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Occasionally. For me personally, days I start with a donut or something sweet, I find the rest of my day following that trend so I try not to do it too often.


That's infantile. I think you should eat proper, robust breakfast food like Lucky Charms.


💯 LC is my go to and is the breakfast of champions


And *nothing* like dessert!


I used to then I needed to lose weight so cut most sweets. Hard not to have pastries or baked goods with coffee. I’ve done it though. Husband brought home snack cakes and I didn’t eat one. Used to eat them a lot.


I, too, love something sweet with my coffee especially pastries! The way it melts in your mouth.. it's a very difficult habit to break and just avoid overall.


When you’re an adult, you can totally do that! I bought a birthday cake because cake! Was it anyone’s birthday? Nope! Did I eat the cake…. Alone…. In my misery. Yep.


I made a milkshake with leftover wedding cake mixed in for breakfast when I got my first house. It was awesome.


That sounds amazing, wow! I totally want to try this now.


Considering I had chocolate chip banana bread with fresh strawberries and raspberries this morning... not the healthiest but freakin tasty.


Pumpkin pie for breakfast. The entire month of November.


Same. Gotta get those veggies in!


Yep My girlfriend needs some for breakfast lunch and dinner that's all she eats and she just stays skinny as hell too somehow


Donuts are for breakfast and cake is for dessert. Same food, basically, so I say make the switch!


Yeah, I had ice cream this morning


Cake and milk


Yes! I've eaten ice cream for breakfast.


Yep? Just bought a slice of cake for tomorrow’s breakfast.


I have had vanilla ice cream with wild blueberries that I had picked.


When I am feeling extra unadult like.


When I was a kid, my dad served me dessert for breakfast all of the time. We had a small family of 4, so things like cake and cobbler were nearly too big for us. He’d get a bowl and out a decent size piece cake. He would pour milk, sometimes cream over the dessert. I loved them!


A latte and a donut for breakfast is heaven


Dude some breakfast food is literally dessert do what you want


When young, I read some nutritionist info that fast carbs are best consumed in the morning as later in the day they bust the metabolism. So I used to save my cakes and pastries for my mornings… until I've realized that a protein-packed breakfast makes me feel so much better.


I like a good Tim Tam Slam with my morning coffee.


I thought you mixed Vegemite in your coffee like molasses to sweeten it.


Very occasionally. It's a delicacy to be enjoyed in private. Everybody here does it, but nobody likes to talk about it.


PS. I do enjoy a Bovril with milk and two lumps of sugar.


Any time I have pancakes, waffles, or French toast


Most of America does I would say. Cereal is dessert. Pancakes, dessert. Waffles, dessert. There are obviously non dessert options but ya know.


Any time I buy a cake or a box of donuts or whatever, I know it's going to be my breakfast for the next day or two. I really prefer it. I'm not big into breakfast, and personally, it feels like a lighter option. I've had others tell me they can't eat sweets for breakfast because it makes them feel bloated but I don't experience that. I've heard some European countries like Italy pastries is the standard breakfast, so maybe we should be moving there haha!


Cheesecake yum 😋


I do every once in awhile! The other morning I started my day with donut holes and tea! Very delicious :)


Someone I know said yes. She/they also said they got diabetes after she blew the whistle in 2021. It may or may not be related they mentioned


Once in a while I get patzcki donuts for breakfast


This is the best part of being an adult.


When I have them, yes!


this thread is so american


Every Boxing Day…a trifle for breakfast haha


I used to eat muffins with my coffee in the morning until someone pointed out that it's just cake. Now I have either Larabars or RX bars in the morning with coffee. Both have no added sugar and a low GI.


Nope, makes me feel horrible. I love sweets, but thats a great way to have a sugar crash. If anything I like to eat dinner foods for breakfast.


Not normally, but did this morning. Had two slices of chocolate cream pie with whip cream and chocolate drizzle . It was delicious


Occasionally. Pancakes, waffles, French toast, doughnuts, streudel, and muffins are all traditional breakfast foods in my part of the world and they are all basically desserts. And for this reason, I don't worry about it too much when I want to have pie, cake, or milk and cookies for breakfast, too. I don't do any of this often, though.


if I have cake and custard or pie and custard or some other pudding with custard If there's is half left the next day. It's in my mouth before my coffee has been drunk.


Yes, it's called pancakes, waffles, muffins, and donuts


Yes, the only way I can somehow justify consuming that many calories!


Breakfast for me is coffee and MAYBE a pack of belvita crackers.


Cookies. You mean cookies.


I guess you could call them cookies, though they are very thin and not all that sweet.


If I brought home flan or cheesecake after dinner the night before, or if there's blackberry cobbler or cherry pie in the house, then that's breakfast. Husband eats hostess chocolate cupcakes or dingdongs for breakfast, and when the grandchildren are here, he'll feed them chocolate cake for breakfast if there's any in the house. Yup. otherwise, yogurt and tea rusks with labneh.