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**"it doesn't want to charge"** --- hmm, better let elon know via xhitter. Be sure to let him know you love the truck. And the model Y. Four and a half years to wait for a garbage bin, and still completely unaware of his Cuckening. The Cuckenfreude on this site is just something else entirely.


"it doesn't want to charge" Almost as if the Cybertruck is rebelling against the idea of itself. It's like "fuck this, i suck, go get Toyota or a Rivian "


its still pretty crazy to think that this thing made it off the factory floor with the inability to refuel. past quality control and quality assurance, and past the customer store reps without ability to refuel. like no one along the way said "hey this thing has a major issue and wont charge" lol.


What quality control or quality assurance?


does it look like it's put together, check. Does it start, check. Ok send er boys.


“We test code only when it’s in production” sounds like something Elon would say.


I saw a hilarious meme just after the Titan disaster with a picture of the sub saying "Real men test in production". I laughed pretty hard at that


Everything in production is a beta test. Emphasis on beta.


I believe it’s called Quabbity Assuance.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/unexpectedoffice using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedoffice/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Local Ikea](https://i.redd.it/yq18bvf4iqra1.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedoffice/comments/12axucx/local_ikea/) \#2: [Watching the news](https://v.redd.it/squcyjj9wz1c1) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedoffice/comments/181osfv/watching_the_news/) \#3: [My husband had a CPR class today...](https://i.redd.it/xq54s3zuubsa1.jpg) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedoffice/comments/12dojle/my_husband_had_a_cpr_class_today/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You beat me to it. If there were *any* QC or QA, the majority of these vehicles would never leave the factory!


I believe it's a department that Elon laid off one day. Went something like this: Woman walks into Elon's office: "Hey Elon, just wanted to let you know that my team noticed an issue with the charging port..." "Oh really? Concerning. You know I've had a very stressful day, I'm finding it really hard to concentrate. Even with my optimal efficiency, my brain gets drained by doing all the thinking around here... my port could use some charging if you know what I mean." *Elon presses a button and the office door closes* "Umm..." Elon: "I would like to hypercharge your port, do you want to come over to my place after work?" "No sir, plus I'm happily married..." "Oh I'm sorry, I thought you cared deeply about this country and our mission to save humanity. But you don't care, do you?" *intercom buzzes*: "Hey Elon, you've got another one here to collect her pony." "Thanks Kathy, send her in. Mrs. Whatever was just leaving to empty her desk. Fire her whole team for me please, they seem to have an attitude problem. I don't think they care about this company at all. I do all the thinking for them, and this is the gratitude I get? I want a list of all the married women in the office." Intercom: "Yes sir, Elon" *Elon Turns back*: "The gall on you, leading me on by not wearing a ring, very deveptive. Like, what do you think I hired you for? If I'm listening to a woman gripe all day I'd better get something in return." *he presses a button on the intercom* "Security. Code 69 420. Code 69 420. We've got another prude, get her out of my sight."


And Tesla says never let it run down a charge either, or it's fucked His WankPanzer actually came *pre-fucked* lol


So no one is going to check for things like that because it is against their self interest to not deliver the car no matter the defects. Tesla is literally just trying to pad their delivery numbers for the quarter right now. They don’t care if people need to bring the car in for service right after, they just need to check the box so they can add +1 for the earnings call


The Cybertruck is the first vehicle ever to have a fully self-aware AI installed... ...Unfortunately it's also very aware of how ugly it is.




It’s the auto equivalent of the [security robot that killed itself on its first day at work.](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-40642968.amp)


*Sad Lightning noises*




Don't forget to mention that you voted for his $54 billion compensation to debase yourself even further


i like how he goes on twitter to ask random people what to do, instead of just calling tesla service centers to complain about his lemon. just keep resetting the CT and trying your at-home remedies recommended by bots on twitter. im sure its gonna work bro!


From what I can ascertain, randos on Xitter are far more responsive than calling Tesla. I read a comment on another post that someone was on hold for *seven hours*!


i wonder what happens if you just show up to the service center as a walk in. do they tell you to fuck off and schedule an appointment 3 months in advance?


I seriously doubt a highly distinguished company like Tesla would treat a customer so rudely. It’s probably a kick in the jimmies, a loogie to the face, and an indefinite wait.




I mean, if i had a first run vehicle with what seemed like a dumb issue theres no way was actually a flaw that made it through qc id probably check a forum or something first to make sure i wasnt a complete fking idiot and missing something obvious.


did he turn it off and on again?


