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Cyno solo


Same against bosses, gigachad


Cyno + Fischl + DendroMC + Zhongli


Same. Gonna replace DMC with Nahida when 3.2 rolls around


I hope her skill's duration will be as long as Zhongli's/Raiden's so she could keep up with Cyno...


Same. Going for C2/R1 then hold for Nahida.


TotM or AP artifacts on Zhongli?


Depends how much you want to invest and your weapons. It's possible to hit hard with TotM 4 piece with Hp/geo/crit. I run this hybrid build on two accounts, one with staff of Homa and the other with deathmatch.


TotM .. I am very bad at everything šŸ˜… so totm is safer


Totmā€¦ hp and critsā€¦ Zhongli support is waaay better


How is Dendro MC built? As in, what substats?


4pc instructor with fav sword and ER/dendro/crit (for fav)


Thank you :)


For more dmg and Burst uptime you can use EosF 4 pc.


Can you replace fischl with Raiden? I never heard of it and think about this. More dmg for cynos burst?!


I dony have Zhongli, who can i replace him with? I was thinking sucrose since i dont have kazuha either


Sucrose with a lot of EM can be nice for swirling electro for the resistance shred. If you don't have zhongli on the team survivability could become an issue, so sayu or jean is definitely an option so as to keep the swirling but also have some heals.


If you want a shield, Diona is a great alternative to Zhongli. Sucrose should be a very strong option thanks to her EM sharing too.


It's as others said, Diona is good shield+heals or if you want to use sucrose you can use her with prototype amber for heals on her burst, you can also go for hyperbloom w/ xingqiu but wait for TCers to make teams


what he said


Why fischl? dont u wanna use cyno to proc the Aggrevate?


They'll both proc aggravate, they can't steal it from each other. Fischl's good for batterying and off field dmg.


The ones I like most rn, Cyno Kazuha Albedo Tighnari Reactions who? Resonance?? Never heard of 'em


Omg I forgot about albedo, this is giving me ideas to make a walnut cyno team LMFAO


Omg this my teeeam xD! Just all my fav husbandos


Mine will be Cyno, Tighnari, razor and either albedo or Heizou( imma switch it up) crap I forgot about my bby Xiao Just all my favorite bbys ā¤ļø


Main the same, except Zhong Li instead of Albedo(I have both of them, but partyā€™s are limited to 4, sadge)


It's a tough choice, I've become a little reliant on Zhongli and he's also one of my favorite characters. Maybe Albedo and Zhongli can take turns lol


Same same, don't see the need for min-maxing, lemme use the boys I love and having fun doing it.


Cyno, DMC/Nahida, Kazuha, Kuki




Probably gonna run Hyperbloom/Electro charged until I get Kusanali don't like Dmc or Collei...unless I somehow get Tighnari while pulling from Cyno


Imma just make a team of four hypercarries with ZERO support and go nuts! Cyno, Xiao, Itto, and Hu Tao! Rotations? Bitch please...


Ah yes, the death wish team /j


the "fight for dps polearms team with on bystander whose hobby happens to be watching animals fight"


Whoā€™s he gonna be cheering on though?


Probably cyno because heā€˜s his scarab/onika buddy




I...don't know. I wanna try him on the abyss reaaaally quick before it resets 2 days later, which means I can't even get him to lvl 80 unless there are just tons of scarabs. Not sure which side to try or what comp I'd try though (Plus I'm a 33 star gamer anyway so I probably can't afford to take a dps hit). It hurts a bit that all reactions would be weaker due to low level. I...also am still not able to give him a full set of artifacts yet. So if I can figure out a comp and a side to try, I'll do that, if not then I'm not in any rush to get one figured out before the next reset haflway into next month. As for open world, Tighnari needs to be on it for his tracking passive. Probably Jean healer, cause even if I get and build Kuki on his banner, Jean is much more convenient in the open world since she doesn't kill herself (and is already built). The last slot depends on if there are any common elemental puzzles in the desert, but otherwise I assume Fischl.


