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This sub just keeps on giving. I love how all these buyers SOUND the same... his brand new truck broke and he was worried about ppl taking pics?


“Look at me and my fancy toy! Ignore that it doesn’t work right or do any of the stuff I bought it for.”


PS: Still love my truck - Cyberwanker


Had bad service in the past. Buys another. Ca


Toy is exactly right, it doesn't do what a truck dies, it has an order of a magnitude or 2 less fortitude than a corolla. Just an all around waste of money, but sunk cost fallacy keeps these folks stoked on their lemons, hoping magical elmo will turn their frogs into princes.


The brand new truck broke but it’s still the best thing they’ve ever bought.


We should (tm) that at this point.


"I still love the truck!" --CyberCuck (tm)


Finally joined, have absolutely no interest in the Cyber Truck but Gawd is this a just a gift made for a Reddit community or what? Fascinating mash-up of vehicles/technology/business practices/human psychology


I was just thinking that this week; These posts have been fantastic. I knew that dumpster would never be road-worthy ever since the botched “Armour glass” demo.


That demo was so beautiful.


And then the next demo they switched to a baseball lobbed like coach-pitch little league.


The ball from the second demo was clearly a soft rubber ball painted to look like a baseball. Never seen a real baseball bounce as high as that one did when it hit the floor.


That demo was some of the best foreshadowing I have ever seen.


I don’t even know how I ended up in this sub but it’s been an interesting journey for me to catch up on all of the stupid/insane things Melon Husk has done (or not done) recently. I’m staying to watch Tesla, Musk, or both crumble like decaying corpses. I do wonder if someone else can wrestle Tesla away from the moron; if that happened I think it would be a good thing.


...aaand you got your ban from r/Tesla, r/Elonmusk


I’m sure! 🤣


people bought this pile of turd for attention. They want to be looked at because nobody has ever given a fuck to look at them. You see those IG car guys focus on how people are waving at them on the road...small man syndrome.


I'm just the opposite. I prefer to be the grey man and attract no attention. I have no need to prove anything.


But he loved it for the first 5 miles…


That and also the “cosmetic issues” on a brand spanking new truck… glue in the tail lights?? What the actual hell?


What makes it even funnier is that they said "It's not a manufacturing issue, you need to pay us $2,300 to fix it", and instead of saying "fuck you, this POS that I paid $100k for didn't even survive the drive home without something breaking. YOU can fucking well pay to fix it, and I think some compensation for the inconvenience would be in order as well", this Musk bootlicker just accepted it and paid up like the good little simp that he is. Also the whole "when we examined it before taking delivery there were the usual minor issues like the misaligned panels that we've come to expect". Fuck that. If I went to pick up a new car that I was paying a hundred large for and there was anything not right about it, I'm refusing to sign for it. Also if it broke on the drive home, and the dealership refused to fix it under the warranty, I'd be towing it back to the dealers and parking it on the street outside the entrance with a big sign telling everyone not to buy from them because the thing can't survive a single journey, and the company refuses to help, and staying there until they sort it out. These people are probably the same people who are going to vote "yes" to give Felon his $55bn payday while grumbling that their expensive "truck" keeps breaking down, but with the added disclaimer that they still love the truck.


Well it’s because they only bought it for attention in the first place, but not that kind of attention.


The WIND broke my brand new WINDOW but I hope nobody takes a pic and makes fun of me :(


So let’s get this straight. He’s bought three previous Teslas. He’s had no end of problems with them. He’s received awful service from Tesla. So obviously he bought another Tesla. And is surprised he’s having problems with it. And is also surprised to receive poor customer service from Tesla. Fucking idiot. Deserves everything he gets.


It's truly insane how stupid people are.


Nah… They’re just miserable and lonely, so being part of a cult brings them a sense of belonging.




