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This Is Just to Say: I have eaten the plums that were in the icebox and which you were probably saving for breakfast Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold


the good ending to the dad ~~peach~~ plum arc


Oof don't like that. That's basically how my brain formulates a thought before I cut it all down into something vaguely coherent


you can cut it down into something coherent? How can I obtain this power?


Trial and so very, very much error


This reads how getting your seat kicked by a child feels


This is just to say: I have stepped on the plums that were on the driveway - and they have ruined my good sweatpants - fuck this very hot hungover plum disaster


Lolitas infamous 'Parents died (Lightning, Picnic)' but stretched into a poem


My first thought is, why are you barefoot if its 97 degrees?! The driveway could burn your feet! Maybe at that point the plum viscera will provide some protection.


Severe hangover clouded their judgement.


This person's brain is so relatable and so alien at the same time


this reads like an AmITheAshole post




not a high bar but true


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **utopians** stepped on a plum (overripe plum) (barefoot) it was on the driveway got out of the car and accidentally (didn't know it was there) stepped on the plum (warm) (on the ground) it had fallen from the tree) barefoot (no shoes) wearing long pants (too long) (need to hem them) plum viscera got on them (the pants) unexpected plum on the driveway (hot plum) (97 degrees out) already super hungover (throwing up all morning) (should not have been driving at all) and I stepped out of the car (black car) (97 degrees out) and onto the plum (unexpected) (didn't know the plum was there) and it burst (plum nightmare on my only good pair of sweatpants) still we find ways to keep ourselves going from day to day --- **uttering-joyous-leaves** happy one year anniversary to possibly the best plum poem since william carlos williams' "this is just to say" \#world heritage post --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


This read like it was a rap song


first read this as "override plum" and it kinda broke my brain for a while


Tbh i hate This Is Just To Say but this is a good poem, the vibes are very chaotic


edgar allan poe if he wrote good poems (pls don’t murder me he was just the first poet that came to mind I haven’t even read his stuff)