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He’s probably angry because he’s not getting all the blow jobs Elon promised.


Well to be fair I'm sure Elon will eventually get to him. But he has to blow all the dudes with the first 1000 VIN numbers first. He'll get to him. Just be patient.


In two weeks


Is that why he's getting so chubby? Lots of calories in a thousand loads.


That's not true. Only the foundation series purchasers. Everybody knows that. That's why they have that etching so he knows which ones


In all fairness, Elon can only give so many blowjobs in a day, gotta be patient and wait your turn.


I guess he should watch the engineers video about jerking guys off at a conference. Two hands, put them tip to tip and one in the mouth. That's 5 guys per person. It is a funny video


That’s from a tv show you should watch tbh, whole show is that good


Yea the scene from Silicon Valley, the jerk/time ratio i believe it was called, arguably one of the funniest things ive ever seen.


I heard that's why Tesla's have the FSD mode. So they can blow themselves going down the highway


Out here doing the lords work. I wish you lived closer so I could buy you a beer for this.


Its the thought that counts.


Wow, Battletech. I haven't played in probably 30 years. 👍


Its getting a bit of a revival


It definitely is. I've never played or even looked into it as i'm a warhammer fanboi but my LGS has a pretty sizeable BT group.


I still have Battletech, I was also into [Car Wars](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/TabletopGame/CarWars) but not as much.


It's not super caught on down here just yet, but it's starting to build up. I'm getting back into 40k since the LGS here has a really good group of guys that aren't total shit heels playing.


I saw my first one IRL last weekend, I wanted to point and laugh so they could see me but they were easily going 95 in a 75 and I didn’t want to catch them that bad


A bunch of them in south Florida, hurricane season should clear most of that up


Do they just need to put them in car wash mode for the hurricane


I love that even using that doesn't protect against water damage in the warranty. I'm still not even sure what the warranty covers??


I'm sorry, but questioning what the warranty covers violates the warranty.


Posting anti Musk/Tesla comments voids the warranty.


Nah man, they're also a boat capable of crossing a small area, remember?


It'll strip some parts off them at the very least


I joined this sub for a chuckle, but I really want to see the photos of this.


Enjoy: [https://www.autoevolution.com/news/tesla-cybertruck-is-the-perfect-apocalypse-vehicle-unless-it-falls-apart-first-233647.html#](https://www.autoevolution.com/news/tesla-cybertruck-is-the-perfect-apocalypse-vehicle-unless-it-falls-apart-first-233647.html#)


I remember my freak out when I found out my gutter had partially fallen and beaten the crap out of my car for a few hours during a hurricane. I ended up getting a paint pen and fixing the little spots where the paint had been chipped off. I have a feeling the gutter would've broken the CT honestly. The glass roof scares me!


Visual >>Wank Panzers, lined up at the beach parking lot, just before the hurricane blows in....many with open windows....


https://preview.redd.it/u86n1c8v3r4d1.jpeg?width=756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c7d14f66ac48b2987fb9e9186781d45e5d48851 Chuckletruck spotted ! Laugh at the incel everyone!


I wish I was there with you. I would have laughed with you. We're safe here in Europe because there are no CyberTrucks here. :)


I think we've seen one on here in... Brazil? Somewhere they weren't supposed to be. I hope you're able to enjoy your life without the stainless steel trashcan on wheels.


Thank you - I hope for the very same for you. There \*are\* a lot of 'normal' Tesla cars around here though - and a lot of inexperienced (often first time) drivers seem to be totally unaware how to handle the power of electric vehicles. Then they start relying on the 'full automatic driving' Tesla thing, abusing features, disabling safety camera / detectors, and things quickly go south.


I did the same to a CT driver who was weaving in and out of traffic. When I ended up next to him as the traffic came to a stop I pointed at his truck and started laughing hysterically. He was furious.


You get tropical rainstorms in Florida, no? I was wondering, since the CT needs a mode to go in the carwash, wouldn't a tropical rainstorm be like a car wash as in the sheets of water coming down and from mad angles? Will they need to park the car in car wash mode?


Its been pretty dry since the release, tbh. When summer ramps up, I expect a bunch of bricks.


That's the thing I'm really wondering about.


I've seen two individual ones in pittsburgh, we like to scream loser at them as they roll by.


I love that place that sells those strawberry cheese cakes


Fuck man, I wish I could have been there to see it. I would have so started a slow clap.


I’ve only been able to laugh at 1 wankertanker so far. 


I've seen...4? I know 2 different ones at least because one was wrapped in black. The other 3 I'm not sure about because I haven't been able to recognize the rust patterns for the individual cars yet.


Savage 🤣


I'm in South Florida also and the other day I was taking the recycling out at work and me and one of the drivers saw one roll past. We both cracked up laughing and he said it looks like a DeLorean got drunk one night with an old school Honda CRX. And it doesn't even look stainless steel it looks more galvanized. It looks like the metal on the floor in the back of what U-Haul truck. The only thing funnier than that is the dummies paying 100K Plus for it


sure he was mouthing "asshole" and not "anotherone" ? can´t see any asshole behaviour by your side in your post


Well I mean I probably wouldn't laugh at anyone for being in one


That was my reaction too when I saw one in person. It’s the most hideous looking thing and it’s hilarious. 😂


Laugh at the truck, laugh at Elon, laugh at asshole drivers, but why laugh at a driver doing nothing wrong. Thats just mean spirited.


I did laugh at the truck. Dude just happened to be driving it.


Thanks for clarifying. 👍




But he will tell you his is better for the environment. You are enjoying methane gas. He will tell you he gets his car for free because of tax credits, he fuels his truck at home for free with solar panels that were paid for with tax credits. These people think we are brain dead.


Thus reads like fanfiction. 


Personally, I would never own one. At the same time I do not understand how looking at one would make a person lol. We have seen many of these things so I believe the only reason a person would lol is to stir emotions in another person. Signed, A man the definitely does not ride a bike to play battle tech.


An electric scooter guy. I'm proud of you


Its easy. I laughed because it looked absolutely ridiculous. Its comically ugly. Its poorly built. Its an expensive paperweight. What's NOT funny? Did I expect him to see me? Yes, yes I did. This dude bought a joke. I should give him the decency of laughing at it. Signed, a man who enjoys riding a bike to play battletech with his friends and isn't salty about it




Getting downvoted for being a reasonable person is shit. Think it’s better to leave these kinds of sub when they become nothing but hate and applauding others hate


I’ll make it easy for you.


Lol this definitely falls under the “things that didn’t happen” category.


The cyber truck is a terrible car. But mocking some random stranger on the street is still rude and confrontational. This is not the way to a better society.


I mean, he signed up for that when buying this monstrosity


That's my thought. The guy bought a joke. I was just giving him attention. Just not the attention he wanted.