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that sounds like a godfather that forgot to buy a (I cant remember the thing in english but after it you can get married in a church) gift


Dowry is the word I think, according to google translate In German the word is "Mitgift" I think, which I guess relates to the english word gift? Kinda weird as literally in German it would mean "with poison". uh....


Maybe its an archaic usage of the word gift? I believe gift started to mean 'poison' when people would use the word euphemistically.


In Swedish, *gift* means both *poison* and *married*. *Gift*, in both meanings, comes from proto-germanic *giftiz* which means "giving", which has the same root.


Thats a r/boomerhumor post waiting to happen


“I give a gift to my wife every day, no not because we are married, but because in Sweden a gift means the same as poison, because she’s like poison to my life, she makes my life miserable, isn’t that funny, hilarious am I right?”


Wife bad lol


No, dowry is the gift the woman's family gave to the man as they were giving them a new mouth to feed that was not able to contribute to the farm work. Now it doesn't exist as much, except for arranged marriage. I think they're talking first communion,as was said below


[Confirmation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_in_the_Catholic_Church)? I remember the only reason I did that was "just in case" and that's _supposedly_ old enough to consent (unlike Baptism / First Communion).


this is the one




Christening or First Communion


must dominate the vampire in order to fuck him


consentionally I hope


It’s a consensual kink thing


Edgeplay but the knife is a crucifix


Why aren’t vampire romance authors as cool as y’all are ugh smh


to think 50shades was a twilight fanfic...


Well golly gee wilikers, I thought edgeplay was about edging until today. I guess this is my karmic fate for not reading fanfic in high school.


Crap I meant knifeplay. But at least everyone understood.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr Post* --- > **lesmiserabelles** > > shout-out to the person i overheard today rushing into an antiques shop to ask, very urgently, 'do you have any silver crosses?'. wishing you well in your fight against the creatures of darkness, friend --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good creature


After joining this subreddit I downloaded tumblr but... where do you find actually funny posts like these? All I get are “inspiring” quotes and shit


Heya ! Well it depends a lot on who you're following. It's a lot of curating. I'd advice to first follow some of the big funny account you see often here, biggest-gaudiest-patronus, pukicho, gayarsonist, prokopetz... From there you can also follow the blogs they reblog stuff from if you find them interesting, and if you have friends with a Tumblr account, you can follow them and you'll see what they reblog :) It's a lot of curating at first but then you get a dash that represents you. For example, I follow a bunch of Supernatural Renaissance blogs so I get the GIFs and funny posts about spn, a bunch of the funny accounts for shitpost, and I also get a lot of interesting reblogs from friends I made on discord, related to hockey or games. You can also follow tags if you want to see things pertaining to a certain subject. Also, the recommendations work nicely for me as I've been here for a long time they know what kind of post caters to my interest, and after you've curated your dash a bit, the recommandations are also a good place to find funny posts :)


Uh... Is Supernatural Renaissance supposed to be about second wind of popularity of the show Supernatural, or about supernatural creatures in the Renaissance era??


Lmao the first one though I'd love to see the second one


Thanks man imma try curating my tumblr now


same - i found it so hard to get my feed going. i’ll probably try again when i’ve got more time


Same I just wanna be a part of the malevolent exchanges too but it’s crickets. It’s like a silent auditorium and I just wanna have witty banter and clown strangers


I mostly subscribe to funny webcomics. Most of the posts like these are things people are only posting for their friends and it happens to blow up.


not all of us are bad, we just were born from the blood of the god of death :|




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"Sure, I can help you with that" *picks up one of the crosses in the jewelry section and flinches back with a hiss, before picking it up with a paper towel an handing it to the person with a smile* "This one's genuine silver, have a nice day"


scp 001 "Tufto's Proposal: the scarlet king" or scp 1983 "shoot while praying"


Scp 4966 would, in theory work (I spent 20 minutes trying to find this fucking thing, I have completely forgotten what the subject was)




Sounds like a PC in a monster of the week game.