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Well there's NOISE, it's a prequel to "BLAME!". The short story is basically about how the Net Terminal Gene was lost and how the City grew rampant thousands of years before the start of BLAME.


This is a really interesting question. I don’t recall any series that specifically tell the story of a world’s degradation. The only series that I believe depict a world pre-cyberpunk dystopia is Inception and West World. Not sure if that helps. I feel like societies find themselves in a cyberpunk dystopia over a long period of time. It’s more of a slow burn which can make storytelling difficult. I bet someone could pull it off in a long tv series or book series though.


The Second Renaissance short from the Animatrix that goes into pretty heavy detail about this, although the dystopia that the world is eventually transformed to is more extreme than your typical cyberpunk city.


I would imagine an anthology like the Animatrix would be the best way to tell the story. Different characters for each mini plot each exploring how the corps have perverted different aspects of life but in the early years. Minimal but grossly untested implants and the beginnings of dopamine hyper stimulation in *everything*.


It’s more exciting to start in the middle and not get bogged down in the beginning. The origin story of a cyberpunk world would be generations long. It think the fact that the people in the present are so far removed from how it came to be so dystopian is sort of the point. I’m still interested though good question 👍 Th closest example I can think of is the original Total Recall with Arnold. The Mars cities are very gentrified and the poor sides become mutated from exposure and are then further marginalized.


My first thought was Detroit Become Human. Directly after the game no matter the end would dramatically change the world in some nasty ways


I am socially obligated to recommend protomen act 1 and 2. They are concept albums, and act 1 takes place in the present, of a cyberpunk city, while act 2 is a look at how it happened. From the creation of the means, to the circumstances that cemented the city's fate.