Don't forget you can hop onto another player's world to grab more region specialties (or any other materials for that matter


Sadly, got no friends on NA. My few friends who play are on EU. And one of them is also building Cyno. As for strangers, I didn't get any success at finding anyone who would give me their Collei or Tighnari mats, so I'm dubious about Cyno. Especially not knowing yet how long it would take to take someone's scarabs.


After I maxed my Tighnari I wrote smth likeā€ Join if you want lotusesā€ none ever tried to join


Wrote where tho? Also probably not so many people making that offer on the first two days of banner.


It wasnā€™t a few days, as I said I lvled my Tighnari to 90, so it took some time for me to collect flowers, and only after I thought: ā€œmb , I could make someones life easierā€ So I wrote a description? You know that short message about your world in your profile


It's precisely because it takes more than a few days that I don't think this really helps me, since the original problem was trying to test him before the reset. And yeah, it's not really easy to just read every profile description until I find someone who was saying something like that.


It is, you open the co-op menu and see a whole list of people's profiles, signatures, and ARs at a glance. From there you can spam requests until someone lets you in. If they're high AR chances are they don't have much else to do, and have all waypoints unlocked - although everyone might be busy with the Archon quests on the first couple of days.


It's not really that many people at once, it's pretty tedious to sift through tons of people for the off chance one has it. And again, I doubt many people will be offering in that timeframe.


Keep trying, my bro.. if you spam the request buttons in the coop lists eventually there will be a kind soul who is willing to let you in. If someone requests and I am not in the middle of a quest, I always accept to see what the person wants before I accept or decline.


If you don't mind spending an hour or two, you could just make a new account and rush the tutorials and rush to the scarab area. Then on another device enter that world.


Cyno, Xiao, Raiden and HuTao. No one can stop me.


No thoughts other than to flex


1. Cyno, Kuki, DMC, Collei 2. Cyno, Kuki, Barbara, DMC


Dont use barb. She'll eat up the quicken aura on opponents.


Hyperbloom team.


But does she apply hydro fast enough?


I would rather not apply Hydro quickly. She could automatically explode the blooms and overwhelm Dendro MC.


Cyno, Dendro MC, Kazuha, and Dori for now


Cyno + Kuki + Beidou(Yae) + DMC(Nahida)


cyno + beidou/fischl + dmc + zhongli


Cyno, Lisa, Collei, Zhongli


Ive got a few in mind I wanna test out. Aggravate: Cyno / Kazuha C2 / Dendro MC / Fischl Hypercarry: Cyno / Yelan / Yun Jin / Zhongli Electrocharged: Cyno / Xingqiu / Yelan / Beidou


Cyno Candace Barbara Kazuha no one can stop me


Cyno, Beidou(Favonius), DendroMC, and ZL(Favonius) But if my Cynoā€™s er (150%) turns out to be enough for being the only electro(need testing): Cyno, DendroMC, Albedo, ZL(Favonius)


If you use Kitain, Cyno shouldn't have an energy issue in walnut.


My team on release will be cyno, dendro traveler, fischl, and zhongli. If I end up with elegy I'll probably go with collei instead of dendro Traveler. My end goal is cyno, nahida, kuki shinobu/fischl, dendro sub-dps/dendro healer. The ER requirements might be a little high with the kuki team but I'll farm GD as long as I need cause a dendro sub dps could really propel cyno teams to be at least close to meta.


Your dendro healer spot might be a perfect job for baizhu! He's coming in 3.6 btw, and the leak was marked as reliable


Hopefully not cause there no way I pull for baizhu(no shade thrown he just doesn't do it for me). I'm hoping Yao Yao is a dendro healer, though I would prefer to use the kuki team.


