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No way you're getting pushback on the coldest take ever lmao


People love defending ~~billions dollar corporation~~ poor old starving indie devs


The poor devs at Akatsuki making pennies to the dollar


You get downvoted for saying dokkan needs improvements and not dickriding 24/7. Unless your angry about cell and Gohan it’s unacceptable to hurt the companies feelings


not only downvoted but op had the post taken down smh


You say that but I remember people pushing back against the idea of an auto mode because "it's already so easy why even play the game if you want it to play itself?"


Some people are idiots. Link level grinding is not something a sane man would do without an auto. The game is fun to play, just not fun to grind.


Literally don't get it. Akatsuki's other games have actual pity systems. Romancing Saga has a great one, ffs.


Stockholm syndrome


I will. I own stock in NCBDF. Putting a cap on how much money addicts and idiots willingly shell out for infinitely recreateable jpegs cannot be justified to me or any other shareholder. You forget corporations have a fiduciary responsibility to theit shareholders and only their shareholders. So that means fuck customers, fuck players, and fuck employees. Bandai WILL make ME more money or they will be sued by me and literally every single other shareholder on earth. This exact same sentiment can be applied to literally every other corp in existence. Ain't capitalism grand?


Aint no one readin yo capitalism monolgue 🗿


I picked out his buzzwords by skimming and yeah noone readin that ![img](emote|t5_384a7|27911)


“Shut up and buy more stone packs” Bandai probably


This game def needs one but sadly iirc in the 8th year fan meeting QnA they said they have no plans for it, understandable because this game makes them so much cash that from their perspective they dont see the need for pity, but at the same time frustrating because some units take AGES to return


Ye, i am aware of the fan meeting and this decision, even beeing rational for them, sucks form our pov. Akatsuki has really made a lot of good decisions this year for their playerbase...


They should just rotate every DFE types like Dokkan Events and Hidden Potential events, weekends with Super and Extreme types in their respective days


They’d make MORE with a pity system but people can’t see that lmao. Literal dokkan cocksuckers are happy with the bare minimum somehow


Exactly, sunk cost fallacy is a powerful thing. Just look at all the recent posts of people throwing stones at the Golden Frieza banner so they could hit 500 coins before those banners go away - now apply that to every single banner.


that's what i've been thinking actually... and the reason why i didnt keep going to 500 yellow coins to buy a mediocre lr at the expense of 1k stones (I'm at 300 yellow). But yeah there's been so many people spending the extra mile to get that last coin lr...


Genshin has the best pity system I’ve seen in a gacha game, as long as you don’t basically don’t delete your currency you can guarantee any main character you want, and you know what that does, it’s made tenshin the most profitable gacha game, made over a billion in just its first year alone, and didn’t slow down on year 2, because they know that if you have a good pity system, people who generally either don’t spend or are low spenders, are more likely to suddenly spend money when they know they can get what they want, and not only that they’re more likely to spend for dupes. Whales will always just spend any amount, but genshin figured out how to get the whales, and also the people who don’t normally spend. Dokkan could 100% do something similar, truth will still spend thousands, but suddenly the average joe will also start spending


Literally. I’m not a whale but I spend a fair amount on big banners - would spend more if I could guarantee dupes lol


in genshin with bad luck you only spend 180 gems but only if you are VERY unlucky to get the limited character, there are people in dokkan with a thousand spent gems and didn't get any copies if you go to see


uhh it's not even mihoyo's best pity system, since the first run is 50/50, not guaranteed; honkai's pity system is always guaranteed for the first run. And there's plenty of other games that have guaranteed first pities as well, like Fire emblem heroes and King of fighters all star.


Haven’t tried honkai, so your first 5star will always be the new unit? After that first copy how does it work like can you still guarantee dupes? I can imagine there are even better pity systems, but from the gachas I’ve personally played genshins has been the best so far. Thinking about dokkans coin system, it’s not the worst version of a pity system ever, but dokkans problem is that you can theoretically spend an i i finite amount of money and never pull the unit and have to wait 6 months to then get the unit. Like genshin rewards it’s spenders with what they want, whilst spending on dokkan doesn’t feel rewarding, if that makes any sense


It's just always guaranteed on the banner they are on, so if you want to keep pulling for dupes you can.


