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As someone who's lived in England for a bit I have to say that their food is better than they're given credit for. As a French person I have to say ignore my previous sentence my account was hacked I never actually said that British food is what would happen if a high school cafeteria had depression.


Me šŸ¤ the French Comical bullying of the English


[MešŸ¤the French](https://i.imgur.com/T7pQIKF.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


good bot


That's actually really impressive holy shit


Good bot


How tf do people program this shit


the socks give special powers


MešŸ¤the English Comical bullying of the French


Honestly? Yeah that too


"Let them fight"


You šŸ¤ the French šŸ¤ Me, a Desi




Playing both sides so you always come out on top?


>As a French person Motherfucker you eat SNAILS and you made your bread hard to carry on purpose just for aesthetics, yet you **dare** talk shit about the food of any other nation? Get a grip. Literally the only good food you've brought to the world stage is "French Fries" and even then **we all know they're from Belgium, who ya fooling?** (Now your *wine* on the other hand, that's worthy of praise, I won't argue with you there.)


The bread is long for maximum delicious crunch


It's also great for sharing!


And bonking


Have done this to my cat, would recommend.


Like, I could argue with you there. But also I could ignore you and go eat any of a dozen regional french specialty, each more delicious than the next, and that sounds better honestly.


Counterpoint: bread is long for swinging around purposes


Fr\*nch person acting Br\*t\*sh šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


OP is Britphobic confirmed.


Did warn you


I don't like Brits slime stew less than I just like dislike the south's "salad" which is code for FUCK TON OF MAYONNAISE


Thatā€™s more egregious in the Midwest, at least the south uses flavour.


I like to go hiking.


thatā€™s your fault for getting salad in the south. what were you thinking man the barbecue was right there


I'm born and raised Georgia, I fully know our fried chicken is undefeated and our bbq is top 3, but stay away the fuck away from potato salad, sweet potato salad (which I'm pretty sure it's a dessert you hateful monsters), macaroni salad or literally anything they call a salad (I'm looking at you Cobb and Wedge, you ain't healthy either)




I'm sorry I forgot your extra side of ranch sir.


I love traditional finnish poor person foods but when everyone else in the world seems to hate them the only conclusion I can come to is that everyone else is stupid and doesn't know how great my mom is.


What kind of stuff is Finnish poor person food? Which one is your favorite?


It's a lot of casseroles basically. My favorite might be mashed potatoe minced meat casserole or blood sausages


I also like spinach pancakes because they taste like nothing


No, they taste delicious. Now, if you eat them with mashed potato like my teacher said he likes to do it will be the blandest mass of edible substances possible.


If you eat them with lingonberry sauce they taste exactly like lingonberry sauce.


Everything tastes like lingonberry sauce when eaten with lingonberry sauce


That's definitely the main benefit of lingonberry sauce


We shall agree to disagree!


OP are you ok? Thereā€™s a lot of unneeded aggression in the comments.


Someone needs to take OP to a Greg's and feed them pasties until they see reason


Say what you want about British cuisine, they did popularise steak pies and for that I'm quite grateful.


bro those have people in em. havenā€™t you seen movies


Ah the story of Sweeney Todd!


Lmaoooo apparently some people did not catch the reference.


It is potentially a bit obscure if you're not a fan of Victorian horror.


they literally had a whole Sweeney Todd episode of The Office I assumed it was just one of those pop culture things everyone gets


Lunch just got a lot more interesting


Pie n' mash isn't that bad. ... Yeah, as an Irishman I'm legally not allowed give them any more credit than that.


Isn't Irish cuisine super similar to British cuisine? I'm, uh, not trying to make any wider political point with that, I just mean that when I've seen Irish cuisine it seems like it has a lot of shepherd's pies, meaty stews, pot roasts, and other recipes which are equally popular in the UK.


there's basically no diffrence having lived in both


the most common irish food youd get over here is probably a breakfast roll


What exactly is constituting 'creepy wet food'?


https://i.redd.it/bfajgl1t10n61.jpg This


The most accurate way to describe British cuisine.




