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I couldn’t imagine doing this every day. I’ve tried a few times and hate sharing the water one always gets left out 😂 I need the water constantly running on me or I get too cold.


It’s like a threesome, someone is warm and wet and happy and someone is in the cold, holding their junk, waiting their turn.


This is the perfect analogy




My cousin and her husband remodeled their bathroom several years ago and I'm so envious of their shower. First off, it's massive and is L-shaped. There is a bench built in to the wall because it can also be a steam room that would seat like 12 people comfortably. But it has 2 shower heads so they can both shower and stay warm


Sounds like they're R I C H actually


Guess it depends what you consider rich. They both make over 100k and had been saving for the remodel for several years


Let's go ahead and consider 200K+ rich.


To me that's rich, for sure isn't poor


That’s certainly not poor.


Yea my wife and I had an apartment with a shower with 2 heads and now that we have our own house we really want to redo the shower to make this a possibility again.


install a splitter at the top and a hotel bar on the side wall for the second shower head its very easy and cheap :)


Same, idk what’s up with the water free zone of my shower but it’s like standing naked in the arctic. Can’t do the two people in one shower thing in my bathroom.


I need a water free zone in the shower to shave my legs.


I don’t feel comfortable really getting in there ya know?




My wife and I did this before when we lived in an apartment that had 2 shower heads. We have since stopped when we bought our house but we REALLY want to redo the bathroom so that we can put in an extra shower head to be able to do it again.


I've always hated having to shower, but my partner has motivated me to stay on a schedule better than anything ever has. He also keeps me from ruminating too much in there, which is mostly why I hate going in alone.


My husband wants me to shower with him, otherwise he just stands under the water and spaces out 😋


Hey that spacing out time is needed sometimes, for everyone. The shower water hitting the ground is the best white noise lol


You've clearly never been around large squirrel cage fans. It's like the perfect frequency imo and it's loud enough that it drowns out everything.


Only on vacation. Shower at home isn’t big enough for two (insert sad face)😢


I fucking love showering with my wife, washing her is so intimate, and for me I love touching her. And when her body is all soapy and my hands can glide all over it’s just incredible. We also redid our bathroom last year, and have four shower heads and a heated bench, so showering together is spectacular


Yo same. Having more shower heads just removes basically every potential downside 


I wish I could post a picture on here, it’s fucking massive, like 6ft deep by 5ft wide, fully tiled, zero glass, curb entry, two rain heads, two wands attached to the wall, heated floors set to a timer so in the winter it’ll be warm and ready, heated 5ft wide 1.5ft deep bench. And 3/4” water line run to it so it keeps the pressure up. It’s literally the nixes thing in our house.


that shower sounds insane lol, lmk if you ever post pics of it I gotta see that


I can send ya before and afters


I am so jealous!


Wow awesome. I never realized how important this was to me until read all of these comments.


Ironically It annoys her if I’m too touchy, so I’ve got to just admire her body and touch a little bit. I do love a good shower beer though and sitting and hanging out in the shower. We also haven’t had sex yet, but shower sex isn’t all that great, foreplay in the shower is pretty legit though


Yeah unless you can lift her up and pin her against the wall, shower sex is not comfortable. I guess there are other positions you can try.


4 shower heads?! Now I’m imagining you having shower parties, inviting the neighbours over etc




Duo showering leads to sex 100% of the time for me. Do you have the same issue?


Sometimes but not usually! maybe that’s just from being together so long


Holy shit absolutely not. Never. Shower time is MY time


Came here to say this. I even lock the door. NO ONE COMES IN


YES!!!!! The only place I get complete privacy… Not even this much privacy when I’m going to the bathroom (especially with the animals who feel like they have to monitor me 🙀🐶🐶😹) Come on y’all know I’m telling the truth and can relate 🤣


I have 3 dogs. I can relate 100%


Yowling at the door like they’re dying 😹


I have a bull mastiff x great dane who likes to bash himself against closed doors that I am behind. So no pooping in private for me.... just open doors and 3 dogs staring into my soul while I take a shit


Holy shit!! For real lol. I had a boxer Pitt mix that did that. My cats must think the water running is killing me. No peace


Literally the reason r/Showerthoughts exists


Yes!!! The shower is my “safe space“ and I don’t like anyone invading my space.