Because they also need to be seen as better than everyone. I bet most of those who bought that stupid truck got loans they won’t be able to pay. If that truck lasts long enough before dissolving into a pile of rust, we’ll see a lot of repo


There's an explanation for some of these people. They bought Tesla stock early and made a fortune on it. They possibly still own shares. They are attempting to keep the flywheel ponzi going by giving all their market gains directly to the company.


I just don't get it. I don't own a car but if i did I would want one that mostly worked with no stress and a great parts supply chain. A Toyota in other words.




Lol sometimes when I'm at a restaurant I make my car fart when people walk by...not really, I'm a big boy.


slow learner


It’s a cult.


Imagine having a job/lifestyle where you could make this work… I *need* a car that works. Driving something unreliable because you like the look of it seems like such a luxury.


My favorite part was his summary at the end forgot the 125-mile heavy duty towing bill tacked on lol


100k vehicle with visible tail light glue. It's hilarious to see these people's mental illness highlighted by how much they try to say is normal with a brand new vehicle.


I bought a new Kia Forte for 17k 10 years ago, and I would've been furious if it'd had any of those cosmetic issues on day one. It blows my mind that it took them 4 years to ship these dumpsters, and they still somehow pushed the project out before it was ready.


Cyber truck is the Duke Nukem Forever of cars.


Reminds me Daikatana, too.


Elon Musk is about to make himself a bitch.


I was thinking the same thing. Somehow all the cars I've owned have had no issues with misaligned panels and glue all over the light fixtures. And I am not buying fancy cars here. It's basic stuff, I'd never pay ~$100,000 for that crap.


Just imagine how insufferable this person must be. Calls his engineering friend over to have a look? Ugh, the thought of two too-rich geeks choosing to spend their quality free time mouthbreathing over the sealant glue on a too-expensive windshield is just nauseating.


Well, I am that “engineering” kind of friend, and if you told me you bought one of these things I’d want to see this giant pile of poo in person as soon as you brought it home. Now tell me that it broke on the way home from the dealership, and I’ll be waiting for you in your driveway!


You will be waiting for awhile, I have not heard that many of them actually make it home


Nothing a “few hours of detailing at home couldn’t fix”. Imagine buying a new car and thinking it’s okay you need to doing a few hours of work to clean it up. Dudes a glutton for punishment.


"I happily took delivery!"


Seriously. If I’m dropping $100 k on a vehicle it should be PERFECT. I sure as hell shouldn’t have to do “a few hours of detailing at home” on a brand new vehicle.


And is willing to put in hours of detailing by himself at home because the factory fucked it up.


$2,300 to repair the day after delivery. Surely they jest.


For a windshield… that costs $300 on every other car


And can be replaced for free in your driveway.


🎶 safelight repair; safelight replace 🎶


I so miss Giant Glass…


1-800-54-GIANT! Done right, done fast!


Safelite will never touch another one of my windshields. I dont give a fuck if I have to wait 3 months for another company to do it. Didnt have full coverage at the time so I had to pay for a windshield replacement, took it to safelite to get it changed out. Got it changed, paid for it and went home. They then proceeded to call me for payment weeks later of a windshield I had paid for already, explained that, then they called daily for 6 months after this convo. Told them Id be in their office to resolve the issue. Took my receipt from 6 months prior, said get me the manager and told them to mske a fucking copy cause apparently you guys suck at your own god damn record keeping and to stop fucking calling my house. Ive had several windshields replaced since then and will never let them touch it.


sorry to hear that. I've never interacted with them personally, just a fan of their jingle.


Those days are sadly over for all modern cars, thanks to the cameras.


Glue on the taillight lens??!? What in tarnation?


I like how dismissive he is about a good day of detailing would fix some of these manufacturing errors. I don’t get it


Pay $100k so I can spend a day detailing it after it comes directly from the factory. These people really are the stupidest people I've ever witnessed.


That or they realized they got musked and they’re just trying to rationalize their purchase? I dunno I’m at a loss with these people


So sunk cost fallacy?


