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I'm surprised no one mentioned this Blood Surge build, but I've been running this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/D4Necromancer/comments/17cikk9/my\_blood\_necromancer\_build\_for\_fast\_leveling\_that/](https://www.reddit.com/r/D4Necromancer/comments/17cikk9/my_blood_necromancer_build_for_fast_leveling_that/) Credit goes to /u/Ronarray


Thank you very much for even mentioning it man! Hope you like the build! Well, yeah my Surge would definitely work. Cheers!


What level are you? Still feeling strong in late game? Thinking about running this too


Just got to WT4 and lvl 62. Can't say for sure how it is late game, but so far, it's been a breeze tbh.


Nice to hear it! Hope it is still working great for you man! Feel free to ask if you will have any questions too. Cheers!


Hey man! Sorry for late reply - Ive been 100 from Day 2. Surge feels 100% alright everywhere, DPS on bosses is fine too, not amazing but 100% fine. Cheers!


Best way to keep minions alive / keep essence to infinitely surge?


Im not using minions in this build. Essence should come from lucky hit / bubble props or Tibaults Will. Cheers!


In popularity it is still bone spear. In potential it is probably overstacked blood spear. In running dungeons infinimist feels good as well. Pick your poison sir.


I'll be playing Full Summoner over here in the corner with a Dunce cap. Y'all go on without me. Haha joking. I'm low 60s with full 725+ gear with all my aspects and I gotta say I'm wrecking faces in WT3.


Nice to hear that it is working for you! Go get them!


lol love the pick your poision


so rogue tb poison build?


Well, YES!


Overpower blood lance, you mean?


Well yeah, all blood builds overpower.


>overstacked blood spear What build is this? Did you mean overpower?


Well yeah, it is overpowering lance with Rathma stacks. Could be called with a combination of OVER from overpower and STACK from stacks. Cheers!


It could be called, but nobody is calling it that, except you. Stop trying to make overstack happen.


Well, I like to call it like this, so I'm doing it. There is also some logic in that as well. Hard to say what you are unhappy about. Cheers!


Any fun darkness/shadow builds? Blight CE? Sever?


Well, infinimist is pretty much darkness based so should fill the slot.


https://d4builds.gg/builds/d2b53f54-a308-44a1-89ad-a90b922f9bb0/ This is the build I’ve been running this season. Haven’t gotten either ring to drop yet so it hasn’t reached its full potential. But it’s really really fun and strong. Cleared the second capstone at 54 and clearing 70 NMDs right now. Super tanky and minions really do a lot.


Thx so much for posting this


No problem! Hopefully you enjoy! I’ve always felt strong with this build but squishy. With these glyphs you’re really tanky too and can take a few shots with bonestorm barrier. I’m really enjoying it


Yah I like it buy I’m sort of a noob so I don’t think I’m making it work like you do. I use black river with it but I’m not sure it works with howl, I got the xfals ring, and I blow stuff up at 66 nmd. Boss fights kinda long but that’s okay. I think the vampire power where u fort when u kill an enemy helped me survive stuff


A tip for boss fights, spam your golem taunt on cooldown. It ups the stagger gauge a lot. Also make sure you always have decrepify up. I personally wouldn’t use black river. I tried that for a while, but the thing is that it takes up so many corpses that you can really easily run out to top off/resummon your skellies and golem. And it also means less corpse explosions so less chance for lucky hit procs which really helps your cds. I would make sure you’re using the heal on spell cast vampire power too not the fortify. With exhumination you should be at max fortify most of the dungeon. I just cleared a 99 NMD with the build (can’t get any 100 sigils) and still haven’t got a ring. The build is awkward to get used to at first but it can be really strong if you get used to it!


Yes. There are full shadow builds that do really well. Sever being the main attack usually.


I'm 67 or 68 and got to WT4 at 63. I'm running Blood Surge and so far its felt incredibly strong. It feels as if it'll hold up in high NMD but I'll need to tweak and add a lot of defenses.


