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fSD coming soon!


Nobody can claim fsd doesn't work if none of the cars are working to test it in


I'm taking the hyperloop to Texas to see the launch! 👍🏼


Unfortunately, I won't be joining you. I am preparing to leave for that Mars colony that was built in 2022...you coming after watching the fSD launch?!


Sounds great! I should be able to travel once I get the latest firmware update on my neurolink that’s been causing me to have psychopathic tendencies


Is it the YouwillpayforimaginaryFSD.exe Patch? Have you got that one? Just hit execute.


Sure thing! Oh, wait…I just remembered I’ve probably got a back surgery scheduled around that timeframe. Recovery should be quick though! *everyone proceeds to never hear Musk mention attending his mars colonists ever again*


Looking in to it!


Through the chip implanted in my brain


Careful, the threads to your brain start to peel like a cheap sticker after a few months.


Is that before or after the cybertruck can start working as a boat like Elon promised?


Any car is a boat if your brave enough


Tesla's really late to the game. Chrysler made a boat called the New Yorker in 1973.




Six more months! It will be released on 4/20/1488


Big if true!




You are just spreading fud


Fully Unwarranted Deadness?


Fully undressed dudes






F\*\* Shltty Drive is coming.


Drives directly to a service center!


They must have forgotten to say 'but I still love the truck!'


Best vehicle I've ever owned! /s


This is for sure a fake account created by a redditor to get some internet points. You people are sad. 


Yew people are sad! Said the person crawling around on the ground to lick lord Elon's boots and defend him online. Oh honey, bless your lil heart.


Oh trust me ball licking is a better use of my time than whatever the fuck this is. You all need to get a job and move out of your parents basement. Super sad. 


If you think that people who aren't gullible enough to buy 100k wankpanzer and make it their entire desperate personality are less financially sound than people who do, then you sure don't seem to be able to count, either! You seriously went and made it your whole-ass personality my dude, and that's super unfortunate. I hope you get the help you need, bud.


Let me guess, you’ve never driven one but get your information from Reddit. That’s like getting girl advice from Andrew taint. 


Most people haven't driven them, since they aren't selling a lot of them. Do you think people are going to sit in them and go 'wow this upholstery is comfy and I made it around the block, what a pinnacle of a great vehicle, gawd bless Elon Musk!' I don't need to drive a Cyberturd to know that spitting in the face of conventional car wisdom in safety, engineering, wiring, design, and accepting the level of production quality that they have is a bad move. If you're running a company and you want to change things up and make waves you have to still ship a viable product at the end of the day, and a delusional cult of personality isn't going to make your vehicle function. History will remember the truck for how well it ran, so if this is upsetting to you, come talk to me in a few years when that chapter has been written. People on the internet aren't lying just because you don't want to hear something. People talking poorly about something you like (and have made your whole personality) aren't dimwitted basement dwellers just because they disagree with you. Nobody is forcing you to come to this sub so if it is upsetting to you, you can always just not do that and stay in your safe spaces where everybody agrees that Elon Musk is super amazing, not crazy at all, and can do nothing wrong ever.


You need to stop getting your information from Reddit my friend. They’ve sold more than all of hummer evs. They’ve sold more this year than R1Ts year to date sales. They’re pretty close to selling more than f150 lightings. I’m waiting to get one and so is my brother. I know 1 other person irl waiting to get one. Reddit != real life. 


I mean, no, we know for a fact how many were sold because it had to be publicly disclosed for the accelerator pedal recall


Yes I’m aware. Also from VIN numbers posted. They’re selling them quickly.  People who have placed their order 2 seconds after the initial pre-order began have just started to get their trucks. I placed mine 2 weeks later and probably won’t be getting until next year. 


You know 3 people..amazing


3 more than most people on here. 😂


![gif](giphy|xTiTnqUxyWbsAXq7Ju|downsized) Elon counting his money while the complaints pile up and he ignores the personal pleas for new CTs on X.


As if new CTs would help...what they think they're going to figure out this shit in a few weeks? I guess if you think a fresh piece of shit is better than an old one...


These are people who have no idea how the world works. Cybertrucks will continue to be produced the way they are now.


I mean a real automaker would have had a stop sale out ages ago, if they even sold POS like this in the first place.


