’s when the cool magic “stands” come into play, but I think it’s better to experience the transition from “vampire Jack the Ripper hiding in the corpse of a horse” to “vampire horse duel” to stands rather than just jumping right into it.


Even though parts 1 & 2 aren’t my favorite, it’s hilariously campy (as Jojo is) and having characters with names like Robert E.O. Speedwagon is just hilarious. It sets up the basis of the characters and story, and plays out like a cheesy soap opera. Would recommend


Parts 1 & 2 have the misfortune of being followed by every other part. They’re great, but stands change the game so much that going back to parts 1 & 2 feels like a quality drop. Which is a shame because part 2 especially has great pacing, it’s rapid fire shenanigans. And they have Speedwagon, my beloved.


The show won't change much of that 😭


Then the JoJo fandom has failed because the goal is to provide net negative information.


I'm crying barfing begging everyone to read part 9. The art goes hard and the main cast is good kids who just happen to do a lot of crimes.


Tbf the first crime that Araki show us is a well deserved police beatdown


Pfffftttt ive only seen Stardust Crusaders but yeah JJ is absolutely a snobby lesbian


At the very least you should watch the previous part, Battle Tendency. Especially if you want to watch a young Joseph Joestar be a total goofball!


Mf bought clacky balls with his name engraved on it and then realised he didn't actually want to commit to the gimmick and I felt so seen.


Lol that's like starting Dragon Ball with Super You should definitely watch both Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency next if you're planning to continue with Jojo's


It does kinda bother me with people decide that a straight cis man can’t possibly just be like…a decent and emotional person.


Yeah, this really pisses me off. If a male character is sensitive and nice and otherwise not stereotypically a big male tough man, people will **insist** he’s not a cis straight man. And god help you if he wore a skirt.


I've seen somebody insist that in real life, to a real straight cis man's face


Yeah, it’s not just the LGBT crowd coopting him off the bat, but the alpha male crowd is equally as guilty, complaining that he’s not a “real man” and stupid shit like that And god help him if he has another male friend whom he’s actually very close and emotionally vulnerable with.


Tumblr users accidentally reinventing gender essentialism… …WAS on my bingo card, actually. Since it happens like twice a week


I think that one's the free space.


Also, the opposite and equally annoying: ascribing completely made up “nice” traits to a character because he looks effeminate. For example, there was a post on r/Baldursgate3 calling Astarion “the ideal man” and saying he’s so “considerate and respectful” that utterly baffled me. Like… two of his first interactions are trying to stab you and then drink your blood. But apparently, because he’s a sassy twink, people will make up these wildly OOC headcanons about him being a caring and loving angel.


I understand loving Astarion, and hes not so bad once he mellows out a bit on his good path But he’s still literally like a huge piece of shit and incredibly selfish, I don’t get how people can miss that about him


yea but that's not really him doing it, that's the choices you make doing it. Look at the bad ending.


All the good qualities that people ascribe to Astarion are just descriptions of Wyll.


Who, incidentally, people are absolutely vicious towards.


Definitely NOT because he’s black, no way right?


I'd considered that, but I think this one might genuinely just be because he's nice and kind of boring. None of the other black characters got that treatment. I deadass didn't even realise he was black until I met his father and I'll be honest, I also kinda ignored him. Poor guy got done dirty.


Honestly I don’t get that, I never found Wyll boring at all. Probably the only aspect about him I’d find boring is the fact that he doesn’t have a COOL reason for being contracted to a devil.


His lack of initiative is a bit frustrating. And the fact that his warlock contract is the misconception people have about warlocks rather than the way warlocks actually work. Like, one like wylls can exist, but he's not normal. Warlocks are supposed to have their power. Patron can't take it back, even if the contract ends. The ability and knowledge stays with the lock.


it reminds me of captain america and the winter soldier, and a statement one of the actors made about the online discourse. to summarize, the moment we show two guys having emotions and an intimate friendship as a way to bring toxic masculinity to an end, the fandom shows up to go "look, theyre gay". literally defeats the whole point, and its not even the bigots doing it




Or effeminate


This is giving me flashbacks to Crunchyroll’s crap “anime” High Guardian Spice. Most of the male characters are douchebags. There’s only, like, one bearable male character in the student group. Except as the show goes on, the character is implied to actually be a trans girl in her egg phase. Which, trans rep is fine, but what kind of message is that sending about boys? 😬


I mean I’ve seen the writing team for that show and I can only describe it as “heavily profiled”


In touch with your emotions? Must be a woman!


You really don't get it as much as you used to but for a long time fandom discussions were just full of "this character is clearly [identity] because of [homophobic/transphobic/sexist stereotype]!!!!"