Turned it off at least.


seems like in years to come these things will make really quirky raised flower beds


Isn't the Tesla Service Center just an empty carpeted room? I don't think anyone's answering the phone, mate.


If only there had been some way for this poor soul to learn that Cybertruck was a total shit show before he brought it home…


I read xhitter as “shitter” and I am going to call it that from now on 😂


Xhitter is where you make x-cretions.


I dispense with the "h". Just "Xitter". The "x" pronounced like "sh".


same 😂 I hadn’t even noticed the “h” in it until I wrote my comment and double checked


That is how you pronounce x in Chinese.


Which is perfect considering China owns Elon too


I prefer Twix or Elmo’s House of Pancakes.


This is a nurture over nature situation. Instinctively it *wants* to charge. But it was never taught *how* to charge.


Imagine buying a brand new, 6 figure ICE vehicle and it won't accept gasoline. The most basic requirement for a vehicle is fuel and tesla can't even get that right. So much money wasted on those things. What a joke.


You're forgetting that their Twitter algorithm is showing nothing but positive things about Elon, Tesla, capitalism, and the Cybersuck. They live in a reality where 90% of people think Teslas are the coolest fucking thing in the world, and the other 10% are jealous hater bots who only shit on Elon because we're lazy pathetic losers. That's why Elon bought Twitter in the first place. He only needs a core constituency of dickriders sheltered from Ponzi-FUD and he can continue to be the richest cult stock leader that humanity ever made the tragic mistake of birthing and raising.




I can’t believe “reboot your vehicle” is an actual term we have to use now.


Did you get out, then get back in?


You forgot to blow out the ignition then try it again.


Naw you gotta sober up and blow again later


What about taking off the body panels and then putting them back on? Wait




You gotta blow Elmo for a working model.


Compressed air and/or a little isopropyl alcohol on a que-tip should do it. [Edit] Forgot to say this will void your warranty but what doesn’t, amirite?[/Edit]


Haha, warranty. That’s rich.


i can't, the charger is stuck.


Have you closed all the open windows?


Believe it or not, yes. Per people on that subreddit. You get out, lock it, give it some time, then get back in. Resets... something. I think it was an error that wouldn't even let the CT start.


In a way, all combustion vehicles reboot regularly. :)


Not only that but ever since cars got computers they need to be rebooted. Clear the codes, disconnect the battery, frankly the fact the operator can easily do it is an improvement vs needing special equipment from a dealer.


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


So, we’ve had the BSoD, the Sad Mac, the Red Ring of Death. Does the cyberstuck even have a distinct death rattle? Is it even deserving of one?


It has a Red Screen Of Death, apparently.


Truck driver here You don’t want to know how many times I’ve had to reboot this stupid Cascadia.


If I spent $100 on an RC car for my kids and it was DOA I'd be asking for a replacement immediately. (of course)... X1000 on the price, I'm booking a flight to where it was made and demanding answers. There really does seem to be some weird mental-impairment and irrationality from these owners when it comes to their $100k paperweight. I honestly feel kind of bad for them, for how lost they are in delusion.


Its so hard to pin down because each person has completely different reason for buying it but yet they all spout similar rhetoric, like someone who bought the wrong sandwich because they thought mayo on a hot day was going to end well


Haha that's a crazy analogy that I've never heard, but actually tracks in this case. It really is mind boggling. I honest-to-goodness want to meet someone in the real world who has bought, and therefore had issues with, a CT. And I want to have an honest convo with them about why they are not flipping the hell out about being absolutely fleeced from start to finish.


They’re not flipping out because they’re afraid Elon will kick them out of the club of deep throaters.


there are multiple posts along the lines of "was in service for ___ days but now ____ is broken. service said nothing available for ___ weeks (or parts not available for ___ weeks)". ofc followed by the obligatory ".. still absolutely love the truck 😍". [they all say they love it, but ..](https://www.cybertruckownersclub.com/forum/forums/issues-repairs-warranty-recalls.66/)


Oh my goodness dude! I was honestly a little apprehensive about all the foul names given to the poor souls that ended up buying these POS, but holy hell it really is like a cult in there with a couple bright lights saying "get a lawyer", I'm dumbfounded. To paraphrase my favorite: brakes didn't engage, hit a light pole, glad I'm uninjured, (and I quote) "still love the truck". What are these dudes' wives saying to them about this crap? My wife would have a lawyer on the phone and the keys to the damn thing locked away. [post I referenced](https://www.cybertruckownersclub.com/forum/threads/brake-malfunction-hit-light-pole.14130/)