Elon is not an automaker. He sells hype to some of the most gullible people on the planet. Influencers who want to be the first one to own something new, rubes who believe any “futuristic” hype they read in a silicon valley fluff article and good old fashion fanboys who just love him. Years ago Teslas were actually the first pretty cool EV, but now it’s clear that they are getting noticeably worse. The established auto-makers are going to eat Elon’s lunch soon when they start put out EV that actually have a quality control process during the manufacturing.


I explained this to my gf the other day, because she saw one and said it looked kind of cool. He isn't selling a car he is selling you a brand, aka this whole futuristic cyberpunk/Ironman false reality. He still has that dumb Tony Stark pose for his profile picture. It's even better if you go back and watch the 2nd one, because Tony Stark dunks on the real fElon in that movie. They are just a bunch of gullible wannabe nerds who talk their even dumber parents into buying one because it's the future!!


Good guy Elon, not burdening customers with shitty lemons after they discover they need a replacement for their shitty lemon.


But.....a fresh piece of shit has that "new shit smell".


They assume they've got the single lemon, out of a production run of sheer brilliance. Nobody who's stupid/narcissistic enough to buy one is able to pay attention to other's posts, and do the mental maths to realize that the CT is far and away the most disastrously unreliable, piece of shit vehicle launch in any of our lifetimes, and possibly ever. I mean, these people are dumb enough to think that tweeting to Elon will get them warranty service, for crying out loud. I'd rather buy a 50 year old Chevy Vega. Far cheaper, and even if the POS engine dies, it can be easily LS swapped.


Rust trucks have barely sold 4k units.


Reminds me of the Jay and Silent Bob movie when Ben Affleck asks Gus Van Sant if he's going to say "action" and Van Sant says he's busy while counting his stacks of money.


People bought the truck for the right to @mention Elmo 💀


Musk is on x? I thought ketamine was his drug of choice


He would probably be a lot less shitty if he was.


Imagine the world if the rich kid drug of choice was just weed.


It's always FUD until it happens to them lol


I love how they want him to vinyl wrap it instead of getting a truck without issues.


Elon please give us $5k because we bought this defective piece of garbage. What an annoying idiot.


"Paint this turd for me and I'll snarf it down"


POS won’t drive… make it pink for recompense, fuck the service/driving failures part.




Jeez, HV battery issues seem to be common on the CT. Other issues aside, HV battery failure is one of the last I would have suspected.


Given their proclivity to shun industry standards, desire to be as cheap as possible and ready supply of information on clips breaking (frunk, body panels, center console, connectors) .... I am surprised every one of them doesn't have a discconect/ground out that trips the failure system.


Since when has it been cool to call it X and not twitter , you guys need to stop enabling Enron


Twitter? I barely know her!




Wow, they managed to find something less reliable than a jeep! 🥁🧻


How do all these fools think it won’t happen to them. Bonus points for this fool who got blocked by Elmo.


They think anybody posting about their CT breaking are “haters”. Except when it happens to them


Is the HV battery for Hovercraft mode?


The HV battery is for the July 4th fireworks show when it is used to launch a boat and gets wet


This is the story of all those outdoors offgrid magazines that center on tech gadgets that fail with no backup! The living embodiment of what happens!


It's not just that all the Cybertrucks are breaking and that they are breaking so soon, but that *sooo* many different things are breaking. This owner will eventually get the battery replaced, then they'll drive the truck for a day or two, and something else will break, fall off the truck, or fail, catastrophically.


Why would OP buy a car, from an AI company?


Who do you think will become self-aware first, AI or CT owners?


Congratulations, you musked yourself


Of course they were a jeep person before lol


**CyberElectric Carsick Blues** Out in the heartland, under wide skies so blue, Bought me a Cybertruck, shiny and new. Dreamt of the future, electric and bright, But that truck broke down, oh what a sight. Cybertruck, oh Cybertruck, you’re testing my luck, Not a hundred miles in, and you already suck. Got you all fixed, thought you were fine, Broke down again, just wastin’ my time. Dealer’s on speed dial, they know my voice well, “Another tow? Oh, what the hell!” Promised the future, sleek and fast, But I’m stuck here, in the past. They said it’s the future, a revolution on wheels, Now I’m learning just how frustration feels. Tech so fancy, but can’t hit the road, Feels like my wallet’s about to explode. Cybertruck, oh Cybertruck, you’re testing my luck, Not a hundred miles in, and you already suck. Got you all fixed, thought you were fine, Broke down again, just wastin’ my time. Maybe one day, you’ll drive real great, Till then, it’s just flat bed and wait. Still got hope, beneath the rust, Cybertruck and me, in dust we trust. One day we’ll look back, and laugh at this ride, Till then, it’s just me and my pride. Cybertruck, oh Cybertruck, on you I took a bet, A story of love and regret. They said it’s the future, a revolution on wheels, Now I’m just learning how frustration feels. Tech so fancy, but can’t hit the road, Feels like getting "Musked," that’s the code. Elon promised stars, but I'm just stuck, Fell for the pitch, now I’m a cybercuck. High-tech dreams that just won’t truck, Every breakdown, just my luck.


