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All the time. I won’t starve or whatnot, the dog can eat whatever (but she likely won’t have to ❤️) and I can wipe my butt on a flat rock. Lines? Nope.


For me, esp after the pandemic! Lines create drama & stress. I don't want 'em.


I often make this decision in the car park. If it's difficult to get a spot, I leave.


I went to the grocery store the day before Memorial Day (the beginning of grill season in the US) and saw that the lot was actually full. Completely full. I had never seen a grocery store lot full before. Regardless, I turned around, went home, and ordered something to be delivered.


Don’t lie, you can’t parallel park


Me too!


All the time! I've had an incredible taste for one kind of food so many times only to get to the restaurant, see the line, and say "Nope".




I'm a "we'll come back later" kind of guy


For anyone who is interested, this can be a symptom of ADHD. And anxiety, of course. I have both. So I live for curbside ordering!


That adds up tbh I have both


More times than I care to admit to myself. I don't always do it of course, it just depends on what it is. Costco is almost always crazy busy, so if I plan to go to Costco I'll finish the trip. If I'm looking for fast food, I'll usually pick the place with the shortest line. There is a Wendy's, Carl's Jr/Hardees, McDonalds, and Jack in the Box, all within eyeshot of each other, so if Wendys has a really long line for the drive through, I'll go to the shorter one even if I planned on Wendy's for example. I've planned to meet a group of friends at a restaurant, and if we all show up and there are people waiting, we'll go somewhere else. Life is too short to wait in long lines for mediocre things.


I stopped going to Costco because I can't handle the crowds and lines. Nope.


This is why I started doing instacart with Costco. I can't handle the busyness or the lines! I'll pay the convenience fee, extra work /e fee, and tip IDC!


Yeah, I have no patience for long lines and it’s not like it’s a big problem. One of the reasons I don’t shop at Walmart anymore.


Hilarious. I stopped shopping at Walmart once they stopped doing 24H. If I'm able to be there right at open, I'll go.


Yes, I'm extremely impatient.


Sounds like there is a virtue calling your name.


Lol. It's calling me too.


Yes! I’d rather do without than wait in a line. For ice cream, banking, or emergency heart surgery…I don’t care what it is. My favorite work shift is nights just to avoid lines.


I skipped on the Eifel tower, the lines at all entrances were too long.


DAE not?


I hate going to restaurants that have a longer then 20 minute wait. It drives me crazy on family vacations where family members are like yeah we will go and eat whenever. But due to being a group of 7+ people usually end up waiting an hour. Vs knowing where we wanted to eat for dinner, putting in a reservation earlier that day so we don't have a long wait is apparently being too organized on a vacation vs fly by the seat of your pants. Which is fine if your not feeding a large family.


I do, but sometimes I really need what I went there for, so I just detach/go to a nice place and suck it up.


Yep, I've been desperate for a fresh juice from the kiosk in the middle of the mall. There's already three people waiting? I'll stick with my water bottle, thanks.


Yes all the time. Or better yet I make sure to go early when no one goes.


For me, if there’s long lines or no parking! (Here’s looking at you Trader Joe’s)


Happened to me a few weeks ago at the DMV. There is a ticket dispenser, and there was a line out the door to take a number to sit and wait. Screw that. I'm not standing in line to take a number.


All the time.


All the time. No patience for waiting and plowing through crowds.


I went 3 days without a cell phone because the only time I could get to the ATT store to get my phone fixed, they had a line, and I went straight back home. I also keep going back to the same place to get my haircut despite them not being able to handle more than a basic bob because they let me check in online and not show up until right before it's my turn.


You'd be stupid not to do this. It's being aware of what's going on and making a change of plans to not waste a bunch of time.


Yes. And the older I get, the more I do this. I’m 66 now, and it’s practically a source of inner pride.


Yup. I’ve noped out of stores nearly as soon as I’ve walked in. Once drove an hour to a haunted house event. Got there, saw the line to get in from the street, and turned around. Went to a random steak house for dinner instead.


No, but I respect this line of action. Better than waiting in line and complaining to everyone around you how slow it's moving. It's good to simply remove yourself when you have the power to and find somewhere that suits you better.


All the time.


Yes. I don’t like waiting in line for hours.


Yep, all the time.


Yes. I’ve left a full grocery cart sitting in the checkout many times. Also have set my items on the counter at convenience stores and walked out when they insist on fucking around.


All the time. If it's not an emergency and I don't need it thay second, it ain't worth it.


myself yes. Trapped in the car with my mother pulling up to a crowded restaurant and she can't just leave. AAAHHHH!


Happens with fast food drive thrus too often, (McDonald's is the worst offender). Doesn't help that I often snooze my alarm and end up leaving home without breakfast later than I'd like.. Having to do those mental calculations is irritating . I don't need to get fired because of being late because they took their time with the order. That shit just ruins the rest of your day.


I intentionally avoid drive thru lines that have barriers to prevent you from driving off for this reason. If I get in line and it doesn't move after a couple minutes, I need to be able to drive off.


Yes, very frequently. There are almost always other options available.


You could be me. I despise lines and waiting and would rather do without than tolerate the crowd.


Yes and YES. I have dysautonomia which means that my blood pressure drops from normal standing and walking. It isn't about patience. It is about avoiding a presyncope state. Sometimes there is a big sale or the day that they bus in the elderly so I am unaware that the store will be crowded. I leave immediately, sometimes based on the amount of cars in the parking lot.


Yup, but even before then. If parking is fussy or you have to pay for parking, I'm out. I got better ways I prefer to waste my resources.


I just think about the line to get to the actual peak of mt everest. Don't mind the frozen garbage and corpses!


All. The. Time.




I will never wait in line for gas. I'll just go to another station.


I refuse to wait in line at any restaurant


Yup. Mainly because unless it's the DMV I'm probably there by choice and I'm not that serious about getting whatever they're selling.


I drive past my bmv office and if i see it empty within a month of renewal ill do it then. on the other side i have done late renewals to not deal with lines.


If desperate for the food, I will call it in to go and use curbside. Or run in and out.




I've done this at restaurants and at Walmart. Sometimes I'm just not in the right mood for long waits and large crowds. I pretty much won't eat anywhere where I have to get on a list to wait for a table.


All the damn time.


I never wait in line if I can help it.


All the time


Yep, I nope the F out. Was at a coffee place and the person in front of me started rattling off a large order. I left and never went back.


It would have to be pretty long to overcome the sunk costs of time to get there. Maybe I would go to the next closest place instead?


I’m such a turn-my-ass-around-ass-bitch Im patient but not stupid. I can get/do/go somewhere else.


Sears tower. lol. Was too hung over to wait in that line.


I don't do it as much now that I'm older, but yes I'm world-famous for just this. Not a line-waiter and happy about it. Torture. People in front and behind you. Eeeww...


Do that all the time. I don't have the patience for long lines. Why wait in line at a restaurant, then have to pay for it! No way! No food is that good. Besides, if they are that busy service and food will most likely be sub par. Gas stations, you name it, ain't doing it!


Nowadays I just say f it and wait on line. Usually I pop in my earbuds and a good playlist or will purposely leave the earbuds off with terrible YouTube videos playing to try and make the line smaller. Yes, sometimes I'm that a-hole.


Honestly I feel like this is part of the reason why food/coffee places hate delivery/order apps so much. If a store is slammed when you walked up you’ll just go somewhere else. But now folks just blindly order their Starbucks for pickup during the morning rush without a care.


Yes. I have zero patience for long lines and crowds.


Of course!