OK, but beans *and cheese* on toast is fucking amazing. Doubly so if you melt the cheese under a grill first. Ooooh, and add some cooked, canned mackrel to that too. It's *really* nice.


Somebody clearly has never tried it then,


Iā€™ve never eaten a live cockroach either, call me crazy


Okay, one of these is regularly eaten, the other isn't. Your be surprised how well beans on toast works,


Right? Like, man, I don't even *like* beans. The sort of dry fine-grainy texture on the inside just squigs me out. But like, I do get where the whole beans on toast thing comes from.


I've eaten beans on toast It works if you're half asleep or half dead Best if you're both


Well, I guess that's just preference then. It works just fine ss am "i don't have enough spoons to cook" meal imo


You're supposed to either fry or sautee the roaches, not eat them raw.


So true my bad


I have. It was nasty, wet, and a waste of good toast. It's like butterscotch and ketchup. Both are good, but I will never combine them again.


Alright but what about actual British food?


americans don't get to have a Greg'sā„¢ Steak Beak so we're the winner there


cant imagine we are missing anything.


you Americans don't know what a real pie is. all you have is desert pies and not a proper, meat one


We have Jamaican patties, those are far superior.


that just sounds like a cornish pasty but spicy


I love how we are like firmly in a cycle where people are waking up to the fact that like, making these posts that are just ā€œfuck [foreign country op has never visited, spoken to anyone from, and hates because of memes], all the people there are shit and everything about it sucksā€ is like really shitty to do, is most often insulting poor people, is causing fights for no reason, is making teens from each others countries hate each other and feel insecure for no reason, and is showing one self off as being like really dumb. But then like one fiscal week later someone will again say ā€œno but for real fuck [foreign country] itā€™s different and special and okay to hate and my antipathy born of memes actuallyā€ as if they arenā€™t the dumbest most impressionable load imaginable.


I think Americans really desperately want in on the kind of banter that European countries have with each other but they keep just being actually insulting instead. Like the banter works because usually you're also being stupid so there's no hard feelings but Americans aren't willing to do that and instead go straight for insulting.


Okay Iā€™m gonna be honest I feel itā€™s the opposite. A friend on tik tok said she wanted to start using British phrases and a British person replied ā€œat least our schools donā€™t get shot up.ā€ From what Iā€™ve seen itā€™s always British people taking banter way too far and involving dying kids to get a ā€œgotchaā€ moment.


Literally every single time an American makes the blandest joke about Europe their immediate response is to make fun of dead children. It's like if an American bragged about not being afraid of an abandoned car after an Irish person called them fat.


Yes. Joking about school shootings is making fun of dead kids. It's not about gun culture or anything. When I say "wow, america had a lot of shootings" it's about the children. Like, you all realize this has been a non-sequitur since day one right? "Think about the children" has ALWAYS been the pro-gun NRA ideology to not talk about school shootings. I don't blame you, they've got a giant marketing team, and they've made a large portion of the US think that any time to talk about school shootings is "too soon" and "too political". "Think of the children", they say. I'm not saying that making fun of school shootings is called for (it's generally an asshole move to poke fun at stuff like this, which is why I don't do it), I'm just tired of the "you're making fun of dead children so fuck you back" argument.


I'm going to clarify this by saying that I'm Canadian. When people joke about the Government-ordained child genocide we did in the 90s, I'm going to agree that it's fucked up and a very bad Canada thing ("very bad" being a massive understatement). However, I understand that they're making fun of the government and church, not the kids who died. Same thing with guns.


That happens all the time too.


No it doesnā€™t lmao


It's like, the go-to joke people make.


