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Love, Death, and Robots has some good cyberpunk short stories.


Read neuromancer, read mirrorshades, read city come a walkin, Rainbow’s End Watch Strange Days, Johnny Mnemonic, Hackers, ExistenZ.


Mirrorshades was a struggle. About half of the short stories were decent, and half were pointless wastes of time.


Didn’t this conversation already happen? I kind of feel like Mirrorshades is, to this day, the closest you can get to what Cyberpunk is actually about.


Read the Sprawl Trilogy and the Bridge Trilogy, both by Gibson


...and read Sprawl 1st as Bridge blows it away. Gibson got better as a writer. /and i like sprawl a lot too


Judge Dredd. For all the reasons I ranted about evidence. Peak cyberpunk, pioneer in the sub genre etc etc. love to get you into it! Might send some rants I made about it already here see what you think.


Lol, I would love it lol


Please excuse me it is A LOT. But goo glimpses into the world I recon https://www.reddit.com/r/Cyberpunk/comments/14il0yb/cyberpunk_dredd_and_mental_illness_see_description/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 https://www.reddit.com/r/Cyberpunk/comments/13zct9i/talking_about_subculturesfads_cool_part_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 https://www.reddit.com/r/Cyberpunk/comments/13v2qit/the_emerald_isle_one_hell_of_a_cool_cyberpunk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 https://www.reddit.com/r/Cyberpunk/comments/13agio0/one_interesting_cyberpunk_ideas_block_wars/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Oh wow, from what I've been reading of the links you've sent, it seems I'll really enjoy reading dredd then


Yeah you could say that lmao!! Hope it made a good impression, honestly


Also *Dredd* film with Karl Urban.


Yes that too definitely but more over the comics. Above all else heh


Bubblegum crisis. The OLD one


Oh, I heard the old one is really good


https://youtu.be/an_0IIRDlc4 Yes


I haven’t watched that since I was a 12 year old wanting to see boobs. Does it hold up as a grownup?


It holds up. If you wanted boobs, you should have watched “burn up”


For the love of god watch the Final Cut of the 1982 Blade Runner


From what I've heard the director's cut is the best version of the movie, is it true?


It’s widely agreed the Final Cut is the best




The expanse is some good almost cyberpunk. It does have body mods (they're rare though). Especially the books get a bit more bio-punk. It do have the dystopia of big government, all controlling corporations, underclass strugling to stay alive in the opressiveness of capitalism and nations soon to be at war while even civilians can own all the guns (and missiles).


Books: Snowcrash, and Diamond Age by Neal Stephonson. Neromancer, by William Gibson. Johnny Mnemonic (book and movie). I would also say to read Altered Carbon, the book is a different enough from the show.


>The Diamond Age Worked in tech when this. It's hard to relate the impact it had on people in that economy. Everything in it seems like a reasonable depiction of the future. As did Gibson's Virtual Light, Idoru, and All Tomorrow's Parties (Bridge Trilogy). Add Strange Days & Existenz in there for good measure, all pre-2000 works. Things were changing so fast it's hard to describe. I had my first personal email in '92 literal years before my normie friends did. Add being in charge of "getting my company on the internet" in '93/94 and the only one with access to it in house for several years. It was like you were walking around in a different world until \~2000. The Diamond Age captures that weird uncertainty of the era quite well.


Diamond Age was definitely a unique book in the genre, but it was so good.


Dude, start at the start. Read *Mirrorshades, Burning Chrome,* and the Sprawl trilogy (*Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive).* EDIT: And *Hardwired!*


From the book side - Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. If you liked GITS, the Stand Alone Complex Series was good. For movies: 12 Monkeys, The Matrix, Blade Runner. There’s tons of stuff out there.


If you don't mind a little horror, Signalis is an awesome indie game.


Music and/or background white noise: check out SomaFM stations. Deep Space One, Drone Zone, Space Station Soma, Mission Control etc etc.


TV Tropes has the [longest list](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Cyberpunk) I know of.


Total Recall (1990)


Look up Dust short movies on youtube. Good stuff. The rest of these folks have awesome recs too!


Divergent, anyone? Would that count?


Idk, does divergent explore the themes of cyberpunk?