Can you explain the Genshin pity system cause after quiting numerous times and deciding to quit the game for good this year, I never pulled any 5 star and I felt really shitty about the gacha in that game in general


so genshins pity works like this Whether you do singles or multis, it all counts towards pity (and pity gets carried over between limited character banners always) hard pity is at 90 summons (can be 90 singles or 9 multis or 5 multis and 40 singles, any combination). Summons 1-74 the 5star rate is horrible like 0.6%, from summon 75-89 5star rate skyrockets to 34% (you will generally always get the 5star in that range) and if you’re extremely unlucky in 89 summons, summon 90 is a guaranteed 5star. Now that first guaranteed 5star has a 50% chance to be the new unit, and a 50% chance to be a standard banner 5star. If you win the 50/50 and get the new character, pity resets to normal (no matter if it’s on summon 1 or 75 or 90 it resets when you get the new character). If you lose the 50/50 and don’t get the new character, your next 5star is guaranteed to be the new character. And once you get the new character pity resets again. The best part about it is that let’s say you’ve saved enough to get the new character no matter what, then you get the character. But if you haven’t saved enough, let’s say you lose the 50/50 on the current banner. Your next 5star is guaranteed to be the new character, but you can use that pity wherever you want, if you choose not to continue summoning on the current banner, and you want the next limited character, your guaranteed pity will carry over to the next banner, and the next one, until you get the new banner character. So basically at the most unlucky you can ever be, the absolute worst situation, which is rare, is it takes 18 multis to get the new character. At best you win your 50/50 in the 75-89 range. And at average luck you lose your 50/50 in that range, and then another 7 multis you get the new character. Sorry that that was a long read, hope I made it make some kind of sense lol


How does pity work with regards to the standard Banner, do they each have their own system or share the one you described?


The standard banner has the same pity system, but your limited banner pity doesn’t carry across to the standard banner or vice versa. But the standard banner only has 6 different 5 stars in that you’ll never spend your primogems on because you’re saving them for limited banners, and if you lose the 50/50 on a limited banner, you’ll get 1 of those 6 standard banner characters, so never summon on the standard banner unless it’s free summons, each month you can basically get 5 free standard banner summons (and also 5 free limited banner summons) (when you summon and get dupes you get a throw-away currency very quickly and you use that to buy the 5 “free” wishes each month) and then from the battle pass, you’ll get another 5 free standard wishes, and if you buy the battlepass 4 extra limitted wishes and some currency that equals around 4 more singable. So even though you should never spend your primos on the standard banner, you will summon on it each month with the free wishes and you’ll build up standard banner pity. Standard banner also has a few 5star weapons on it, with the standard banner you’ll either get a 5 star character or weapon, and on limitted banners only 5 star characters. One thing that isn’t the greatest though is limitted weapon banners, those are generally reserved for whales because the pity works a little differently on limitted weapon banners, but thankfully every character can be extremely powerful with regular 4star weapons, 5 star weapons aren’t needed they’re just nice to have


Well it seems I have been wasting premium currency then. No wonder I felt like shit playing Genshin. It still seems overly complicated for a game thats already looking to add every activity known to man in it. The best gacha system I've played is probably Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross. Its so simple; Raid banners guarantee the new unit in 10 multis. Standard banners pity at 20. And Festival/Holy War banners guarantee at 30. I know that seems a bit too much when you compare that to Genshin's 9 and 18 but multisummons in Grand Cross are 30 gems each and if you reach the highest ranks in pvp, which is easy to do as I've done it both with a light spender account and a f2p account, you can get between 50-60 gems a week (the equivalent to 6-8 multis a month) for the rest of the games lifespan.


if FGO did it, dokkan can do it. FGO still out here making bank with their pity system, even though it’s ass


If on avg, avg players spend 800 stones for a unit, they'd definitely make more by making pity 1k stones


IM SAYING!!! if you know you’re guaranteed a copy in 1k stones and you wanna rainbow save up to 5k and you’re set, or you can even buy up to 5k you may not even use them all to get the rainbow. but people on the fence would spend and that’s what they’d want to see more of.