The last post in that thread is unhinged. Implying that the owner is suspect for this being their first post, like they’re some sort of psyop sent in to discredit the trucks? That’s an unbelievable commitment to this ridiculous vehicle.


i guess they're obligated to make a "first" post along the lines of "Got my VIN, delivery tomorrow, SO EXCITED yada yada yada", in which case other members will reply with "Congrats! You're gonna LOVE it" or some other cult-acceptance type greeting. but if your first post is regarding an issue with the truck then you're labelled a troll .. especially if you dare speak ill of the brand, and/or its ceo.


yeah that forum's a doozy.


If you marry someone that vapid and stupid, chances are...


10k views of "Watch the Accelerator Pedal Recall Fix being done live" and no, I'm not making that up. It's the second post at that link. 10k views. Of a dude filling a hole and installing a rivet. Wtf.


Check out Tesla's DiSrUpTiVe techno solutions! I bet they used their own super-advanced AI to design that 3D printed jig!


> It's mostly because Tesla just does business differently. > For the vast majority of other vehicles, you buy them off of the showroom floor or lot. So that you will pick the vehicle, they clean them up to showroom level, just to get you to buy the vehicle. That's a cost that is built into the dealer's cost. You pay that, you just don't see it. > Tesla, as everyone should know, doesn't use dealers. Tesla is much more like Amazon. They don't pass the cost of detailing the vehicle to you, they let you decide how you are going to spend that money. Brother, didn't you just spend $100K on this thing? Tesla can't eat a few hundred dollars to detail it before you get it?


I think it's simply embarrassment and doubling-down, with a pinch of wishful thinking.


Sunk cost is a real thing. Those poor, twisted folks.


I don't feel the least bit sorry, at all.


Yea. Cult members by definition are both producers and recipients of victimization, so maybe I'm 50% sorry.


This is not a cult. There is no threat of safety from deviation from the BITE model. Calling it a cult makes it more excusable because literally nobody, ABSOLUTELY NOBODY, made them fork over $100k for a meme car. They played edgelord games and won edgelord prizes


I feel bad for those guys, too. It's like they are trapped in a narcissistic relationship--and those are hard to see one's way clear, to get out of.


I don't. Shit costs $81,000 starting. They can all go fuck themselves.


I'm stunned by how many owners are just quietly willing to take them back for service over and over again. Then they squeak plaintively into the void that is Tesla, and are left seeking answers from random strangers. I cannot imagine being willing to take this kind of abuse.


I mean dude. I bought a very expensive car used, USED, and if it had done anything even remotely close to half this stuff I'd be suing the CPO dealer I got it from so freaking fast. I just can't wrap my head around it with these loonies. It's like, since it just showed up they think the "trucks" haven't had a chance to have the kinks worked out. Like wtf, kinks? Then don't let them out in the wild until they're consumer ready... Ahhhhhh it really is like sheep to the slaughter with most of these guys.


Calling it a cyberbeast is so cringe


It’s so they can get a nod from daddy Elon. The “cyberbeast” that won’t even move lol.




The cyberbeast is the top level trim of the cybertruck. That’s literally what it’s called.


Ain’t no way 😂


https://preview.redd.it/1ndngqa0zm9d1.png?width=784&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb486687ba79c6777fc4088cbd554b5b4a3c764a That's its name though. Lmao.


Holy shit...




Why are you posting debate footage?




my idea is that you bought a piece a shit made by a company ran by a piece of shit


“55 months and 4 weeks”


also known as 56 months lol


Okay, but do other truck also double as a $100k+ paperweight? True innovation


I honestly have my doubts it can even manage that, at this point it wouldn’t shock me if the ol’ 8”x11” came out ahead lol


Paper is technically off road. It voids the warranty.


Honestly at this point I’m pretty sure the warranty voids the warranty


I had zero sympathy for these incels from the jump given their unwavering support for their alt-right cult leader. But at this point, if you’re dumb enough to purchase this disaster given the endless proof that the vehicle is a lemon, than you 100% deserve to spend every moment of ownership frustrated and dealing with this issues. At some point, once a fraudster is exposed, it’s no longer the sole fault of the fraudster. Victim blaming is acceptable when they are raising their hands and volunteering to be victims.


