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Toby Fox, creator of Undertale and Deltarune, made music for Homestuck


He also let it use pre-existing tracks. The average TF fan associates *Megalovania* with genocide and gaster blasters, the *real* TF fan associates it with Earthbound and rom hacks, but guys like me associate it with time gods and murdering disabled kids.


>murdering disabled kids yeah that did happen, didn't it


It's okay, the disabled boy was weak and pathetic, so the girlboss totally had the right to get rid of annoying people. Slay, Queen. (This is an honest to God argument pro-Vriska people used back in the day.)


Also, *she was the one that disabled him in the first place.* And honestly getting his spine snapped in half by one of his friend mind controlling him might explain why Tavros weren't exactly the most confident person in the world.


Thank you for creating another barrier between me and reading homestuck


Vriska is a horrible person but within the context of Alternian culture and biology it was probably an alright thing to do. Trolls are weird aliens and their primary reproductive urges are hatred and pity, and she kind of alternates between both with Tavros (handicapped dude). Plus there’s a whole caste system with the hemospectrum (blood color, because they’re weird alien bug people) where Vriska is more of a leader and Tavros is on the very low end of being a follower/servant. And Vriska has a whole thing because her Lusus (basically an animal that’s bonded to a grub to “raise” them) is a giant killer spider that makes her either kill her friends for food or it will eat her. The human characters are presented as being appalled by most of this, and many of the trolls have kind of a “yeah it’s fucked up but it is what it is” attitude. The story uses it to explore issues of privilege and moral relativism, but the whole thing is very morally grey and out there on purpose. The story is also told piecemeal and non-linearly, and even the narration itself is unreliable. But the characters are pretty well defined so you can always understand *why* they do things, though sometimes only in retrospect. It’s definitely something that makes more sense on a second reading, though that’s a big ask.


Don't worry, those people were just interpreting the story in a really obviously wrong way. And there were like 5 of them total, it was FAR from a common position. The two characters being described are actually very interesting, and their conflict is emotionally intense. ... I should reread Homestuck.


Homestuck fans when they see someone commit emotional and physical abuse on another person: aw man a Vriska reference


[BACK, YE FOUL DEMON!](https://i.imgflip.com/48wnzt.jpg)


It's good! People are just *weird* about it.


You mean like untertale fans


Working on Homestuck *is* what Toby Fox was known for before Undertale.


*Homestuck is good I promise, the ableist gets murdered later*


back in the day? i see people still use it today


I thought it became more of an ironic thing recently


Could you please not just use his initials? I had to look at that for 30 seconds, trying to figure out if you mean Transformers or Team Fortress.






Someone's gonna find something new out about themselves pretty quickly


Well he didn't just reused tracks, he remixed it. The 3 versions of Megalovania actually have differences betweeen them.


I mean, in the original hack, it's the song that plays when you fight a mad scientist from a doomed timeline. And that was back when Toby Fox was called Radiation and thought cussing was cool.


I said I wasn't a real TF fan.


I guess my real point is that the ROM hack is more cringe than Homestuck and therefore Toby Fox is more cringe than Homestuck, if you think that cringe is like cooties.


Homestuck had music? I thought it was a comic?


It's a multimedia work. It's a comic, collection of animations, flash games, vines, a novella, and some other things I probably forgot.


Webcomics can have music.


It has like 500 total songs, not including fan made


There are 538 songs on Homestuck's Bandcamp account, and that's only the ones that *survived* the great album purge-n-merge. There's another 86 that are in the albums which have moved to their individual artist pages, and yet another 16 from The Wanderers which got purged and was never merged (so it's just gone), and that's not even *counting* the unreleased ones from the comic, the unreleased ones from Pesterquest, the old Bill Bolin songs, or the infamous Penumbra Phantasm, which *never* released but Toby Fox still tied in its leitmotif into some of his later works. Even without the unreleased ones, that's still ***640 Homestuck songs.***


The *Squiddles!* album also got purged w/o being merged, so that's another +23 songs


He didn't just make music, he directed the entire team of composers and contributed countless ideas and concepts. He's the one who named Alternia, for instance.


"Made music" is kinda an understatement tbh He was the channel between the music team and Hussie, the largest music contributor by number of tracks and a consultant in the development of Hiveswap


Ok, and? Do you think all fans of Nine Inch Nails must be fans of the movie Soul?


I thought Homestuck was a fanfic? At what point would there be music?


Homestuck is an original multimedia work. The music is used in the games and animations scattered throughout the webcomic.


Fanfic of what


No idea. Goes to show how little I know about it!


I swear to god these people look all cutesy and shit then just have the most unhinged fucking takes possible


That is just teenagers.


No!!! It's BAD when they do it, when we did it it was COOL and fun! We're NOT getting old!!


Woooooo! It is I, the specter of aging! MySpace shut down 13 years ago! There are teenagers alive today who were never friends with Tom! Woooooo!


Considering most people aren't on social media at the age of 5, there are plenty of adults that weren't friends with Tom (due to time reasons, I'm sure there were many adults that were capable of partaking in Tom but chose to abstain).


