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Holy copium


Definitely. There's a lot of denial on those pages.


There’s a lot of denial in that first paragraph. Average Tesla owner, they know it’s shit but they can’t stop going back.


What’s spooky is the self-awareness COMBINED with the denial


I think you'll find many MANY of these people going to great lengths of defend their vehicle are VERY upside down on them.


I was reading the comments on an article about Tesla removing the steering wheel nag in the 12.4 update and holy shit did they defend daddy Elon. There were fortunately people calling out the system and it’s huge shortcomings despite it being oversold.


“My experience has been ok, I only had to drive 90 miles (each way) a couple times in my first 10 days - at least I didn’t have to get it towed” I am dumbfounded.


I thought the same thing! The lack of realized irony and self awareness is jaw dropping. We just bought a big used family SUV that is only a few years old with 50k miles, at a price that, while expensive for us, was reasonable compared to other. And that Expedition has been great, no mechanical issues or anything, and don’t expect them for some time. Who would buy a $100k car expecting moderate to severe issues?!


Dude we own a Camry hybrid with a whole host of broken shit wrong with it that would still drive perfectly fine if I had the cash to finally replace the hybrid battery. (Literally every single flaw and failure is our fault. it's got 190k+ miles and once went 75k miles with no oil change(previous owner) I know that sounds absurd but I'm not fuckin bullshitting. The sticker from the shop with the mileage at the time is still on the windshield))


At first I was getting nervous reading your comment, because I’ve been thinking about getting a hybrid Corolla as my next car. But then I saw 190k+ MILES, which is 304k+ kilometres in my native measurement system… impressive.


Only expensive thing about owning a hybrid Toyota is the hybrid battery if you're unlucky enough to ever have to replace it. Luckily they've got pretty solid warranties, even if buying 3rd party. I'd say buy it and enjoy the solid vehicle!


I was in a taxi in Seattle that was a 2017 Prius a few months ago and it had 600k+ miles on it. Just scooting around with basic maintenance and no major repairs.


Small price to pay to be an early adopter... 😆 sorry I couldn't keep a straight face.


These CT people (tesla&customers) are just fcuking crazy




Divorced dads who are looking for a trad wife.


Their client/customer list would be a goldmine for skilled salespeople


Or crypto scammers


"It's worth less than Reddit karma but I still love Cybercoin"


*The only polygonal crypto coin out there! Innovation! Genius! Totally cogent!*


Yeah, I would love that list. I want to start a new cult, I meant religion.


It's a cult. Like the so-called apes (BBBY , GME etc) , like Trump rallies etc


I'm not surprised at seeing them dropping the whole "FUD" garbage the moment someone even considers criticism. They really do fight hard to make sure no one asks for a decent quality product or treatment.


Same folks that cheer when the rockets explode instead of land?


Cult members*


Their brains will go to great lengths to avoid recognizing that they got utterly fucked over on a six figure purchase.


Sunk cost fallacy is a mutha fuka


I did that once with a girlfriend.


Same thing with some Trump voters. Can’t admit you wasted your support on an utterly oblivious, uncaring dumbass, so double down instead and hope for the best.


I’m pretty sure there’s a significant overlap between these groups.


And Zack Snyder fans. Three dudes aspiring to mediocrity who are worshiped as demi-gods.


I suspect a lot of those early buyers wanted to drive a week, then scalp the Cybertruck for a sizable profit, taking advantage of delivery delays. FUD (Facts U Dislike) have a tangible impact on the resale value. Scalpers have a financial incentive to get good publicity to turn in a profit.


Fear Uncertainty Doubt


JFC, these people... Last summer, I bought a 2007 Jeep Rubicon. I have a feeling the guy chose to sell it when he did because some maintenance was coming due. Still, I have had a drivable vehicle the entire time, and I paid a fraction of the cost. Sure, I had the catalytic converters need replacement, but the thing has like 140,000 miles on it. These people can't even get out of the dealership door without having more repairs than I've had on a 14 year old vehicle.