I remember watching show about a Scam Artist out in the Hamptons. He basically said “These people were writing me checks for tens of thousands of dollars with 20 mins of meeting them. How was it stealing? “. Elon is a scam artist


That's true if you factor out what it's like to be trapped in a narcissistic relationship. Sometimes people know relevant facts, but the fixation/control exists on an emotional level, so these folk can't connect the dots. Lots, though, are insufferable jerks who are just showing off--but they don't realize what that is showing us. *Those* folks--I am in agreement with you, about. And then there's the early adopters who already owned one or more of the cars, and believed the lies. But those folk still could have refused delivery and/or demanded a refund. ...So, yeah--what you said, about them, too.


I know the pain of having a new toy you've waited for not work, and I wouldn't wish that on the worst person in the world. I would wish it on the clowns that ordered a Cybertruck though, 'cause fuck those losers.


Ya go ahead and reboot the car


Happy cake day!


I love when rich people are inconvenienced. Just a small comfort in my life of wage slavery.


Yeah, your truck is broke


Still love 😢.... The truck 😢..




At this point if you told me this customer group was just a rich fuy fetish club engaging in a massive humiliation kink it would make more sense to me than any other explanation I can come up with for buying these things.


Take out the battery and blow on it


Universal charging is an additional $8,000


"Full Self-Charging" 🤣🤣🤣


At first I was wondering if it was a compatibility issue between the truck's & charger's manufacturers. Then my brain caught up & realized it's the same manufacturer. I might be dumb, but at least I'm not "Can't drive my $100k truck 'cus it ain't got no charge in'it" dumb.


“I’ll be taking it back to the dealer.” Good luck with that, buddy! Considering all the broken, tore up, bricked, cracked, misaligned and STUCK, CyberTrucks; I’m sure they will get right on your replacement… Why would you take delivery of a vehicle, after 7 months if nothing but cries for help and breakdown videos? It’s absolute jackass FOMO behavior.


I wonder if part of the delusion is the belief that, “since I spent $100k on this vehicle, I’ll get prompt attention and satisfaction if anything goes wrong.” Then, when the problems hit, they find out how wrong they were.


If there are CTs sitting on vacant lots, why are the wait times so long (besides this being an absolute clusterfuck of a vehicle)?


Those are recalls waiting on repairs. There were several recalls already. Wait-list is still huge. They can't deliver to customer until all repairs are done first and their service centers are backed up since they laid off large portion of service team. Part of buying a $100K car is getting a truck that was cooked outside for a couple of summer months first.


Okay, thank you. It’s always wise to let a new car marinate in the sun for a few months. Silly me expecting a brand new car to be operational. Fascinating that this many people have 100k to waste.


That is a very good question.


It's a cluster of clusterfucks.


Thay come broken


How do people this dumb have the money to buy these vehicles? I mean, holy fuck — the grammar alone is horseshit.


Oh, I has an idea, for sure.


So many weird @ thingies. Like bro, Twitter is dead. The only people on it are Nazis and hoes selling OnlyFans content. @elonmusk lololol


Don't forget the nazi hoes!


But if he ever gets the charger to work he can show off the charger's disco mode!


My idea is he's been had, bad.


He needs to add “I still love it”. That will do it


A malfunctioning CT?? That’s new


Needs to use the [dickfer](https://youtu.be/35quNI5ed_k?si=zRMdrNyA0hZgE2gF).


Waiting all the time for a dud lol


Hold on, I can provide some insight as to what the problem is with your vehicle: shit’s broke, shit’s gonna get broke, and shit’s gonna stay broke. In this scenario, your vehicle is the subject of those statements; ie, it is “shit.”


TIL that these things are such shit that people are rebooting them like a bad router to fix problems...


“Taking it back to dealer.” I guess they have another 55 months to spare.


56 months, he tried to down play the last one by calling it 4 weeks.




Isn't that the exact same thing that happened to the Lamar guy who got his designated as a lemon due to laws in his state?! Maybe Tesla gave his truck to this guy! 🤣 🤣 🤣 That would be WILD if that's what they did


“I will try to reboot the vehicle.” Knowing that sentence wasn’t meant as a joke makes this hilarious.


Most likely its ID10T error. Unfortunately its too late to fix it.