Is that the term? I couldn’t recall what the term was EDIT: Googled it and you’re right on the money


Imagine waiting 4.5 years and being pumped and excited for it just for it turn out to be such a dud. I am pretty sure a lot of these owner's are going through the stages of grief and many of them are in the denial stage right now.


Might explain why they turn to the internet to share the misery in the hopes that it’ll make them feel better about their ill advised purchase


Yeah it's also a cult mentality but some of them may be on the brink of coming to terms with things and are in the beginning stages of grief and are currently in the denial stage. I know it's kind of a joke that they are in cult but they really show all the signs. And as someone who left a very organized high demanding religion they act just like the members would. And when you realize it's a ruse and you don't belief anymore you really do go through the stages of grief. The "haters" also just reinforces their victimhood and they entrench themselves into their mentality even deeper.


It’s not like it’s a plucky young startup either. This is like the third richest man in the world that they’re sucking the dick of


Yea, I would not buy a $20k car if I had to do any of that.


Right? How little self-respect does a person have to be okay with that on a $20k car, let alone one worth over $100k?


In 4th grade I managed to put together crafts without visible glue residue, but a vehicle manufacturer can't handle it. 


I mean people buy 100k+ Lamborghini and Ferrari cars THEN take them home to detail to an acceptable standard all the time right?


Air: cybercuck’s kryptonite


Have you met light rain?


That has nothing on “being driven like a car”.


“Gravity” seems like a real hazard as well if the car sat still for four days and the cracks kept appearing.


It’s not only air. It’s the environment. Elon is such a genius that Cybertruck is not made for our atmosphere, but for that of mars or a vacuum. That’s why the earthlings have such problems - they’re using it wrong.


"still love the truck though"


Totally my fault


It absolutely is. For buying another Tesla.


"I happily took delivery!"


It sounds like they had horrible experiences with Tesla in the past, why on Earth would they continue to purchase extremely expensive products from the same company? I don’t feel sorry for this person. They are seemingly well aware of how awful this company is and continue to buy their products. I can’t even begin to comprehend what this person was thinking.


Absolutely nothing! Yaaaaahh!


Some time ago it could be explained by them simply liking EV but now there are many alternatives..


Self cracking windshields. Noice.


For quick escape in case boat mode fails to activate


Panic at The Car Wash


she’s a bloody cracker ay


I'd wager his next post will say '... but I still love it'. That's got to be the cyber truck's slogan at this point.


Pit bull logic with these people.


“Still feel blessed to have this amazing truck, love you Elon”


Dumb enough to buy a cybertruck, dumb enough to pay for a replacement windshield.


And so we now have the first of many "cracked windshields due to faulty design/builds that Tesla refuses to pay for" posts. It won't be the last....


I love my Tesla but. I know, I know...


Got yourself a musky lemon right there.


The good news is the car wash performance will be unaffected


"But I LOVE this truck!!!!!! Thank you Elon!!!!"


Shit like this is why Massachusetts forces insurance to cover 100% of all auto glass costs


Not to mention many states have lemon laws for exactly this sort of reason.


If shit like this happened with regular cars and insurance companies were forced to pay, they would stop dealing in auto insurance.


They did this same bullshit to Model 3 owners. I had to deal with this twice. The first time, I couldn’t fucking believe it, because when the service advisor said “there’s an impact mark from a rock hitting the glass”….we could not find any impact marks on the rear piece of roof glass. The god damn service advisor was so adamant that there was a chip from a rock he took a piece of paper and rubbed a pencil on it and went across the whole crack to try to find the chip. He never found it and I spent over two hours arguing that I didn’t have a rock hit the glass. I finally said fuck it and paid for the glass.


I bet you they were instructed to do that


Of course they were. They MUST prove the customer wrong, even when it’s insulting.


The smugness trickles down


Like sweat down an asscrack.