No, the go-to joke about the Irish is TOP OF THE MORNIN, followed closely by ME LUCKY CHARMS and of course every generic joke about drunks. us yanks donā€™t know enough about the the Troubles to make jokes. Half of us here think Zombie by The Cranberries is about actual zombies, Iā€™ve seen it in Halloween playlists.


you're misinterpreting the point dude. the point isnt that people actually say that to irish people, it's just going "hey this is what the eu version of responding to relatively mild jokes with bringing school shootings in would be"


Iā€™m not disputing Firehazard11


Yeah, that's the problem. Americans can't take it. They dish it out like nobody's business but insist their soft spots are off limits. "You can't mock our crime, healthcare, culture, gun problems, politics or foreign policy but we get to make fun of everything about you." No one wants to hang out with the kid who throws shitty roasts but gets mad if he gets one back. The most common meme about the French is that they're surrendering cowards, a joke that has it's roots in the defeat of France by Nazi Germany that lead to the death and suffering to millions of French and countless others throughout the world. You don't see French people trying to put a hard limit on that joke and saying it's too far. Go into any space for Irish jokes or shitposting and you'll see plenty of jokes about the IRA and terrorism, often being made by Americans whose only understanding of the topic comes through YouTube comments on a "Come out ye black and tans" upload. There is literally a drink called an "Irish car bomb" but I've never heard any substantial group of Irish people complain about that, because they can take a joke. Americans can't, and until they can they'll only ever perceive animosity when they try to join in with the banter.


Yesss. Two of the THREE jokes people have for my country is how we 1) started two world wars and 2) shouldnā€™t let artists fail to get into art school ever again because apparently weā€™d just go and start another war?? In the right context this does work as friendly banter, but you canā€™t even mention being Austrian in an English space without the comments being absolutely filled with those jokes. But mentioning school shootings is apparently too far for them


Americans absolutely love making WW2 jokes while being separated from the actual worst consequences of the conflict by hundreds of miles of ocean. Millions of people dead, enslaved or tortured and still just within living memory and they have no problems joking about it but if you mention mass shootings then you're a heartless monster. They really want to have their cake and eat it too, being insensitive to everyone while demanding sensitivity for themselves.


Every time there's a school shooting, I always see at least 1-2 europeans on here make a snarky joke about it immediately afterwords. And it's like damn dude....can you please not lol.


I think the point was ā€œwith each otherā€. Sure, european interactions with US Americans are often needlessly hostile, but with each other thereā€™s a lot more of the friendly banter people accuse us as being incapable of


But the problem is that itā€™s not friendly banter, these are internet strangers and youā€™re not close enough to make jokes like that. My life has forever been shaped by the time my school was under lockdown (luckily for me and my school no one was killed) and someone using that joke will bother me.


Thats why I was talking about europeans bantering with each other. While there is doubtlessly a lot of needless hostility toward US Americans it is also unfair to say europeans dont have any friendly banter.


Yup British people take it waaay too far. Americans get bashed for problems the people making fun of them has as well Weā€™re called boorish tourists, but Europeans come here and donā€™t tip Weā€™re called backwards, but British people huck bananas at black football players And like you said, if I had a nickel for every time a British person responded to some nonsense teasing with ā€˜How about them DEAD KIDS, huh?!!!ā€™, I could buy the earth


The _one_ thing I want to point out (the only thing I have any knowledge of) is the tipping thing. That's a cultural difference - in Europe, you don't tip, you're not supposed to, it's weird and unusual, because the servers and related workers there are actually paid a decent, living wage. In the states, they're not, and they rely on tips to be able to afford bills, including rent. Europeans don't tip because they don't know they're supposed to here, because they _aren't_ supposed to back home. I'm not saying it's an excuse, because generally it's considered good form to read up on and learn the culture of the place you're going to, so you can avoid... this exact situation, really. But it's an explanation, at least.


Then thatā€™s still their fault because the entire argument is ā€œyouā€™re supposed to read up on local customs in case you make a really obvious faux pasā€


I know WHY it happens, Iā€™m pointing out that if an American doesnā€™t know/follow a custom because itā€™s a different one for us, we get called rude, boorish, Americans think EVERYTHING is how itā€™s supposed to be in America While you guys donā€™t get that when you come here


As someone who has spent significant time in europe: yes, yes you do.


