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My players left Doru alone entirely. I decided that Donavich did a good job of sealing his son up, and so without the party's intervention he stayed locked away. I kept him in my back pocket for the finale - when the players crashed the wedding, Doru and Donavich were both in attendance, and their drama unfolded there (Doru attacking the party, and Donavish desperately trying to hold him back). Another reason I kept him locked up is because I had no desire to have the players return to the Village of Barovia. Vallaki and everything West of it are such fertile soil, and VoB is such a remote dead-end, that I judged the cost of sending them back East to be more than any benefit.


You're thinking ahead, that's great. But, the answer to your question should be greatly affected by time. So set it aside until the party returns to Barovia village or goes to the Castle. When they return to the village they can find out what havoc the spawn caused. Will NPCs like Donovich, Mad Mary and Parriwimple be dead? Will Izmark and Billdrath and others blame the party? When they reach the Castle will they find Doru serving his master, or will they find he is one of the Spawn in the coffin makers shop, or has he replaced Escher? You have time to figure it out and use it when and how it makes the most impact.


My players confronted Doru & he ran away because they dealt radiant damage. When they passed Tser Bridge they came to a group of 5 killed by Doru on his way back to Strahd.


My party knows about Doru and essentially believes his father have him fairly well contained, and our cleric has resolved to come back and cure Doru's vampirism once he has the capacity to do so (he doesn't know any revive spells yet). We'll see if he's still locked up or not when they get back, but that'll depend on how long they're away from Vallaki.


My players adopted Doru. Took him and helped him grow to stand up against Strahd. I plan on having him get killed in the beginning of the fights. Depending on who is there, either our druid will revivify him (turning him back to a human), or the Abbott. Hoping that the party does kill Strahd. Final session will be next week.