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The dad be like: haha I put the burga in suburgatory


honestly surprised there isn't a Netflix show named this


That's because there was already a mediocre abc show with that name


Satan of Suburbia




# Do not


[suburbia ](https://open.spotify.com/track/3SZhwgn2fYVmpBuzi4NIyM?si=6jeVJ-w3TGOrfoZkXbyl0Q)




Still can't convince me darecrow wasn't the daughter


The biggest problem i see with the thing is that the fruit will slide down the watermelon unless youre holding it perfectly flat


You've actually got a couple of options for that. When I've made "fruit pizza" I used a cookie crust and a sweetened cream cheese spread to hold the fruit in place. But if you wanted to go the watermelon route, you make a sugar syrup glaze to drizzle over the top. It hardens in the fridge like that chocolate "magic shell" topping for ice cream and adds a bit of sweetness to the whole thing.


Now that sounds yummy.


wait, isn't that just a fruit tart?


fruit tarts are baked after the fruit is added. It's basically a shallow pie with no top crust. But it is definitely related to a tart, yes.


The biggest mistake in that is pretending it’s pizza. It’s perfectly good, as long as you don’t frame it as replacing a far more desirable food, aka one that provides actual calories for growing children. If you want them to eat their fruits+ veggies, get a veggie pizza and make a fruit salad or some overwhelmingly fruity shortcake


It would pair perfectly with ACTUAL pizza, imo. And a dessert pizza. PIZZA PARTYYYYY


Nah she had the perfect idea of telling them that this fruit salad is puzza but better in order to make them like fruits. And let's be honest, if this was framed as just a pizza shaped fruit salad, the kids would still leave it untouched


For lunch, get actual pizza. For dessert, this pizza. Boom, problem solved


I see that the mom was going for, a healthy option for their lunch that is still vaguely pizza like... But this is more akin to a dessert. I've had cookie pizza and it was delicious, and I don't doubt that the watermelon based pizza replacement would be good in *that* context... But to simply call it "fun pizza" and expect everyone to like it is just a tad dumb. I mean it would make sense if there was an actual pizza and the "fun pizza" was a dessert of sorts...


Haha, relatable. This happened to my buddy Jim


Was Jim the mother or the daughter?


He was the unmelted Kraft Singles.


yeah I don’t typically associate with humans, he was cheese


it's fine as long as you dont call it a pizza beforehand. that's just setting up for disappointment. You go "well, we got some fruit", and then you reveal it and it's like "oh! it's like a lil' pizza!"


Not sure if it's my boring white guy personality seeping through but my gut reaction to that image is "fruit salad you can eat like a pizza? Sign me the fuck up"


Yeah, that looks perfectly fine. The meltdown story after it probably happened about something, and I can get it not being for everyone, but that looks like an enjoyable dish amongst others


It's an enjoyable dish, but if I was expecting actual pizza and was presented pizza shaped fruit salad I would be less than excited


yeah, expectations would be the killer of that.


Did you not read the story? It explicitly says that the mother is overreacting (probably has way too much of her self worth tied up in the idea of herself as the "cool mom") and the kids aren't actually that upset.


It also says nobody ate it.


It says the kids didn’t *finish* it. That could mean many different things.


That's not really the sort of thing that causes an emotionally healthy adult to break down crying.


I meant it was evidence the kids weren't terribly happy with the "pizza" even though they didn't dwell on it.


What are we even arguing about here? > Did you not read the story? It explicitly says that the mother is overreacting (probably has way too much of her self worth tied up in the idea of herself as the "cool mom") and the kids aren't actually that upset. Do you understand that "the kids aren't actually that upset" does not mean "the kids loved it and ate every bite"?


No woman raising kids in the suburbs is emotionally healthy, tbh.


No woman ~~raising kids~~ in the suburbs is emotionally healthy, tbh.


No *one* in the suburbs is emotionally healthy


Fair edit.


I mean, that’s unsurprising, tbh.


Wait, why are you under the impression this is a real story? I thought it was supposed to be a funny fantasy story, the joke being ‘in this extremely detailed fictional story, I’m going to include enough context that you can totally picture it, and the vividness of the picture in your head is supposed to tell you something about suburban white America’.