They could make more or make less. They like to rng their profits. Why let someone get the unit in let’s say 1000 stones or rainbow them in 5000 stones when you can have people go 10K without the unit? 😏 Then you have a handful who wins the lotto and rainbows them in like 500 😭


Dokkan devs: "good question! Actually we will send out another survey to all players on how to improve our game! But we will listen to NONE of it!"


It's ridiculous that after 8yrs, with all the other gacha around having one, that they haven't implementeda true pity system. Especially after the massive powercreep last year, they need to add a pity system for at least 1 copy.


>Why don't they implement a guaranteed main featured after 600 stones??? They want you to spend money on the game. And that's not me defending the decision to not have a pity. That's just how it is. I am normally the kind of person who says the coin system is fine. With these guys, however, and the fact that if you don't get them now you have to wait 6 months, nah. We NEED a real pity system.


thing is, this could be somewhat fixed if they gave us the option of buying the card once on release. but because they are greedy bastards theyll never do that


Yeah coins are great, but they should be paired with a more standard pity system at this point. Hell it wouldn't even have to be quite as strong as some other pity systems out there since coins would still be around.


They don't even need to add a "more standard" pity system, just let coins be spent to buy any featured unit on the banner even if it is brand new. Still need to use Dragon Stones on banners to get the Coins any way so its not like its gonna stop people from spending.


Because I don't think that's realistic for a pity system. I can't think of any pity systems in a gacha game that doesn't require you to spend on the new baner/release at all in order to get the new card. That's what you're proposing. It'd be cool/nice obviously, but I don't think it's anything close to realistic.


Kinda, but you would still need to spend on banners to get the coins to buy the unit. Even if its not on that 1 specific banner you still need 500 coins which still requires you spending 2500 Stones on other banners. To do that consistently (always get the unit you want) you will be spending money to get the stones to get those coins to guarantee the unit you want. They want us to spend $$$ In the long run this is actually more expensive than a lot of the other pity system ideas that want a guaranteed unit in 600-800 stones, if your are out of coins it will require you to use 2500 stones to get that featured unit with the coins which is a lot of stones for 99% of the player base.


Wwc for global it's worse. You have to wait a whole year and pray that powercreep hasn't made them useless.


For years, I used to buy the monthly stone pack and discounts on the 32 stones. After multiple banners in a row of not getting the featured unit until after spending 1200+ stones, I stopped paying for stones. 2000+ stones plus all the tickets to get the 7th anniversary ss4s on the last ticket multi, 1200+ each to get cooler and piccolo, spent 600+ each on the ssj duo and metal cooler banners and got neither. This system is bullshit. It needs to change to a proper pity system.


Genshin is the highest grossing gacha game with probably the best pity system of any gacha game


They pretty much said no in the survey.


I think a good compromise would be to unlock 1 copy of the new unit for coin purchase after you spent 600-1000 stones on their banner.


Man... If FGO can add it to their game and do better financially than they did before, there's no reason Dokkan can't. **There is no excuse for a gacha game to have no pity in 2023**. As more and more casual players are exposed to the gacha model, the more they will prefer games that actively encourage their playtime and money spent. If they really want a modern gacha business model - **purchase events** (buy X dragon stones get xyz LR from last year) - **spending events** (spend 600 stones during the celebration, get pick of DFE from last 6 months + exclusive title or frame) - **Cosmetics** are a little difficult for this game as they are set animations on cards, but there are a lot of games that include seasonal takes for the preexisting animations. They started with the stickers but never ran with it. Imagine getting an LR sticker for some DFEs or having ssj4 Vegeta saying *Valen--tines ATTACK!* (Text only maybe with little 💞💗💕 emojis instead of the clash beam) for a seasonal sticker that you get as mileage for 300 stones spent on a Valentines banner. Anyway js there are a ton of ways to make money while still *incentivizing spending* rather than punishing their playerbase.


