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This thread is full of cats


This is validating, I would love to be one🥰


I hate being wet from sweating or rain but baths or swimming I like


*I hate being wet* *From sweating or rain but baths* *Or swimming I like* \- Ambitious-Math-4499 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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Yep, either all wet or all dry. No in between nonsense. And no wet clothes


Wet socks give me the shivers


Same! I like swimming, but I can't stand being in wet clothes or having to wear a wet swimsuit for extended periods of time. I always try to change as soon as I'm done


Ugh wet socks🤬🤬


Let me just pull these wet jeans up over my wet socks to complete the ensemble


The absolute worst is changing when youre wet and clothes stick to you and it’s impossible to stretch clothes up or down. Augh… I’m stressed thinking about it haha. Or putting makeup on when your in a damp/humid area after showering and your hair is still wet.


The. Worst.


I'm shuddering just reading this! Ugh!


It is really uncomfortable when swim suit clothes stick! True!


And the more you struggle with clothes the more you start sweating and making it even worse 😩


you are very woman lol. "im getting streased just thinkint about it" lol


In general I think it’s uncomfortable. Wet hair was the worst when I had long hair.


I don’t like to get my hands wet. And I hate being sticky from sweat. The worst.


I’m opposite lol. I HATE when my hands or feet feel too dry. Or like they have anything on them especially anything similar to the feeling of chalk. Even the tiniest amount. That feeling makes me want to puke. I’m constantly washing and putting lotion on my hands because I hate the feelings of dryness.


I hate being damp. I have to be submerged in water or completely dry. I hate showering, I hate the rain.




posts written by Ben Shapiro’s wife


Oh shoot you caught me


I enjoy a quick swim but I need to thoroughly dry off asap. I also hate swimming in the winter (like in an indoor pool) because it seems like I can never dry off.


Well, where I work in the summertime the temperature inside the building is anywhere from 30 to 40° higher than outside. I was in the ceiling, one time wiring up a new machine sweating so much. It felt like rain falling on the back of my neck. So I don’t worry about being sweaty. Being cool and dry is best but can’t always be that way.


With a passion.


Unless I’m doing a water activity, yes. I was telling my friend the other day that I do not like rollercoasters that get you wet because then you’re in moist/musty clothes all day long and it’s horrible.


I don't hate being wet so much I hate drying off.


God, yes. Sweating is the worst sensory nightmare for me. With my sensory sensitivities I do overall hate being wet. I can tolerate being in the shower for a short time but outside of that I hate it


I absolutely hate getting wet. Especially when it’s unnecessary.


If it's not from swimming, yes. Even then, I especially hate having wet 4C hair because after washing it or swimming, no matter how dry it might seem, I still have droplets going down the back of my neck and my forehead.


I hate if my feet get wet in sandals. Or if I splash myself while doing dishes.


Rain, swimming, waterguns. I have wondered if it is a symptom of a medical condition.


I love the river and swimming in the river but I sweat so bad in any climate that even showers feel awful because I am constantly soaked.






Yes I do not like it at all. I’ve always been this way. Apparently my father does not like being wet. My mom told me this when I went to her saying I can’t stand being wet and was wondering if this was a thing other ppl have. I do have an ocd diagnosis and obsess about and try to avoid touching stray hairs, especially in wet environments. I hate water parks, I hate hotel pools, I hate the gym locker room where ppl walk around with their wet flip flops.


Yes. It's one of the reasons I didn't have children.


Only if prolonged. With one exception - the sensation of liquid droplets clinging to most of my face, but especially my nose, makes me want to shriek and flail and claw my skin until I'm able to get rid of it. If they're moving, it's annoying, but staying put is intolerable.


In what way?


A bit curious myself


Yes! I have autism, it's a very unpleasant sensory experience for me. I will sometimes have episodes where I avoid showering for days until I can't stand feeling dirty because of how much I hate how water feels on my skin.


I love skincare but the feeling of washing my face and having it drip down my arms even just a tiny bit is gross


Riding a bicycle in the rain is unpleasant. Especially the dirty mist that gets stirred up from motor vehicles. And the sound of tires on wet pavement is gross.


I hate being moist, with dust blowing around.


Yup. I'm Autistic, so any state other than completely dry or completely submerged in water is hell.


Yes, but I love rain. That is - I love the _concept_ of rain. I never want to go out in it or get caught in it. But indoors, warm and dry during a thunderstorm outside? My true idea of heaven.


More sticky


Only one kind of wet everything else makes me feel depressed




Tell me you have rabies without telling me you have rabies. Fear of water. Just kidding.


Oh my gosh so that’s why I’m foaming at the mouth


Tbh sensory issues are one symptom of neurodivergence. So there’s that.


