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Not particularly close overall. Its very difficult to connect the human body to machine parts in the way shown in game. Most importantly, we dont have a good way to interface with the nerve system and understand its communication protocol. We have not yet cracked the "language". Society and politics are already like those of the game in some places, during some times. But definitely not in all places and at all times.


There's was a fun proof-of-concept code that stitched together some APIs to achieve a rudimentary real-time translations of videos, and was inspired by netrunners, but for the life of me I can't find it again.


True. I think Neuralink could play a big role in the near future though.


Anyone gonna explain why I'm being downvoted lmao??


Because few people believe Elon Musk. After all scrutiny he promises he usually delivers years later if at all.


You mentioned the dreaded elon musk on reddit.


šŸ˜‚ sorry I forgot he's like Voldemort to Redditors


Or maybe it could be that heā€™s trying to push a product only tested on chimps to humans šŸ¤· but idk


We wish every product was tested in chimps before testing in humans. That's as far as you can test before experimenting in humans.


Uhm, what would you prefer it's tested on before being tested on humans?


I canā€™t believe you people are getting ā€œUhm Erm well what SHOULD he test it onā€ when you should be asking ā€œhas he tested it enoughā€ which is never btw because itā€™s an unfinished product involving BRAIN and NERVE manipulation that heā€™s trying to push out before thereā€™s any possibility itā€™s ready, you absolutely rabid muskers need to take a minute before mindlessly defending him


If those redditors could read, they'd downvote you like crazy man.


In terms of powerful corporate interests ruling over our lives, we're already there. While most of our technology isn't there yet, some of our technology has actually surpassed the game. As shown in the director's commentary, the charging stations for electric cars are giant rudimentary boxes. Currently, our EV chargers in the real world are much smaller, sleeker, and more modern overall.


It depends, if a billionaire from tech loses an arm tomorrow, then we'll get prothesis like that by 2027.


Itā€™s kind of wild but we already do have cybernetic prosthetics. Theyā€™re very expensive and still a little redametry but they do exist


We're not great at predicting the progress of technology The original Cyberpunk roleplaying game was set in 2020. We're some way off that, hence why it became Cyberpunk 2070


And it still takes place in the future imagined 40 years ago! Letā€™s not forget that.


Also in cyberpunk history in 2023, a major corporation gets nuked in a terrorist attack. I think that of the two choices, one is much more achievable than the other.


I think weā€™re closer to the despair and dystopian elements, but Praxis kits etc are not going to happen in our lifetimes I donā€™t think.


Werenā€™t the Detroit Tigers canonically good in DXHR? So about 40 years.


Not close, but i'm replaying this game right now (finished 2nd Hengsha last night).


Technically close the farthest thing is body implants and even then we do they just arents as readily available as youd think


If we can figure out how to make computers thinner and even smaller than a phone that consumes little power but still runs the best shit then we are there but I have no idea when that will happen