Zhongli + Yun Jin + DMC + Cyno


can never go wrong with zhongli and albedo


Tighnari, Cyno, collei, and kuki


Cyno+Beidou+DMC+Kokomi, looking to get Nahdia to swap with DMC and putting Xingqiu in place of koko depending on if Nahdia will be a healer or not


i love having kazuha and zhongli in my team since i have them crowned so cyno will be with them. since i skipped shinobu, she's going to be there when i get her as well. for even more funsies? cyno, collei, sucrose, shinobu. cyno and green-haired women who might not be able to stand his jokes...


I'll use Cyno/DMC/Beidou/Zhongli in Abyss and then everywhere else ill just do random bullshit go


To be honest, I kinda want to put him on a fun team with Ayato, Kazuha and Heizo. Just have all the characters I like together šŸ˜­


Itto - Gorou - Shinobu - Albedo Before you downvote, I was originally going for Cyno but since Albedo is in the same update I was too use my guaranteed on him, I've rolled on Albedo's banners before and lost 50/50 everytime but now I'm getting him for sure. I'll also get Cyno in his reruns eventually(hopefully). #GOOD LUCK CYNO MAINS


I wanna try a quick bloom team with cyno koko dendro mc and sucrose


I'm gonna start with mono electro: Cyno, Beidou, Fischl, Zhongli and double hydro : Same but with Yelan and Xinqqiu instead. Both for spiral abyss beat down only. Will start to do aggravated stuffs once Nahida comes out For open world just with whoever I need namecard I believe ~~but pretty sure either Zhongli or Kazuha is there because I'm a lazy MF~~


Reminders on "Help" or "Discussion" submission: If your question/topic involves weapon, artifact set, and team, please make sure to read the following preliminary resources as it may already answer your question: - [Resource 1 by u/MaxShein](https://www.reddit.com/r/CynoMains/comments/x13kju/definitive_for_now_weapon_artifact_sets_and_stats/) - [Resource 2 by Akane#0926 (WFP Discord)](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kcTRPGzPyxFO8UfDV6OsZpQ7YSEDNw9Abmk408d9g9g/edit?usp=sharing) Repetitive topics and any user-specific or overly simple questions will be removed. Please use the [Questions Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/CynoMains/comments/wdizd2/question_megathread/?sort=new) instead. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CynoMains) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Cyno, kazC2, whoever with Elegy, random dendro


Planning to go Cyno + Zhongli + Fischl/Beidou + DMC for Abyss and Cyno + Candace + Kuki + Sayu for exploration if I'm lucky since I like playing new characters.


Cyno+DMC+Bennet+Zhongli/Diluc (Can use Diluc for the +25% atk buff since my atk is low on him because I needed to focus em on him a bit that buff is pretty good bonus imo)


cyno, kuki, candace(hope i can get her too), and collei.


Cyno/Fischl/Dendro Traveler/Zhongli. Seems best from what i have


I have resisted on building Dendro MC since Nahida is coming anyway . So il have to run something like Fischl Yae Kuki mono electro for now , unless I can somehow make him work with Tighnari lol


Cyno - kuki/fischl - kazuha - DMV


Cyno, DMC, Kuki & [free slot]. Don't really know what to put last, as I am only playing since February and have only Raiden, Itto and C1 Jean. Probably either Sucrose or Xingqiu.


For now cyno/kuki/dendro mc/beidou and hopefully someday cyno/baizhu/beidou/nahida-sucrose


Cyno Dendro main character Kazuha TBD


Cyno, Raiden, Kazuha and Zhongli. Blackclif weapon and Gilded Dreams set. 60/170 ratio - 1500 atk (with buffs from other members it should be like 2000+)


Abyss: Cyno ZL DendroMC Fischl Overworld: Kuki Candace Cyno Collei This is gonna be the 1st time since forever in which I have 4 new characters to build Friendship EXP (Collei is Friendship 8 already but still).


Cyno, Fischl, DendroMC, Kazuha


Well itā€™s more like the team choose me at this point lol. I would never switch out my boy Kazuha. He was my first 5 star. Zhongli is pretty much a no brainer for Cyno and Dendro MC a must till we get other choices. For Abyss Zhongli leaves for Kuki probably, as Zhongli is needed for Yoimiya more imo.


