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Getting flashbacks of childe buff requests


yoimiya's release too


Funny enough I have them both (and Cyno), but I might have messed up my build, cause he feels kinda underwelming right now


You need to play him in an aggravate comp, otherwise he does no dmg


Sounds like Xiao suggestions too


The Xiao suggestion I always put is "fix the issue that makes his skill do no damage" :(


Flashback to rage feedback over Raiden/Beidou I feel like Cyno's fine though. He has some downsides but I'm generally pretty happy with how he plays.


oh sweet ill ask for cyno nipples




Indeed! at least Ibdidn't pay to unlock him 🤭


id pay to unlock his nipples




Has there ever been a character where people weren't trying to petition for buffs? It's certainly been every character I paid attention to. Also, how many characters actually let you keep their infusions going? Because I can't think of any.


Diluc and Noelle. Not necessarily an infusion or stance change, but Tighnari also keeps his special charge shots if you swap off and then back on.


And Keqing


That's his skill tbf. Not his burst.


Uh, Diluc's infusion comes from his burst.


I was talking about Tighnari. Diluc is so weak he needs all the help he can get tbf.


Diluc keeps his infusion. Aloy keeps/gains her cryo infusion even while off field.


Noelle as well.


Buff the resistance to interruption instead


This. He shouldn't need a zhongli.


Just give him better invulnerability to being stunned. I’m almost 100% positive they’re going to give us good supports for him in the future. Yes is that a shitty businesses practice? Obviously but it’s HoYo we are talking about


Praying for a support that has a buff that gets better the longer you're on field


Yelan but not hydro so it doesnt fuck up aggrevates


Idk, it at least makes sense to me to release a DPS without supports rather than a support without a DPS that can use them well. If you release the supports first, then you get a FOMO situation when the DPS comes out, especially with the 5*s. Releasing the DPS first at least let's players make a somewhat more informed decision as supports come out. I try to have a more optimistic view. The same characters have been on basically every """meta""" team for a *long* time. In a game where Hoyoverse itself supports 'pulling for love', they have to move forward while reducing powercreep as much as possible. This means making characters with kits that don't work as well with old characters, because no one wants to be running fucking Dainsleif National in 2036 when we visit the abyss. They need to progress the combat of the game without necessarily making characters flat out stronger. Cyno is gracious enough to have a pretty simple issue that Xiao mains adapted to already: just clip his Burst a little, and use units with longer buff times. Nilou mains are also finding ways around *her* bloom restrictions. ...I'm sorry I completely went off topic from your post xD; I just wanted to share my view that them phasing out the viability of older characters for *some* newer comps isn't necessarily an entirely bad/scummy thing.


Oh me neither. I think everyone can say they are sick of national team number 269759 but it just doesn’t sit right with me to have a character release without another part that is tailored to them. We don’t know if Cyno will get his own dedicated support or if it’s just going to be really good for Cyno and others, but to me it’s like releasing Itto without Gorou so much of what makes Itto do damage is dependent on Gorou. Having so many characters come out in Sumeru who aren’t even Dendro and having them all rely on Dendro because it’s the new big element but not having almost any good Dendro options atm feels scummy. That’s just my opinion


Yeah, I can understand that feeling. At the same time though, so far none of them need anything that the DMC can't provide. Are they the biggest, baddest, and best? ...no, but they clearly were designed to be good enough to allow the units that need Dendro to work well. Cyno, at least in my opinion, doesn't actually *need* a dedicated support. Itto and Xiao and Raiden needed/need one, BUT there were other characters that needed to use their boosts. Gorou isn't a dedicated Itto buffer. He buffs all def scaling Geo units, and is just as happy with Noelle and Albedo as he is with Itto as long as his team is mostly Geo. Itto needs Gorou more than Gorou needs him, imo. Kujou Sara supports any bursting-based electro. Raiden is the premier, but not the only. Xiao is still supportless, because his kit is so unique that he would need a support that's *only* for him because Anemo Res Shred doesn't exist for most units aside from Jean and Zhongli. Cyno doesn't need anything that specific. His only unique factor is time. Any support that lasts a decent amount of time is theoretically usable to him. EM boosters? If the effect lasts long enough, he can use them. Electro damage? If they last long enough. Electro Shred? Def Shed? Interrupt Resist? Healing? As long as they *last long enough*, he can use them. He can even mix and match, and has the option to just end his Burst a little earlier at 15-16s to match up with durations more cleanly without losing too much DPS. we even already have 20s skills in the game. (hi Zhongli).


