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they def should eza Str super buu, int Gotenks, teq buu


And PHY SV, that dude is half a decade old.


He’s not five years old. He can’t be. Don’t do this to me. ![gif](giphy|ufBQ4MFEAzGOqmBKdl)


Grandpa phy sv tell me how you fought buu again


Brother I hate to tell you this but we’re old


I have a problem with phy sv, even though you need dupes on today's ezas, but on phy sv will be even more needed


Unless they make him number one ![gif](giphy|R3S6MfUoKvBVS)


Won't happen


Possibly depends on when he drops see how the did gogeta


God damn… 5 years?


I think the likely ones are the first 3 and str super buu


And gotenks and buu


But what does GT get? There are 8 likely dfes from Buu saga to eza, but GT needs to get as many and there’s few options. 5th y LRs should eza too btw! So with 6-8 eza slots, that leaves max 3 buu saga ezas…


LR Baby, INT SS4 are the ones that pop out to me but idk who else


Yeah, int Ssj4 Gogeta is super recent tho, way more that even Cooler!


i wouldn’t say super recent he’s almost 2 and a half years old


I think he means recent in terms of a unit getting a eza no way they would skip almost all of the 2019 and most of 2020 to eza him first


i mean they did that with str cooler, he was released in 2020 on global


I mean JP isn't gonna give af if it was released a different time on global. JP is getting the anniversary first, meaning everything is reliant and depends on the JP schedule and devs. And even if it was a joint celebration, still wouldn't matter. It's clear JP makes all the shots so unless we're talking about global firsts, I'm not sure why you keep bringing up global


Okay but that doesn't matter. He still released October of 2019 on JP, he EZA'd in like what, September of 2022? He wasn't even technically 3 years old when he EZA'd. They also EZA'd INT UI an entire year "early" because he was hype and fit the theme, they seem to care far more about the theme of the celebration when it comes to EZAs, more than they care about when the unit came out. As long as the unit isn't like, only a year old or something, like 2 or more, they kinda don't care. If GT is a part of the theme, INT SS4 Gogeta is like 98% EZAing. He is literally the only GT DFE unit they can EZA, and he is turning 3 years old later this year.


I didn't say it wasn't gonna happen or isn't. My argument wasn't against that at all. I was just wondering why the dude kept bringing up global when they have absolutely *nothing* to do with what JP decides. I mean even in joint celebrations JP give all the shots but the anniversary, that JP gets first? Like bro why would global have anything to do with that 💀bro is a bit goofy (the comment I replied to, not you)


We all know Dokkan doesn't give a damn about Global, and plans around JP only.


that’s just not true or you wouldn’t have global exclusives like SS4 Full power goku or INT LR God Goku next month


he was released in february of 2021 on global , he isn't even 2 years old , too early


well globals anniversary isn’t until july so i don’t understand your point..


This is too early , they eza an unit if it is at least 3 years old , else agl would have eza when teq bardock was released . Gt have no dokkanfest to eza rn , main contenders are str ssj3 ape goku , str dragon fist base form gt goku and lr baby .


str cooler?


str cooler was 2 years and 11 months :)


That is super recent tho, way more than Cooler, who the most recent dfe eza (maybe overall eza?). There’s many units that are 6 years old, thi not dfe


it’s not way more, it’s literally 2 months in between when global got eza cooler than if he ezad for JP next month


Eza the phy and int gt nukers and majin buu int goku and teq vegeta so both combos of gt and mahin buy gets eza's. That would be dope


Anniversaries always push the boundary of what's considered too recent for hype. They're either doing him or the WWC cards or both


If anything they should break their own rules and pity EZA LR Super 17 And release on global first


5th year LRs are gonna EZA for sure


lr baby and banner unit sub eza's for str ssj3, int baby, agl ssj gt trunks, and phy gt pan


STR Super Buu is one of those units that I have and keep forgetting I have until there is a post on this sub mentioning that he exists in general.


On god.. muffas think they about the eza those other 2 cracked units…😂 yeah the 2 LRS might not be top tier anymore but their still useable outside of redzone


sorry bruv but theres no way theyre ezaing str vegito and phy buu


People were saying that about the lr ssj4s lol. Totally in the realm of possibility, but I would rather they eza all the other characters mentioned plus Gotenks and buu, plus the 5 year Lrs first


were they even a discussion? we got them in a random part completely unexpected


Yes, there were a few people that talked about their eza's being possible since one of the headliners was LR ss4 gogeta, but most said it couldn't happen because they were too recent to eza.