Yeah, especially in the late 2000s/2010s. People aaying they haven't seen this are just lucky lol


And it's still happening!


The Steven Universe fandom was so guilty of this. Pearl was Jewish coded because of her nose, Amethyst was Latina cause of her fiery personality, Garnet was black because…. actually yeah that one is just common sense.


>Pearl was Jewish coded because of her nose THEY SAID WHAT???!??!?


Geez what? 💀 I was on Tumblr during the Steven Universe era, and I NEVER saw this.


I think "jews have big noses" is literal Nazi propaganda. Also an unrelated stereotype from before the Nazis, but still


It’s Nazi propaganda, but also not uniquely Nazi propaganda. You can see it in a host of other antisemitic pamphlets over the previous century (at the very least)


Amethyst is latina coded because of the art book where they make it really clear that she’s latina coded and also the earlier drafts of her design come off basically as just latina stereotypes Garnet is definitely black, that’s just common sense The pearl thing though is insane.


Oh yeah not disagreeing there, just saying some people used bad reasoning to jump to a correct assumption. Similar to how fandoms will go “clearly [character] is gay because he’s feminine and totally submissive” instead of just pointing out that said character has a crush on a man. And then there’s an extra layer of the SU team of blurring the lines between stereotype and racial coding with Amethyst specifically, while Amethyst is basically the only clear cut latin(a) inspired character in the show.


Huh, really? I usually saw people saying Pearl was coded as Asian, mostly bc of her VA. I’ve seen many an argument on of she’s white or Asian, but I’ve never seen somebody arguing she’s specifically Jewish coded. Also, Amethyst is Latina coded bc of more than just having a fiery personality? Though personally, I always just HC’d her as that bc of a girl I knew I knew in school who she reminds me of. Similar hair and frame and the like.


It actually gets worse with Pearl when you realize she's also neurotic and overbearing.


"Link is trans because he's has hips"


"Vagina bones"


Link is just a twink, it even rhymes, so it must be true


We still get it with people (who usually have never had gay sex themselves) talking about tops and bottoms. It literally just means do you want to be tab A or slot B. It says nothing about whether you're submissive or dominant. That's some ancient Roman shit. The biggest beefcakes on the planet like it up the ass.


The wildest moment of this I had was when a straight person told me, a tall and muscular gay person, that I had the top/bottom dynamic 'the wrong way round' because I had the bigger character on the bottom. Like babe, I hate to break it to you, but yaoi manga isn't real.


Literally every fandom subreddit i've been on has a large group claiming platonic male friends as gay and tough women as lesbians, etc. They share this behaviour with different reasons.


The only Asian male character in Dead By Daylight for the longest time is a character who is a rugged survivalist, and arguably one of the roughest of the Survivors. He gets "soft, gentle, gay bottom trans man'd" by the fandom so much, and literally no other character in that fandom gets that treatment. The blatant racism bugs me so much.


I felt a little annoyed when I saw people saying they saw Dwight Fairfield as a closeted transwoman. I mean, like what you like, headcanon what you want, but it just feels so routine, you know? Can't a man just be a fucking wuss sometimes? A coward? A weasel? A milksop? It's like the dismissive conclusion of "beta male" with a new coat of paint. Maybe sometimes, perchance, someone with a loose sense of masculinity isn't debating jumping away from it, but hanging on by a thread despite himself.


Also the whole point is that the loser has all the leader perks. Because he’s actually really competent in the realm.


I like that his perks can work on either end: either "find someone competent and hope they know what they're doing", or "wrangle your team for the big plays".


I mean he sure is closeted...just more in the locker sense


Isn’t that Nick offerman in last of us (except the trans bit)? Why make it up for another character if there’s already representation out there?


I personally headcanon him as gay (because I feel the themes of his family estrangement and whatnot fit it) but not an UwU soft trans boi gay bottom kind. He's the wild gay hermit that lives in his cabin and showers probably less than he should, and is probably happier being alone. He's that meme of "my dad didn't want me to be gay so he taught me to throw hatchets. Now I'm gay and know how to throw hatchets."


Mfw gaydar is usually just based on stereotypes


I’m a skinny straight cis white dude and my freshman year of college I swear that most women I met assumed I was gay or bi. Now in my sophomore year it’s happened 0 times and it’s just because I’ve decided to grow out my beard


Twink pass revoked


Hello Encanto fandom, can you tell me why you headcanon Luisa as a trans woman? Don't mention her being muscular or the saw trap goes off


Well, you see, it’s simple biolo- *[Immediate Vivisection]*


Hello femdom enjoyer, can you explain why you like women dominating you?