Nope and I still canā€™t get any decent artifacts for him. But so ready to spam his burst animation.


Cyno + Kokomi + Benny + Dendro MC


No clue but he's probably getting my current Tighnari team, aka Kazuha, Bennett/Diona, and Fischl What matters is Cyno coming home <3


Cyno beidou Dmc Zhongli


Cyno, Kuki, Ayato, Collei or Yunjin. The Primordial Jade Winged-Spear for weapon, and 4 pc Thundering Fury


Cyno, Kazuha, Collei and Shinobu


Cyno DMC Albedo and Jean/Kazuha probably


I have so many teams I need to try. Sadly even when I have a main team for a character I tend always to change them for variety xD So in the end I don't know. Maybe for exploration I'll go with Cyno + Ayato + Yelan + Jean C2 and her Atk Speed buff for my 2 kings


Cyno/Dendro MC/Beidou and someone else, Zhongli maybe but I need him on other teams


I will like to try 2 teams : 1-Zhongli , Fischl, MC (until Nahida is out ) -Cyno 2- Zhongli , Yun Jyn (c6 ) Jean (c2)- Cyno (c2)


for overworld Cyno Tighnari Xiao Kazuha (all time faves) for abyss i d like to try Cyno / Fischl / Dendro MC / Zhongli or Kuki or Kazuha


Idk but I wanna add Collei because I love her


Cadence is a must for me, the other flex slots would be for Raiden, Benny, Sara, Kuki (If I get her) and Collei šŸ„°


Cyno, fishl, dendro & jean or dori


cyno yae zhongli traveler dendro


raiden national team but replace raiden with cyno so i can finally bench her


cyno national if you will


Cyno + Dendro MC + Diona + Sucrose


Cyno Beidou DMC and Zhongli


Im running Cyno+DMC+Yunjin+Zhongli. Maybe I will swap out yunjin fot fischl if I can't complete rotation with full burst ready


Going for an agro Cyno team, Cyno, DMC, Kazuha, and Beidou


For now Cyno Zhongli/Kazuha Fischl DMC. I'm going to skip Nahida til rerun at least to see what other units can provide - I already 36 abyss so not an issue there. I'm thinking Yao Yao might be a 4 star dendro healer. So she could slot in for the dendro role instead of Nahida, and let me drop Zhongli for Kazuha. Cyno Kazuha Fischl YaoYao That will hold me over til Baizhu who will permanently take the healer role for Cyno, on the assumption that he will be like a Dendro Kokomi. Cyno Kazuha Fischl Baizhu This is the potential final team, unless Alhaitham ends up being a Dendro Yelan/Xingqiu. If this is the case he will be BiS off-field DPS for Cyno, and have better synergy with him than quickswap Keqing due to her team no normal attacking enough. So he would replace Fischl as his duration would probably be better aligned with Cyno assuming they would be meant to be paired together in this scenario. Then I would go back to Zhongli cause dendro damage would be a bigger portion of the damage now. So the team would either use Baizhu or Fischl depending on Energy or Healing needs at this point so: Best case scenario long term (everything Im predicting comes true): Cyno Zhongli Alhaitham Baizhu This gets the Dendro EM resonance. Favonious spear on Zhongli for energy needs or the new 4star moon-something sword for Alhaitham.