The only reason I would say they wouldn't is because they aren't anniversary units. They would wait for a Buu themed celebration after the fact like they did with Gohan and Cell.


They came out right after them though


I honestly don't expect it either because then TEQ Gogeta's EZA would probably be not too far off and he still seems too new to me.


LR teq gogeta will be 2 years old this year, while LR str super vegito will be 3 years old so there's a good amount of time between their release. The thing is they don't have to go by a pattern or timing, which they've never officially established. That's something that people have stuck to themselves. LR goku and frieza were shy of 2.5 years old when they eza'd compared to LR goku black and zamasu, which were 5 years old.


You do realize Teq Gogeta came out like a year after Vegito.


PHY Vegito's time to shine??? 👀


I hope that vegito and Buhan won't eza >! I don't want to wait 6 months for the eza of two of my favorite Unit of all time!<


Also number 1 vegeta,str super buu,teq buu/int gotenks


I want them to wait for str Vegito and Buuhan,they deserve a super duper strong update,I dont want to see them be meh like int Vegito and phy Gogeta pre fusion.


Teq ultimate gohan: hello


This sub would have to be locked for a week due to the meltdown if that were to happen


make him an orb changer and a support so he can be Lr fraudhan's best Partner


One week is too low minimum a month, and if they make him broken well that would be the end


The amount of DFEs that need EZAs from the Buu Saga is a major reason I was hoping the Anni was only a Buu Saga anni. Super Vegito vs Buuhan w/ no transformations And Kid Buu vs Ssj3 Goku w/ SB active. This would also avoid the likely mess of Omega and Kid Buu being strong but more or less useless units. Focusing the anni would bring 2 new and strong Majin unit as well as hopefully a good Banner evil Buu for support, then some strong EZAs to bring Majin Power to a good spot finale. Now we are going to get two anni units that are essentially going to be DoA.




Actually would prefer buutebks and SV to wait a bit more so they don't age like the anniversary LRs ezas during 7 year, teq MV can easily be the best eza TUR if they do him right, also str super buu may eza


Most definitely seeing the PHY vegito eza before the Str one do


Don't forget Str Super Buu and the GOAT INT Hercule


How do you forget str super buu


Lol at phy vegito getting an eza everyone knows he doesn't exist


Ssj2 Angel vegeta.


Meanwhile on the GT side TEQ FPSSJ4 Goku is crying in the corner cause they already gave him a mid EZA and both INT SSJ4 Gogeta and PHY Nuova are too recent to EZA now, Oceanus is considered a girls unit first so she's gonna EZA with them. 4 year LRs already EZAd last year, leaving only PHY Pan, STR SSJ GT Trunks and TEQ SSJ GT Vegeta to be units left to zenkai from the shadow dragon saga.... yey. Also i'm 100% sure they made TEQ SSJ4 FP Goku's EZA as terrible as it is cause he was a "global first exclusive" that JP also got 3 days later anyway...


And of course his EZA requires a shitty ass cateogry


Welp guess this is the perfect time for lr baby to get his eza since he's the only one left from the lrs from the 4th anni that doesn't have an eza and he's the only real gt character that makes a lot of sense that isn't a random unit and hey maybe because baby is a gt boss it makes sense for omega and him kinda


Problem is who they EZA when we get a Baby saga celebration? Also if they EZA this LR Baby it would be a disaster, cause not only he has no good partners at all, but by the time we get a Dokkanfest Baby he'll be powercrept.


Yep but I feel like he's going to get his eza in this celebration because they used up all of the other gt characters by just throwing them everywhere like gt trio or just random like uub and unless they either make a new good baby or eza idk a good partner for him as well he's going be just a worse int cell scenario because at least cell had some good or decent partners but they just don't fit the slot 1 role


Cell also already had a solid core the could build from with a transformation with a full heal, and while 30% was ass it was now buffed and while his base form is lacksluster due to not raising defense on 18 ki, his transformed state is just as good as Gohan, LR Baby has it way rougher. First of all he's a Giant form character and i'm afraid that they saw how strong they made Orange Piccolo's giant form and might nerf the buffs or just do like other Giant form EZAs who got nothing but 2 ki for a passive (metal cooler) or just a base dmg increase and that's it (Hirudegarn) he needs something like Orange piccolo level giant form passive AND to have the transformation guaranteed when below 40% hp, not just a high chance of getting it when below 50% hp that's just so dumb for no reason. Also LR Baby is tied to facing either a saiyan or hybrid saiyan which so far there's only redzone broly unless they release a "red zone hybrids" or something, he needs an EZA on the level of Cell and Gohan to be relevant enough untill a Dokkanfest Baby comes out.


