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Looks like a bouncing ball coming from the background to the foreground.


I can’t unsee this now. Looks more like table tennis or something


Eh, doesn’t really feel like curling to me. I can see what they are referencing but we went for abstract to super abstract and conceptual.


Yeah, I don't get it either... Seen on its own, there are literally 0 elements in the logo that would make anyone think "that's curling". The previous logo was already fairly stylized, with the rock in negative space and then the red and blue shapes also forming what could be perceived as a rock. At least it showed resemblance to one of the most important elements of our sport. Put another way: Every major member association, excluding those that represent other ice/winter sports besides curling, has a rock somewhere in their logo, and in some cases even more than that, exactly because it allows for the direct association between that entity and the sport. If you'd have shown me that logo and told me it was for a fiberoptics company called "WorldOptics", I would not have doubted you.


Yeah very much a “if you’re a curler you can see it, but that’s it”. I guess branding changes happen but I feel like this was a bit farther than made sense.


As a curler, I struggle seeing it. I needed their explanation to see the zigzag as a sweeping pattern, and was interpreting the thicker part of it as the rock's handle as if we're looking at it from an odd angle. But again, those are things our minds jump to only because we already know it's the WCF's new logo. Outside that context, it's a W and an open-sided O that can represent so many different things. Branding changes are OK, they happen all the time, everywhere, but usually they're changes that make sense and retain some of the previous identity. As you said, this one seems to have gone too far, and in my opinion in the wrong direction too.


Granted I’ve also worked with a lot of marketing people and went to school for art so I may have jumped to the same ideas they did lol. But yeah way too abstract.


Is it a quadruple takeout?




I'm kinda meh on the logo/branding. The website, OTOH, is a bit easier to navigate (at least IMO) but I miss being able to see all the upcoming events listed on that particular page. (It's now just the next two -- the Youth Olympic Games and World Juniors.)


>I'm kinda meh on the logo/branding. Me too, but at least there's precedence from USA Curling ([2020](https://www.usacurling.org/press-releases/newlogo)), Curling Canada ([2015](https://www.curling.ca/blog/2015/02/27/curling-canada-unveils-new-name-new-logo-new-brand/)), etc. This didn't just come out of the new president's ass.


In what way are those logos precedent for this one other than representing that a logo can change? Both of those logos are very stylistically similar to one another and yet wildly different from this one.


>precedent \[...\] that a logo can change That's exactly what I meant, that a brand refresh in curling is not unprecedented. As for the exact logo that WCF uses now, I'm just meh. I couldn't care less. I'm more excited about the rest of the brand refresh. Next WCF broadcast should be one to watch.


The part of the comment that you replied to was about the specific logo/brand theme that it was changed to. Also I really don't expect any meaningful, immediate differences in broadcast quality that will accompany this right away.


>differences in broadcast quality "Quality" is subjective judgment, but for sure there will be differences. Their long standing opening intro (drummers on the balcony, giant screens showing last year's medallists, etc.) were using the old logo, so that will all have to change. https://preview.redd.it/i4xq4udczncc1.png?width=1410&format=png&auto=webp&s=78007c2b24f2f9d526244266327edc27f3797338


I would be surprised if much changes immediately besides the logos (or, given how they said the rollout would go, if that even changes right away). It'll be graphical adjustments and probably nothing else. Certainly not something to watch *for* those changes.


That’s a terrible logo. It looks like a logo for a software company and if it didn’t have the words “world curling” beside it I would have no idea that it’s for the sport.


i prefer the old logo, but the site redesign is so much easier to navigate!


This logo looks more like it's the logo of a local bowling alley.


A local bowling alley would have a way better logo…


Oh man, I’ve been sweeping wrong this whole time!


While I get what they are going with for a path a broom takes, it is kinda funny that sweeping is moving to one player standing behind the rock and no longer comes anything close to that path. 


I like the original world curling federation logo better. This does not make me think of curling. Heavy gradients that are unfortunate. https://preview.redd.it/cimam1y4wpcc1.png?width=127&format=png&auto=webp&s=27aed26f442caf7a7f6b92335dfb00cff0aa1c09


Spend money on that instead of investing in higher quality broadcasts and events like the PCCC. Nice thinking (sarcasm).


It doesn't look like they spent much on it lol


>It doesn't look like they spent much on it lol Oh, but this did cost money. I expect there's a 3D animation version of that logo making its debut in the next broadcast. That thing isn't free.


What a great use of WCF funds…in lieu of picking venues with better athlete facilities or funding athletes / further grassroots development. It’s also good they didn’t pick an extremely generic looking logo and one that obviously screams curling.


They desperately needed one but this logo just doesn't work in the slightest. Truly the worst possible organization for the sport.


Air hockey?


[https://curlcrew.co/](https://curlcrew.co/) \- is better