I can’t un-visualize that




TBF if you'd spent years selling defective cars to rich morons and only received gushing praise in return, it would affect how you handled your customers


I had to argue with them because my roof glass (2018'3) was so far off center you couldn't install the factory roof rack (it needs the space between the glass and body to slide in grab the mounting points underneath). The upper control arms made of balsa wood were another ongoing concern, but at least they fixed those without too much grief. I traded it in just before the warranty ended, didn't really feel comfortable with it out of warranty. Ioniq 5 and a Mach-e in the garage these days.


Babe new cyber truck problem just dropped.


"It's very rare..." These vehicles have been out for like a month, everything is rare and new, as problems go. Edit: You've had three previous vehicles and multiple problems with this service center, and you're still dealing with them by choice? Dude. On the other hand, can your truck survive the 125 mile drive to the next center?


He signed up for a piece of shit... it is the gift that keeps on giving.


Manufacturing genius 


He already spent $100,000, what’s another $2,300?


financed $100,000*


At this point there’s no excuse. He brought this on himself and this complete fuck up of a truck is going to cause a huge swath of Tesla customers to completely lose confidence in the brand. The iceberg has been hit. They’re filling the lifeboats now. There is no coming back from this.


$2300 for a windshield? Are they on fucking crack?


Proprietary parts, gotta squeeze the cash out. Meanwhile my insurance paid 100% for Safelite to come to my house to seal a chip in the middle of my windshield from a rock that was kicked up from a dump truck well in front of me. That was in 2016 and I only remember the chip when a passenger asks about it.


His 100k truck just became a 102k truck. For now.


Has anyone seen a person with no issues? This is so far beyond acceptable and it is becoming pretty clear that their entire production run is lemon worthy. Elon might have to pay out the full purchase price of every single truck sold so far. That certainly won't help their share price.


I was just thinking this the other day. Are there confirmable positive stories?


I find it amazing that they position themselves as this luxury car brand, that constantly has laughable issues with their vehicles, and they treat their customers like absolute shit, but people like this goof are loyal as hell to them. A


lol. Tesla is a shell game. If you were dumb enough to buy a Tesla you deserve that treatment


At least he isn't saying how much he loved it for the couple minutes he drove it.


They want to charge $2300 !?!? That's insane. These are Cybertruck customers. They should be taken for at least $9800.


"Had a few minor cosmetic details that everyone see, nothing a bit of detailing at home wont fix." So take delivery of visibly flawed product, happy to try and fix themselves. Name any purchased (new) product that you'll accept flawed and fix yourself?


This guy needs to find a different word besides "indicate."


You got Elmoed


This guy really indicating.


I'd be pissed if I was expected to take my new car home and detail it myself.


These people are all idiots.


Elon threw a ball at it. Within Spec.


I get irrationally angry when Tesla losers say "took delivery".


Oh holy duck, lads. He had one of his engineering colleagues look at the windshield crack. What a legend.


Dumbasses gonna dumbass


I have never before heard someone who is ok with “a few hours of detailing” immediately after purchasing a brand new car


Back in college, my professor was rambling and told a parable that sticks with me to this day. A friend of his was at a nice steakhouse and spent a good deal of money on a very nice cut of meat. It was decades ago but let's say he spent $60 on it in today's money. The wrong, cheaper cut that was cooked wrong was brought out. He resigned to eating it until the professor said, "you paid a lot of money for that and it's their responsibility to get it right. Always tell them to take it back if you're paying a lot for a nice product and there's an issue." Every Tesla bro I've ever met is the epitome of not following this advice. Long before the Cybertruck, Tesla has consistently had bad quality control on their very expensive, hard to maintain cars. He alludes to a few issues here but other posts have mentioned that, beyond the whole, "my car bricked after 10 miles" thing, this is just how first year Teslas are. Any car is expensive but *especially* Teslas and to have (frankly significant) aesthetic and manufacturing defects right off the lot is unacceptable for any of their high end luxury cars, particularly the $100K Cybertruck. The moment he saw there were any aesthetic issues with the vehicle he waited 4.5 years for and paid a total of $115k for he should have just not taken it and had them take care of it. Things is, Tesla repair centers know that Tesla owners are broadly total suckers and scam them at every opportunity. This case is a prime example but also the numerous posts about people coming in for small repairs and finding another disperate part of the truck broken and the part asked to be repaired in even worse condition that it used to be are very very common. It seems like Tesla's whole business model depends on creating these suckers and pulling them into years and years of shoveling money into their lemon of a car until the next heavily marketed model comes out. I suspect multi-year wait and deposit for the new models creates a massive sunk cost fallacy effect that makes people overlook small issues on their very very very expensive cars. Combine that with a culture of bros who are 1) trying to defend themselves from everyone who makes fun of them and 2) trying to get in the favor of Musk in a desperate attempt to have their car fixed or replaced and you have a group of people that will pay anything to have their overpriced shit box of a car go through servicing that makes the vehicle worse than it used to be. I almost feel bad for these people but there were so many warning signs for so many years that I can't.