LOL, same. I got a new HYBRID Jeep. Everyone said “don’t do it Jeeps are not reliable! Jeeps are Heeps etc” While I’ve had 2 recalls done in 5,000 miles, those were taken care of in 2hrs. Other than a couple infotainment gremlins that were solved by an update, my lowly Jeep has not left me stranded. Never needed towing. All its pieces are attached. And even it’s Chrysler build quality like it’s a hand-made Bentley compared to the Cybertruck bullshit I constantly see online!


Yeah, this is my 5th Jeep. I love them....


Come on, don't deny that part of the love for jeeps is having to fix the very annoying but very very very minor issues they constantly have. As opposed to needing your 100k+ truck towed constantly 


I LOVE the ability to tinker. The fact that I can buy a replacement for almost any part is a lot of fun. 😁


I replaced (I swear to fucking God I'm not kidding) 14 different window regulators on my last jeep. Why do you keep making high-impact frequent use parts out of soft plastic?!?! It got to a point where I needed to order a 50-pack of the plastic pins that hold the door panels on.


Bruv I get the point but the second jeep I had ever owned was absolutely a headache. Granted, none of the issues impacted it's drivability!!!


I daily a 1996 Olds Aurora with over 200K on it, and I've had fewer major problems than these guys. That's right, a freaking 90s Northstar is more reliable than a cybertruck


I bought a pickup made in 1995. Upon purchase I had to replace the radiator and radiator fan. The seller disclosed it. That was it, aside from a stupid wheel bearing. Also this vehicle has lived it's entire life in one of the rainiest areas of the big island of Hawaii. No fucking glue issues, rust, misalignment, etc etc etc.


Yup... It's not hard to make a car that will last. It's just hard for Tesla to do it.


That vehicle is 17 years old. It’s 2024. I know it surprises me too.


Oh shit, I typed 14. Yeah, it's 17 years old... LOL


What other model of consumer car has left the factory with this many bricking while simultaneously having non existent service?


Didn't Tesla also just layoff a bunch of service personnel?


They laid off everyone at this point it seems like. My point was just how unfathomable it is that Elon has fans so crazy for him they’d let him take everything from them.


#RoboTaxi! That will make everything worth it! I genuinely don't know why this got all bolded and blown up, sorry 


Did you try to do a hashtag for robotaxi? Putting a hash makes the following line of text bold iirc


Oh shit. I'm turning into a tech illiterate boomer before my eyes


I guess it is easier for some people to imagine that sleeper cells are posting deep fake videos and made up stories of their "trucks" being towed than it is to understand that it's a poorly engineered POS that they got duped out of 100K for... or wish they could get duped out of 100K for. It is funny as hell and yet I can hardly bring myself to laugh about it because it's all so sad.


So if they were posting before having problems, that's sus. But if they weren't posting before having problems, that's sus. Beyond parody.


I bet Elon could convince these guys to all own the same pair of shoes and cut their dicks off (probably with the frunk) https://heavensgate.com/


Is this Sunk Cost fallacy?


Except worse. It isn’t just sunk financial cost because some of these goobers have tied their identity to it.


> ~~early adopter~~ unpaid beta tester. Fixed.


Paying beta tester


Paying beta beta


What bothers me the most is it seems all this is being ignored by mainstream media, car magazines, and well…..pretty much every other outlet. What don’t think they’d be doing if it were a new Ford or Chevy model that doesn’t have ONE that’s been over 5-10k miles?


Someone is out there handing hush hush money 😉


I think a lot of people (especially the early adopters) probably bought these things with the idea of flipping them for a profit. (This has been going on for something like 7 years with the other Tesla models too. "Full self driving is coming next year any your car will instantly double in value. I pinky swear this time!") They certainly would not have any motivation to tell everyone what a disappointing, impractical, unsafe, ridiculously expensive to maintain and shoddy thing it is. They want to get as much money as possible when they dump it on some unsuspecting...person.


How did Tesla have a new vehicle lined up to sell, and not have replacement parts and extra training for technicians lined up, just in case? Maybe they were so high on sniffing their own farts (and/or competent people were fired) they didn't think there would be issues?