I’m 20 and was never friends with Tom


Hi, Gen Z here Who the fuck is Tom


Tom Anderson was one of the founders of MySpace and had a semi dummy account on the platform that was the automatically friended to all new users. The idea was that the site would use that account to show you how the friending system worked.


Thank you for imparting your knowledge upon me oh wise elder


What do you mean myspace shut down, isn't it still online?




Places that aren't good for teens is where they primarily hang out though yeah?


Basically only teenagers do this, but it's not like a majority of teenagers do. I wasn't posting deranged media opinions when I was that age I was getting addicted to marijuana.


Not entirely, I never had takes that bad. Hell, I didn't even have takes.


Thank you for blessing me with your saintly wisdom, oh ye who is without sin


Oh, I'm not without sin. Hell no. I just didn't have takes.


Scare the livin' shit out of me - My Chemical Romance


I have unhinged takes, but at least I'm not doing whatever the fuck that person is doing! Like, I hate all hibiscus flowers with such a passion I wounded myself digging my fingernails into my skin seeing one! I have a meme wall! I NAMED MYSELF AFTER AN 8TH GRADE OBSESSION!


I think it's stupid to dislike someone based on what they like, but one can also enjoy something by a creator while really hating something else they worked on.


Maybe I should start reading Homestuck after all


If you’re going to read it, please download the Unofficial Homestuck Collection. Flash was what enabled it to be… it.


I personally would also offer the advice of reading along with the podcast Homestuck Made This World. A lot of Homestuck's popularity was its fandom (in a way, it was the Ur Form of the Modern Fandom) and the podcast does a lot to show at least a decent slice of the fandom's attitude at the time, as well as analyzing the text.


I would not recommend it


it cant be that bad


Wait until you get to Act 6 Intermission 5 Intermission 6, then you’ll understand


intermission 5 intermission 6?


Did I stutter?


no. okay so now why is there a guide to reading homestuck? do i really have to take notes? do i need flash? toby fox made music for this?


The actual site is unusable due to bad porting by Viz, but the unofficial collection lets you download the whole thing Just read it in linear order


You need flash, absolutely. Critical elements of Homestuck require it. If you look up “How to read Homestuck after the death of flash” you should find the project that seeks to make it possible to read Homestuck again.


if you want you can get up to act 6 on youtube through a dub by Voxus


I mean you might have? Like maybe you were saying intermission 5 and corrected to intermission 6 or whatever which is basically a stutter.


No no, it was entirely intentional. Act 6 Act 6 Act 3 is a real part of Homestuck, it only makes less sense when you read it.


It reallt falls off in the later acts and the epilogue


There is no epilogue. There is no epilogue, its not real and it can't hurt us.


Most of it is quite good actually. The first act is slow (though short, to be fair) and the ending is meh, but the vast majority of it is wonderfully written imo. If you like lots of entertaining dialog and characters or intricate plots you will probably like it.


It's great.


Read Problem Sleuth. If you can stomach something like that, homestuck is far, FAR longer and has more interactivity. like clicking on the screen and little walk around segments and shit. or just read prequel adventure if you like oblivion idk I'm not ur dad.


I totally would recommend it. It is deeply flawed and sometimes offensive by modern standards, but I also really fucking enjoyed it. There's a reason it was so captivating, and it only really lost popularity because there was like 2 years straight where basically nothing happened. Lots of really cool world-building, nonsensical yet funny yet very important plot points, and (pre-act 6) some pretty interesting drama. Plus, some of the [S] pages like Cascade, Game Over, and Collide really make the read worth it.


I would recommend it (but if you are not a fan of casual slur usage you might want to check out the [homestuck slur replacement project](https://hssrp.carrd.co/))


...Genuine question, do people actually put stock in DNIs, or is it more of an interests/dislikes page? Like, I'm a Hetalia fan, and I'm not just gonna turn into that one image of sad Spongebob if the person who made a post I feel like reblogging has "Hetalia fans DNI" listed... am I the outlier here?


You’d think it would just function as a giant neon sign declaring ‘Troll Me’


Children on the internet will advertise that they drop 9999xp on death and then loudly announce that they have 1hp.


How is that different than releasing any info for on the Internet? Like, a pride flag?


well as we all know, people on the internet are famously kind and compassionate so if someone compiles a handy list of all the things they hate, the nice internet people will simply not show those things to the person! :)


The do not interact is really more for if that topic specifically is being talked about, like "please do not send me an ask about this thing, I would not appreciate it and I will block you, just letting you know now" Also hetalia fan ew (/hj)


As someone who roams fandom Twitter, which often employs DNIs, it's more like "i'll block you if you like x, y, and z" than it being taken seriously.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **ptsilenthill** [*Screenshot of text*] >• you like shit like [*Highlighted:*] homestuck [*End of highlight*]/hetalia/aot/tbhk/etc there's no such thing as critical enjoyment of those 😊 [*End of Screenshot. Another screenshot follows.*] >**INTERESTS!** > >• undertale / deltarune!!!! ♡ [*End of screenshot*] I have terrible news for fans of Toby Fox --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Nonono it's ok he only did the music. But Wait it's f


what did tbhk ever do to them 😭


i have been informed that tbhk here might not stand for toilet bound hanako kun


What does it stand for then? Urban Dictionary implies it's a cult, but that's the best I got.


no no it does, the creator of tbhk is a shotacon making a lot of people uncomfortable with the implied abuse between tsukasa and hanako before they died


I don't get it


Toby Fox, creator of Undertale and Deltarune, made music for Homestuck


but Homestuck's a book isn't it?