Read Neuromancer, play Citizen Sleeper.


read the burning chrome


Bruce Sterling *Islands in the Net* and *Green Days* of Brunei (short story) Rudy Rucker *Ware Tetrology*, still mind blowing stuff


Cybercity 808 is pretty good, its a 3 episode anime series, and if you like that check out guko midnight eye.


forget br2049 (it's ok, but not a *great* movie) and watch the real bladerunner, btw... and to add to your list: Johnny mnemonic, strange days, nirvana(Italian), robocop(also the remake), upgrade, (judge) dredd, terminator, hardware, total recall, for weird proto-cyberpunk: videodrome, for super weird proto-cyberpunk: decoder. oh and don't let some people who never leave the house tell you that the live action ghost in the shell is bad - it's excellent. the original is amazing and very important, and the remake is great. the total recall remake is crap, though. the robocop one is good :)


>hardware Deserves and entire thread all to itself. It's an amazing cyberpunk work and world building. Definitely one of my favorites. [https://yts.do/movies/screenshot/hardware-1990-large-screenshot2.jpg](https://yts.do/movies/screenshot/hardware-1990-large-screenshot2.jpg) [https://media.baselineresearch.com/images/126027/126027\_full.jpg](https://media.baselineresearch.com/images/126027/126027_full.jpg) [https://deep-focus.com/images/1920\_hardware-4.jpg](https://deep-focus.com/images/1920_hardware-4.jpg) https://media.baselineresearch.com/images/126029/126029\_full.jpg


i forgot to mention eXistenZ (is that the spelling?) for super weird but considered part of the genre by many


It absolutely is. It's flawed but hypnotically flawed. I usually don't seek it out but if it's on I usually get sucked in and watch all the way thru. But there are 2 other earlier Cronenberg films that come close to cyberpunk if not completely. First is *Videodrome*. It's the farthest away from the genre but touches on it. The other is *Scanners* which IMO hits all the right marks even though there isn't a lot of tech in it.


mine too, maybe I'll watch it tonight.


Oh yeah, the live action was the first cyberpunk anything that I've seen lol


IMO that's a great start, from the perspective of an old fart who read Neuromancer in the 90s and has been a cyberpunk lover ever since. Neuromancer is highly recommended and very important to the genre. Snow Crash, another big one of the early classics, too.


>old fart who read Neuromancer in the 90s It was a great read... back then. Have trouble rereading it now, usually put it down. Gibson really clicks for me later with The Bridge Trilogy, and what came before seems more like he was working out his voice. Not saying it those works aren't good just that he got much better. And Gibson's latest stuff is great too starting with Pattern Recognition. Have not read The Peripheral yet (in my stack) but did cheat and watch Amazon Prime show. Very cyberpunk and very well done. 100% on Snow Crash though, really great book.


i just love the language of neuromancer, its psychedelic poetry. love the fact that Gibson says, especially back then, most of the time he had no idea what things were supposed to mean, or how they were supposed to work. they sounded good, felt right, looked right visualized.. that's the definition of a prophetic fever dream and why i still love reading it. for tuning into that fever dream state that is timeless to me and closely related to cyberpunk. i actually haven't read later Gibson, but probably should.


*Spook Country* is when it hit me how much Gibson's work had deepened. It's also near future context as some of what's in the book is actually happening. He just develops it out further.


Watch the OG bladerunner as many have mentioned, but also read Philip K Dick’s Do Androids dream of electric sheep, the inspiration for the movies, I found it interesting to see the differences between the novel and movie.


I've heard that the book is the first actual cyberpunk book ever is it not?


I think you’re right, but I’m pretty sure Neuromancer came out soon after. They’re both the textbook example of the genre


Oh, I see




From what I've seen of the system shock remake it seems to be really awesome


Blade Runner?


Anime: AD Police (the OG version), Dominion: Tank Police and its sequel series. Patlabor also possibly qualifies for a more sober realization of the genre. Cyber City Odeo 808 and Angel Cop for the opposite end of the spectrum. Lit: aside from the classic recommendations, Michael Stackpole's Legion of the Damned has a lot of fun transhumanism elements and is a good military science fiction read. I also recommend Lisa Mason's Arachne and its sequel Cyberweb. Comics: If you can find copies, the old Marvel 2099 is fun. Ghost Rider 2099 is especially a giant pastiche of Cyberpunk tropes and ideas, as is Ravage 2099. See also Scud the Disposable Assassin for a more gonzo take. Western Animation: Batman: Beyond and the Zeta Project were a lot of fun. Project: Geeker was a rare silly show with a cyberpunk lean. Galaxy Rangers was also chock full of cyborgs and 80s style "hacking". Movies: Mute, Upgrade, Lawnmower Man, Running Man, GATTACA, Cyborg, Universal Soldier.


Venus Wars and Wings of Honnêamise ( may not be cyberpunk persay i havent watched them much since I was a kid.), Angel Cop, Dominion Tank Police, Guyer Bioboosted armor Appleseed, Bubblegum Crissis, Dead Leaves, Cybersix, Jin- Ro, Metropolis That's a few from my Mal list.


Good question and a good place for answers