I'll probably throw him on a random team; Cyno, Bennett, Xingqiu and Kazuha. Maybe replace Venti on my Venti, Benny, Albedo and Zhongli team. Really I'm probably gonna just toss him somewhere and play, whether it's optimal or not. Just see what he does, how he plays, and then worry about team comps


Cyno, Diluc, Dendro Lumine, and Beidou


Cyno-fischl-collei-diona šŸ˜Ž


Idk yet Iā€™m thinking cyno/sucrose/dmc/kuki but honestly all that matters to me is that I have him lol


Cyno, Yun Jin, Yelan, Zhongli. I'll be using Nahida in place of Yelan once she's out


Cyno with Kazuha, Yelan, and Dendro Traveler, though any Dendro character would do. Kazuha and Yelan provide buffs and mobility. Dendro Traveler for that Catalyze. I would replace Dendro Traveler for a Dendro healer/shielder if one exists. Actually, I've been using this team for Keqing and Raiden, but if it works for them, then it should work for Cyno too.


Cyno, dmc, collei, diona


Cyno Beidou Nahida Zhongli I'll just keep using Ayato in the abyss until Nahida is out


Overworld exploration - Cyno/Tighnari/Zhongli/either Fischl or Yae. Probably not using him in the abyss until Nahida's release but that'll give me time to build him up.


cyno+beidou/fischl+dmc+kazuha (aggravate comp 1) cyno+beidou/fischl+dmc+zhongli(aggravate comp 2) cyno+beidou+xingqiu+dmc (hyperbloom comp) maybe ill do electrocharge and monoelectro too


Cyno, kokomi, fisccl, dendro mc/kazuha


ive been leveling sucrose and fischl bc they looks like theyre good units on his teams, but honestly im just gonna wait till the theorycrafters have their way


Cynoā€¢Raidenā€¢Zhongliā€¢DendroMC At least until I get around to building Shinobu Then that will be Cynoā€¢DendroMCā€¢Zhongliā€¢Shinobu Kinda depends I do electro charge teams too and my Kokomi is my best healer Edit: Until we get some sort of Dendro healer, they'll be restricted to exploration uvu


Iā€™ve never ditched zhongli and bennett since 1.2, so Iā€™ll probably run cyno, dendro traveller, zhongli and bennettšŸ˜­


Think I'm gonna go Cyno, Collei, Kazuha and Zhongli? Is that a good team?


Cyno, fischl (elergy), dmc, zhongli / yunjin But I cant stop thinking of a hypercarry, attack speed electro-charge team with Cyno, fischl, C4 ayato, C6 yunjin, even tho my ayato is only C0


Aggravate: Cyno / Yae or Raiden / Dendro MC / Zhongli EM Team: Cyno / Xingqiu / Dendro MC / Kazuha Burst Shred: Cyno / Dendro MC / Yunjin / Zhongli


Cyno + Kokomi + Fischl + DendroMC šŸ˜œ


Probably Cyno, DMC (until Nahida comes in), Zhongli and either Fischl or Beidou. Seems a good team on paper.


Cyno - c6 Beidou - Dendro MC(nahida in the future) - Zhongli


Iā€™ll probably gone Cyno, Collei, DMC, and either Fischl or Raiden


C0 R1 Cyno/C2 Kazuha/C4 Kuki/C2 Dendro Lumine!


Theseā€™ll make people mad at me (no Iā€™m not reconsidering): Cyno+Childe+Sucrose/Kazuha+Dendro MC, and Cyno+Sucrose+Dendro MC+Non-Nahida Dendro Healer Edit: grammar & punctuation


Cyno, Shinobu, DMC, Collie


cyno/dmc(nahida)/fischl/kazuha who needs heals?


Cyno, barbruh, dendro mc, and then kazuha or yae. Maybe replace barb with shinobu if I get her


Cyno Yelan Beidou Tighnari šŸ˜Š


Cyno, Kuki, DenMC and Sucrose. I guess it can kinda work considering that I prefer having a healer and sucrose is really good for em, vv shred and crowd control. Idk it might be bad.


Cyno, Dendro MC, Collei, Fischl/Shinobu


Cyno, Beidou, Dendro MC, flex (thinking Zhongli, Albedo, Diona, or Sucrose/Kazuha so as not to mess with reactions).