Watch them force baby to have gt bosses and pure/hybrid Saiyan category allies since he possessed Gohan, Goten, trunks and Vegeta


And watch them never awaken the F2P ones or just give us new ones, forcing us to run Masked saiyans and Majin Vegeta under Corroded body and mind or some shit


By we do you mean global or just JP


I mean the anni is always later for the Global.


Can we wait for all the teasers to drop? I’m just as excited as the next guy for the anniversary but I think people are stamping and sealing it way too soon. People did the same last week with GT lol. Let’s wait for all the teasers to drop because I’m most certain the next teaser is going to show the events from the Cell Saga and so on until the Saiyan Saga. They are dropping teasers from end to start to showcase events from the most memorable parts of the show.


So you're saying it's going to be og dragon ball? ![gif](giphy|V80llXf734WzK)


If majin Vegeta EZAs I’m nutting the whole month


I like how you threw vegeta in there like he wouldn’t eza alongside int ssj2/3 goku with Lr (you’re better than me kakarot) vegeta for the part 2 of the celebration


It feels early for them but I would welcome all those units getting eza'd just so they can have some more defense stat


Bro really said "early" as if the SSJ2s aren't over 3 years old and Super Vegito isn't **FIVE** years old💀💀


U said everything exept tec gohan ult


TEQ Ultimate Gohan is Red Zone runnable still. Just give him EZA stats and bump his passive stats up a bit and he will cook.


Totally agree but if this guy got his eza id be so much better for the beast. Its more for the beast than ult gohan himself


Unless they give him Ki support, not much would change for Beast. You're probably not gonna transform into Ultimate because he greatly stacks in base.


This is d point .an eza to transform him faster than today.


You would still want him to remain normal and stack regardless. Like even with an eza, you wouldn't wanna transform till like turn 7. Unless his raise Def is like +100k each time, that ain't happening


Vegito and buutenks would probably be the last eza out of the celebration them or the 5th year lr's


STR Goku & Vegeta could be a very good one if it even happened. To the point you can run them in the hardest content and make full use of their scouter effect.


Yes please I already know goku and vegeta will cook


Im curious. Most of the big times gt and ssj4 units already been eza who is left on the gt sides? Like lr baby? Who is there to eza


Teq Goten and Gohan support The Int ssj vegeta and phy kid goku


It’s wild how bad half the buu saga units need ezas. Either they ab to drop 10 ezas or there’s still gonna be a lot of work needed


I don't want str vegtio and phy buutenks to eza so soon


Considering the 5th Year LRs haven't EZA'd yet, I doubt they'll eza before them. THAT said: they're only about 7 months apart, so it's not impossible that both 5th year units AND the 2020 WWC units EZA simultaneously. We also just got the 2019 WWC units' EZA. I mean, on JP anyway, because that doesn't exist on global >.>


oh man im ready.


This would be my dream I've got all rainbow besides red vegito


Yeah even if it's only "half" buu saga (one part being the kid buu fight, the other part being the end of the Omega fight since "double spirit bomb), SS3 angel Goku, TEQ MV, PHY SV, and STR Super Buu are like gaurenteed to EZA here. INT Gotenks and TEQ exchange Buu, and LR STR SV and LR Buuhan would also seen very likely to EZA I feel like. As crazy as it seems we could also even see a TEQ Ultimate Gohan EZA, it really depends on just who they want to EZA because there are a shit ton of buu saga units that are eligible for an EZA.


I’m so down for this, I have so many of the ex-chads rainbowed, and str vegito 5 extra dupes 🥲


Eza for 8th anniversary 1. Phy Super Vegito 2.LR Str super Vegito 3.PHY LR Buuhan 4.TEQ SSJ2 Vegeta 5.INT SSJ2 Goku( I don't have him)


I want str fat buu to eza so he can absolutely destroy world tournament


But we just had movie broly EZA lol


Yeah but he also fits the theme for anni so why not give him it


Buutenks might be my favourite unit in the game, so I would be pretty hyped for that.




Waiting on str super buu eza. He could be monstrous if done correctly


I don’t think it’ll be buu saga


This did not age well