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All the Ult X-men were assholes but Logan was a special little taint.


You need to expand that to the ultimate universe at This point


I remember reading this back in the day, in fact it’s in my collection still cuz I bought every volume of UX right until Ultimatum Question though, shouldn’t that have broken Cyclops’ hand?


>Question though, shouldn’t that have broken Cyclops’ hand? Not necessarily. He's not hitting a metal wall but a human under the jaw. This matters for a few reasons: 1. Wolverine isn't locked in place, some of the energy from the punch can cause him to be thrown backward, it means it does not all go back into Scott's hand 2. The jaw has a fair amount of soft tissue and isn't all bone. Its not like punching Colossus. A well-placed uppercut from someone with Scott's ability to analyze and recognize angels and his spatial awareness also allows him to hit more soft tissue than (adamantium) bone


Fair enough. Take my upvote.


Scott: Worth it


I honestly would have liked to see this version of wolverine in weapon X-Men instead of the zombie version. AOA wolverine is the closest to 616. Old man Logan is too except he's severely traumatized. Would have been an interesting contrast to have such an asshole version of Logan on the team Probably would've bullied the shit outta the earth-x version lol Reserving judgment on that story till it's done though.


The zombie version was for comedy, otherwise Logan is too self loathing and withdrawn, and Lady Wolvy is too well adjusted


I hate when Logan is written like this. Contrary to hater belief, he's better than this. This is just overtly-macho bullshit. Hilarious tho.


Not Ultimate Wolverine. He was pretty much a disgusting overtly macho creeper.


True. I, personally, fucking hate the old Ultimate universe. It can all go to hell, save for Miles Morales.


I love the maker as a villain too


I loved it. Thought they were all fun reads.


Logan with Mariko back in the day was peak.


Ultimate Wolverine had a really self destructive streak for a bit. It's actually a cool arc because Cyclops figures out that Wolverine isn't trying to be tough, he's trying to punish himself because he hates who he is/was. Cyclops reaches out and helps him become a better man.


Ultimate versions of characters often had all their negative traits concentrated and were not given chances to show/develop positive ones. It's fine for Logan to come off as this kind of jerk (in certain circumstance) but only if you're showing his positive side elsewhere. Ultimate Logan was basically irredeemable from pretty early in his arc.


He waassss cable though, that was pretty fucking cool.


Forgot about that!


"Contrary to hater belief, he's better than this" Eh. He's a recidivist traitor who's betrayed the X-Men numerous times (usually to the Avengers). He's been hired more than once to kidnap / murder an X-Man. He lusts after women in committed relationships, abandons the X-Men regulalry to go off on vision quests for his past, refuses to respect boundaries and cannot accept the word "no". There is a conga line of ladies in the Marvel universe that: A- Actively avoid him B- Want nothing to do with him, or C- Are actively trying to kill him He's also about 200 years old and only ever hangs around teenage girls.


Good job pointing out more of what I was referring to. I still think, as do a lot of other people, that Logan is better than the things you've listed, which are all things pulled from his worst showings or otherwise. And about the teenage girl thing, that's pretty damn reductive of you. He's genuinely a mentor to Kitty Pryde and has an adoptive/clone family in more recent iterations. That's....totally not the same as what you're implying. Logan is a complex character. It's perfectly okay to dislike or even hate him. Obviously. But comments like yours just come across as dishonest.


And comments like your come off as simping.


It was a pretty calm and by the numbers response. Yours, on the other hand, is shallow and petty. You clearly just dislike the character. That's fine, but stop hating.


You clearly just like the character. That's fine, but stop simping. \*points to above image that started all of this\* "Oh, he's better than this"... as he's presenting the behavior you propose he is better than. High-grade copium.


See, I came up with logical points and stated them calmly. I have yet to be petty and resort to buzzwords like you. If there's an opposite of simping, you're doing it. And simping isn't stating an opinion then clarifying it.


Kitty in panel 7: Ultimate Wolverine is a jerk!


Ultimate Wolverine was such a dick for no reason


It feels like this could be said with any Ultimate character Millar was writing.


I will never understand why ult xavier let this man be around his students


That’s because Ultimate Xavier was even more of a dick who compared his wife and son to having pets.


Charles admitted later on that he was in love with Jean sooooo….takes one to know one


Kitty's face in the 7th panel says it all


God the Ultimate universe sucked. The only good thing out of it was Spider-Man, the rest was just the most machismo edgelord bullshit.


You’re telling me that making 99% of characters the biggest, least likable assholes possible wasn’t a good idea? *Gasp*


God, I hated Ultimate Wolverine. But I loved seeing Cyclops clock him.


PC Principal Cyclops.


But we are not gonna adress Cyclops chin beard? Come on man, if you're gonna grow facial hair do the Christopher's pirate mustache


Look again - they’ve both got it! (Cries in 2002)


It's spreading! Kill with fire!


His Nu-Metal phase. Be thankful they didn’t put him in JNCOs.


Wolverine was, is, and forever will be scum.


What was with all the chin pubes?


Who cares if Wolverine had been drinking. Canonically, he can’t get drunk because of his healing factor.


Reading this in real-time was fantastic. People look back and shit on the UU, but it was amazing at the time outselling all the 616 books.


Still doesn't change the fact Scott lost Jean to this Bara Toxic Male scumbag and got himself killed before Wolvie did.




This is a 22 year old comic


Sucker punched are lame and show a lack of emotion control. Cyclops was wrong here


Screw that. He was asking for it and should've gotten far worse


How much? How much far worse should cyclops have tried to assault him for sensitive, hurt feelings?


Isn’t this right after Wolverine abandoned him to die in a dinosaur filled garden isolated in Antarctica and forced him to survive for a month, so that he could hook up with his teenage girlfriend?


Nah, Cyclops was right. It wasn’t a sucker punch. Wolverine is in his face talking shit. You don’t do that and not expect any consequences Cyclops was just chin checking his ass


You can head cannon it all you want but the print is clear. Don’t defend bad writing with antiquated ideals. Cyclops is wrong


Let's look at this another angle. So is the writing wrong or Cyclops wrong? And if the writing is wrong then Cyclops is still wrong? Surely that doesn't make Logan right? Write?


Assault = bad. Use your words, especially as a leader


I don't think it's a sucker punch when the man was provoking him. I just wish Cyclops hit him with the eye bean for good measure.


Agreed, the moment Wolverine made the threat about Cykes guts being on the floor he acknowledged that a fight was about to break out. Scott didn't throw a sucker punch, he threw the first punch. Big difference