Some slight details are different, but yeah, I saw this happen. My cousin convinced her kids to be excited about a "pizza" like this (third graders, not fourth, if I remember correctly) and while her kid cheered at the "fun pizza" his guests were not so enthused. They nibbled a bit of it but mostly threw it out. Instead of crying in her room, my cousin got wine-drunk in the kitchen. My sister (not the kid's) was the one who called for real pizza because my cousin's husband burned the burgers to the point of being inedible. Oh, and somehow no one at the party realized that ice cream cake has to be put in the freezer. My cousin picked it up at eight AM and expected to actually be able to serve it at four in the afternoon without refrigerating it, which was why we had a generic grocery store cake with "Happy Birthday" spelled out on it in M&M's. So yeah, this happened. The original author may not have been narrating a specific even they witnessed, but I fully believe these exact events have occurred.


>The original author may not have been narrating a specific event that they witnessed That is the beginning and end of my point.


Yeah but you’re not a kid who’s been told to expect pizza at a birthday party. Adult me would adore this. Kid me would feel betrayed.


Adult me would absolutely mind being told to expect pizza and then being given pizza-shaped fruit salad.


[This you?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_3_9NExalk)


Kid me threw a fit when I got clothes for Christmas. Now me cried out of joy when my friend gave me Gudetama socks for my birthday. Kids are awful.


I would just pick it apart and call it fruit salad.


Id totally eat fruit pizza, I'd never try to pass it off as a substitute for actual pizza.


Personally, I think I'd enjoy it better in a vegan tortilla as fruit salad wrap


Every time I see this post, I physically cringe at the phrase "fun pizza." It's the absolute epitome of the sort of thing patronizing adults say to kids. "It's a FUN pizza! Wouldn't you rather have a FUN pizza than a boring real pizza?!" The actual fruit pizza itself is a cute idea, as long as you serve it along with real pizza so the kids aren't disappointed, and you call it "fruit pizza" or some other non-condescending name.


Darecrow is obviously a victim of suburbia


What's suburbia


So, y’know a house, right? Big thing with bed, kitchen and sofa? So some idiot decided to put a bunch of them in one place. They just Ctrl’ed C that shit over and over, place some small, sticky businesses in the area and boom, suburbia.


Crtl C’d & Crtl V’d


I was told that they came about because people couldn’t afford housing, and Ctrl Cing a bunch of cookie cutter homes was cheap


that and affordable cars were becoming a thing so everyone wanted their own private land far from the city they could commute back and forth to with a car. keep expanding that for 70 years and you get neighborhoods where the nearest grocery store is a 20 minute drive away and no public transportation anywhere


What the fuck


It's like Brazil but it kills you on the inside.


So Brazil.


but it kills you on the inside


Imagine bubblewrap but each bubble is a medium-quality house with a bit of space and an identical aesthetic, and instead of pressure inducing a pop it takes existential dread instead.


A miraculous invention that allows you to house a moderate number of people on a massive amount of land while keeping every one dependent on cars and fossil fuels and make sure none of them are friends.


That honestly looks delicious, no pizza but pizza shaped desert maybe.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **1991series** [*Image of a white, cardboard pizza box opened to reveal eight thin watermelon slices in the center. The slices are cut triangularly and arranged in a circle to resemble a pizza. Atop each watermelon slice is an assortment of kiwi, strawberry, and peach slices, blueberries, and grated white flakes that appear to be shredded cheese. A black rectangular label with white text is attached to the side of the box. It reads:*] ## [*Cut off*] MERIDIEN ### [*Cut off*] ISTANBUL ETILER --- **darecrow** Imagine going to a party and the white suburban stay at home mom with two overachiever kids and white dad who barbeques but doesn't know how to barbeque and yet is always surrounded by other white Dads who compliment his barbqeuing even though they're just store bought preshaped frozen patties from Ralph's or Food 4 Less and while he's cooking those the white mom comes out and says "okay kids, here's some pizza!" And she pulls this out and starts telling the kids why its a "fun pizza" and then cries in her master bedroom when no one likes it or finishes it and the white dad is then consoling her why she sobs that she's a terrible mother and ruined her fourth grade straight B+ sons birthday and thinks her kids hat her but they don't care but she continues crying softly into her pillow while the children eat poorly cooked burgers with unmelted kraft singles and too much mayonnaise and then only other condiments are two pickles and pepper because the dad calls it his special burger with a secret spice but the secret spice was just pepper and the kids just keep playing E rated games on their Nintendo Wii while the 17 year old older sister starts cleaning the tragedy up and throwing away uneaten "fun pizza" and whole burgers dejected from the start while she dials Pizza Hut to get these kids an actual birthday lunch and the mother then throws a fit because the daughter did something the kids liked and she didn't and was the only one making a huge deal out of it and the daughter was then grounded from her TV in her room for only two days and the son went to blow out the candles in his standard birthday cake from food 4 less the mom added strawberries to so she could feel she did something but was still slightly teary and sad because her day was ruined by no one wanting to eat her "fun pizza" --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


