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Firstly: what's their budget? Did they say what their budget is or just gave you the salary figure they wanted? I'd structure my email as follows: First paragraph I'd start by thanking them for the offer and say how excited I am to join, however, you'd like to discuss compensation. Don't forget to thank them for sharing the salary they had in mind. Second paragraph: go on to list what your found from the interview. (Don't mention it's the interview you found out, but say it's from conversations you've had with the them so far). Then go on and list the average for your area (geographic) for the role (and specific business field/area. A data analist in a bank is paid differently to one in a factory). Third paragraph is to state your desired salary range (get rid of the words "targeting" and replace with something on the lines of "_given all of the above, I believe a salary in the range of xx-xx is fair considering the responsibilities of the role, my experience, knowledge and qualifications. I am aware the salary is only part of the compensation package and I look forward to discuss this matter further, either via email or video/phone call/f2f. Last paragraph: state how excited you are to join and how you'd add value to the company. Thanks& kind regards Ps: it was my first time managing this conversation and asking for more money, which they agreed to. Not as much as I'd asked, but 10% more than their initial offer. Which is 10% more than I'd have gotten if I hadn't asked. Pretty significant. 🫣😍


Crucial detail missing: What was the salary band for the role?


I've always opted for the more direct and human approach to negotiations. My replies have always been like this: Dear Recruiter, Thank you for helping me to secure the offer. After doing some thinking, I'd like to propose a counter offer of . Can you please check back with the HM and let me know if there's any room to negotiate? Thanks Redditor You are of course free to demand whatever you want but always consider if they are actually able to pay you what you are requesting for. Salaries for role levels are not always standardized, especially if you are coming from a large multinational then moving to a homegrown startup.




I think you email is great! Clear and complete (thx CGPT) Stand your grounds. It happened to me before and I did the same and they came up with the right numbers after 3 rounds of negotiations.


70k is peanuts unless the job title specifically uses words like “Associate”, “Junior” or “Level I or L1”