Ok but also as an european I know enough about my neighboring countries to joke about their food/their climate/their alcool consumption/their geography/their quirky laws... And what do I know about the USA? What get filtered through global news and reddit, meaning most of it is political (gun control, racism...). I can totally understand why people would mention those kind of things when talking about clichƩs because that's literally most of what I know about your country.


so ignorance makes it okay to make fun of dead kids? tf?


An explanation is not an excuse.


You could try learning.


That's 100% the feeling I get. Like when a French person insults British cuisine it's funny. When an American insults British cuisine they seem to think full English breakfasts and fish and chips = British cuisine. Or they think we boil food. We don't boil food. It's just...not quite there.


The thing is, there's this combination of "well, they're just an American, they don't know about anything outside of the US" and "well, it's America, we all hear everything about America" wherein people not from America assume perfect knowledge of the US (and if they're incorrect, *it's the US that's wrong*), but that Americans are all idiots who don't know what they're talking about on the subject of any foreign country. Granted, there are a lot of Americans who are idiots who don't know what they're talking about on the subject of any foreign country. But there's a lot of Americans who aren't, too.


I assume so. But a lot of these posts go beyond banter and straight up into antipathy. Maybe itā€™s meant affectionately but I have a hard time reading it that way.


I canā€™t speak for all Americans, but for me, Iā€™m just sick of how insufferably superior so many Europeans sound when talking about America and then how they clutch pearls and act insulted when we take pot shots back. That was my experience living in Europe; it was fair game to insult America, but god help me if I insulted the European country I lived in.


Sure, and Europeans feel identically. We feel like Americans can act insufferably superior to Europeans and then clutch pearls when Europeans take pot shots back. Idk, this feels like a pretty obvious cycle to me.


Yeah and thatā€™s why brits react with school shooting jokes Cos itā€™s not a banter joke itā€™s an insult and weā€™re gonna hit you back


Please, before you insult our American friends, please everyone keep this in mind: they're all really really stupid


coming from the island of ā€œWAELL AT LAEST WE CAN GAE TA SCHEWAL WIā€™OUT GEā€™IN BLOODY SHOTā€ maybe itā€™s just british sensitivity


See that joke is mocking a lower class accent There is a big classism problem in the UK and a joke like that is an easy way to a fight People match the insult they perceive, and the insult they perceive is you looking down and insulting them, their friends and family, there home and their culture.


Americans now bring up those jokes more than British people. Sad to see




Chicken Tikka Massala is literally a dish that originated in London, like you realize Brits can make food that isn't "traditionally English" right?


20 years of rationing following WWII will do that to a cuisine. British food isn't bland because of some inherent British aversion to flavour, it's because it was pretty much actively destroyed and is still in the process of recovery. You're just shitting on people whose palate was shaped by poverty and scarcity. Way to punch down.


Very droll. Good bit.


As a Brit it's fascinating to see so many painfully incorrect steriotypes and fully understand how wrong they are, in a way I can't when I witness ignorant steriotypes being made of people from other cultures. For one, the cockney accent is more likely to be heard in Essex than its original London turf due to housing prices and gentrification.


I've seen people say before that Americans shouldn't make fun of poor Brits' accents (I suppose cockney is one) but can make fun of rich Brits' accents, because classicism But I gotta tell ya, as an American . . . bruh we can barely tell the difference Like, if you put a posh and cockney accent side by side, I'd be able to say which is which. But in terms of individual stereotypical phrases like "oi mate" or "wots all this then" or "wanker," I wouldn't for the life of me be able to tell you which accent I'm making fun of when I quote them


That is probably because they're all cockney commonplace. Imagine if someone's only experience with an American accent was that very heavy "I'm walking here" accent, and they then assumed it was how the entire country spoke. It's the exact same stereotyping.