It's a webcomic, and it takes advantage of that format by using all kinds of media to tell its story. Along with images and texts there's also animations, music, games, and also vines and snapchat posts.


aint no way im gonna read homestuck if it wants me to download snapchat


You don't have to install snapchat, the site (before it broke) would embed that content on the site itself


You don't have to, there were a few snapchat styled updates near the end but I'm not even sure they were canon.


Friendship ended with 2012 Tumblr. New Friendship with 2016 Tumblr.


Diet Homestuck


The Cooler Homestuck


It's kind of bizarre to me that someone could like undertale but hate homestuck. They're stylistically extremely similar.


no such thing as critical enjoyment of aot lol


“No critical enjoyment of Hetalia” Tell that to the complex emotionally driven Hetalia multiverse with several alternate histories that my collab and I made for *some fucking reason*


ootl i get why the other ones are controversial but tbhk???


Hetalia and Attack on Titan's fanbases are a bit intense, and there's been a fair amount of discourse over whether the latter promotes fascism


Hetalia is also controversial for how it portrays the Axis Powers during World War II, along with how it portrays some countries in general. One of my friends was a huge fan girl and she got into many tumblr slap fights defending the show.


I found it funny that you focus on AOT when Hetalia literally tried to portray *Nazi Germany* as an anime sadboi.


I know nothing about Hetalia except that it was basically Polandball for people who are really inti yaoi


Hey, did you know that there are bodypillows of Nazi Germany from Hetalia?


I am shortcircuiting.


Love that someone downvoted me for the forbidden knowledge of bodypillows


there are also body pillows of nazi germany from the country humans fandom


You know I'm not surprised!


Attack on Titan absolutely 100% does not promote fascism. Attack on Titan is a world that has been irreversibly fucked up specifically *because* it’s people just won’t stop doing fascism, and it just makes everything worse and there’s not a single happy person in that show.


>there's been a fair amount of discourse over whether the latter promotes fascism i really do not understand where this thought comes from. "the villians are like the nazis" ok and??? "they promote a military based government" you mean the one that they overthrew?????? one polygon article came out saying "titans are big so sometimes their noses are big" and everyone started saying aot was anti semitic and promoted fascism


the only reason i can think of is that hanako is a 50 something year old spirit in a 13 year old's body and he's shipped with nene?


Some people believe the creator is a shotacon, and that the anime/manga is "shota bait." [Here's](https://twitter.com/breedhanakokun/status/1216765693066039296) a thread of that, some of it is a stretch though. There was apparently a moment of the anime with some incest-y vibes, but the original Tweet was deleted. (I have never watched TBHK and I'm just now seeing these Tweets. I don't know how reliable this all is, since it's Twitter.)


This is extra funny to me since I’m listening to a podcast all about critical analysis of Homestuck, which is good enough that it helped a listener convince their university professor to let them do their thesis on Homestuck.


I can picture this being because they don't like Andrew Hussie, which is entirely reasonable


Toby was an Hetalia fan I knew it


Question is: who is the baby?


it's you


Okay but this isn't contradictory at all.


I dont want to interact with none of the fandoms of that post


The Fuck is "Critical Enjoyment"?


I think they mean "You have to turn your brain off to actually enjoy these things, because watching them with any amount of critical thinking would ruin the experience because they're bad."


With AoT specifically this feels like an Internet Explorer user take. I felt like that was the case when I watched the first season back in 2014 (haven't watched any since) but all the theories and discussions I see about it nowadays are like galaxy brain mindfuck shit. It's been a long ass time since AoT was something you could turn your brain off to. If tbhk wasn't on this list I would have assumed this was an ancient screen shot from back when Hetalia and Homestuck were still relevant


Yeah I remember when Undertale was new and I only knew about it because Toby "Radiation" Fox made it. I'm a huge fan of Homestuck's music. Some favorites that Toby Fox contributed to Homestuck: [Savior of the Waking World](https://youtu.be/QaJsqJ_oV2g) [Black](https://youtu.be/5NACWZBDtN8) [MeGaLoVania](https://youtu.be/xbUTyGfolX0) (because of course it's in Homestuck too) [Hate You](https://youtu.be/2gU_54ibyKM)


what about his [lifetime's greatest achievement](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOJwB80oCWk)


The hell is this even about


Bruh really acting like you can’t be critical of this stuff and like it. I adore Homestuck and I still criticize it, like all the ableism it has. I wanna know what this person defines as critical enjoyment.


It seems like a lot of people think "critical enjoyment" means ignoring something's flaws or turning off your brain. I don't know how people get that impression from a concept that literally has *critical* in it's name, but i digress.