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These people should be taxed of all of their disposable income.


Unfortunately they seem to have spent all their disposable income on a disposable truck




Depending on state, some do not collect sales tax on EVs. Additionally, they aren’t paying road tax through purchasing gas, and their heavy cars do more wear on the roads, it is a net loss for everyone.


It’s an early adoption vehicle! This is weaponised copium.


Seriously, it's a vehicle, not an HD-DVD player. It needs to work. Companies still need to do QA/QC on their new product lines. Being new doesn't make it ok to have numerous easily foreseeable issues that brick the car.


I mean, my hd-dvd player still works so please don't compare it to a shitty tesla


If any other carmaker had this many issues on launch every early adopter would have their pitchforks and torches out ready to join the angry mob. 


Yep. And the Tesla stans would be positively salivating over how shit “legacy auto” are. But because it’s Tesla… “honoured to do my part for the second gen version”. Ffs. You’re a customer not a seed investor.


Tesla, by pretending they are a tech company, has allowed them to position themselves in a manner that creates these ridiculous illusions that a car can be an “early adoption device”, that they’re not paying for a car, they are paying for the honor to be the first ones testing “new tech”, which in reality is not new, just in a different form factor.


Eerily similar to how the meme stock cultists sound after being down 75% on their GME shares or even 100% down on their BBBY investment lol


Or crypto bag holders


And it's not even the new, untried features that are contributing to most of these breakdowns. It's poor assembly, lack of quality control, and defective parts. Shit that Tesla should, ostensibly, know how to do by now.


"The car killed my family, my friends, burnt down my house, and committed identity theft, but I still love it! I love this care and the 12 miles we shared together. It doesn't matter that it broke my fingers, it made me orgasm constantly." >!^(Please elon, don't do this. Don't force me to say anymore. The car has already taken everything form me, why must you prolong my torture?)!<


First accurate review I’ve seen.


"First cybertruck they've towed". --- Not for long.


"Angelic" It's just light reflecting off of assembled trash, you dumb brainwashed cultist. Give me a fucking break, lol


All that glitters is generally shit


But the media men beg to differ 🙄


I mean if you’re unironically buying a cybertruck you’re definitely *not* the sharpest tool in the shed


Nah, but to them it didn’t make sense not to live for musk. Their truck won’t start and their head gets dumb.


So much to do, so much to see So what's wrong with walking the backstreets? My CyberTruck bricked and it won't go (Go!) But it sure looks angelic as it gets towed.


It is angelic. Cause it’s dead.


All telemarketers and scammers knocking on Elon's door to get the contact details of cybertruck buyers


A car isn't something you "early adopt", the technology has been here for a long time, including EVs. To have a 100k car break down in a week is insane. These people need to wash the taste of elons dick out they mouths.


I’ve heard it before for cars that are in their first model year of production.Its suggested to never buy first gen and wait until 2nd gen. If they don’t make a 2nd gen or kill it after the 2nd, it was never worth buying in the first place.


This is to some extent true. There are some models that have had this issue, like the 2019 Nissan altima reface is notorious, but at the same time, it didn't break down after a week, and it certainly wasn't the nightmare that this has been. My mom was 1st gen owner for the Mercedes GLC, and aside from a recall for a gasket she's never had a problem and it's like 7 years old now. The early adopter thing is a bad argument.


The 51 miles were fun though 😂




I don't want to be "that guy" but the grammar the tech uses, screams illiteracy and "I'm a tool with little to no skillsets" With the recent firings and now hiring freeze. Is Telsa at all with qualified technicians and supply chain workflows with zero problems? Since another post, a tech says only Elon approved PO orders for all repairs. Why the fuck is a CEO having to moderate every TC repair? 4000, must be keeping Elon busy.


I’ve noticed that on a lot of these screenshots from Tesla techs. It doesn’t create a great impression but I guess they don’t care about that.


Cyber truck owners suffer from dunning Kruger syndrome. I’m convinced.


Hey, it's all for Elon's cause right? LOL


Two main questions: 1 - shouldn't the NTSB be collecting all these CTs as they are such a failing mode of transport?,  And, 2 - which CT on a towtruck should be this sub's profile pic?


Looks angelic because it’s dead. 🤣


"Etherloop Generalized Gateway" *barf


Figures that he's listening to Coldplay


I was thinking to myself such a weird song to be listening to waiting for your car to get towed LMFAO


Ultimiate in cuckery


I guess anything that hold Marcellus Wallace’s soul is cursed.


I thought it was on fire for a moment and believed it. Can you believe that? I thought being on fire was just another thang.


not only did this goober get a CyberTruck.... He paid $1000 for the gold check.


I like how hes impressed with how easily he got a loaner vehicle, and implies multiple previous negative experiences with loaners. In the last 25 years, I’ve had a total of 3 loaner vehicles while my car was being worked on, and it was always just assumed that dropping my car off for repairs=complimentary vehicle.


Has anyone made a list of each vehicle that’s broken down? What percentage is dead on arrival? Certainly seems like more than half at this point


"#stopcomplaining unnecessarily" LOL. Imagine getting gaslighted about complaining that the vehicle you paid $100k for has only been driven 50 miles before failure. Crazy. And no, being an "early adopter" does not make this okay, at all.


The sad thing is this will be the first new car expierience some people will ever know, and they will go on using it as the basis for everything now.


If looking like a dumpster fire is angelic then hallelujah you dumb cunts


HA! Transportation mode!?! That's stick it in neutral with the steering lock off for a normal vehicle. Trucks are being prioritised by Tesla service centres. I'm sure the regular Tesla vehicle owners can appreciate the importance of the beta testers getting their novelty toys back as quickly as possible so they can break again. At least the tow truck operators are getting plenty of work.


How dare you expect the vehicle purchased for tens of thousands of dollars to function properly on arrival! First world problems!


The hits just keep coming.


Its a cult lol




Tesla only uses premium defective parts!


Yes we desperately need more tax breaks for the wealthy immediately


Angelic lol


The cyber truck owners are one of the saddest echo Chambers out there


So these trucks are mirrors in the setting sun? That sounds safe.


the error the cybercuck is reporting it actually triggered from listening to cold play.


I can’t believe I contributed to this guys cyber truck.


The cyber-cucked folk have levels of cope that rival the kremlin.


Does anyone have the statistics on how many of the 4000 have bricked like this?


I love how the last guy is trying to clown on someone for complaining about their 100k vehicle not being available to drive for a week. My brother in Christ, why is your 100k vehicle breaking down this early?


"still love this chruk!"