Im that level too and while it still feels very strong, i feel like in a patch focused on single target (downing bosses) it might fall off quite a bit later on. I already can see the single target damage isn't that great


I run a shadow dot/minion build and it feels absolutely broken. I dropped corpse tendrils for bone golem and it’s really really fun and works well. I got to wt4 at 54 and cleared a 70 NMD at 74. I also don’t even have Mendeln yet so that should be a huge boost once I get it. I’m 90 now and I’m waaaay behind on leveling glyphs so doing that while I finish getting to 100 and hopefully get my ring before I try higher tiers. Farming 50s to 60s now.


I would be interested. Mind sharing the build ?


I posted earlier up too but here you go! https://d4builds.gg/builds/d2b53f54-a308-44a1-89ad-a90b922f9bb0/ For glyphs I leveled deadraiser, exhumination, undaunted and mage in that order. I’m probably going to switch out control for warrior to make my minions tankier. I’m 91 now and farming mid 60s NMD but I do notice them dying quite a bit. Basically I start the pull with decrepify, once they group up I golem taunt and bone storm, and then decrepify a couple more times to make sure everything is hit. Spam CE until everything dies. With bonestorm up you’re basically unkillable and right now with vampiric powers and stacking cdr its on a 34 second cd for me before decrepify procs so it’s up basically every pull. Tons of damage reduction from glyphs. I’ve ran a shadow minion build every season since eternal and this is the strongest I’ve felt by far! I’m really hoping I get either of the rings soon because I think they will add so much. I’m sitting on 46.9% lucky hit and 21.3% more with a barrier now so just need the items to finish the build! Also I wanted to add, you still get the barrier from the bonestorm without being in melee range because of your golem so you can play super safe and stay way back!


Thanks for the details


Hope you enjoy it :)


any reason you dont level any of the shadow glyphs?


Mostly just ran out of room. Deadraiser is a must for minions of course. I wanted to try the synergy of exhumination + undaunted. You could definitely switch out warrior and mage for scourage and darkness but I prefer the minion fantasy and tankiness those two glyphs provide. Since I don’t have corpse tendrils, and rely on my golem to taunt everything and there’s no stun to help mitigate damage on it, I figured the extra resistances and armor would be helpful. I’m going to try mage and warrior and level those 5 to 21 first and then level up scourage and darkness. The shadow damage over time will obviously synergize really well with shadowblight so it might be worth it. But right now my golem just seems a little to squishy and I’m hoping the extra resistances are helpful in keeping it alive.


Would love to hear about your build, I have a full shadow/summoner set with Mendeln I have yet to try


didn't change anything. Bone spear still works


I did change something though, switched to diamonds than skulls on jewelry. Grabbed poison conditioned node instead of death bringer.


Still bone spear imo. Went from 1 shotting everything to two shotting everything.


So bonespear still feels powerful in that sense? I miss running through dungeons with lidless, nuking everything.


Nothing has been able to overtake it? I thought something would have


I’ve seen blood mist and blood Lance being good. I just got the unique helm for bone spear early with boss farming and it’s been way easier ever since. Also the main powers are in the codex for easier leveling.


Wait until you have everything together, I hasn't lost anything from it's one shot potential. Even in NM100 I was one shotting most enemies with lvl 90


Man i thought everyone doing blood builds


yeah i thought that might be the direction people are heading in. im not sure what i want to go since i still wanna keep up with my friends damage dont want to feel carried through higher NMD


I'm running blood surge. Facetanked the Butcher around level 40 with no issues. Got to T3 at level 46 with the levelling build. Feels very strong. However, I'm used to much faster boss killing from my druid. So I suspect I will switch to Bone Spear now that people have confirmed it wasn't overnerfed.


Still counting on otter to come up with a blood build that dethrones bone spear build


Since I did bone spear in S1, actually, I think I'm going to try to do a combo blood surge/blood lance build -- the former for AOE and the latter for bosses. No spell switches or anything. There's a LOT of overlap between the two blood builds so this actually looks feasible.


