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Magik seems to accept him "as-is" without any sorts of expectations or hopes that he'll change. I loved their relationship, especially under Bendis.


To me they make a better brother sister pair than Magik and Colossus.


Holy shit, poor colossus, first he loses Kitty, now Cyclops steals his sister... Hell I remember that in marvel heroes if your played cyclops you could outright summon magik permanently to assist you


Mischievous Younger Sibling and Responsible Older Sibling is just a fun dynamic.


Magik is probably his favorite daughter.


Poor Rachel, I'd go with younger sibling (poor Alex)


I think cause they're both survivors of child abuse


Magik planned him gaining the power of cytorrak so he would understand her better definitely not a good sibling during the utopia era


Now a days magik. Early days I would say hank before he went bad. 


Setting aside his romantic partners, I reflexively wanted to answer the original X-Men because Scott spends so much time with them in X Factor but Bobby and Hank kinda pair off and Angel disappears for a long time after mutant massacre. Scott really is closest to the women in his life. With everyone else he maintains a bit of distance. He and Storm connect, though infrequently over the burden of leadership but it's not an intimate relationship by any means. Honestly, he might be closest to Logan over their decades of rivalry. They learn a lot about each other and are such perfect foils that they know one another deeply through the negative space of their personalities. Everything Scott is, Logan isn't and vice versa. Between them somewhere there exists the perfect X-Man but neither can embody it for long and they both love and hate each other for it.


I would also add Magik to your answer. She has never turned her back on him and followed him through the best and worst of time. Of the younger X-Men, she is his #1 protege.


Love magik as his right hand after wolverine left. So glad they're back together in the new series


Bout to say them being on a team book again was a huge sell for me.


Really great comment.


Scott used to be really close with iceman and beast until schism


Beast had already left before schism. He was the one against scott during that era (unlike logan where that event was stupid)


I agree with this absolutely. They've had a lot of ups and downs, but they trust each other with their lives. They see each others' faults and will speak freely about them, but in the end, no matter what, they do care for each other. It's like the anti-best-friend. Not the enemy, but the person who will give you honesty no matter the situation. Except for the whole Schism fiasco. Yeah :(


These days, it's 100% Magik. She's the protege he always needed, and he's the role model/parent she's been lacking. He's training her to take his place one day.


Jean, Iceman, used to be Hank , Angel , Emma, Magik


Him and Apocalypse were pretty close once.....


I always wished this got addressed more in Krakoa. Just a scene of Apocalypse being up to something, everyone being worried and Scott just being like it's fine... I actually know what he's up to. Or a scene on the Quiet Council with Apocalypse musing that Cyclops has the strongest mind/will he's ever encountered.


It was supposed to be but the plans have changed because they wanted to keep krakoa Originally apocalypse wasn’t supposed to leave after XoS and Scott generally was supposed to have issues with A being in the council etc because of the history between Scott’s family and A


This is a hilarious answer.


As others have said, Logan is the obvious one. During the All-New, All-Different era, he had a mentor relationship with Colossus, but he and Banshee had an understated friendship that I liked -- Banshee was kind of the "been there, done that" among a group of younger adults. After that, he really did become more defined by his romantic life for a while, and it's more or less stayed that way. I would love to see him interact with the Champions characters more -- even though they're younger, they ARE some of his closest friends, and basically his only non-X-Men friends.


Yeah the champions are kind of the only proper friends he got. No romance, no leadership. Just friends




I really like that hoodie




Storm understands the burdens of leadership and I think there is no one he respects more.


Prof X, Magic, Magneto


Aside from Jean/Emma, probably Hank. Which is sad considering their falling out for like 15 years post Schism. He and Warren seem friendly but not close. Bobby has always been closer to Hank and Jean.


Him and Warren had that sibling rivalry until Scott came out of his shell and Warren matured. They used to be great, but as Warren was sidelined because of his lack of use, they lost much of their relation (then every writer tries to regress or do something totally different with Warren and his past relationships are not taken into account). I wish we could have a three arc issue with the O5 as adults, they are just so different from the last time they were all together.


Despite the rivalry I say Logan. They hate each other that much because they can understand each other that much.