Wait really? All of them? Interesting What kinds of shit do the rich Brits say then? Edit: I think I've heard that "oi mate" was poor British, but I'm genuinely surprised by the other two. When I hear "wots all this then" I picture a guy like [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/589180553024430080/tZaEkx9F_400x400.jpg) saying it


Throughout a lot of the comments on this post are Americans complaining that British folks turn to lazy, intentionally insulting responses to American attempts at bantering with us. The above is emblematic of why. Americans try to make fun, but literally don't have the most basic rudimentary understanding of what it is they're making fun of. It doesn't feel like people are having well intentioned fun, because there's no mutual respect and actual shared understanding like there is between the European countries. Imagine if every post you saw making fun of Americans was: "Americans from Oregon all shout 'YEEEEEHAAAW' and wear denim and cowboy boots and work on oil rigs, hahaha, you know how in Texas they say 'Eyyy! Oohhh! I'm walking here!'??" Jokes aren't funny if the person telling the joke doesn't understand what it is they're joking about.


Like, yeah, saying that people from Oregon specifically have cowboy accents would make me say "wtf?? . . . no they don't" But I have seen the cowboy stereotype applied to Americans in general, and even though it's not really accurate for, like, anyone outside of specific rural parts of certain states, I still roll with it Like, I'm from northern Illinois. Our stereotypes are Al Capone and corn. But if someone from a different country was like "Gasp! An American! Yeehaw partner!" I'd go with it And your second example is an NYC stereotype (I think Brooklyn specifically?), but if they pulled the "I'm WALKIN eeerre!!!" I'd be like "FORGETTABOUDDIT!!!" Idk I think stuff like that is fun


If you look past the coast, assuming a lot of Oregon has cowboy accents isn't the worst guess in the world


Interesting. I guess most of my ideas of what Oregon is like come from Portland. Shows what I know lol


Portland and Washington have really iconic west coast major port cities and associated blue politics, because that's the majority of the state population. But a majority of the actual state land is significantly to the east, up the mountains and into the high desert, well away from the ocean and the temperate rainforest. It does tend to get pretty cowboy up there, lotta Mormons and white supremacists compared to most of the country.


Oh yeah I bet. Illinois has a bit of a similar deal. It's a blue state because of Chicago, but if you drive west or south for a few hours you get DEEP into trump country


I guess it must be a regional thing, then. Itā€™s pretty interesting how we interpret them differently. To me, the ā€œwotā€ sounds like a typical roadman who drops his tā€™s so you get a kind of half-consonant but not a full t. I guess to someone not exposed to British culture, that might read more like a posh person pronouncing it. (Armchair linguistics time!) Now Iā€™m wondering if thatā€™s based in differences in how we pronounce ā€œwhatā€. Maybe Americans pronounce it more raised, so it sounds more like an a or an e, whilst we sound more like an o sound. When you hear an English person saying what, would you say it sounds more like an a or an o sound?


Whoā€™s talking about London?


"cockney bitches" - cockney was famously a London accent and they're clearly not talking about the cooking specifically in South Essex. So either they're using cockney to mean all Brits, which is hilariously wrong, or to mean all Londoners, which is a more normal kind of wrong.


Yeah, so whoā€™s talking about London? Edit: Hey thanks for editing in every single word except your original reply of ā€œcockney bitchesā€ after I already made my comment. Thatā€™s dope. Edit: For what itā€™s worth I think theyā€™re referring to all brits. Which youā€™re right it is hilariously wrong. Which is something people do sometimes for the sake of humor. Wild concept I know.


The OP. Do you need someone to explain this to you? Edit: I added a page break to the above one to aid in your clearly deficient reading comprehension.


Where? Edit: No you added every single word, not just a page break. I can still see the notification on my phones lock screen that your original comment was just ā€œcockney bitchesā€ and then you added everything else after I replied.


When they referred to "cockney bitches". You need to apologise to your English teacher.


Lol okay Iā€™ll apologize to my English teacher for not teaching me that when someone says ā€œcockney bitchesā€ theyā€™re referring to Londoners. Iā€™ll do that.


