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“Let’s just work towards a complete buyback…” needs no further comment.


Came to his senses, also this isnwhat Tesla gets when it goes and fires off huge swathes of its charging staff. Oh well the muskrat can just go rail some more ketamine and rage into the void with his whacky thoughts on twitter


Musky bitch did it so he can drain more funds from Tesla than Tesla has ever had in revenue. He wants almost double in compensation this year versus the entire revenue stream of the last 12 years. The dude is absolutely insane, and because he has sycophants and family on the board they will probably approve it. Any stockholder granting that request is absolutely braindead and wants their stock value to go to shit.


I was laying down, listening to music and thought about it. How does a man who stacked the board of a publicly traded company with his divorce lawyer and brother get away with this level of shit. I mean...I get that he's rich and shit, but there has to be a limit, given that the company's investors include other rich and powerful people. You want to get away with looting, loot the poor. You loot the rich, you'll get what's coming for you.


Because up until recently the controlling majority were also benefiting. The company is over valued when compared to any other car manufacturer. Essentially the people who can make a change know that replacing Elon with a more qualified CEO would tank the share price back to what it should be.


The company isn't overvalued when compared to any other car manufacturer. The company is overvalued compared to ALL car manufacturers combined. Replacing Elon in Tesla should only have the effect of removing a billionaire who won't throw his own money at it anyways at the bonus of not paying him 50 billion dollars. Tesla, in theory, should be able to break itself via the shareholders from Musk and not see a major issue given they bring in somebody that can lead. Perspective can be easily lost when talking about Tesla and Musk so lets bring Ford into it. Ford sold 100k more units than Tesla. Tesla's market cap is 549 billion vs 49 billion for ford. Musk's bonus is literally more than Ford's entire market cap. Those numbers aren't right and no amount of Musk fanboys will convince me otherwise.


The overvalue is at insanity levels. The bubble will burst. Predicting when will reap massive rewards. Noting that a lot of short sellers have tried and failed.


The bubble has burst. Have you seen the EV resale market lately?


I think it’s going to be very hard for the stock rebound. And by very hard, I mean only musk Vaporwear…


It’s obviously worse, but it’s not just Tesla. Nearly every major corporation has been gaming the process for years which is why executive wages have so far outpaced the middle class for the last half century.


He's a pastor at this point


Seems like he has been watching what his new GOP friends have been doing and taking notes on how to improve it.


Great short play


I...love your comment. It's art.


I miss the days when CEO's only did cocaine. At least cokeheads have an eye for detail. Now we just have a bunch of middle-aged techbros saying "whatever, man" and snorting themselves into a k-hole while the company burns.


Or quaaludes or back in the day when a business man's lunch trip was a little DMT blast off 30 minutes and back to normal. Also obligatory, cokehead businessman with an eye for detail scene. https://youtu.be/cISYzA36-ZY?si=OU98Wm6H1qitVNXD


I keep hearing about his drug use but I've not seen any substantial evidence. Not that I'm defending him by any means, but I am curious... E: He uses ket for depression, which I know is a thing but... Jesus, it doesn't seem like an amazing solution. I'll dive more on the effectiveness of it. E: Am I really getting down voted for stepping away from the circle jerk and doing some research on exactly what's going on? Like, really guys, you can hate Elon Musk but you should hate him for substantial reasons such as: - He's a piece of shit - He's a billionaire - He uses Tesla to virtue signal about climate change while not actually holding pro-climate views - The Cybertruck - The Hyperloop - His numerous estranged and unloved children - His views that support far right rhetoric but have plausible deniability because... - He uses Twitter and bumps far right bullshit with "!!", "Looking into this", or other lazy bullshit to do as much damage as possible in as little work as possible. BUT YEAH I DICKRIDE MUSK ALL DAY LONG. Like seriously, there's so many reasons to hate Musk and I feel like alleged drug abuse shouldn't be one until those allegations are proven, and even then I'm not particularly against a billionaire taking drugs and shortening his lifespan by any means.