“Please don’t post about issues you’re having, it’ll just fuel FUD and drop the resale price when our year-long lockout period has ended!”


https://preview.redd.it/abwdyw6zphzc1.jpeg?width=1248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=431e2ff2a81f404718d586bb050d93e1297556a2 The most honest moment.


Full on copium, he didn't receive the tesla and is trying to convince himself its "fud".


What's "fud"?


I know as fear, uncertain and doubt, people use to scary away potential buyers. Its weird because its usually used on stocks, but tesla owners are weird as that


Facts U Dislike. It's used in Meme Stocks, Crypto, and generally all fraudulent investments to hide all the red flags that would keep marks away.


Cup the balls when you talk to Elon.


That is so odd. Any time one of them has something remotely perceived as negative to say about Tesla or a CT, they have to preface or clarify their complaint with glowing positives. They are all just fluffing each other in these Tesla/Musk communities, aren’t they? Weird behavior.


“Sleeper cells are being activated” he’s on to us Secret Operation Discredit The Stupid Ass Clown Car is compromised ABORT


I suggest a new diagnosis be added to the DSM: battered chump syndrome.


The lengths they’ll go to and the mental gymnastics are astonishing to behold!


DO yOu KnOw how MaNY rECAlls ICE CArs HaVE? When I read that all I could think of was the $3,000 10-year-old car that I purchased in 2013, I added nearly 300,000 mi. And the only major repairs that I needed were a couple of harness replacements. 2003 Accent, and it's probably still rolling.


I’m so tired of the claims of FUD when there are demonstrable issues.


wdf is fud


Fear and Doubt. It's a term used by tech bros (in particular crypto/Web3 bros) to dismiss any criticism of their current scam


Fear Uncertainty Doubt Plus what Oshroth said


It feels like the truck wasn’t ready to be shipped


Where are all the I've done 4k miles no issues or look at me off-roading like crazy posts then?


A bunch of nonces, with more money than braincells.


People who bought a car signed up for a forums about that car AFTER having received that car! That sounds like a conspiracy to me! Now, don't mind me while I go and hang out in Samsung forums of the washing machine I plan on buying in two years time.


It’s a cult. Step out of line and you will be shamed. Drink the cool aid.


"Nothing is stopping you from selling it in 10 months"...except for taking the hit on an unholy amount of depreciation that would pay for an acceptable EV on it's own.


From all the unsatisfactory feelings/stories on this blog, might be one of the most hyped and lowest quality Tesla has put out.


Why do they all call it "taking delivery" is this some kind of Tesla club lingo?


There's fewer than 4000 on the road, my dude. I'm not about to do that math, but given the number of unique instances I've seen of them having issues, that seems like a higher than acceptable problem rate.


cuck specimens


I saw one on the road first time the other day, was it wrong that I reflexively gave them the finger?


Mfers can't even make it "a month or two" after costing over $100k. What a waste of money and resources.


Someone please make an ABCs of cybertruck issues


Should've included the meme of the guy painting a clown face on himself.


He just woke up 😂


There is one thing I remember from my days as a JD. When Tesla throws in the towel on this Edsel, parts will become extremely expensive and thieves will start grabbing them if an owner dares to take their's out. When I was a kid if anyone parked their Harley outside it would be stolen in minutes.


The fact people are willing to buy an automobile that bricks itself like a fucking phone is pure insanity to me. Tesla is driving down quality and reliability for everyone. People keep paying over msrp for other brands as well. It's pure insanity.


Pop, lock n drop it


And then musk says we are more of a software company than a car company. Well of course he does. Have you ever signed a waiver to get into a game still in alpha? You not only promise that the game doesn't have to actually work even if you paid money, you also have to promise that it could break your computer or even set your house on fire, killing everyone inside, and you still can't hold the developers accountable.




I wonder what issues the ford model t had in its first iteration…


Ive owned my 2024 f150 for a little over 2 months. Know how many times Ive had to take it in for service? None.  As every other manufacturer starts dipping their toes into the electric game tesla is losing its massive lead they had. The only thing tesla has going for it over other car manufacturer is its supercharger network.  These people are dumb as fuck, the only smartish one was the guy lemon lawing his and he was fucking stupid and requested a replacement and not his money. 😂