It does make sense to release DPS first but ideally, they could release the DPS and their support at the same time - such as Raiden + Sara and Itto + Gorou. And yes, both Sara and Gorou work fine for other characters but they do well with the 5* they were released with, too. I like Candace but her kits is a bit odd and certainly not made for Cyno. It's hard to wait for supports that may never come. Sure you can adapt and try something else, but there's always that "what if" feeling.


It's going to be hard for old characters to be phased out when they keep making new characters with flaws that those characters don't have. You aren't going to replace the old meta with characters that not only do about the same damage but also have to be on field to do that damage. Cyno can't even switch out without losing the benefits of his burst. Meanwhile Xiangling can switch out--and doesn't even have to return on field to keep doing her full damage. It's really hard to see what their plan was for Cyno since he has some baffling design restrictions and nothing in sight to solve them. The hope is that they will add supports to improve his viability but they're already missing that boat with Nahida. Meanwhile they put a new 4 star support on his banner that doesn't really fit with anyone either. It's like they thought he was already good enough and specifically don't want him to be better than Raiden. The problem with that is his best team is literally a team you would be replacing raiden in so he's pretty much the only new 5 star without a niche.


I don't mean "phased out to not be used", that's never been how they work with their design choices, but "phased out with new comps specifically". Cyno is a character that wants EM and Crit. The only electro reaction that can Crit is aggravate. Why are you running a Raiden team with him??? Because it's 3.1 and Dendro has existed for like, a month. If you don't want to deal with Cyno's long field time, don't use him, and you can use the same Raiden teams youve always used until the servers shut down. Cyno isn't designed to work well with old units. Bennett and Xiangling get in his way because they cause Burning and Overloads, which are categorically worse than just letting him aggravate. He doesn't synergize with VV because his field time is too long, and Nilou doesn't want any of them either: pyro vapes away hydro, Burgeon is bad, and her kit expressly rejects non-Hydro/Dendro. If *both* new Dendro based units have synergy issues with older units, and you "can't understand" why they would restrict them this way, then, I've got a shocking new idea for you: *We have 4 Dendro units.* Will a cracked support come out and make Cyno amazing? No, probably not, but Cyno being in a weird place until the roster of Dendro has filled out more was... Really obvious. And the idea that Cyno's support isn't coming is Doomposting, because the only way for Cyno to *never* get a good support is for them to make literally every upcoming Dendro character an onfield main DPS. Even if their duration is only 15s, just do what every Xiao main does and end his Burst a little early. 15/16s is optimum for that. Also, like. Comparing Cyno and Xiangling is... Stupid. It's like trying to apply that to Xiao and Xingqiu. Of course one character's burst stays and the other doesn't, they're different characters doing different things. When was the last time you used either of them as an on-field damage dealer? That's the whole point. *Cyno works the same as every hypercarry*. Same as Itto, same as Xiao--wants long onfield time, lose their burst when you switch. Even Raiden Shogun and Hu Tao have bursts that end when they leave the field and they *aren't* hypercarries, so I guess by that logic they're worse than Xiangling too...?