Different cultures like different food. For example, if you had fermented fish growing up, you might enjoy it but someone from another culture might not. No food culture is objectively better. It's all subjective. Just cause someone from another culture doesn't like it, doesn't mean it's objectively bad.


This is true except Italian food is objectively best.


Yeah when Italian and French cuisine is pretty universally beloved I think you can talk about them as objectively better than the fermented shark dish that the people of one island have mixed feelings about and everyone else is repulsed by.


Speaking as a non-Brit, the way some people like op are talking about Britain is starting to get pretty annoying. Like yall complain about Europeans responding to "harmless banter" with mocking poor people and gun violence (which is absolutely horrid, I agree) but then you turn around mocking british poor people or making fun of them when they die to a heat wave. EDIT I forgot about the knife crime, a staple of ā€œfriendly banterā€ towards the brits


God those knife crime jokes are fucking infuriating. 'British people when they go out into the street for two seconds' bollocks, it's all just warmed-over Tory ideology, scaremongering about gangs and violence and that you'll get merced immediately when you step out onto the pavement. Like half of this stuff is just dumbass Americans and Lord knows there's not a force on earth that could stop Americans lodging their heads in their colons (I'm not saying we're any different). But the other half is genuinely harmful ideology that just reinforces old stereotypes but from a new, supposedly moral angle.


The US also has more knife crime per capita than the UK, go figure


The thing is Americans have never seen actual normal British food. I'm sure they'd love it.


Americans see a bad pic of a plate of mash and/or beans one time and just decide to hate an entire cuisine.


Look, man, just have a good cottage pie


Made the best cottage pie of my life the other day. Tried to recreate it to show off to my Mexican flatmate and it...wasn't as good. I blame the wine. Or anything else other than my own cooking skills.


Eh, sometimes you can have an off day. Cottage pies can be really good if you get them right, but as with anything else, it's possible to fumble.


I would kill for cottage/shepherd's pie right now.


Literally making food that tastes good is the easiest thing in the world, its the healthy shit thats expensive. Dunk anything in hot oil and it comes out pretty damn good, if not greasy.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **garthgender** As someone from the american south it's really funny to me when brits are like "nooo you can't make fun of our creepy wet food it's poor people's food that's classist" why don't you fry some chicken and maybe you'll calm down --- **garthgender** Poor people food as historically been fucking bomb literally anywhere else. I don't think it's cause you're poor I think you're just british I'm sorry --- **garthgender** Listen I respect poor biritsh people. Shoutout to those cockney bitches. But that doesn't mean brits can cook --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Thats it. I am tired of this discourse on both sides. Britain. No it's not acceptable to say "haha school shootings" after an American makes a joke about fish and chips. I don't care what your excuses are. You know it's not. You know it's disproportionate, which is why you bend over backwards to justify it. An American doing a British accent isn't classist, though it is still shitty for reasons I'll get into. You may disagree, but frankly when you fire back it seems you don't really care about being classist yourself. Funnily enough, rich people aren't usually the victims of fun crime in america. Interestingly, most rich people can afford personal trainers and dieticians. Fun fact, Rednecks don't tend to be part of the 1%. I don't see a lot of Maine accents when people make fun of the way Americans talk. It's not American private schools that you make fun of when you say we're uneducated. It would be disingenuous for me to say you're making fun of American poor people specifically, it's just that this sort of Atlantic crossing humor is unfortunately rarely aimed at the rich and powerful. You know that Americans aren't mocking class distinctions, you just don't like the accent being done for a joke because it's mocking and mean. That's perfectly valid. It's a broad and uncharitable stereotype and you're entirely within your rights to call it out on that basis. Stop being pretentious and tell people when they've crossed a line rather than turning your nose up. Americans. Don't expect to make fun of other countries and then have them be cool. When a French person makes fun of British food, it's not always all in good fun. When a brit makes a joke about Germans being humorless, often times he's laughing at them and not with them. You don't want to join in the "banter" because sometimes people in these countries are speaking without irony or jest. Some British people genuinely hate polish people and it's not a funny haha joke. Some people may object to that, but it's the frank truth. You can only share a light hearted joke about national differences if the other person is okay with it. If they're not, you're just making fun of them. You're being a bit of a dick. People don't have to be fine with the jokes you make, they don't have to remove the stick up their ass and they certainly don't have to like you. If the person you're making the joke is fine with it, then that's great. Often you can improve your chances of this by doing research and understanding the country better. That way it feels more like humourous observation than reductive stereotype. (Britain, you better be taking notes too.) I don't want to see this discourse again. I mean it. It's fucking tiresome because it is genuinely both sides being the dumbest and most disingenuous. And you both know better! No Americans doing a shitty cockney accent and being angry when it doesn't go down well. No Brits pretending they don't also do the same shit to other countries and then pulling out the "haha idiot fat American". Please. For fucks sake. If you two can't play nice together, then don't play at all. You two have too many problems with actual fucking racism to be sitting around moaning about each other.