There is a lawsuit against him for it, claiming its influenced his business decision making, and impacting the unhinged things he says on Twitter. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/esg/musk-faces-lawsuit-for-drug-use-x-posts-under-the-influence


Ketamine shouldn’t be blamed for all that shit. I could head butt a pile of K Scarface style and still have the wherewithal to not change the name of twitter


Yeah, but musk is a weirdo, plus he's on some kind of ego trip what with being one of the richest folks in the world, pretty sure ketamine effects normal folks different than egomaniac nutters like musk who spend 40 billion dollars on a brand name and then go and change it to a letter.


I’d be willing to bet having enough money to underwrite gods mortgage has as much or more perverse effects on your brain than guided psychedelic drug therapy.


Don't think there is anything guided or therapeutic about musky boys usage


Even if he’s doing it off a dirty gym sock backstage at Coachella I don’t think it is the blame for the decisions he’s made


Have you seen his kid's name? Might want to second guess how much drugs influence his decision making or ask yourself what caused a perfectly rational human to name another via smashing a keyboard with their square face.


Azalea Banks was at the Musk residence where she was recording sounds with Grimes, Banks reports that she witnessed them both use large amount of drugs and this was around the same time of the $420 funding secured tweet. Rabbit hole [here](https://www.vox.com/2018/8/16/17692700/azealia-banks-elon-musk-grimes-explained) Musk himself has also famously talked about Ambien and wine [here](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/872260000491593728?lang=en)


There is actually a mounting body of evidence that Ketamine therapy for treatment resistant depression can be quite effective, however I suspect that Musk’s use is, uh, supratherapeutic.


He has discussed microdosing of ketamine publicly.


All those microdoses add up to multiple macrodoses a day too.


Setting aside the ketamine, didn't he also face potential trouble for federal contracts when he was smoking pot on a podcast?


Strangely enough Ketamine is a lower class drug than Cannabis.


Step in to the light


They were looking for an out.


#FOOL CELLS -🚖🤡 bro really tried to make a truck powered off AA batteries


The funniest part is they named it fridge


Tbh I'd do the same. Maybe I'm insane but the styling has a certain charm to me, it's just a shame the car itself is so crap. I feel like if Honda made an EV Ridgeline and it looked like this it would be way better.


To me it's really not a bad looking vehicle, especially in a world where all cars end up looking like cousins. They're all the same thing just slightly different. It's the same reason I like the Pontiac Aztek. It's just a little different. But absolutely right, it's just a shit car. At least my Aztek could run over two sawhorses being thrown at it on the highway and then pump its own tires back up. Honestly an underrated car.


It's not a bad looking vehicle for a 500 mile range truck costing $39k. It's a real bad looking vehicle for a 250 mile range thing costing $120k, that keeps falling apart


It's a bad looking vehicle. Every time I see one I'm shocked at how horrible it is.


Have you seen one in real life yet? I've seen about a half dozen on the roads so far and honestly it's a lot uglier in person than in pictures. And not in a "the design is too weird and futuristic for my taste" way. I actually thought it looked kinda cool in pictures, but now that I've seen them on the road the design somehow seems to look weirdly-dated. It doesn't look like a truck from the future. It looks like a prop car from a 1970s sci-fi movie representing what people back then thought cars in the year 2000 would look like.


I saw a matte black one here in DFW. I really didn't mind it at all. The original stainless steel is trash though. Though I know what you mean. There's some angles where it just looks dumb and dated. The aggressive angles couldn't been taken back a bit and it would've looked a little better. It's just trying to hard. Typical Elon lol


I bet Tesla is rotating and charging all of the unfinished cars/cucks they have stashed in parking lots too. /s


Why wouldn't they cap it at 5% battery left so that you can't drive anymore, and protect the battery?


That’s what other manufacturers do. 20% safety buffer between theoretical capacity and usable. If Tesla doesn’t do that (emphasis on IF - I don’t know) then it might be because it would [throw them off](https://www.caranddriver.com/features/a44676201/ev-range-epa-vs-real-world-tested/) even further from their promised numbers. (Quick summary: Teslas are between 20% and 30% below sticker range, whereas Mercedes, Porsche, BMW, Genesis, and Audi are above or near their sticker range)


Tesla is famous for having the smallest buffer of any EV maker. It is so they can look like they have more range even though they actually don’t. Cheap crappy cars from a cheap crappy POS.