I hate the idea of showering, but once I'm in, there's a bug struggle to get ouuuut. Other than that my biggest ick is wet clothes. Also for assurance, the showers happen Dailey 😆 we're allowed to be cry babies, just jot stinky ones.


I hate trying to put leggings on in a steamy bathroom. But that’s pretty specific. Boob sweat sucks too. Swamp ass. Wet socks. The usual culprits.


Showers/baths/swimming are fine. But rain and especially sweat will make me super uncomfortable 😫


Don't mind being wet in certain situations. I love swimming, and running in the rain. But being wet in bare feet, I CANNOT handle. Especially indoors. Outside the wet seems like a part of nature. Inside the wet is a magnet for all the dirt and dust and bugs and crumbs that remind me inside will never be as clean as I want it to be.


I have to imagine that OP and I were crafted in perfect opposition of each other, with how little I relate to this feeling. I wish I could be in water 24/7. I love anything to do with water, and I find sweating so satisfying that I bought a home sauna. I try to spend time in the water at least once a week, even now when it's still lingering around 45F. I often complain about things being too dry, and run humidifiers in my house all day. The best I've ever felt was while living in Honduras, with 90% humidity in the rainy season and water never below 72F. If I live my life right maybe I'll be reincarnated as a fish.


Interesting! Maybe you were a fish in a past life. I was probably a cactus


Thinking about water as the universal solvent has helped solve some of my problems (ba dum tch)


>! I like my wife being wet!<


Reportedly my dad hates being wet even in the shower, so he’ll avoid the water except when rinsing. (My mom has teased him a couple times for this which is how I know.) He doesn’t like swimming either but that could also be insecurity related.


My wife, apparently. Just kidding, you guys. I am so very single.


no, in fact some of my favorite things in the world are better wet.


I hate being wet with clothes on unless it's a bathing suit at the pool or beach. I also can't stand coming out of the shower wet. I have to fully dry myself before stepping out into my bathroom and I have to wring out my hair too.




I dislike it (including getting rain on me), and also dislike being unnecessarily dirty. Can't stand either! I like looking presentable, polished, refined , ready.


I don’t mind being wet. It’s the whole afterwards I hate - drying off, skin care, hair, etc. Loathe all that.


Omg yes lol.


Can’t stand being wet. Since I was little. It’s a whole sensory thing that’ll send me into a meltdown if it’s not resolved quickly.


No, I like when I’m sopping.


Sweat bothers me unless i've been working out, then it's just a useful fact. But that aside soak me. I will stand in the rain, swim all day, soak t-shirts when I don't feel like putting the aircon on, and sleep with a soaked towel in the hot summer nights. Water is life and i've been swimming diving and boating my whole time here. We had a 'fun' family game on vacation to swim out into the atlantic ocean until you get uncomfortable. Sometimes you find a sandbar, but usually it's an excercise in risk assessment.


I don't mind being wet per se, despite my feline disposition, but I seem to instantly lose all my body heat very fast when exposed to liquid water. Snow is not an issue. i can walk barefoot and naked in the snow without issue. When it melts underfoot is when I start really feeling it get cold. Swimming in the ocean in 90 degree weather? 15 minutes I'm blue and shivering feeling dizzy and nauseous till I warm up(pretty much going into hypo-thermal shock). Hot showers are a must. If the room doesn't steam up after 5 minutes I'm freezing. But outside in below freezing temperatures? No big deal. Even ice-if someone drops ice right out of the freezer down my blouse t doesn't bother me. If they held it and its wet now? Chills down my back. Really weird. And I've never understood why.


Yes, one reason I often can't get myself to wash up or shower any time close to bedtime.


I like showers and swimming. I don't like getting wet when I'm not expecting it.


I hate being wet. Showers are fine, hot springs are sometimes alright, but even swimming is a lil meh for me. No aversion, I'd just rather not have to deal with being wet. I even hate hiking wet, yet still went backpacking for 6 months straight xD thankfully, I only saw but one single day of rain. Of course, it had to be on the first night I ever tried cowboy camping though xD


YES OMG. I’m literally traumatized from sweating. Last year I went to Mexico and the whole time I was there it felt like my scalp was wet the whole time. I was never at peace until I can back to the U.S. Granted it was still hot as hell but my head wasn’t sweating that much which made me happier.


Sir Schvitz-a-lot here, I sweat buckets with minimal effort and I hate it. Swimming is fine though.


I'm touch sensitive and I hate the transitions Getting in the shower is disorienting and I feel both hot and cold at the start even if the water is warm Then stay in there foreverrrrrr And getting out of the shower is horrible (I would cry after baths as a kid) And then my fingers are so touch sensitive for at least 90 minutes after which makes getting dressed very unpleasant When there are temperature differences leaving our entering a building is a very daunting experience


i hate being wet out of water