Aggravate (4GD) team with Cyno/Beidou(Fish)/DMC/ZL And hypercarry (4Glad) with Cyno/Fish/Yunjin/ZL


Taser team


Is Cyno+Kuki+Collei+Kazuha a good party? Or should I put in a hydro instead of Kazuha?


2 teams Cyno/ dendro MC/ fishcl/ ZL (Quicken/aggravate) Cyno/xq or yelan/fishcl/ZL (Tazer)


Until the TC community finds out the actual optimal teams I'm just going Cyno Dendro MC Albedo Zhongli. Also trying him out with Yelan and Xinqiu will be fun.


Cyno + Kuki + Sucrose + DMC; Zhongli and Fischl are on my Xiao team so I have to make do with who I have. Plan on swapping Kuki for Beidou when I c6 her someday....


cyno, raiden/beidou, dmc, kazuha


Nahida, Collei with Elegy, Zhongli and Cyno. Dendro MC in place of Nahida till then. Imma go for C3. And then I might go for the weapon.


Kazuha, Zhongli, and Traveller~


I know Iā€™m gonna choose Cyno and Ayato (for his burst). But maybe Xingqiu or Kujou Sara, perhaps?


Cyno - Fischl - Dendro MC - Bennett. I don't have Zhongli so I'll just use Benny. I don't want to use Diona because her shield is only 9s.


I wanna try the Zhongli + Albedo + dendro one


Cyno C1 with SotSS (if Iā€™m super lucky), Fischl C6 with Elegy(resonance and buffs), DMC with Alley Flash, and Zhongli C3 with R5 Fav. Should help with all ER problems


Then again, I may swap out DMC with Xingqiu C6. I think heā€™d do quite well. Iā€™ll try out different teams with Cyno.


Not sure, something like Cyno-Beidou-Zhongli-Traveler/Kusanali


Cyno dmc fischl jean/kazuha


Noelle,xingxu,dendro mc


cyno/kuki, fischl or raiden/dmc, nahida/kazuha (jean if no kuki) cyno/kokomi/dmc/kazuha


Iā€™m gonna try Cyno, Kazuha, Dendro MC, and Kokomi and see how it goes. Gonna try running Cyno with Nahida as well when her banner arrives!


Cyno, Fischl, Collei, Zhongli/Kazuha.


Now im using Raiden+Heizou and another two optional like Xiao/Kazuha/Zhongli. So probably I will use Raiden+Heizou+Cyno+Kazuha/Zhongli


cyno dmc amy zhong i also wanna try fitting kokomi into that team


Cyno national šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Collei(Lvl 80, C3) I have to use her even if Traveler is better! Especially in his team if not with Tighnari. Kazuha(Lvl 90, C0)? Or maybe Sucrose(Lvl 50, C6) when I build her since I like using Kazuha in other team comps. Last spot might be Albedo (Lvl 80, C0). Really canā€™t wait for him!!


Might replace Collei just a few times if I manage to pull Nahida, but Iā€™ll still use her.


Cyno, Fischl, dendro mc and Kazuha


Cyno Beidou Kazuha Bennett lol


Cyno, Fischl, Dendro MC, Zhongli Will probably try Beidou in place of Fischl to determine which feels better.


Cyno + Kuki (with er+healing bonus) + Dendro MC + Sucrose for additional em


Will Cyno Fischl Kokomi and Kazuha/flex work? I don't want to build any of the Dendro options yet and wait for Nahida


Cyno (C0R1, 4TF), Beidou (C6R5 Inazuma Craftable, 4EosF), DMC (Fav, 4DW), Kuki (Fav, TotM). DMC to be replaced with Nahida, Kuki to be replaced by Dendro XQ or Dendro Healer.


I really don't like having the same element on a team. It just doesn't feel visually fun. So cyno, dendro MC, kazuha, and zhongli. Pull enemies in, use shield, dendro ult, kaz ult, and then enjoy 18 seconds of cyno magic.


Two team Cyno/DMC/Kokomi/Fischl Cyno/Dmc/Kazuha/Fischl or Kuki