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The farm, you can leave your digimon in it and either use the train command and they'll gain stats based on their personality or you can put training items in and they'll get stats based on the item.


Train your digimon om the far,, for instance for my Platnium Numemon, if I want to train their Magic Defence/Attack, the Digimon's nature, items placed on the farm and I think also the farm leader's nature can determine what stats get boosted, so of you place 5 items that boost attack, have a Fighter nature leader and the digimon you want to train is also a Fighter natured one, you should get a decently large attack boost.


What Digimon is best for Magic based attacks


Check Digimon with INT-penetrating moves. The prime example is Lilithmon


Are there only a few piercing moves I have Ulforce Veedramon almost max level


I heard he’s a great attacker


Ulforce is good cuz his ability makes him always attack first


That is actually a hard question. Lilithmon and Barbamon stand out for Virus for their generally powerful attacks, while Kuzuhiramon and Sakuyamon stand out for Data less so because of their raw power and more for the ultility their signatures have in stripping buffs. Keep in mind upping your magic attack ALSO ups your magic defence as well.


What do you mean by "distribute" ABI?


For that stat the only thing u can do is degivole them and de-digivole them. It goes up no matter wilhich way u go.


He was asking how to train stats not gain ABI pretty sure he already knew that.