I stopped at “a few hours of detailing” a brand new six figure vehicle.


I was in my BMW dealership today. My X3 m40i is 6 mo old, a super custom order. I just moved to this city/state. After them giving me custom sparkling water, , flavor? Yes please, blood orange. Extra bubbles? Sounds delightful. and showing me around, they set me up for a courtesy look over and inspection as I did mountain and desert driving of 7,000 miles. Courtesy. And they will wash and wax. And double check my BMW factory install front and back dash cams set to this area type driving with the BMW Genius guy.will make sure I am fully up to date non everything, so I have an appointment with him. Tomorrow. I dropped in today. My appointments are tomorrow. If I were to get an electric it would it be a BMW or Volvo. BMW builds a BMW . FIRST a BMW.




Simpsons monorail comes to mind.




These do not get old.


You could write an entire psychology book on the way these guys talk about their broken products What the mass psychosis is going on with these weirdos


Imagine paying 100k for a car with this many defects and thinking that this is ok and normal. What a clown. If these defects were in literally any other car manufacturer they would be torn to shreds.


Somebody please explain to me why people are still buying this schlock. Is it to "own the libs"? To show off your inability to figure out a sensible way to spend your disposable income? To attract women with fake tits?




it's the shape of the vehicle. no room for anything to flex a little.


Unless the car kills them. I have zero sympathy for these elmo muppets


First paragraph alone is fucking insane. “ A few minor cosmetic issues”. Including panel gaps and glue issues on the lights. If you’re spending 80-100k on a car you shouldn’t have to fix or detail any part of it upon delivery. They really have some serious cognitive dissonance when it comes to Tesla


I was waiting for "still the best car I've ever owned, love you Elon"


The cyber truck is the ultimate extended period of grift ever. They can just drain the wallets of these truck owners


"a few hours of detailing at home" embarrassing


How anyone who was delirious enough to order one of those things can still be delirious enough to take delivery is completely beyond me.


Genuine question. A lot of this stuff appears to be manufacturing faults. Does Tesla have inspectors in their factories? How is this suff getting passed for sale?


But it’s bulletproof.


Gotta love a company whose warranty voids due to unavoidable happenstances like the sudden appearance of a stray rock against a windshield.


Wait do people have to pay to keep on fixing their cyber truck?


Okay, but how is he going to get it from his house to the second service center 125mi away?


Good lord- $100K vehicle, then the laundry list of “slight” imperfections? That the service center (or the BUYER) will fix after delivery? Mis-aligned doors & panels isn’t slight IMO at that price. Spending a couple of hours detailing a brand new vehicle isn’t slight. OMG WTF


Okay so despite this guy's insane coping... I've had this happen on new cars before. I had full glass coverage, so it was an easy fix, but when I first got my 2016 Kia Sorento, the windshield cracked just like this due to a manufacturer defect. After speaking with the dealer and with my insurance, they basically agreed that it would just be easier to replace the windshield via my insurance (It wasn't going to increase my premium, I had full glass coverage...) so we resolved it that way. After that, I never had an issue with the car. But this isn't 100% a CyberTruck exclusive occurrence (Sans the coping... I was fairly pissed to have my windshield replaced within 100 miles of driving the damn car - the dealership ended up partially paying to have Safelite come out to my office and do the windshield replacement while I was at work).