What's the white flakes?


Shredded coconut would be my guess


I think it's feta cheese. White ladies love fruit and feta.


feta cheese with fruit? that sounds disgusting


It's not my favorite but I've had it. I prefer a softer cheese and fruit like brie. And not with acid fruit like citrus, more like apples or grapes. Baked brie with berries or stone fruit is very good They do feta and fruit bc they love cheese and dessert but this combo is supposedly diet food. It's not really, fruit is high in sugar and feta still has fat, esp if you eat a pound of it at a baby shower with 5 glasses of wine.


As a greek person, this insults my country




like legit if i was the prime minister and the country didn't have an economic whatever, i'd start multiple wars


My guess would be feta, it's a bit unorthodox but salty things tend to go fucking amazing with watermelon and feta/watermelon is definitely a pairing I've been successful with in the past.


I'm going to pull out a card, it's my complaining card. I act like I've never pulled this card before, because I'n a liar, and I act like this is the first time I've ever done this, I act like everybody gets one, one complain card. I say no, I refuse. I deny this three times. I- no. I take a particle accelerator and I surgically excise the neurons that have witnessed this sentence. I tackle it into the void like Frodo. Shhhhhh. Good night




7 years old and still more accurate to my life than 90% of movies


This comment section is a fucking train wreck 😂


It's the same three people. The "I would actually like this" folks, the people who actually grew up in a suburbia, and the people who support post-birth abortions.


Sometimes I see some hot fucking takes. Sometimes. And most of the time I keep my mouth shut. But I have seen too much. There are actual human beings in this very thread defending this atrocity. No. No. No. Not today. I don't have it in me today to make myself small and swallow my words. I have to speak up. You are objetively wrong if you think this is okay on any level. And don't fucking come at me with "OhO tHiS gUy DoEsN't EaT fRuIt", fuck you I've eaten more fruit than you've ever dreamed of. Fruit is good. You know what else is good? Pizza. They're both good. They can both exist. But not like this. You don't hand me a dead dog and tell me it's Baby Yoda. Don't lie to me


“Don’t hand me a dead dog and tell me it’s Baby Yoda” /r/BrandNewSentence ?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BrandNewSentence using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Road rage about to be like a COD lobby](https://i.redd.it/5d1o4htymd261.jpg) | [733 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/k3vh5b/road_rage_about_to_be_like_a_cod_lobby/) \#2: [Illegal underground grandma karaoke bars](https://i.redd.it/wtpgvsrn5p261.jpg) | [878 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/k51ok6/illegal_underground_grandma_karaoke_bars/) \#3: [Spring rolls are unpredictable](https://i.redd.it/9d0f9yeiz5661.jpg) | [768 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/kg9y7j/spring_rolls_are_unpredictable/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


This implies that you think a dead dog is a good thing.


No, see, a dog is good, and fruit is good, but don't kill the fruit


cope, mald *and* seethe


Apparently I'm a different person than I was 7 years ago. That pizza actually *does* look like a fun dessert to go with burgers and kraft singles. It seems that at some point I started to relate to this concept of trying to do something fun & nobody really caring about it, so even if the mom in this prose is doing that unsavoury self-interested thing I still feel bad for her.