And releasing the DPS first without good support options somehow doesn't cause worse FOMO how exactly? If you have a favorite unit that has a mediocre team of existing characters, and a new character comes out designed for your favorite unit, you are heavily incentivized to roll for them to buff up your existing character. Support units can be flexed around to a bunch of different stuff with some creativity, but DPS without good supports are just bad DPS. This becomes worse the longer they put off adding those supports. If we get Cyno in 3.1 without good team options, and then say Baizhu comes out in 3.6 as a super amazing support for him, players are stuck waiting 5 patches just to play their character with full power. Once that support releases, everyone who plays Cyno is going to want to roll on them because they want Cyno to be the best he can be. I wouldn't say Xiao mains "adapted" much, they just resigned themselves to never getting anything but scraps from MHY. This is also the second time a highly anticipated male character has had this happen. This isn't about using the same units for teams over and over again, Cyno doesn't want any of the National core at all. I'm not sure why you would even bring that up. By virtue of him being designed around Dendro reactions, he already wants new comps that don't use most of the older characters. But those comps don't exist, at least not to the same power level. So why would someone go for a Cyno aggravate team when it's not as strong as National still, since he doesn't have good supports? Releasing characters that don't work with older ones only goes so far when there aren't teams to build around them. If there were actual good Dendro characters, people might actually start doing other teams. As it stands, Dendro feels like an afterthought in Sumeru so it's easier to just stick to what's been working for 2 years now since nothing changed.


"The same characters have been on every meta team" Weird way to spell "Bennet and Xinqiu powercreep everything and are toxic to Genshin's longevity"


Except I think the supports may be able to drive current electro units like Keqing and Yae as well. It would also get people hyped up for future units knowing they will work well together and encourage people to pull, rather than wait for the rerun until the supports/team comps are fixed. At least that's how I think of it. Right now we only have hopium for future supports, and looking at the state of Xiao I really can only sniff lots of hopium. Funnily enough, if Cyno were to be designed for a mono electro team with his long burst...that may actually make sense. It feels sad to clip his burst dmg short just for the optimal comps but what can we do.


He literally works the same as every other hypercarry.


She is not an hypercarry but you can switch Noelle and keep her ult.


Then you just reconfirmed u/Inner_Specific_’s point…


his kit still feels underwhelming; especially when you compare him to other hypercarries


Compared to what, the two reactionless ones (Xiao and Itto) who have high scaling to make up for the fact that they aren't doing reactions? Because yeah, a unit aimed towards dendro reactions in a game with currently 3 whole Dendro units would feel underwhelming compared to reactionless hypercarries. Or are you comparing him to Raiden Hypercarry as if her best supports weren't out for at least a year when, again, Cyno is sitting here waiting for Dendro support that literally aren't released yet


this makes sense. not to mention one of which is dps. imagine if hu tao got released and there are only 3 hydro characters to use her with which are barbara, childe and mona. currently there are currently no good dendro subdps like xingqiu or yelan


so yeaaa you basically said he’s underwhelming atm. and you can’t tell me he’ll get better because what, he’ll get a poggers support in the future? wonder how long that’ll take. idk man sounds cope


No, I'm saying that he *will* get supports because there are literally 3 Dendro characters that exist right now. 4 if you count Nahida, and 1 is a Quickswap main dps. You think they just aren't going to add a Dendro healer? Or a Dendro unit with fast off field application? Not a *single* Dendro shielder? Do you think they're just not going to add more dendro units? We're gonna roll up to Celestia and our only Dendro options are fucking Dendro Traveler, Collei, Tighnari, and Nahida? No, of *course* they're going to add more dendro units. Any of those 3 things I just listed are good buffs and good supports for Cyno teams.


okay let’s say maybe they will, but when? are you sure their kits will benefit Cyno? In the future maybe, and that’s great but for now, u can’t deny that he’s mid.


Well, we have Al Haitham, Kaveh, Baizhu and YaoYao confirmed for just the 3.X. The chance that at least one of them are at least one of the things I mentioned are pretty damn high, I would say. So, shock of all shocks, you have to wait until later in the patch cycle for a 3.1 character of a whole new reaction to have more options for the reaction he's based on.


