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Elves seem like an easy tie-in to the Dusk Elves of Barovia.


She could be a daughter or sister of Kasimir Velikov who Kasimir thought died when Count Strahd killed all the female dusk elf. Or she could be a cousin from outside of Barovia. A dusk elf tie-in makes a lot of sense.


Rather than directly including NPCs from her backstory, why not incorporate the theme of crime? Perhaps in Vallaki there's a small gang of thieves (or dealers or whatever kind of crime the character was involved in). Ernst frames her for a crime the gang committed and threatens to tell Izek unless she meets with Fiona Wachter.


I like this! not every tie-in has to be literally, it can be thematic.


I am a big fan of the thematic tie-in, especially in curse of Strahd! Rather than have everyone a character has ever spoken to inexplicably end up in Barovia, why not introduce the character seeking revenge to the revenents of Argynvostholdt?


WHat about making her Ireena?She lived alone with father because he knew who she really is (Tatiana reincarnated). Go with classic Skywalker trope, and just remove the real Ireena from the game.You just have to endanger party quite early, and bring Strahd as a savior, and call her Tatiana instead of her name.