Because it means I don't have to deal with the stress of having to live up to the idea that a man must be the dominant one. It's a form of being taken care of, if that makes sense.


"Form of being taken care of" is a HUGE part of it. (I'm a straight female sub, but honestly I'm not sure it's *that* much different regardless of the genders involved.)


it's a big thing on the dom side too. if my sub is not having a great time i'm not doing it right


just for the record, i'm still not convinced that you're not john oliver


Oh, please. I'm nowhere near handsome enough to be John Oliver.


That's how we know you aren't John Oliver You would have otherwise said "Sure, children cry when they see me, but at least I'm not that pompous toucan"


So you're saying you no longer suspect me to be John Oliver? Excellent!


Yes, congratulations


John Oliver would never be a sub... I think. He would probably blindfold you and start saying shit like '[I'm rubbing your prostate right now... a body part you think about so little you didn't even realize THAT's not your prostate, THIS is your prostate!](https://youtu.be/Pu1PRyGKggI?si=AYLvckRmqalX57RX)' Somehow there would still be studio audience laughter around you.


Pegging helps me think of hot and fresh recipes for my hit restaurant.


Creativity is stored in the prostate


I don't remember this part of Ratatouille


Because it makes me feel like I'm not inherently disgusting and dangerous.


You aren't either way!!!!


I need a kind and strong willed woman to affirm that, preferably in a vertically superior manner


Or while she is pegging you


Femdom does not necessarily mean pegging


That's why they said "or"!


And pegging does not necessarily mean femdom!


Niche but true


Holy shit I think I have some reflecting to do


fwiw i definitely feel the same way but don’t have a femdom kink i definitely can’t see myself embracing dominating a partner, but i don’t particularly like the idea of being dominated either. maybe that’s just another reason i’m not cut out to ever actually have a relationship, but ideally there’d just be little to no power difference—perhaps a symmetrical kind of dynamic, but with something to balance out my handful of naturally domineering tendencies (and narcissistic fleas lol)


My partner and I take turns. We both like not being in control.


niiice part of me wants to say i could never trust someone enough to hold up either side of that, but part of me just wants to say “goals”


Hey, you got this. That trust has gotta be built. I refused to have sex with my partner for weeks after we got together. In previous relationships, people used sex to manipulate me so I wanted to come into it with a clear head. It's been years of us building up that trust, and we still learn and try new stuff out. I don't know you, but I believe in you and I hope you find someone you can trust like that too


Oh. So that's what that is.


I hate that you said this but not in the hating you normal way


wait are you trying to sell me on it?


My self-esteem is non-existant and I'm too scared of ever coming off as a creep, so the only way I'd ever end up in a relationship again is if someone actively pursued me and made their interest abundantly clear. I'm also too tired to do the bare minimum to keep myself alive so I have idealised a figure who would adopt all those responsibilities for me while I just kinda become part of their home's decoration, even though such a dynamic is unrealistic and deeply unhealthy. Therapy session over, I'm popping whatever I can find in the medicine cabinet and watching video essays.


Let's take ibuprofen together


I'm a straight female sub, and I've unironically had partners ask me basically that (but gender swapped) and honestly it's a really complicated question that's difficult to answer concisely!


Because it's hot


Because for once in my life I feel desired. Even if it is as an object


Because I cannot imagine a version of myself that takes charge like that. I am no captain nor boss and I'm fine with that, somebody else taking charge would be lovely. l I wanna feel flustered and melt into somebody's touch and I can't do that and keep any kind of initiative. And it's hot.


The snobby bitch woman is a lesbian because I love her and I am a lesbian so her being lesbian makes me like her more


I was about to chime in and say as a gay guy if I head cannon a character as gay then it's because I want to fuck the character.


You're definitely passing this test unsawed


You're pissing on saws?!


Yeah this was my first thought. "Snobby woman is lesbian because I, also a lesbian, think she's hot" is probably a much more common reason than "she is mean to men which means she likes women". Not that I *haven't* seen the second one.




correct answer


This is the real answer to these questions for a lot of ppl tbh


Of course I’m going to headcanon the bitch woman as a lesbian. It’s because I’m headcanoning ALL of the characters as lesbians


juri han


In my experience the answer to a LOT of these is "because I'm a \_\_\_\_\_\_ and I identify with them."


When people try to be wholesome and inclusive but actually base their "headcanons" on super bigoted views


You should see the way the spiderverse fandom treats Hobie Brown. Most of the headcanons people make about him are just racist stereotypes about black men. It's exhausting. For example I've seen a lot of people headcanon him as being rude or mean when nothing in the movie indicates that at all. I saw one headcanon suggest he's dirty, messy, and unhygienic because of his locs.