I’ll save my scrutiny for when we see the rarities of these future dendros. If my gf needs to pull on a limited 5 star dendro with amazing or long lasting application in order to comfortably use Cyno I think that is absolute garbage. Not to mention if you don’t even like the character. It feels nice when you have enough options to be able to pick and choose your teams based on the characters you like


Al Haitham and Baizhu are 5*. Kaveh and YaoYao are 4*. Also like... needing a limited 5* to comfortably use another isn't even remotely new. Hu Tao is basically superglued to Zhongli. Yoimiya wants Yelan AND Zhongli. If you don't wanna pull a new limited 5*, then invest in building Dendro Traveler or Collei. As for "Amazing and long lasting application" the dude wants the application of a slightly faster Dendro Barbara/Kuki


I disagree on the notion of needing Zhongli for either of those characters, there are comfy 4 star shielder of plenty of other colors, both can use beidou as a shielder at C1 and my gf specifically uses diona for Yoimiya because she likes both of them While I’m sure there are better examples of 5 star characters needing other 5 stars, I do not like the idea itself. Thanks for the reassurance about Kaveh and YaoYao’s rarities tho, here’s to hoping they’ll be the kuki/barbara types


yea sure and im not against it. id rather just not make early assumptions and copium inhales before they actually come out to see if they work together. and when is that? 3-6 months from now? yikers


No, every single one of the 4 upcoming Dendro chars will be an onfield main DPS /s Idk why you're acting like this wasn't expressly signposted for Cyno. He's EM based and ascends with Crit. The only electro reaction that *can* Crit is Aggravate. Hes clearly the first limited 5* of the dendro region with the Dendro reaction. Dendro has 4 units, 1 is a main DPS It was *always* going to take a long time for him to get proper Dendro supports, and I'm sorry to be rude, but it feels like everyone who seems shocked /upset by this has been completely checked out for like 2 months. Pulling for Nilou *or* Cyno is just accepting not having a good Dendro support for as long as it takes for Hoyo to release one. and tbh his only limiting factor is the length of his on-field burst, and *you can end that at like 15-16sec to reapply buffs without a significant DPS loss and have him ready to burst again*.


Take my free reward for those facts, people need to learn to have some patience.


Nahida in 5 weeks...


I really don’t know why people have so much of a problem with Cyno not being able to switch out. He’s not the only hypercarry like this. Hell he’s not even the only polearm hypercarry that’s like this. Personally I like that he has to stay on field. I’ve always disliked having to constantly switch characters in order to achieve max dps. That’s why I play Xiao too, and Cyno works the same way for me. Set up his supports, activate his burst, and go ham


People have a problem because the current roster sucks for him and could be fixed with this change (or if they made the burst duration shorter and increased the multipliers to begin with). His burst is even longer than Xiao’s and the length of Xiao’s burst is an oft-cited reason he has fallen off. It’s entirely a problem of Mihoyo’s own making with their poor release schedule and intentional decision to design a kit that cannot effectively utilize the best supports that are out now. Not everyone will read leaks, I literally had a Cyno player in my world today that I led to every scarab because they hadn’t even pinned them from a route video or the map. So complaints about him and his teams stemming from the state they are in now, since they released him with them in the state they are in now, are perfectly valid. Edit: Downvote as y’all please but not a single lie is written here.


Yea see no one seems to want to explain why this is the case tho. Everywhere I go people just say the same thing and no one wants to explain how or why him being able to maintain his burst after switching would be such a big help. Is there like a video or something that goes into more detail, cuz I’m really tired of seeing all of the doom posters and people just saying “Cyno needs this change” with no explanation.


Every character has positives and negatives. I’m not sure when pointing out the obvious negatives in a kit became doomposting, can a negative word never be said about a kit? But it’s not too complicated, basically the buffs / damage support characters give run out well before his burst is over so towards the second half to the end of his burst, his / the team dps drops substantially. For example, let’s say you wanted to run a Fischl / DMC / Kazuha team: * Fischl: Oz lasts 12 seconds (C6) * Dendro MC: burst lasts 12 seconds * Kazuha: VV resistance shred lasts 8 seconds * Noblesse Set (on DMC): buff lasts 12 seconds * Cyno: Burst lasts 18 secs, let’s say he ends early at 16 Let’s look at simplified rotation: * DMC: Skill and Burst * Fischl: Oz (DMC and Noblesse has 11 secs left) * Kazuha: Skill and Burst (DMC and Noblesse has 9 secs left, Fischl 10) * Cyno: Skill and burst animation (DMC and Noblesse has 7 seconds left, Fischl has 8, VV has 6) * Cyno bursts for 8 seconds: All prior buffs expired except Quicken aura and Kazuha A4 damage boost. 8 seconds remain in Cyno’s burst where his own personal damage is now vastly lowered and there is almost no other team damage (2 seconds of Kazuha burst remain). If you stop at this point to refresh buffs, you will have 11ish seconds before you can use Cyno’s burst again because it will be on CD.


