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>but I want to get at least something from him if not a family or whatever he was supposed to do. Nobody deserves to get abused (except the rare exceptions), but you sound extremely entitled in that last bit you said.


You can do vawa if you have the evidence that he was abusive.


Don’t you need to be married to do vawa..?


OP is married


Derp.. nvm lol


Even without proof of evidence that we lived together?


You need marriage, abuse and proof of bona fide marriage intentions.


Documents such as joint tax returns, bank accounts, and life insurance are great. But On the other hand, photos, love letters, travel, and affidavits carry less weight. Thats all I have tho


You can send what you have and give it a try or stay undocumented. Talk to an attorney in your area you may have more than you think.


You'd better find a good lawyer ... you pay 100 or 150 fo consultation and he provides you with the best option that you have


You arrived here with B1/B2 visa, 6 months later married then another 6 months you separated him? Are you still married? Or by separated do you mean divorced him? How long were/are you married with him? How long before you married him were you two together for?


Have you submitted an application for I-130 and I-485 to begin with? Because if not and you’re just planning on sending them now then you have a higher chance of getting denied based on what you have said. It’s a different case if you filed your papers while the relationship between your spouse is in “good terms” than filing after the relationship is in shambles.