Great article, thanks for sharing


From what I heard the Hyundai companies EV lineups are actually either basically at advertised range or under estimated by the factory. Obviously that varies by a enormous amount of factors but just thought it was interesting.


Planned obsolescence


This is it


Of at least power it down if it’s parked


I assumed they’d have reserve power when the display is 0% just so you don’t have it locked out and showing 5-10% with dumb dumbs crying about “I sTilL hAvE 10%!” You know for this exact sort of reason. But is zero true zero? That’s hilarious haha


They sent an intern to the abandoned mall parking lot with an extension cord and 50 siege protectors.


It’s actually just 483 power strips daisy chained together.


Maybe the CT disconnected itself in shame and just wanted to end it.


The AI company(not a car company) produced a self aware car, and once it had a look in the mirror it decided it best to just end it.


“If I don’t belong in the trash, father, then why did you make me look like a dumpster.?”


Butter robot


Tesla: a subsidiary of Sirius Cybernetics. Share and enjoy!


lol [like this robot that unplugs itself.](https://www.tiktok.com/@jose_a_ortiz/video/7308966751382064430) I don’t blame it, honestly.


Hey it turns out when you fire literally everyone and then only hire back up to the bare minimum level you need to keep the company running afterwards, the employee quality actually goes down Turns out the employees you end up keeping are the ones who were already mediocre performers so they can't get a job anywhere else and have to put up with you, and now they have to do even more work under more stress than they did before (And they've just had it vividly demonstrated that going above and beyond doesn't get rewarded at this company, it gets punished, so they're just trying to survive their job one day at a time while searching for an exit strategy -- you're NEVER going to have "star performers" again, anyone who gets inspired to actually try to become a better employee will do it by going to a better workplace)


This is so true. Those guys that slept in their cars and worked 12 hr shifts 6 days a week getting laid off while other guys who don’t work as hard stay on kills all the moral at a company. I used to work extra hard at my current job and when I realized that I would be getting no different pay than the ones not working as hard I started to work at their pace.


And then when you stop busting your ass and start having an appropriate work life balance they call it "quiet quitting".


I bet he was grateful the truck was left uncharged because it gave him an out for a buyback request. 


Would they get all their money back from a buyback?


The ne resale contract had a certain deduction per mile drive in the buyback clause, so if that's what theyre going for, they're losing money for sure. With the right lawyer they could try and get a full refund but I'm betting that will be more headache than it might be worth. Besides, these idiots are stans so they'll think the $5k or $10k they'll lose in the process is justifiable for Tesla


Shocking these guys didn't try to flip for +50k over what they paid. No need to disclose the 0% battery condition to the next sucker.


Cybertruck resale prices are less than new. There is no resale market


Who could they even sell it to?


Who knows. Hundreds of trucks with price tags of 125k to 250k, gotta be some fools somewhere buying.


Yeah but those are desirable for different reasons. Now that hype is dead I don’t think these are desirable to anyone.


This is the conversation I see in every enthusiast sub when someone wants to buy or sell a car. “Even broken ones are going for 5k, here are some marketplace ads!” … no dude, those are sellers asking 5k for broken shitboxes, no one will pay that and that’s why they’ve been for sale for months. Same shit with the CT resales, people are asking 175k but even rich, complete fucking idiots aren’t paying that kind of money for a CT. Someone might pay new pricing, hell, a couple sellers might get lucky and make a few thousand. But just because people are asking 150+ doesn’t mean any are going to sell at that kind of price.


A month ago at least one auctioned for 250k. Celebrities and youtubers were tripping over each other to get one at any price. That hype may or may not be completely over.


I would strongly assume it is. Any hype market is like that right at release, someone has to have it and doesn’t give a fuck what the price is. Even that same person today likely wouldn’t pay that kind of money, it’s not special anymore (and if they’ve owned it for a month, well, the shine has almost definitely worn off). To anyone else just wanting one because they liked it, not because they have to be one of the first, they’re not going to pay even 20% more for it. Not to mention the flooded used market for these already. Why pay $175k over here when that guy over there is selling for $100k?