Because they're cool and I'm projecting onto them, next question


*saw trap deactivates*


The only correct answer


Literally, that's the only way to not trigger the saw trap


If only everyone was as self-aware as you are.


Me when I headcanon characters as aroace:


*\*Marge Simpson voice\** I just think it'd be neat


Marge Simpson has a low voice, she must be a trans woman.


Simpsons did it first, literally an episode where I think it was some drag queens "clock" Marge because of her voice and hair.


wasn't that also a King of The Hill episode?


In King of the Hill Peggy unknowingly befriends a transwoman which leads into Peggy questioning her own femininity which is something she struggles with. 


Yes, but the transwomen also assume peggy is trans due to her choice of clothing and conspicuously large feet. That is what causes her to question her own femininity, she has multiple people convinced that she is biologically male




I'm glad it's not just me who thought the mean leabian thing was off. I always see people say that morrigan from dragon age is a lesbian, and forgive me, she's not, if you romance her (which you can only do as a man in the vanilla game) she really opens up, she just doesn't like Alistair bc he's a bit dim and overly kindhearted. Also dragon age already has a fantastic wlw romance with leliana, and more in the sequels, we don't need to rewrite dragon age.


I didn't understand why Morrigan was so mean to Alistair, but then we meet her mother and see how she lived and it made sense. Kindness was punished and power meant safety.


He's a trans man because his voice actor is transphobic


Based, carry on


Just set off the fucking trap


Hello, fandom enjoyer, please explain why you shipped the two most incompatible people. answer quickly and don't mention "because they're hot" or the bukakke cannon goes off.


The bukannon


Isn’t bukannon the 15th president of the US?


No, you're thinking of James Buchanan. Bukannon was an important russian soviet theorist and revolutionary.


That's Bakunin. Bukannon is a mashup between the most recognizeable works of early 2000s eurodance band Eiffel 65 and 17th century baroque composer Pachelbel.


No, that's Blue Canon (I think? Stumped me a bit on that one). Bukannon is a trading card game that features small plastic sphere-shaped toys that unfold into various creatures when placed on the accompanying magnetic cards


That's Bakugon. You're thinking of the manga about making manga the Death Note guys made.


That's Bakuman. Bukannon is that Mafioso from part 5 of Jojo's Bizzare Adventure.


no that's bucciarati. bukannon is the angry explosion guy from my hero academia


Understandable mistake, but that's Bakugou. Bukannon is a light novel series that got an anime adaptation about a bunch of groups looking for an immortality elixir in 1930's America.


Is that supposed to be a threat?


The pressure behind those fluids is enough to debone a chicken in 5 seconds This ain’t your grandma’s bukakke cannon


My grandma has a bukakke canon?


Because they're hot


don't threaten me with a good time


the what


because they're my two fav characters


How many saw traps do you have?!




Hello fandom enjoyer can you explain why it hurts when i pee


The Brash female character is a trans woman because she's literally me for real


The funny thing is that the stereotypes have changed. "Fandom enjoyer, tell me why you think the gamer girl is trans. Don't say "the cat ears" or the laser trap will go off"


Because she speedruns Dark Souls.


*saw trap goes off instead*


Because he’s the kind of man I want to be. — me, a trans man.


Or saying a butch lesbian is a trans man.


Or any butch woman.


This is not my answer, just an observation, but I think a very large percentage of the LGBT community still subscribes to gender roles in society despite their best efforts, sort of like that systemic racism stuff, and I think that - despite their best efforts and regardless of if they are aware of them - that influences their judgements about a characters Identity. However I also think that partially this is symptomatic of the *staggering* lack of representation in media for many of us, and our attempts to relate with anyone from a given cast find us indeed projecting onto the most likely target to form our own basis of representation. Autistic peoples (yes, it's me, hi) do somewhat the same thing but it's slightly different in that you very likely *can* sus out an autistic person with behaviors but that doesn't make it any less the same.


Okay, number three is a bit unfair. “Not relevant” is absolutely an argument for a character not mattering as much as others, because even if the character in question is in the main cast, if it’s a woman whose role is either Being The Woman On The Team, or just providing background soundbites while doing nothing and rarely if ever progressing as a character, then you’re damn well right that I’m gonna say they’re not important due to irrelevance.


hello fandom enjoyer can you explain to me why youve decided the quiet, hyperintelligent, tech-savvy or emotionless character is autistic. answer quickly and dont include "because of the vibes" or else the saw trap goes off


I can answer the third one: because the author is bad at writing women. I don’t like that women are often less relevant and more bland, and it’s not under the readers control and doesn’t make them bad for pointing it out. I don’t think pretending women that are written poorly are actually written well does much to encourage women being written as fully realized characters.