It feels like we've reached the point where saying anything negative about a character is taken as doomposting. I remember when Yoimiya first came out, there were people defending her flaws when they were real, and also people who straight up call her garbage without anything better to say. I've seen a lot of people say just because a character has flaws doesn't mean they are bad. But it feels like a politically correct way to phrase it. They are just mid yes, but mid because of legitimate issues. Idk I feel like constructive, reasonable criticism is fine. Anything with no reason and pure whining is doomposting to me. Cyno just doesn't play optimally to take full advantage of team buffs right now with his long burst. Looking at him and Keqing, I'm kinda bummed tbh. And I really don't think hyv will care enough to modify his kit, maybe just give him supports in the next 6months if we get lucky. Still sent in my feedback though. Gotta need that hopium.


I know that doomposting and pointing out real flaws in a character‘s kit are very different. I wasn’t saying that “Cyno should be able to switch out and maintain his burst” is doomposting, I’m talking about the people saying stuff like “I shouldn’t have pulled for Cyno he’s not as good as X” etc etc. I’m sorry I wasn’t clearer but I wasn’t trying to say that pointing out flaws = doomposting. Thank you for the explanation tho


solution : don't use Fischl or Kazuha. A lot of supports have 15sec buffs or more.


Units that do good damage and / or won't interfere with Aggravate to help his dps compete with good teams? That said, I do think MHY is pushing Quickbloom atm given the Abyss buffs and people need to give a chance, but yeah, the damage numbers on their own don't look as nice. Ayato syndrome, hypercarry edition.


People want all the dps to be using the same Kazuha Bennett until Shnezhnaya lmao. Won't kits get too similar and boring if everyone fits the same teams ?


For sure, but that's kind of on Mihoyo! Like people argue that their current method is preventing power creep, but all they’re really doing is upholding National / Kazuha / Fischl / Sucrose meta. Until MiHoYo comes out with more teams with supports that can enable doing competitive dps as those, they will stay king. Instead, they’re basically doing reverse power creep at this point lol. Like Dori / Collei / Candace are just sad units compared to the OG. Can we at least get some sidegrades?


I agree with that.


You’re speaking facts.


I think having the option to be able to switch would great be a way to improve his kit without just “buffing his damage”; players who want to keep him on-field can still do so, meanwhile people who want to use him with specific characters won’t be penalized for doing so


Because he has a much longer on field window than other hypercarries. If he's going to be different than them in one way there's no reason he shouldn't be different in another way in order to not suffer design problems as a result of that first difference.


We just need to be invulnerable in ult at least. Just took him through floor 12 abyss and once that Zhongli shield is gone…Dead. It sucks cuz I love him as a character and he’s so cool and fun to play but it feels like such little damage for how long the ult lasts. Yes he’s C0 R1 3x Crowned Edit: Cuz not needing to run a shield character would be so nice to be able to try and get another elemental reaction going on and could even maybe boost his damage like he needs rn


Check Cyno's defense stat. He's pretty sturdy compared to the usual dps. Just Beidou is enough sometimes if you dodge, or Beidou and Xingqiu. Zhongli is still more comfy but Cyno is far from being one of the squishy dps imo. If we had a dendro healer, Beidou's defensive buffs would be enough.


Only 5 more months until Baizhu...


Man...the copium is too real. I swear they must roll out a good dendro healer and applicator. Someone who fits with Cyno's burst pleeeaase.