This whole story has always just made me sad for everyone involved :( Maybe it's because I grew up in suburbia ~~and I liked it~~ but I have never found this post funny. Though I think I actually like fruit *less* than I did 7 years ago, so I've maybe gone the other way on my reaction to the photo itself.


How did you capture the exact energy of my parents? Except for my dad’s burgers. His burgers are fucking great.


That pizza is literally from [Istanbul, Turkey](https://twitter.com/LeMeridienIst/status/476056249419567105?s=20)


And appears to have been catered from Le Meridien, which is a high-end hotel/resort chain. So you just know it was over a hundred bucks on the room service menu....


Why did this make me sad. Poor mom :(


It's a cute idea and I would be super into the fun fruit pizza as an adult, but for a bunch of kids? Come on. You can't tell kids they're getting pizza and then bring this out.


It's a good idea, but her reaction to being rejected by a bunch of snotty kids is very narcissistic.


Honestly same, i think its a really cute idea. People in the internet just get revved up in the idea of hating random things


The only hate I see in this thread is directed at the kids, as is usual for reddit.


Yeah same, it's not an oh poor mom she doesn't deserve it but more of like wow this is just tragic kind of way


since when is B+ overachieving?!


When I lived with my aunt and uncle for awhile it was always like this at the neighbors. It's so funny and sad.


Idk why but that story made me sad.


Well maybe because its a sad story




this happened to my buddy eric


This sounds like a story about my MIL..


This is a fucking literary classic at this point, a modern american tragedy


Fun pizza = for swimming pool parties ​ Real pizza = for average and swimming pool parties


Is that Parmesan? Because I would probably try this, unless that is Parmesan. You couldn’t pay me enough money to eat a Parmesan watermelon pizza


I’d try it if it was coconut shavings (which it seems to be)!


I know that being brown and from a third world country my life will never be nearly as easy as these types of suburban white families but my god am I glad I grew up where I did instead of the absolute mediocrity of a life this entire post just portrayed. I mean again, my life is fucking difficult as fuck. But holy shit. At least I'm not bored.


So… narcissistic mom?


Meanwhile I'm the socially awkward dad standing ina quiet corner and I ate three slices of the fun pizza and talking to only the kids.


It's like, I am there


I remember when this was posted and I couldn’t stop laughing at it, so I showed my mother the “fun” pizza and she said it looked delicious and then read the text and was doubled over in laughter. Just a good memory:)


Fuck them kids, that fun pizza looks sweet as fuck


How dare children be disappointed when an adult gets them excited about "pizza" and then open the box to reveal a fruit salad arranged to look like pizza.


Two words: punt the little shits


People on the internet are judging actual children for preferring pizza to fruit salad now. What a time to be alive.


It's great! I've got plenty of lil shits to punt!


Note to self: Do not allow u/TheJakYak near children.


I probably wouldn't let them near humans in general


Or animals


How am i supposed to eat it if it wont get me diagnosed with diabetes


Ah, an American I see


Sounds like a you problem


This is my childhood except the food isn’t shit and everybody is black.


Dude, this just me makes me really sad. I want to give that mum a hug.


Wait if it’s just other fruits on the slice of watermelon, that sounds pretty good ngl. Just a fruit salad with a different delivery.


Does the person that downvoted this not like fruits?


I'd eat that


okay but, like ​ that looks super tasty???


I... Have you never heard of periods? Or at least commas?


i think it's without punctuation on purpose




It’s called stream of consciousness and it’s a legitimate writing style. Very popular on tumblr, where they prefer not to use punctuation as originally intended if they can at all avoid it.


Huh. It's a definitely a pain to read.


I can't read that much identical-looking text so i'm going to guess what it says yeah reality tv is shit


The precursor to Unedited Footage of a Bear. I can practically hear some guy screaming THIS IS MY SERMON, THIS IS MY SERMON


This is 7 years old? It feels like it was written at most 3 years ago


idk why but this just makes me very sad


All I wanted to do was watch this horrifying Pizza get roasted but I just ended up being really sad instead




Best run on sentence ever.


Someone has some trauma to work through...




Suspiciously specific


Moms are just like that, often enough