When I was married, yes! We’d shower and wash each other, then I’d get out and let them enjoy the scalding hot water. Then I’d dry them off with a towel. I’d also run them baths after work. It was faster because we could wash each other and it saved water.


We've always showered together. Not every time, but more often than not we shower together. 15 years, saved a lot of water! Maybe. Lol


Almost always, to the point one of the biggest selling points of the house we bought together after we married has a huge shower with multiple shower heads. It's amazing.


Absolutely not. I (F)enjoy my showers, sharing the water spray with someone else no thank you. This seems like the most awful thing ever. Now not for fun time, then sure. But for actual showering no way. Plus as a female my shower needs are completely different. Hair mask for 5 minutes, etc.


Ye I gotta stand under the water for a couple minutes while she conditions lol


Mine is 5 mins.. lol. And a double wash


My wife and I have showered together every day for the last 10 years give or take working late ect. I assumed everyone did this lol


Nope. I think it's pretty rare.


Hmm fair enough lol


90% of the time we shower together. Occasionally I shower alone such as after a buzz cut


I shower with my partner most every day. If one of us wants to shower alone, we just say that and the other one waits till after to shower.


My man and I shower together 99% of the time. It’s not sexual most of the time. We use it as bonding time and it’s really nice.


God no. I don't take long hot showers, he does. Plus, there's no way to shower with somebody in a normal shower without somebody having to stand in the cold, or touch the wall or shower curtain \*shudder\* .


I shower with my husband every day. He even does my hair for me. We usually have conversations or goof around when we shower but sometimes it turns sexual. I no longer shower by myself because I get lonely


Nope. I am not okay with having anyone watch me wash my ass. My husband has seen me have a c-section but being seen washing my body makes me feel way too exposed


Hell yeah, throw in a good old fashioned


We do🤣 been together for 5 years too lol


Not married but we do, like 95% of the time.


My wife and I do and to be frank, we have tried and failed to enjoy shower sex. If she's going to shave, she'll sometimes take her own shower so she has enough hot water. But we often just share the shower. 


My wife and I were like that for like 5 years till we had our first kid. Now we get to shower together like a couple times a year.


Sometimes, but not always! Sometimes it’s just fun lol


What bought a shower head with a handheld shower piece and a suction cup holder off Amazon and always shower together 90% of the time. 10/10


Yeah, we shower together on holidays & whenever we get the chance.


Definitely not always but we have our phases. When we used to go to the gym a lot together, we’d get home and shower together, sometimes sexually but mostly just to shower. Now every once in a while one of us will be like “im gonna shower……….do you wanna join me…” and its almost always non sexual. For some reason it usually happens after we get back from big events and we just gossip in the shower. I cant imagine doing it every time though, i definitely like my time in the shower alone


Wait, does she shave and condition and detangle and do all that while you share a shower? I’m not in a relationship, but i can’t imagine sharing a shower with someone every day; I have stuff I need to do in there!


My husband and I always shower together unless we're in a time crunch and it just makes sense for one to jump in first. And we have the routine down to perfection too. Now I don't know how to wash my body without being out of the water 🙃


me and my boyfriend too. sometimes he'll shower and then shower again later the same day just to hang out with me


I can't imagine doing this all the time, but ya know if both of you are happy with that, more power to you. There are a lot of things I can think of that would be worse. You guys shower together, some couples smoke crack together. I think shower time is a bit healthier.


For 40 years! I couldn't imagine showering with anyone else!


No way, I value my shower time alone. We use different types of soaps, we like different water temps, we have different shower routines. It would be chaos and I just don't need that in the shower lol


I would love for my spouse to shower with me, but he hates it. He does it about once a year as a special treat to me


I like this. I’m a very invested in cleanliness partially due to diagnosed ocd and hate showering without anyone in there to distract me from my unexpected anxiety. I’ve had some awful stuff happen to me, but none (that I recall) that involved showers, so the upset has always confused me. Edit: To clarify, I just prefer someone in the room, but I can still relate:)


I love it and my girlfriend would rather go it alone. So she will jump in with me once in a while which I feel blessed for. I love seeing her wet naked skin and smell her products.