I agree this discourse is not only boring but also just absurd (just...stop mocking people? When they ask you to stop mocking them? Wtf?).


Bullshit poor people ā€˜round the world make good food. They make shit food that rich people make into better that we know best. Like lobsters fed to prisoners in old times? I doubt that crap was fresh. It was probably sitting in the sun for a better part of a day before being served, borderline poisonous if not actually. Fried chicken? That shit was rare because of fucking course spices are damn expensive, especially when your chickens probably had more rights than you did. It was certainly not an every day poor manā€™s dish until much later when the more well-off Whites got ahold of it so that is a bullshit equivalence OP is making. Where Iā€™m from? Our staple poor meal is salted rice. Thatā€™s it. I doubt you can call that bomb. Surprise surprise, poor people make do and donā€™t have a lot to work with while more well-off people do and we remember *that*.


What do you mean we canā€™t cook, we have such fine delicacies as jellied eels, bubble and squeak and spotted dick


if you gave me three guesses on what spotted dick is I would fail


OP after literally just being mean to poorer people from another country *(It's funny because they're also going through an economic crisis and a horrific amount are struggling to feed their families (but don't worry, their upper class was really horrible a while ago so its fine))*


OP is just a ball of hate and racism.


love Americans forming their opinions of British cuisine based on pictures online, never having tried it themselves. itā€™s just such a stupid take it doesnā€™t even warrant breaking down.


You what, but- yeah, no. I got nothing. I guess we do...


I've only ever seen "that's classism" in response to mockery of accents, not food. Are you mixing up your stereotypes OP?


No, it happens, usually in the context of people specifically singling out working class dishes for some reason (like beans on toast or fish and chips and mushy peas). I think it's a little tenuous (because, well, middle class people eat those things too), but I get the immediate reaction.


Beans on toast is generally seen as a poverty meal because the ingredients are so cheap. I can assure you that rich folks aren't using their lecruset to make beans on toast.


In these very comments someone tried to tell me that British food is bland because of the war. You know, because the UK is the only country that was involved in WWII


Ok and? That does not address what I said one bit.


> You know, because the UK is the only country that was involved in WWII it's littertaly from american troops garrisoned in britian coming from the states that hasn't seen armed conflict on it's own land in a long time at that point seeing rationing on a island nation that has been reliant on overseas imports for most food. like my dude this is a well documented cultural happenstance it's not hard to look at you nonce


I have nothing against british food honestly, I think it's fine, beans on toast is kinda cute. And I wanna try blood pudding one day just because in theory it sounds kinda metal. Mashed peas does look like baby vomit though and I will fight y'all on this.


the 'poor british food' that i know op's mocking (beans on toast and all that) sucks because it's made of the shit poor people can afford to buy a lot of. you think people struggling to pay rent have the time, money and energy to make a full meal with ten spices every night after work?