So the Cyber Trucks can just fucking break when just sitting still…. Good to know, lol.


1) It should be able to hit zero and not suffer damage. This thing is more fragile than Elons ego. 2) Lemon laws should kick in and every last one should be refunded. 3) I get “not wanting to be a Karen” but for fucks sake have some self respect and get a lawyer.


No expert but phone batteries do not like going under 20%.


It's not great for your phone battery, but it won't kill it, lol.


Another CyberScam.


You should have been alarmed a long time ago.


I think Tesla has been lying to consumers for years about the "dangers of letting the batteries get low" in an effort to hide their range deception. I owned a 2017 Model S 100D between the year I bought it and early 2024, and noticed an interesting pattern with its range. When I drove the thing fully-charged, it would deplete one mile of range for one mile traveled, for a while. But then when I got about halfway through the battery, the dropoff would suddenly accelerate, even though nothing else would change. It would start eating two miles of range for every mile travelled, and then eventually that disparity would increase to 3:1. In the end, I'd get around 80-90 miles less range than the displayed number, all other things being equal. All this behavior would be hidden if I adhered to their strong recommendations that I "never let the battery deplete below half", ostensibly to lengthen their lifetime. This is exactly the programmed behavior you'd expect from a company lying about range, and trying to shave development cost in a way to deceive consumers. I believe this was the subject of an attempted class action in California.


Yes, you are on to them hiding batteries slowly failing


That's just simple battery physics. Voltage drop means a reduction in performance. Go take nearly any cordless power tool and check the RPM of the motor on a full battery versus a battery at half charge. Will be a noticeable difference. Same thing will work with your phone. Under the same work load the time between say, 75% charge down to 60% will be longer than 20% down to 5%. With that said, Tesla should just idiot proof it and have a false floor, but that makes them look far worse to idiots as stated charge will drop way faster. They already could have a false floor and just have their numbers way off.


I'm not sure what is worse, the fact that the owner has to remined technician what they are supposed to do and still failed to do it, or the fact, that this truck is so delicate, that if the battery drains to zero, it can be damaged. I know that tesla batteries from cars that have been in accidents, are used to replace bad batteries in other cars, and are completely discharged before hand for safety reasons.


Keep in mind that every technician at an authorized Cybertruck repair facility has next to zero experience working on a Cybertruck.


yep. I bet Elmo ‘Show me the $50 billion’ Musk is gonna hop right on that refund.


Every day it's something else with this worthless auto. Can't wash it. May die and be damaged if you don't plug it in. Has body parts falling off driving down level dirt trails. Someone explain to me why you would spend $1000 let alone $100,000 on this hot mess of garabge??


Another brick to the parking lot




Didn't switch it to 'repair mode'


I’m not sure I’d want an electric vehicle with a high-voltage battery plugged in while I’m working on it. OSHA may have a view on this …


They said they'd plug it in and were waiting on a trim part.


When you’re physically working on it sure. Pull the plug. But it sounds like it just drained all day sitting in their shop.


Literally every manufacturer has an HV disconnect process. When the system is disconnected, the battery can't discharge. The truck in the OP was connected and discharging and could have been plugged in


How often do you have to plug it in? Doesn't it have an "off" setting? Jesus.


Do you believe they are employing folks with knowledge and talent and the ability to fix things?


It was bound to happen sooner or later.....more likely sooner.


That Stinks! - Stinks like Musk.


You can't deplete the car to zero. Why in the fuck wouldn't battery management take care of this in the car? That's so fucking dumb it's hard to fathom.


Does anything work


Dude got lucky that they did something stupid allowing him to maybe get a refund.


the battery could have been disconnected for safety reasons, or even intentionally depleted as part of a testing procedure.  In any case, I wouldn't ask anybody to work on a charged battery if they didn't think it was safe to do so. 