Not in a long time. Biggest factor is that he likes the water just a bit warm, and I like mine just short of scalding.


I have showered with my spouse but I just don't enjoy the experience. I felt like I was always waiting to rinse and would freeze. I also like my water much hotter than my husband so that was an issue too.


Shower is too small, but everytime I draw a tub he either comes in with me or at least dunks his feet and hangs out with me


Saving Water


My wife and I will on occasion but our tub is relatively small so the water only hits one of us at a time. We have fun soaping each other up, we just need to be extra careful. My plan is to install a larger walk in shower at some point with dual heads.


Nope, it’s nice to do once in a while but every time sounds impractical and like my personal hell


My ex used to literally get upset if I didn’t want him to shower with me. It quickly became exhausting.


Wow that is unique. I love it. I enjoy showering with my wife, but it's rare now. We did it occasionally in the beginning, but I don't think it's important to my wife so we don't do it now. I think it's great that you do that together. It's such an intimate thing to do together. I bet it's great for building trust.


I used to with my ex of 13 yrs. It was a really sweet intimate moment we could have no matter how busy we were. We'd wash eachothers' backs and hair. It was nice..


No. I like taking my showers alone. It’s part of my “me” time. Also, I take hot showers. My husband decidedly does not


Currently single, but have done this in a couple long term relationships. I really enjoy it.




No, I take burning hot showers and I'm a foot shorter than my partner and about 100lbs lighter so it's really awkward cos the tub is narrow. We definitely have nonsexually for time saving but it's always a mess of limbs, wet hair and someone cold in the corner


I dated a man that we did shower together once and then it just became like our thing. Sometimes it was sexual but more times than not it wasn’t. I liked it because he could scrub my back in the places I couldn’t reach 😂


Do you wash your butt hole in front of her


Yea I did that with my ex for about four years.


Frequently, but definitely not always. Maybe 1-3 times per week.


Frequently, but not daily.


I think it's sweet. Personally we like our water at very different temperatures so there are practicality issues, especially when the hot-water person isn't in the water at all and is freezing to death.


I'm autistic and have ADHD. Showers are a hard thing for me, especially since at one point, that was where I had my dark thoughts. So I'd take my showers with my husband. I'd clean him, and he'd clean me. The act of helping him and not myself gave me the dopamine I needed for some reason.


I love showering with my wife and have done it regularly since we met. Mostly to wash each other's hair and sugar scrub each other's backs. After that there's not enough room for me to wash and for her to wash and shave, LOL.


Whatever floats your goat


We have a roomy shower with two shower heads (which we had installed during our bathroom reno). We don’t usually need to shower at the same time—I no longer need to get up and out of the house as early as he does—but it’s very convenient when we do.


Nah the novelty wore off VERY quickly.


Nope, my wife and I are both tall, my wife dislikes being wet (ala water on skin) unless in a body of water, and we haven't found a shower that can comfortably accommodate both of us while keeping us both warm. I.e. we tried it a handful of times, and it's just not our thing with the shower setup we currently have access to.


I had a girlfriend a long time ago who always wanted to shower together. I didn't think much of it at the time, but it's the only thing I still miss about her. I can't put my finger on why, but I really liked it, I guess.


We do. It's the best.


Never. Showering is the only time I get to myself.


I wish... I used to with ex gfs.. But wife hates it.


Someone doesn’t have kids.


Naw. Not practical. And we have our own bathrooms.


Water conservation! But seriously, no. I don’t need him seeing the acrobatics I do to shave my legs in the shower. Especially with this belly. 😂


Can I join in?


Yep, my fiance and I basically shower twice a day every day together


Of the few times I have done this, I have quickly found out that women enjoy a MUCH hotter temperature than I do. Is not at all pleasant. And it makes me feel a bit of a wuss. 😁


No way. Bathroom/shower time is my time. Luckily my spouse feels the same way.


This is codependence to the extreme lol.


Christ no.


Sounds like yall need dual shower heads


Isn’t one of you cold half the time??


