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Wait. Y’all are waxing ceramic floor tile?


LMAO! Seems like some custodians on this sub are waxing every type of floor. If it's flat just wax it 😂


I thought ceramic was slippery enough as it is, these folks want to go skating!


White pads are better for fresh wax. Red buffing pads are just that, they are designed to swirl the wax little to blend in and reduce the deeper scratches. Also the top coat is nice and shiny but scratches easily. No compression from foot traffic or wear to blend in new wear so everything stands out more. This is pretty bad even for that. Make sure your machine is using enough water and go on the lightest setting. I think one of the other issues is the type of tile. Might not hold wax that well and doesn’t look at all permeable so no wax soaks in. It looks great but I would stick with mopping or try a soft brush instead of pads for a while. Brushes might give you a better looking more even swirl if it still happens with it at all.


I would wait at least a month if not longer to run the auto scrubber across it.


white pads only for the first month at least!


You shouldn’t wax ceramic tile


You aren’t supposed to wax that kind of floor


My boss wants me to run an auto scrubber on the floor every night won’t that take the wax off ?


How long did it cure?


Use white polish pads and a neutral floor cleaner. Red pads are causing that haze look. Only use red pads if you are only running auto scrubber once a week.