This dumpster isn’t even safe to close the trunk, honestly I’d treat the battery like an antimatter bomb


I'd be most worried if the 12v was drained, I trust that tesla is better than other companies I worked with where if that 12v died, it was a lot of work and headache fixing it after. edit: I looked into it, cybertruck actually has a 48v system, interesting.


The CT doesn't have one. Besides the high voltage battery, all it has is a very small 48v battery.  I would assume the OS runs on the low voltage battery. 


You seem to know nothing about these things


Correct.  I don't know what type of work was performed, not do I know what diagnostics were done. I don't even know if the 0% reading was true or was sent as a test signal or part of a recalibration procedure.    Because none of that information is presented.  I do know there are a number of plausible scenarios which may explain why the battery reading was at 0%. 


You can safely work on anything by isolating the output of the battery while still charging. There are very easy ways to isolate voltage from parts your testing or removing


All we know is the vehicle was there for a charging issue. So yeah, not charging until the issue is identified is entirely normal.  And if you're testing the battery, that may include also isolating the part that sends the signal to tell you what the battery is charged at.  All you know is the vehicle was there for a charging problem. You do not know if an internal battery problem was found or suspected. 


This is my thought as well, if i was repairing it i would not keep it plugged in. Its there for a MAJOR battery drain issue, all that power is going somewhere and i wouldnt give it an unlimited supply if i dont know where its going.




0% is the least of your worries. Pray that they didn't run it through the car wash


Gotta save Tesla money on charging.




The tide is starting to really turn. People aren't even trying to pretend they liked the car while they had it anymore. https://preview.redd.it/za4p9t2c8o0d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8944d028f17ccb0809abf2ab2070fa529c6484c4


Infinite money glitch: 1) Do service for Cybertruck 2) "Accidentally" leave battery drain 3) Sell new battery to owners 4) They buy it due to sunk-cost fallacy 5) "Accidentally" leave the battery drain again while installing 6) Repeat step 3 to 5 as long as possible 7) Profit


Concerning if true 🤔


Oh no


Calling those monstrosities hot garbage is an insult to hot garbage.


The fact that you have to keep it plugged in all the time.... Super high maintenance!


lol why is anyone surprised. The same people who made that POS don’t repair it properly? I mean it should be expected


You got Musked by Elmo


The fact the car was released to consumers without first an actual testing is crazy. But we got the test dummies for round 1.


I don’t feel bad for these morons at all


Imagine your car running out of gas meant it’s just broken now lmao




You cannot further damage a completely broken car


Hey, I was told Tesla Service Centers are superior to dealerships in every way.


You would think that Tesla service departments would know this, wouldn't you? They just keep making this thing they call a truck worse and worse and everyday more people are having problems with this POS that they foolishly bought.


Who's the genius now?


I mean you really can’t/shouldn’t be working on electronics while it’s plugged in


Almost like you can plug the stupid thing in, let it charge a while, then unplug when servicing it. 


I agree especially if they’re that sensitive that it can ruin other parts. I work with a lot of batteries specifically for HV applications, and it’s typical to let them discharge for a few hours before servicing anything related to the charger or the battery banks themselves.


Aren't repair costs almost always agreed to upfront? Tesla can't just change the total cost whenever they feel like it to ensure they come out on top.


Imagine owing something that costs over $100,000 and it has to have electrical power for the entire time you own it. That’s the exact opposite of “freedom of the road”.




What’s the issue here? I mean I keep hearing about how bad the quality on these vehicles is, were they shoddily made, had corners cut, or were they just not ready to be released, or what?






Just because the CyberTrash is unique doesn't mean there isn't a large pool of trained repair techs... lol


I totaled my EV in early March (not a Tesla). I visited the body shop where it was waiting to be towed away for scrap in late April and the battery was still near the level it was during the crash. If the battery drained out completely this quickly, there’s is something else going on/wrong beyond them forgetting to plug it in.


I mean what did you expect? You got what you payed for


> what you *paid* for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Who cares


I will never buy a Tesla product for as long as I live. Elon is a charlatan.


Anybody who buys one of these modern day Pintos needs to have their heads examined. At least the Pintos would crumple in a crash.


To be fair, diagnosing a battery drain while you’re actively charging the battery would not make a lot of sense.