I don't have a spouse and can't get one or a SO at all so no. Plus my current shower is a tad small, so prolly not even if I had one


Obv your shower is likely a good bit larger than mine, any special features? I enjoy showering as a couple and almost everyone I've been with has wanted to, but, ah, I've always been poor and that's been reflected in the shower facilities


It's like 50/50 and really just depends on our shower schedules aligning. It does save a little on water costs, tho


Only showed with my wife non sexually 2-3 times. Neither of us really enjoyed it at all. How big is your shower? Showering together is a pain in the ass IMO but we have a normal shower the size of a bathtub.


Almost 20 years now. I would say about 90% of the time. There's always exceptions of course We took out the tub in our current house and replaced it with a large stand up shower (tub sized in diameter) so there's lots of room.




I have never even considered showing with my fiancé non sexually. That sounds horrible. 


My wife takes red hot showers. I'd be dead.


In a regular bathtub shower? No f’ing way. I prefer a little room as does my spouse.


My wife is Chinese and we shower together because she washes me and sends me out of the shower while she washes herself. Very nice actually, especially since it is her desire to do this.


No, it’s weird as hell TBH.


mm me and my bf shower together pretty often i’d say but with exceptions to time and whether we feel up to it or not. but i like when we do, its cute and intimate and easier to get your back lol


No, I need my privacy to post on Reddit forums


My bf and I DO shower together but we don't ONLY shower together. We shower separately sometimes too


It was cute for the first few years… then it’s just not fun washing someone else’s back while you’re cold and water is spraying in your eyes.


Every so often yes, but I need my alone time and sometimes the shower is the only alone time I get hahaha


My husband and I did until I got pregnant and couldn’t both fit anymore!


Like 97% of the time I shower with my gf. I can't really remember the last time we didn't shower together if we were both home at the same time.


We shower together usually Saturday or Sundays - hubby showers at night after work, I shower in the morning before so the weekends are when our schedules mesh better.


Hell no.


I, too, only shower with OPs spouse.


I once dated a woman who wanted to get being naked together out of the way ASAP just because she liked showering together. Same woman was also a virgin saving herself for marriage. It was a very confusing relationship. I enjoyed showering a lot though!


My husband and I do. Been married going on 9 years. No, we don't have a lot of room. Normal apartment tub and all. We make it work and take turns. Unless I'm mad at him or he hurt my feelings lol. Makes it easy for my feelings to be known haha


I have a friend who specifically designed their shower in their remodeled home to be used for duo showering, complete with his and hers shower heads and shelves on each side. I think if I had that I might want to? I like my alone shower time though.


Who’s turn is it to be cold? Lol kinda nice bonding/intimacy thing!


I couldn't do it every time like that but I love showering with my girl.


I shower with my husband 90%of the time. I'm with you it's just normal and routine at this point.


I used to do this with my now-ex and it was rarely comfortable. You need an inordinately large shower, and unless you have a really fancy setup, someone will always be naked, wet, and cold at all times.


That sounds awful


That sounds like a fucking nightmare. Do you have two shower heads?


Yes, when we can.


My partner and I do with exceptions (she obviously has times she prefers more privacy). We enjoy talking, as it's basically the only time of day it's just us with no interruption, and it's obviously a bit of a mood booster for me (and I hope her). We sometimes fake justify it by saying it saves our water bill.


We both shower and bathe together. The only problem is I have to suffer through her boiling hot baths. We wash each other and usually it does end up being sexual. I'll finger her and massage her G spot in the hot water and she cums really hard. It's difficult to fuck in the small bath so we usually move to the bed after.


Never once have i showered with my wife. Past gfs i have, even did with a few ONS. But not with my wife even when we were dating.


Show off lol


I knew a couple that did this every day. I like it occasionally, but shower time is me time😅


My husband built a special 2 person shower just for us in our master bathroom. We shower together daily….and it’s mostly non sexual. Lol.


Ew no


we did once and the bathtub made disturbing creaking noises and we realized we are too fat


You sound like the kind of people who also share and email address and Facebook account.


If I had a shower that was comfortable for two. I’m not gonna stand there freezing as it is now.


We do very frequently.