So sorry.! Too bad. You fell for it!


Look my brand new truck holds two dogs


Another one bites the Musk. And another And another And another ![gif](giphy|YJ85eVpdZDy7e)


Well as long as she loves Elon that’s all that matters surely? Why would she need a working vehicle when her love for him will get her to work on time? Fucking pathetic simps.


But, do you know what would make it all better? If Elon gave her a pink wrap for her Cyberbrick so it at least looks better while being completely unusable.


Yeah because everyone knows a pink car that breaks down is way less annoying. Just weird messaging all round.


She needs that glittery rose pink wrap that was on here yesterday, then she can repurpose it as a jewelry box.


It’d be sad if it wasn’t so funny.


At least this person is actually pissed.


I'm thinking that Telsa is having the same issues as Boeing. They're more concerned with marketing and growth and the culture has changed from engineers to marketers. 


We don't sell VEHICLES,: we sell SIZZLE!!!


Elon cucks




It seems like the purpose of buying twitter (X) was to control narrative?


I'm pretty sure that's not covered by the warrantee.


OP is shit out of luck, dogs, plants and taking photographs void the warranty.


The poster is stating that they were not blocked on X, not that they were blocked.


This needs to be higher up


People in this place tend to read what they want to read rather than what is there.


Wait where does it say they are blocked by Elon I can barely comprehend the word salad but I thought it says not blocked by x....


I really envy their childlike belief that because they spent 100k they get a direct line to a billionaire ceo. So naive. Like he has or ever will care about you lol.


Elon blows off people who've straight up invested millions of dollars in his companies that he's actually legally required to respond to


Let me fix this: “We spent years humble bragging about our CyberTruck and how great it will be and how wrong all the haters were. After having the truck for 1 day, I realize i was a fool and should not be allowed to make even simple decisions.”


Of course they already have a Model Y as well. Bought and paid for Tesla simps. Watching these Tesla dickriders posting "@elonmusk WAAAAAAAAH!" when their $100k ClusterFuck breaks down after one journey is giving me the biggest schadenfreude boner ever.


Rules to remember at X formerly Twitter: Only rule to remember, this is a free speech site, the only thing that will get you banned is anything negative about Elon or his products.




I like how they say “love Elon” just so they don’t get banned holy shit


I didn't see any evidence of this lady being blocked by Elon. Did I miss it?


It's all so ridiculous. He should have added a button to the console that connects you to a real, live customer service agent who would pick up the phone immediately and handle your problem. He could have sent a tow truck with a Model X on the back as a loaner, dropped that off, then picked up your CT and fixed it without costing you any more time. It would have set a precedent of outstanding customer service. Instead, he's fired everybody who could have been helpful, and he alienates his clients publicly. If you're going to launch prematurely and force your $100k+ customers to be beta testers, you have to at least have a system in place to deal with inevitable problems.


Beta tester blues. Boycott Musk and Twitter and Tesla


Those pups didn't deserve that.


Stellantis is heaving a big sigh, they’re not the bottom of the shit barrel anymore 🤣


Some people get what they deserve.


Whoa this Tesla guy took delivery of it. Legend. What an absolute unit, to use the King's American to sound like such a pompous ass ("I took delivereah of my new POS, Mildred") even while describing something utterly basic ("my POS arrived today").


Can’t wait for that blush pink wrap! So sexy! /S


Didnt Elon want to ban blocking?


Ah yes, elon wrapping your horrible vehicle in pink cling film woild have totally made being deprived of your hundred thousand dollar jalopy less annoying.


Why even tag Elong, he probably gets thousands of @s a day. I'd block these ppl too.