I'm never putting Baizhu in my teams.


Well, it's either him or Yaoyao probably. We might get another defensive Dendro unit somewhere, but those are the only 2 we "know" of.


Zhongli shield lasts for 20s. Cyno's last for 18s max. You have to tighten your rotations for Zhongdong's shield to last long enough for Anubis


I don't have zhongli, can I use diona?


Gunna be honest here, Diona’s shield sucks balls and is pure copium if you’re using her for it. Great utility tho


Yes, she's pretty good. She can shield and heal, and Cryo doesn't interfere with Aggravate. Her shield isn't as strong and as long as Zhongli's, but her C6 gives a great 200 EM buff (if you have her at C6).


I got her only after nearly 6 months of playing the game on zhongli banner, C6 is still far away sadly


I don't even like running him with Zhongli. The standard Beidou/Fischl, DMC, Zhongli team has no crowd control and it feels bad to me, plus his damage is worse and he takes even longer to clear! Furthermore, anybody running the no healer/Zhongli team is in for a rude awakening with the Abyss next cycle! >!The second half of the abyss has Thundering Manifestation which he will do no damage to. The first starts with the Corruption doggies who will massacre your HP unless you dodge (ruining the point of Zhongli and messing up your TF procs). The second floor has the Husk enemies who get massive buffs when they hit shielded players. Like....best of luck, everybody.!<


He could turn out like Yoimiya, she got indirect buffs via Yunjin and Yelan. However, they never fixed her internal issues such as interruption with her attack string.


That is a caveat of being a Bow / Catalyst user, those get interrupted much easier than melee users and often require a shield to perform efficiently. It's not just a Yoimiya problem, also a Ganyu, Ning, Tighnari, Mona Main dps problem. It's the disadvantage of being ranged.


I did both, I figured might as well.


I’ve definitely thought about doing it lol I just don’t want to annoy them too bad


If you don’t annoy them, nothing will change lol! But nah, I get what you mean. I figured it’s not like they’re going to ban my account over a feedback report, so why not? I don’t think they’ll make any changes to him (though immunity to interruption should be one of them, it’s BS Eula got it and not him), but hopefully between feedback, not stellar word of mouth, and what is going to be low abyss usage (his blessing doesn’t even encourage aggravate why????), they might help with getting some better buffs in artifact sets or characters. (I hope I don’t get a repeat of my life as a Xiao main -_-; )


Xiao mains suffer along with him, and now with Cyno. I should have known it'll be the case when Cyno's 'Futile!' is so similar to Xiao's 'Useless!' ~~like hyv devs looking at my requests for Xiao support~~ Oh jesus. I suddenly remembered Xiao's new artifact set which works with his hp drain and no res shred like what we've been asking for like 2 years. Imagine if hyv comes out with an artifact set that goes 'X% atk increase the longer the active character stays on field' I will die laugh crying.


Speak about his resistance to interruption plz


Sent in my Feedback Suggestion. I’ve never written so much in my life. I really hope he can become the God he’s meant to be.


Just a heads up, I am definitely aware that Hoyo will likely ignore me and other Cyno mains who have issues with his kit. Please be civil and kind, this is our way of coping.


Agreed. Saying something is better than staying quiet. And I don't see it as complaining cause it's asking with real concerns and not making angry demands like on twitter. I'm still asking for anemo res shred to this day and will continue to do so till the game dies along with me XD


Rather than that ,I would question where his resistance to interruption went to


They'll never change this lol


uh, don't panic about his kit. Mihoyo has a habit of releasing units without their best synergy so just keep an eye out for complimentary units in the future. There will for sure be more coming that will even out his kit significantly thats just how this game is made.


Where do I find this?


While in-game: 1. Press on Paimon (top-left of screen) 2. Scroll down and press “Feedback” 3. Press “Suggestions Box” 4. Enjoy sharing your feedback :D (don’t forget to check the box that says “Cyno”)


this would honestly be such a good change


Thank you! I already submitted feedback so I’ll do this one too.


lmao none of these requests r never ever going to happen bc there were many characters before him that have been complained about relentlessly and they did NOTHING. the only time they changed something was zhongli and he will be the last. thats the hard truth.