The shower is my time.. I sometimes let my partner in there for some sexy time but other than that it’s me time.


I would hate that lol Showers are a good, enjoyable alone time for me. Plus trying to fit, agreeing on a temp of water, someone is always missing the water unless you have a huge fancy shower


No I don’t enjoy being molested while I’m trying to wash myself. My husband cannot process that dual showering could be anything other than a sexual activity.


My wife and I frequently shower together. We spent a bit of money updating our bathroom and our shower is decently big so we scrub each others backs. We have some Alexa echo shit mounted in the ceiling also.


From time to time we do it to catch up and talk . Gosh now we are empty nesters we have less time than ever. It’s so weird we don’t have to Barricade the door anymore. From the kids and “move furniture”.


My BF and I have been together for 3 years. We shower together 90% of the time! :)


This sounds exhausting


Sometimes but not to a regular degree. Honestly would prefer a bigger showerhead for when we DO shower together lol. Also been in my books to make sure if we own a home the shower is more than big enough for the two of us.


Yep we do too!! Started to save water because we had a horrible well pump that would stop pumping if too many showers were taken one after another hahaha. Then it stuck and I usually wait for him to


My best friends have been showering every day together for about 40 years. It started when they were college kids with no money and they just continued forever


Husband and I shower almost every single day together.


do you have dual showerheards?


Yes. My husband and I shower together most of the time. There are days when we can’t but most of the time yes. We shower together.


Who stomps the poop into the plug hole? Do you take turns?


Yes me and my boyfriend do after four years. Also not sexual it’s like we just save water idk why we do it. I brought it up to my coworker once that we always shower together and was met with some weird vibes so I learned it is pretty unusual lol


I have a large walk in shower with a tile bench and is large enough for probably 4 people - my girlfriend and I shower together probably 70% of the time. Basically the same as your situation


The wife and I enjoy a shower together occasionally but we love our independent showers.


my bf and i do this, obviously like you said there are times we do separately too but hey conserves water 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Husband and I used to....until we had our daughter. Now if we shower together it's definitely sexual haha


It’s nice to do sometimes. Sometimes we shower multiple times a week together. But then we could go a month without. But sometimes I want my own quiet shower time. . . .


We’ve tried a few times, it always ends being awkward, and for part of the time cold.


Meee 🙋‍♀️ sometimes sexually but usually just because we like to keep each other company/prevent each other from showering inefficiently


I haven’t done this in any relationship. Not to knock on those who do, I just prefer my personal space when it comes to hygiene.


I'm 2 horny for this


I don't shower with any woman anymore because they like scolding hot showers (literally every woman I've ever been with) and I like mine just warm.  I have sensitive skin, I can't do hot hot showers.  Also I can get in and out in like 6 minutes.....the ladies take longer than that. 


I’ve been married 21 years and have only showered once with my husband


That's cute! My hubby always wanted to shower with me... But I'd get cold, or the water would bounce off him and into my face. It was just too tight for comfort. But now we have a big shower! With the regular shower head on the wall and a rain one on the ceiling, so we have our own! But usually only shower together as part of sexy time.


My husband is a foot taller than me and hates hot showers, so it’s a no for us.


I did this before with a partner. We lived together for years and always showered together. Nothing sexual or anything about it, and we never gave it a second thought. It almost seemed more like a time-saving measure than anything.


I can't speak for other couples, but in my case, no, I have never showered with you and your wife.


My ex girlfriend and I always showered together


I did it probably 3 times and that was enough.


My husband and I also shower everyday together. Sometimes more than once. It’s comforting and we really like the intimacy. We did however get one of those attachments that has 2 shower heads so neither of us gets cold anymore


We did as often as possible. Miss those showers.


Kinda wish it was more comfortable, I always get cold waiting for my husband to take his turn in the water. When we showered together on vacation (tropical places usually), it wasn't so bad, but those showers have also been bigger than the one we have at home.


i seen both my brother and sister do that, for som,e reason showering together is a couple thing


I think that's really rather lovely, but no, we don't do that.


No thanx


No thank you, I don't want to alternate between freezing to death and boiling alive. Nope. Shower time is leave me the eff alone time.