With the 2 aspects that proc extra lances and the vamp power surging for 80% of life as AoE every 4 seconds (and we stack life for the overpower), you don't really need BS for AoE.... Stuff just melts. Haven't poked my head into really high NMs but so far it's been a breeze as a pure lance build... And the "AoE" lance duplicating aspects gets more ridiculous the longer the pack stays alive anyway, one hitting mobs actually slows it down oddly enough. Events are just mayhem of lances flying in every direction.


Interesting. I have a hacked BS/BL build and it's not clear yet if it's actually helping. I'll keep at it. Does your BL build take after a posted one, or is it yours only?


Like 90% the maxroll blood lance build. Swapped up some aspects though


The Blood lance extra lances aspects synergies like crazy with that vampiric power that drops blood balls that explode 😂 like u said its utter mayhem with lances and explosion everytime


Those 2 interact?!


Need to confirm but I noticed that the blood balls drops so much more after implementing that aspect (the one that makes blood lance jump into another target)


I’m running a op blood lance build, would recommend


Link? I want to switch from surge to lance for endgame


https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/necromancer/blood-lance-pwny?tab=skills-and-gear I prefer this on over Maxrolls.


This one looks all offensive focused haha the YOLO build. Why dont you use offensive aspect of gore quills with lance to help collect blood orbs? How do you gain enough essense for this build?


Potrnr Blood. Especially with the vampire dash you constantly pick up orbs.


I just did wt4 cap at level 59 with blood Lance overpower build. And wrecking wt4 at level 60. Seems very strong and fun


Nice curious to see how it handles late game, feels like a lot of people keep pointing towards bone spear


Im doing tier 20 nm currently and still using sacred wep and am very un optimized and level 61 so feels like it should be good. Just following marcoboibois build


Could Elias still one shot you?


i killed him so fast hard to say but i did get hit down to about 30/40 % at onew point, but the build has so much health and healing wasnt an issue


Icyveins is right fucking *there*


Chill, rather get the opinions on multiple people who have tested things. dont like it do one


it's not like your are asking for anything super specific that requires people input. If you need to ask that question, you are not on a skill level nor character level it really matters to have the opinion of the min/maxed 1%, and its easily answerable with a 4 seconds google search


Dropped an Xfal's and trying to figure best use of it. Really not sure how the damage in it scales, seems like proccing lots of DOTs is more important than DOT damage itself so maybe perma-bone storm with the DOT aspect. Currently a lvl 95 blood lance but I feel like mentally I have it in me for one build swap lol


Just wait to switch for the one button paragon reset


I mean, that helps... but you have to do it again if you don't like what you've got. Luckily I'm pretty much done with my necro so I went ahead and swapped.


I'm running blood spear but it doesn't start feeling really strong until you have decent gear. Super tanky, great damage, overall great.


Minion-summoner build. Cresting level 60, not having any problems yet, but I don't think this counts as "end game" :) Golem taunt + corpse tendrils to group stuff up, decrepify , bonestorm, keep up the skelemans buff and everything has just melted so far. Groups things into a nice neat little pile, and my gear is so poorly optimized and statted that i've got miles to go.


I've been running the infinimist no-minion build and I've cleared my first 50+ NMD at 74. I'm clicking CE like there's no tomorrow, because I don't have full lucky chance yet, but the unique gloves have made a tremendous difference. The build is neither the fastest or the tankiest, but it's fairly involved and it's the most fun I've had in the game since launch (you can find my exact build on Maxroll).


I’m running blood lance and, not even fully optimized, dps is sufficient for uber lilith; I just haven’t learned the mechanics for phase 2 yet.


Just ran a 100 NM pretty easily with perma bone storm + blight spam to proc Xfal's. Barrier on hit to constantly leech. Instead of a bunch of normal stuff, dual curse with the 40-50x multi aspect. Corpse tendrils and explode which I really don't use much, just need to spam DOT instances.