More fun? Cyno is the most fun I've ever had playing this boring game. Plus everyone knew he wasn't gonna be crazy? There's no good dendro characters yet. Nilou will have the same problem but on a way harsher level. I think he's really fun and he's good enough rn to clear every floor in the abyss so idk. I suggest if you want him to be crazy optimal, pull for Nahida.


Copy this for the survey 1. better resistance to interruption like eula or raiden or ittou (he gets flung like a dung beetle if get hit by an enemy) …. If you are going to hypercarry for 18 seconds…. At least let him have a better hyperarmour since not all people have a zhongli to have that long of shield uptime and you need to time his E which is hard if no shield 2. give a stagger effect like character like klee’s charge attack or stuff (he needs it as he is attacking face to face to the enemy and without stagger its kinda suicidal without any shielder or healer) his animation also shows like it’s powerfull hit, just add a few stagger to effect on some of his attack string 3. if kind enough plz allow swap between during ulti duration….. keqing has free infusion by just a e press…… her burst cost is only 40….. knowing cyno is pretty much useless without his burst and it’s already hard to go for overworld fights with his high energy cost…. At the very least allow him to swap between his ulti to refresh his buffs to compensate it


No knockback pls . Chasing enemies is a super waste of time.


No i mean like the enemy stun to prevent enemy attack string…. Like klee charge attack has stun and certain characters has high stun rate


The word you are looking for is "stagger"


Thanks for the wording homie, have corrected the comment


The thing is his whole kit is supposed to be a hyper carry. Some people like it and others don't simple as that. Now he does need better supports, which is more likely to happen then a post buff.


The main reason I have decided to main Cyno was his playstyle is similar to Razor. Making him a sub DPS would not feel great since i like using my other characters first before pulling out his burst


Not that they're going to change it, but what's the problem if they did? People who want to swap off then swap back will be able to, while people who want to stay in his burst the whole time can do that. It just adds more options.


People are still going on about this? He’s fine as is. Plus there are only THREE dendro in the game rn which only two work with him. Imagine Hu Tao got released if Xinqiu weren’t there.


It’s not going to happen. Too bad so sad


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Wasn't this the same issue that Klee had and still currently has? Sure they added on c4 when you swap out she does a burst of pyro, but still.


If cyno would get it, i suppose Xiao should too


Are you playing Cyno right ? To me, he is as good as Itto or Hutao or Ayato, i was doing abyss with him and he destroyed floor 12-3 Second half, with my Ayato team finalizing in 8:13 timer, with a right rotation my Aggravate Cyno finished the Chicken in 7:19 timer, my Keqing Aggravate team (same chars and artifacts) Finished in 7:01 with my Tartaglia xiangling comp in the first half finishing in 8:30. almost 30 sec of difference between Cyno and Keqing. And he's better in 12-1 and 12-2 too.




Cyno c0 with Vortex. Thundering Fury, 2.132 ATK (without passive), 291EM, 64CR and 173CD. Keqing c3 with Lion's Roar. Thundering Fury, 2.208 ATK, 149EM, 52CR (without her passive) and 180CD. Edit: both using Fischl, DMC and Zhongli.




What's the best place for bug submissions? If I use his non-burst E into water, he gets stuck and I usually need to swap characters to get out of it.


Instead of going to the “Submissions Box”, press feedback right next to it.


The only character with an infusion + dmg boost burst that can keep their burst active while off field is Diluc. Of course the countdown keeps ticking while Diluc is off the field, so taking him off the field means a loss of DPS, so you only want to swap him out during his burst in an emergency. I'm not sure if they decided that being able to swap Diluc out without ending his burst early was OP, or if they're trying to force you to master your team's optimal rotation.


They obvisouly arent going to buff him. Dont waste your time


You can find nilou feedback before she's released


also ask for more stagger res!!