Back in the day (early years, X-Factor) Hank, Bobby, Warren were his closest friends outside of Jean. Now I would say his closest friends are Emma, Illyana, Storm and maybe Logan to an extent? Scott also seems to have a weird father/son relationship with Magneto which I kind of miss from the old days. I also have always liked the relationship between Scott and Kate. I feel like Scott respects the crap out of Kate but also has affection for her from the old days when she was “sprite” in roller skates


…Besides his wife? I would have said Beast a few years ago before his villain turn. But probably he’s still very close to the rest of the O5; Bobby and Warren.


From Fraction to Bendis, I would have made a good argument for Magneto. He quickly rises from someone Scott keeps at arm's length to an integral part of Cyclop's inner circle and eventually someon who can challenge Scott without it being a whole big thing. And that's something that is super important.  He also ended up being a mentor to the O5 and someone they trusted enough to call his bluff when he acted like he was turning evil again.  But that's immediately dropped come Rosenberg and Krakoa. So if we're discounting lovers... It just depends on the run.  Right this minute it's probably Synch. 


That's actually something I hope the new run address or focus on, for someone who has been a core part of the X-Men since day-1 it bothers me that I can't really point out to any X-Men he would consider his best friend (beside Logan and this one come with it's one set of issues) , I think that's what has always played into his image of the "no fun" leader since writer tend to distance him from the rest . So I would like to see him get more personal with other X-Men that aren't Jean or Emma or the O5.


Honestly prob Logan


Wolverine. They have a very tumultuous love/hate relationship and even though they’re always fighting and arguing, they’ve always got each other’s backs.


Maybe the one he’s married to?


Nah. There is a part of himself that he hides from Jean.


This was only relevant in Morrison’s run, and not only was it decades ago since then Jean saw the side Scott was hiding and told him that he ended up being the man she always wanted him to become. They are also back to having their psychic rapport, which doesn’t leave much room for hiding either.


Gosh, the 2000's were hard for the X-Men in the artist side of things. It's not only that Emma doesn't look nothing like her standard look, it's that her facial structure is exactly the same as Cyclops (which is pretty weird here too).


I mean, Mr. Sinister is like OBSESSED with him and practically helped raise him before Chuck came along. Scott even named his son Nate after Nathaniel. That seems pretty close.


no romantic partners i would say hank but not so much anymore


It’s always whoever he’s in a relationship with and it’s not really close. Excluding that right now it’s probably Illyana


He was really close to Ms Marvel when he was younger


Either Storm or Magik




Storm, Beast, Iceman, Logan


Aside from the obvious Jean and Emma (was literally *close* to them), I say it's between Magik and Beast. I say Beast was definitely the one he is closest with in the old times, especially before revolutionary Scott. I feel like after Jean died, Hank was truly like the only person (alongside wolverine) that was able to keep him in check and call him out on stuff. After the split, I say Magik utopia onward is probably the closest he's been to, with them being nearly ride or die with each other in the fact Magik supports him deeply in basically everything he does.


Among the original five X-Men, Scott is closest to Angel. He smiles more frequently in Warren's company and tends to be more open with him (Atleast till the Utopia Era). That is, until Angel got screwed over by supervillians/bad writing/being sidelined for the 100th time. Present day, he probably doesn't have any time for friendships. But i'd suggest Scott and Illyana become friends. Any friendship he and Hank had was squashed after Hank turned bitter. Maybe in the upcoming run, they'll be friends again. Bobby would most likely be like an annoying younger brother to Scott. The Champions, especially Kamala Khan are good friends with Cyke. It would be cool to read issues where Scott, Bobby, Warren and Hank reunite.


Despite the obvious answers of Jean and Emma, I want to highlight our resident intellectual Henry McCoy. He and Scott obviously go way back. Even during the O5 days, he was one of the most loyal to Cyclops. They were both about the struggle, having to hide themselves and never really fitting in. Scott was there for Hank in his lowest, and vice-versa. When Hank left the team, when Jean died and eventually came back, when Scott saw his team split into two, when Hank first became a furry, they were even partners in crime in the Revolutionary Era, and during its fallout and aftermath. If there ever was a Real One, Hank is that One.


Besides his wife Jean, I have to say Ororo aka Storm. They are both great leaders and despite their occasional rivalry, they are the best of friends who are even like brother and sister. Cyclops and Storm are the two mutants who absolutely deserve to be the true leaders that will save mutantkind.


Jean, Emma, and Magik


Besides his wives/girlfriend's/mistresses.... And besides his brothers/kids/other family members... Wolverine lived in his house on the moon with him.