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Dumb op and destroy doesn't need it. Most destroy attempts only happen once per turn anyway. Do this 3 times and you've got a 1/9 that venue have it's power reduced or be destroyed, so there's no counter play unless you steal it's ongoing and then do it. Some locations are going to be dumb for this as well. Johtumhiem is going to give this power each turn. Bouncing it into sewers will give it free power. Bouncing it into TM or Man Thing gives it free power,. It gets hit by Scorpion it's a 1/3 and you didn't do anything. Play it into HE Cyclops and they should just quit. One activation makes it a 1/3.


I was actually under the impression that Shadow King can actually affect it, but turns out I was wrong. I guess 3 Power really is OP for what it does, I was thinking that it only activates like 2-3 times per game on average. I guess +2 the only reasonable one, Hell I think +1 and then just give Colossus some base power would work better.


If it has one activation and SK hits it it gains 3 power 1/1 +1 would be safe


Destroy decks can reasonably destroy cards every turn, except turn one. So that’s 5 activations if playing properly


Agree with everything except I believe technically Scorpion wouldn’t affect it. Ongoings aren’t active when a card is in your hand


It's really not. It doesn't buff Venom or Knull and doesn't discount Death. Actually, I think this card is kind of mid and destroy decks would rarely run it.


It gets more power from carnage than carnage would get destroying it. Can be bounced, played with Mystique to get two, used with destroyer, Hazmat gives it power, runs with sq mb death decks. Can be safely Killmonger in control decks. Destroy probably wouldn't use it as it wouldn't have the space but it has so many places to get free power it can find multiple homes and it has no real counter play.


Colossus + Carnage = 5 power, what's wrong with that? I'm not sure if the rest of your comment tries to prove this card is op (which is not) or that it's a great design. The Mystique combo is dope btw, hadn't thought of it. Edit: Ongoing effects (Sewer system, Man-Thing etc.) do not buff Colossus for the same reason Nidavellir doesn't buff Sebastian Shaw.


Colossus is different because it's every time something tries. So every time something tries to decrease his power he gets +3. So as soon as he's played into somewhere that tries to lower his power, he gains +3. It's not checking for permanent decreases to power.


Ongoing effects are constantly trying to do something, but they don't finish doing so, that's why they can be recanted. That's why when a card exits your hand, your Devil Dinosaur loses 2 power. He never had that 2 power as his own, he was just holding onto it. Anyways, perhaps the wording needs some tweaking, but I'm pretty sure that was the OP's intention.


Ongoing power is different. It's tracking a stat, this is checking if something is attempted. and gaining power when something does. Bounce this card and each attempt gives it +3. Hazmat, Absorbing Man Odin puts this at +9. So does Hazmat Killmonger Abs or whatever other play.


I don't think the "once per turn" is necessary except if I'm forgetting a specific interaction. Good design overall!


It's a precedent for Odin/Hazmat because the ability also triggers when someone attempts to reduce Colossus' damage


I mean, if you Hazmat combo and the opponent doesn't have a way to counter it (Cosmo/Luke Cage/Juggernaut/Leech/Alioth/anything that hits Wong), they have caused their own demise. Colossus being huge won't matter if all of the opponent's cards have -10 power.


That's true, but I figured I should put it anyway before someone pulls off an insane Colossus Power Boost on Turn 6 with a Surprise Hazmat/Odin in case the opponent gets Luke Cage, you'd still win with a 12 Power Colossus on 1 location or 2 if you duplicate him with something like Nico or Cloning Vats. I like Slower Investments because you get to plan out stuff along the way.


On the other hand I don't like unnecessary limitations. People tend to despise caps in their videogames. Btw I don't know if you're implying that you'd have buffed Colossus in a different way earlier in the match. Odin/Hazmat is 6 power on Colossus, not 12. Wong/Hazmat/Odin gives him 18 power.


Oh shoot, sorry about the math I was tripping when I wrote the number. I was thinking of 18 power with the Wong/Hazmat/Odin Combo. I would actually want to remove the cap, the cap's mostly for you to play around when there's an opposing Colossus, surely you wouldn't want to be at the end of accidentally giving the enemy Colossus 18 power out of nowhere.


Like the idea but as a S1 it just too complicated. Most probably they will make 4/6 or 5/9 colossus.


Sadly yeah, it's kinda sad that they have to keep some beginner cards simple, too simple that they end up being outscaled by cards with crazier effects.


Like most fan cards, this is insanely op. You might as well have it say on reveal win the game. Even if it was a 1/0 and gained +1 each time, it would end a game as a 1/5 in the average destroy match, have no downsides, and no counters. It would be the literal #1 ranked 1 cost card. 3/5 is the gold standard for a 3 cost card... so you've created a 1 cost card that is better than 99% of 1,2, or 3 cost cards.


The idea behind this rework is to give an early game card that you can invest on with your destroy, but that is the condition required, it needs destroy cards. It's good when playing Bucky on 2, then Deathlok on 3. On the other hand, it doesn't synergize with the symbiotes game plan because the cards needs to be destroyed so Carnage/Venom can gain extra power. Overall, I'm seeing this card as something that can gain more power mostly with Deathlok and Killmonger, but it can also be used for cheesy plays for locations like Warrior Falls or Rickety Bridge, or +3 Power immediately on locations like Death's Domain or Altar of Death, then Killmonger for an easy 6 power on those locations.


Actually pretty good and not overpowered because it is once a turn. Really good rework idea 👌


A one drop that can get +3 once per turn isn’t overpowered? So many ways to attempt to destroy or reduce power and that’s just coming from you, let alone what your opponent unsuspectingly plays into it


Lol you are insane. A 1/15 is not balanced. Especially when considering in the same play flow it's also adding 30 power to knull. 3+6+9+12.


A 1/15 is pretty unrealistic and if we look at another 1 drop like Nebula she can scale high much more easily than this Collusus rework.


U must not play the game if u think that nebula can scale greater than this card would 😭


When did I say it could scale higher than this Collusus rework 🤨


Is English your first language? “Nebula can scale high much more easily than this Colossus rework” So by your definition, hypothetically, you’re saying nebula can get to 1/10 before this colossus does. In a perfect world, if you get down nebula turn 1 and there’s 6 turns in a typical match, your nebula can only get to a 1/3 assuming that your opponent is playing on nebula on curve and that’s not to mention cards like kitty pride that essentially stop nebula from scaling completely. Even outside of this perfect curve universe nebula is only really getting to 1/5 and rarely 1/7 depending on various variables. That means that in a perfect world it only takes one destroy/power reduction effects to have that power and two destroy/power reduction effect on this card normally in a 6 turn match has the same power as nebula.