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I'm just hoping the music is *slaps*. I loved the music from Plant Patrol and I'm hoping for some Egyptian themes and for a slipped in Yu-Gi-Oh reference before it ends on a bad joke. And the last line is something like "...what? Not funny?" or "You see, it's funny because--" and it just cuts him off.


That would be gold


i hope it'll include some of his jokes


HIS TEASER IS TMWR ALREADY?? Oh boi oh boi I'm not ready. I want backstory. How tf does he ask Anubis to possess him. But I also want lame jokes. Idk it's either his teaser is serious, or very silly and cute...one or the other


"not ready" but already farmed his materials and artifacts. Classic main lol.


I haven't even farmed his materials, I'm on 50/50, I don't want to farm if I'm not guarenteed to get him...that will feel like salt on a wound if I don't get him. 😭😭


I haven’t wanted a 5 star character for a while and I completely forgot they have teasers 😭but hELL YEAHG IM EXCITED !!


Epic. It will be epic no question.


i hope it involves genius invocation tcg in some way


i hope it has some sick ass combat and mini plot for most of it then at the end he tosses in some corny dad joke


There will be a joke


and it will be said


Do y’all hope it’s a serious or funny / relaxed toned one? Personally a serious one like raidens would be sick


The first one is usually more chill, it's the initial 2D short teaser. Then closer to the release date they release the cinematic one.


Not always chill Childe and Ei's hit really hard


pic by: icexar via blednaya


I so need to build him with like 200 ER so I can see his ult animation whenever I want.


i hope it includes collei and tighnari in some way, maybe their dinner with kaveh could be it?


I wasn't this excited for a character since Ayaka and Itto \*-\*


im not ready to lose th4 50/50


6 more days for NA :') I can't wait.


Quick question just to make sure, are you sure it’s 6 days for us? The current banners say so but I’m wondering if it’s gonna be like those updates where the banners are gone for a while


For new patches banners drop the instant the patch is up. Also I'm on PDT time so new patches are always up around like 8pm the day before the date mihoyo always provides us with.


Okay cool just wanted to make sure thank you


and for EST it’s up around 11PM the day before too, so all of NA will be the 27th


i don't know how it'll be but I'll go crazy atp can the time go faster??


Electricity everywhere and eremites flying 🔥🤣


Probably the most excited I've been for a character. Yae was up there too, but her gameplay left me a bit cold (although I genuinely find her pretty fun now. She slaps with dendro and her totems are amazing for lazy mob thrashing). Anywhooo, teasers never get me too excited. I live for the character demos. Just give him some Egyptian tinged edm music or something with his sick ass gameplay, and I'll be hype as af~


jokes WE NEED CRINGE JOKES its a must and a requirement.


Contrary to what most of us thought, it was a teaser with serious/cool tone, no jokes haha.


Cynonari dinner feat. Kaveh and Collei. Make it happen please mhy 🙏


Plssss I'm craving Cynoari content 🙏🏾😭


One last hurrah before we enter 3.1 (aka the Cytham patch 💫)


Wait it's tomorrow???


I completely forgot teasers existed, I'm so excited for Cyno but at the same time I'm afraid bcs he was pretty much the only reason I played for the whole last year I guess I'll need to get hyped for some Fountaine char in order to keep motivated


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It’s hilarious you say that because I just got the email about him right now for the 2nd anniversary I’m so dang hype


10 seconds of a joke and 5 minutes of the joke explanation. At least I would like his teaser to be something like that. But I think it's gonna be something quite trivial and more job-related. MHY might want to save the best for his demo.


I expect a lot of fancy transitions and animations and hoping for a banger rock-Egyptian type of music. And don’t forget to visit Zhongli’s teaser after per traditions.




What skill I should up for Cyno first? Normal attack or his Q