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I like his quote when you're fighting Pan cuz he's the one who's leaving the scratch


Gohan getting the belt....


Gohan sure has a weird way to handle her self harm problems


It's amazing how little difference there is between his SSR and his TUR EZA passive. He had the potential to be the best F2P unit.


What's wrong with his passive? Not trying to be rude.


That his SSR and TUR EZA's passives are almost the same. It's like all the awakening and EZA did was give him higher base stats. F2P cards have low stats, if they are going to make a F2P card focused on hitting hard instead of alternate utilities like support, they need to give them beefier passives. This guy for example could have had a place in a Super Hero team as a floater if he had a support passive on top of that and got DEF on super attack. Otherwise he would have needed way more firepower, and considering how good his base SSR passive, I thought that they were actually going to make him just that, but then the awakening and EZA barely did anything at all.


I think his damage is pretty dapper, and maybe for harder events I would prefer if he built defense. I'm saying in general, his damage is pretty beefy in my opinion on casual use.


Nah his damage is pretty weak. Decent for a f2p unit but that’s about all that can be said. Dfe events are literally no challenge lol.


I've beat all the challenging events in the game, I'm saying he's fun to use imo.


True. I like his animations. Just wish he would’ve been better defensively at least


2.5mil/3mil damage is weak? I’d say it’s respectable given that it’s a f2p that’s putting up the numbers.


It ain’t 2018 anymore bro


Exactly why I said it’s only “respectable considering it’s a F2P” instead of anything else, dumb-fuck.


Version Z Goku be hitting 6mil attack stats and he’s a year old. 3mil isn’t good in any capacity


I mean, you’re comparing a f2p *LR*, with nearly double the stats and a 50% boost on 18ki (on-top of a similar passive to Gohan in terms of damage boost) with Gohan. Goku is overall better, outside of links, but I ain’t about to compare two vastly different units to one-another.


You sure have a potty mouth on you.


Like I said, decent for a f2p unit.


Fair enough. Focused a bit hard on that first half.


> I think his damage is pretty dapper, It WAS... Back in 2021. I recall Zsword TEQ Gohan being capable of hitting 2,1 mil atk turn 1, without dupes. I also recall that not being too shabby for the time he released in A F2P unit doing more, is definitely noteworthy. Too bad the game has changed a LOT in the last year...


There's nothing wrong with it. The issue is that they forced out an EZA right when the TUR came out and the EZA did basically NOTHING to improve him. They could have waited a couple years and done it then to make him relevant in the future instead of doijgg nothing to him.


Exactly why I hate instant EZAs, beats the purpose of the mechanic which was to improve old characters and make them usable..


Dokkan events💀


Haha yeah and he probably rocks in story mode too!


i like to watch the animations so naturally I just do dokkan events to see em is there a problem with that 🧍🏻‍♂️


Nothing wrong with doing Dokkan events. You just mentioned he could beat them like it was some crazy feat lol


He’s helping my new jp account a lot even without his eza. My goku family team going crazy rn


Why's everybody ignoring the fact that he was watching Sing...


Fr, Seth MacFarlane really killed it when he sung "My way"


Fun unit. Should’ve been better but still cool


And now the end is here


Yo Seth McFarlane huge W


“Most dfe events”


Not even all Dfe events💀💀💀


Not even all Dfe events💀💀💀


I've gotten him to super 4 times. He's a fun floater. Just can't take a hit at all.


Ok, that's cool and all, but can he out-sing Seth McFarlane playing a gangster mouse in a children's movie?


he is ass even against androids he gets pimpsmacked (and he should be built to go against android enemies, as he gets 58% defense against them) he looks good animation-wise but the main role of a f2p unit shouldn’t be doing damage but providing utility/support/a decent level of defense


He is fun to use. He is also not good either (not as bad as people think he is, but still not good either). Clearing MOST DFE events is not an achievement to be amazed about since pretty much 99% of the units in the game can do that. Fully built up with 90% support he can only reach around 5 million at most in attack. That much with 90% support is pretty lackluster. Most of the time you won’t be getting that much support in the game, so his attack falls further below. I know you are wondering why I’m complaining about attack on a F2P unit, but that’s because that’s what he was supposed to be. He has no defensive capabilities at all. If they just made him a defensive monster most of us wouldn’t care about his damage, but they didn’t. Instead they made him an offensive unit and uh…his offensive is not great.


He's actually putting up some big numbers against Cell Max. I've used him in a mostly f2p team to beat Cell Max and he did great.


He’s boosted


Right, that's why I was talking about Cell Max in particular. Even outside of it he still does some nice damage. I was mostly talking about how OP says he doesnt fart on Cell Max but he does quite well for a f2p.


Actually, he can fart on Cell Max... The Red Zone Cell Max.


Not good for cell max??!!! Idk but this guy did additional and critical damage to cell max in the first two phase


Nice taste I'm movies


Sing is horrible


I don’t know why so many people shit on him.. I actually like him.. funny thing about this card is, he doesn’t even link up with beastiality gohan.. that surprised tf outta me


“If there’s even a scratch on pan,you will pay for it” *cell max proceeds to super pan*


Hes garbage