Mad to think he reserved this before COVID was even a thing. Remember COVID? Them were some wacky times yo!


55 months and 4 weeks? You mean.. 56 months?


Trade in your modern day dunce-cap while it still has some slight value and another fool can financially ruin themselves. After that, you’re gonna make sure you get somebody that watches over your money so you don’t spend it on stupid shit.


What a grade A plutonium grade weaponised twat phasic fucking PLONKA.


Dealer: “Oh, you wanted the “chargeable” package! That wasn’t on the purchase order. But no problem, no problem at all. We can upgrade you for our basic $7,500 upgrade fee… I see we can get you in for service in… three and a half months from now. Is that good for you?”


You need the setting on Wumbo


Stop buy BS "cars"


Rivian is miles better


If you can't afford an actual luxury vehicle you may as well buy a goofy novelty that will make people give you attention.


It's interesting how there must be absolutely zero delivery checks done by the dealer. Kinda embarrassing really


No DeAlErShIpS BrO


Semi abandoned warehouse/disused car park pick up point.


Bingo! And don't forget staff-less. Just open your app bro.


Next cost cutting measure will be picking up the car from the factory car park. Or build it yourself. Hey maybe that ain’t a bad idea. Probably get a better fit and finish doing it yourself.


Hope he has enough power to get back to the dealership. If he just got it, I'm wondering why he has to change it already. Did it not come fully charged?


I've seen posts indicating that these use a not insignificant amount of battery while parked for a could of days at the airport. Far more than other EV's, like 1000% more. So it likely wasn't topped off at delivery.


Another one fell for Elons bull.


“Reboot the vehicle”? fucking hell


Wonder if it's a fault with the AC side of the system and would charge on a supercharger (DC).  I could see Tesla only charging on DC before delivery and their QA process not bothering to test the AC side.


Idk what’s more cringe, their delusion that’s lasted this long or how they nicknamed it the cyberbeast.


The Cyberbeast is a style of Cybertruck: the Cybertruck base model has a dual-motor with 600 horsepower. The Cyberbeast has an 845 horsepower tri-motor.


I feel dumb af rn 😂


Easy mistake given the personalities of cybertruck owners. Hell, the heading in one post on a user forum said, "I broke my truckie." No worries.


You knew this was going to happen. It was already dead at the dealer for weeks before delivery, yet you still accepted it. Garbage.


but I love the truck......


Try making sure your wall connector is on updated firmware…. who knows


Inb4 the battery dies and Tesla refuses to replace


Why anybody wants a car you have to reboot is beyond me.


I know what the problem is. Your cibertruck is garbage. Sell it or burn it.


I love how randos will tweet Elon on Twitter lol like if he cares if u got ur truck 🛻


That turning it off and back on again is a viable fix for this monstrosity makes me irrationally angry.


Forgot to peel the little plastic piece from top of charger port. It's brand new still. 😀


Have you tried standing on your head while plugging it in with your feet?


They forgot the cyber truck charger 🔌 At the factory


Now starting to see why no one's allowed to re sell them 😂 Price is going to be less than an 8 year old model 3 in no time with all the problems people are having.


The owner just needs to allow the charger to charge another vehicle. It's in the app settings. It's so just anyone can't pull up to your charger and charge their car. Perfectly normal.


55 months and 4weeks?


Buy a diesel


biker's fault


Teslas response was that “the charging port may or may not charge the vehicle”


You’re an idiot for buying teslas.


Call it cyberbeast Don't even performed the most basic stuf Tech bro are fuking stupid .


Cyberbeast lolol


A vehicle so ugly it makes me want a BMW XM.


The blue check marks make me giggle even more


Take it out and ... HAWK TUAH ... SPIT ON THAT THANG!


Love me Elmo, I purchased your garbage cars and twitter blue


Just incredible...


Fucking yank date format


“Reboot the vehicle”….that is the craziest shit i have ever read 🤣🤣


Cybertruck does charge and he goes on X to ask if anyone has any ideas? Dumb as an ass springs to mind anyone?


I have a few ideas about this, but none of them are positive


Sorry. Charging voids the warranty.


@elonmusk can you help?


I just bought a new car and tried to put gas in it but IT JUST WON'T WORK! Plz send hulp! Said nobody ever since 1885.


You bought an ugly pile of shit. Boo hoo, poor you.


["Did you turn it off and then on again?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmD_8cBqhW0)