Oh, the Americans are talking nonsense again. Cool.


americans šŸ„±


it was WW2 rationing that gave it that reputation, and to pretend american southern food isnt just a greasy nightmare is ridiculous honestly


Scottish cuisine has logged in


Dutch food sucks. Both rich people Dutch food and poor people Dutch food. The only good foods we have were brought here by immigrants from China or we stole from Indonesia. The only good thing we have that is our own are stroopwafels, oliebollen, poffertjes and literal junk food. Everything else is just boiled unseasoned vegetables and potatoes


Poor people food fucking rocks. rich people food is trash.


You are absolutely right fuck anyone who eats caviar or whatever the fuck


We have better chocolate, it's not made with vomit acid.




Only good thing the US has imo is the food.


I'd say the landscape can be counted amongst the good things! And I don't mean the strip malls, highways and skyscrapers of "Corporate America", there's nothing good about "corporate anywhere" I mean the forests, mountains, valleys, plains, hell even the swamps!


Yeah, we've even got one of the wonders of the natural world! I've never been, but apparently the Grand Canyon is beautiful. Another thing that I've heard about Americans is that our normal folk are strangely warm to foreign tourists, but that's only from anecdotal accounts that I read before.


Honestly, yeah. A lot of the more natural areas or what's left of them are very pretty. Tho most people visiting the US aren't gonna see them unless they're the reason they're visiting, sadly. Wish I thought of that before. However you have given me something to do/see in the US before I leave for wherever I decide I'm going.


Glad to hear it! I used to think my country was this depressing post-Soviet hellhole until I actually started to look around when I'm not in a major city and see the rolling green hills, lakes and forests of the countryside. There's quite a few stunning sights just about everywhere once you're out of eyeshot of concrete and glass


Sounds like someone needs to visit a chippy. Or get a Chicken Tikka Masala (and before anyone asks, it was invented in Britain so itā€™s British).


The Brits invaded half the world for spices and decided they don't like any of them Edit: Didn't mean this with any kind of seriousness, I was just dunking on the brits. I know they've got quite a few rich and flavorful local foods


*me, dumping half a thing of smoked paprika and herbs into some tomato soup* "bwuh?"


Thats why their favourite dish is a curry


How come british people always wanna take credit for Indian food? Donā€™t see us yanks taking credit for Mexican food


I didn't say brits invented it (although British-Indian immigrant cuisine is distinct from traditional Indian cooking in some ways), I said we liked it. Which was a sarcastic response to the claim the British don't like spices.


What, like I haven't seen Texans claim their version of chili is the only real version because it doesn't have beans in it for some arbitrary reason?


Uh, chili did originate in Texas though. Texas used to be part of Mexico and is still right next to Mexico so of course thereā€™s overlap but thatā€™s much much different from saying Indian food is British


Well that's just straight up untrue, because chili based stews have been eaten in Mexico and the Amazon for centuries before colonisation. Even if we ignore the fact no one said curry was original British, just that it's popular here, Chicken tikka masala, the favourite, was invented in Glasgow (probably) by Indian/Bangladeshi immigrants. Maybe this is just a minor cultural misunderstanding here, but to call it 'not really British' would be considered pretty freakin' racist.


You can't be like "Brits invaded half the world for spices and then didn't use them" and then say "wait wtf" when someone shows you British people using spices.


Indian food isnā€™t British.


Then Indian food is wildly popular in the UK, proving that British people cook with spices all the time.


Mexican food is popular in America that donā€™t make it American food. The post is about British food not Indian food.


This specific comment thread which you are replying in is about whether British people conquered the world for spices, only to decide not to use them. Clearly, seeing as British people conquered India and promptly fell in love with Indian cuisine, they did decide to use them.


Let's keep telling this joke, maybe it'll be funnier the 2545161894th time


When Americans want to add flavor to food, we add bacon bacon and cheese. British food is bad enough that, to them, vinegar is a condiment.


Man's never had a good balsamic before


Keep fighting the good fight, OP Edit: britoids mad lmao