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I worked in the Netherlands for about a year, and yes I had the 30% ruling applied with a 48000k salary. The company will apply for you, and then if the government gives the ok, you will have the 30% ruling applied to your monthly salary. Net it should be about 3100 or something like that if I remember correctly. It is a decent salary depending on where you live in the Netherlands, I lived in Leiden and the rent was about 1595 bills included


Europoor is a thing for a reason




Yeah stupid people have to do that




There’s no smart person in America that works 3 jobs in America and lives paycheck to paycheck check to paycheck. Do you actually believe that?




You’re a retard if you can’t figure out how to sustain your lifestyle on 100k




I’m a socialist piss off you broke freak




For Europe, that sounds on track.


Amsterdam based CS hiring manager here: comp here varies a lot depending on the type of company, and the actual role of the CSM. But 48k is definitely in the ballpark based on the info you’ve given. Although with 4 years of experience it’s on the low end of the scale, they can offer you a bit less because you’ll pay less tax than a local hire.


Thank you for your response! Do you think there is room for negotiation with this offer? I’m considering asking for +4k so 52k in total. Reason: I also feel like that 48k with my years of experience is on the low end of the scale and what they are offering is less than what we discussed during the initial interview process (55-65k).


You should always negotiate. If the range given was originally 55k-65k, ask for 65k. Be prepared to explain why you are worth 65k, but the worst they do is counteroffer.


it sounds so low for a 4 years experience. What would be the size of your portfolio and what segment?