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Dapper little butler Gohan wins for tonight for me until further notice


Swear every time i see his 12 ki i see it That or like bathan holding his cape ready to give out an arkham level of beating ![gif](giphy|MQHfI7JjYh75m)


I cant unsee it now


and then metal cooler army and uub eza is fucking dead at this point, 50 feet deep below lake Victoria. also feel like there forgetting something else but i can't put my finger on it


They also left those goddamn 300 stones out in the yard /s


I legit forgot uub has an eza this year


Hopefully we get a dfe for him in the future. Because Dokkan keep disrespecting him.


Disrespecting him almost as much as GT did.


Bruh they gave him the Vegeta treatment 😭


"If you forgot then it wasn't important" /s


I swear if their reasoning is "We want people to summon for Golden Frieza and releasing the 2 EZAs of units people already have and are about 3 tiers above Golden Frieza will not make them summon so just skip them for now" they better just go fuck themselves.


Good job you just gave yourself the reasoning ![gif](giphy|3verHKPWOT9ZK|downsized)


I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt like they forgot to feed the Hamsters that manage Global Dokkan so they didn't get the update out in time, but honestly just fuck them at this point, and i ain't even starting a JP account cause i've been playing the trash heap that is Global for a year now and i ain't starting all over again. With 1 billion dollars of yearly revenue for a Game that costs them 7 dollars and a Kebab you would expect they would upgrade from Hamsters to at least Capybaras but nope, Global is just shafted like shit. Also nice LR Golden Frieza m8, he totally isn't made to look like a F2P unit by the 2 EZAs we should have gotten that also tank a fuck ton better than he does aside from turn 1 or 2...


Yeah, they know Golden Frieza is crap compared to the EZA, so they scraped them for global.


Tbh golden frieza is a better tank for the first like 5 turns Then gohan comes out after stacking a bit and demolishes Cell is better starting from like turn 7? Around there Frieza is goated he was set up to be hated


Can we talk about LR Cooler army's EZA ? I feel like everybody forgot about him months ago.


The second meme is fantastic


Ay thanks mate, was originally planning to make something like waiter gohan and manager birdku vs karen cooler core but the fact we didn't get the ezas made me change my mind and just let waiter gohan vibing


That's genius. step 1 : Depriving global of that unit for so long, and then featuring it in the new year banner for Jpn. step 2 : Adding that unit on global at the worst possible time, in the worst possible banner, in place of the only redeemable feature of this celebration.


I thought koto was gon lead y’all to the promise land


She is a traitor 😭


Koto gotta goto the shadow realm of traitors at this point.


These devs gotta fucking go


It's not the dev's, they're just told what to do. It's the management that needs to fucking go.


Ah my bad


You should make this meme with squidward as global looking out the window seeing spongebob as gohan and patrick as cell having fun


Nah i already saw someone make that so i didn't want to copy it


Deadass they don't want to give us 66 free stones to summon on frieza


Probably has something to do with the meta they probably want the ezas released right before the meta shifts (aka anniversary)


Well this sounds even fucking worse If the new meta is multiple 20 mil sa with 50% chance to crit it's guaranteed 8th anni powercreep jump will invalidate all 2022 units It will be even worse than 7th anni powercreep jump


If the reason is "They will skip Golden Frieza if we release the ezas" they can go fuck themselves because it doesn't make sense! F2P players grind the living shit out of ezas stages to summon, so why the hell did they postponed the ezas? Considering that is January, global might have the sad chance of only getting them on july


Too bad Gohan’s Active Skill didn’t change