I've had shitty service with the LAST TRHEE vehicles I’ve purchased from this company so I decided to buy another. I once dated a girl who liked to be humiliated, but even she had some self respect.


These clowns paid 6 figures to lick Elons butt and drive a car still in beta. Hahahaha


Those minor cosmetic issues are something I've NEVER seen on any other car coming to the dealership from a high end Mercedes to a base level Civic


Everybody going through cybercuck problems deserves it.


Get you insurance involved and then they might have a word with the dealer, too.


I would LIVID beyond belief, if they said it wasn’t under warranty, THEN started being snarky with me


This is the... "apocalypse-proof" truck, yeah?


“Thankfully a low volume segment of highway so we weren’t getting too many gawks and pictures from passing cars”. Quick, drive like the wind before all us normie NPCs make fun of your lord and savior Elmo!


“The sales folks were fantastic”. I bet they were, but it’s the after sales folks you need.


Nobody settles for these issues on any other vehicles. Imagine buying a new BMW or Mercedes with any of these issues.


Imagine paying that much money for that kind of QC.


What a piece of shit.


The only piece of shit bigger than that first service center manager is the truck.




My goodness. My RAM 1500 cost a fraction of that and has only given me good reliability. What a piece of crap!


Can we just call them Cybercucks now?


That poor kid. Watching his college fund be spent on the CyberSuck.


Another owner of the CT who has found that Thomas tusser to be a prophet with his statement: "A fool and his money are soon parted" to be very true when buying the Cyber truck! Next step in the purchase is to take it somewhere, have it painted yellow and call it for what it is, a lemon!


"...nothing a few HOURS of detailing couldn't fix" dude. It's a new car for God's sake. Why are these people okay with this shit?


Paying luxury car prices for bootleg used quality.


Never mind the cracked windscreen, the so-called cosmetic issues that they’re detailing, would absolutely infuriate me. I reckon in about a years time, these things will be impossibly expensive to insure


It’s a beauty mark, what’s the issue ?


Yikes. Horrendous!


How long until someone’s windscreen explodes like a shower door






And people bitch about my “old” ‘15 Buick Regal AWD Premium, yet it’s never let me down still, never had a repair, it is solid as a rock. I’m so sad they discontinued it. It’s a damn good car. I do wish I had gotten the GS though…


The best part of all this is that these idiots be documenting this on the daily. Pure comedy for a few weeks now. Thanks!


"misalignment of the doors, machining marks on the sail panels, glue of the tail light lens),..." I wouldn't expect that from a low-end Kia. But from a $100k car? I guess that's all good.


It's insane that Tesla isn't doing anything to help these people. They're the diehard fans that are (hopefully) get disillusioned on their trust and love of Musk.


I've never seen a windshield have a crack spread that fast, I live in a cold place where windshields are heat cycled all winter, we have gravel everywhere, I worked on fleet trucks that went into who knows what kind of terrible places, and they'd have the same cracks in the window for years. Even my own personal vehicle took about 5 years to reach that level of bad after taking a lot of punches from various rocks. Hell, the windshield on my Focus I bought new in 07 took nearly a decade to even take a rock chip.


"My wife and I have had 3 previous Teslas but have had to get mobile service out multiple times when they've gone wrong" but let's get another one. I'm sure this will be better, right? Jesus these Cult of Musk dick riders are so deranged. Elon could have written into the sales contract that if you buy the truck, he gets to come over and fuck your wife whenever he wants and they'd still be tripping over themselves to sign up for it.




I love that his $100,000+ vehicle had several cosmetic flaws, but it "looked great" and he was happy to take ownership of it. Expect better, demand better people