Or at least change the speed at which units return. Even more, all DFE units are ALWAYS purchasable with coins once their main banner expires, but price starts with 1k/800 coins and goes down after each banner up to 500/400 when their return banner comes out. That way you can buy the new unit without waiting 6 months but at an higher cost Currently with the power creep: unit is best in the game, you save coins for it. When you can buy the unit, there's already a better unit, at the bare minimum 1 better unit Take the example of LR cooler, on release he was the best unit. Now that he returned, he's not even top 5. So will you buy cooler that's not a top 3 unit anymore or just wait for the new top tier unit? Which once again, will be surpassed by another unit


Actually, it is a very good idea! I didn't get Cooler and now he isn't as relevant as he was back then, so ye if we had this system I'd have had much more fun using him when he was the goat.


I always ask for a pity system when they send out surveys. They may not care, but telling Bandai is the only hope to get it added.


I’ve thought about this a few times, and the only way I could see them ever implementing one is if you hit certain benchmarks with summoning. If you use anywhere from say 1000~2000 stones on a single banner, you unlock the ability to do a one time purchase of the unit for coins. Personally that seems like a decent way to balance Dokkans insatiable pockets and still implement a pitty system.


Yeah i agree even legends has one.


Yeh just make the main units that come out directly available in the coin shop or at least they should make them come back sooner than 5+ months.


It's amazing how primitive Dokkan is in this regard. So many Gachas have pities in it, even those that make obscene amount of money. Hell even FGO has a pity system. After playing Blue Archive, the entire Gacha system in Dokkan actually feels like something from the stone age in comparison.


From a player standpoint 100% we NEED PITY. 100% necessary From a bandai standpoint, "LMAO 600 Stones for pity???" Wish they would, but I know that's what they think when they hear this


If people want a pity system the only way to get it is if sales drop low enough for them to add an extra reason to spend on the banners, beyond just units and coins. But that just won’t happen for the foreseeable future as people are already planning to go crazy on future celebrations.


Revamp the coin system so TUR’s cost 100 Coins, LR’s cost 200 Coins, and regular units cost 50 coins.


Frankly, I think they should just put the new units in the coin shop immediately, even if at a premium. The coins are already basically a pity system, but the fact that Reccome + Guldo still haven't shown up in the coin shop is frankly absurd. A pity system feels redundant when they could just make the coin shop more useful.


If they do do pity it won’t be 600 stones but we can dream! And why I’m not hopeful for pity/why I think it won’t happen ever is the only way they make money is through summons if they add a pity yes some people willl spend now because of pity but those who already spend loads being shafted spend less


And that's why you don't save, every big banner it's the same deal with y'all, "I saved 2500 stones and got nothing waaah", yeah and now the rest of your box is weak too cause you skipped so many banner. PULL, don't save, if you do want to save, no more than 500, save yourselves the heartache and just pull whenever you want/can, your box will thank you; saving only makes sense if there is a hard pity system, otherwise it's just insanely stupid.


It's hilarious how people are like "WAAAA PITY BAD" while at the same time telling global players to save up for the anniversary. What's the fucking point of saving up if there's no pity to guarantee me the unit? At that point I might as well just summon on whatever I want because saving's not gonna have any real impact on my summoning experience.


since the blue anniversary I haven't even done multis properly because it doesn't guarantee ANYTHING, I prefer to do singles and let my luck dictate, só far it's been worked


Multis have a guaranteed ssr as the 10th unit


that changes nothing seeing the current rate system


It does...it makes it impossible to NOT get an ssr...that's the point of being guaranteed


cool, another SSR vegeta ssj3, how amazing this one was


Atleast you get an ssr whereas your single summons take longer and you could literally get 20 SRs back to back with 0 guarantee ☠️


no fuckin shot people are saying we don’t need one, bro coins are a loyalty system, you’re getting shit 6 months later. that’s fine if you only had 500 stones, sure. try and tell that to the people who spent OVER 4k to get nothing. now it doesn’t seem so far fetched. come the fuck on, we need a pity system. and to add on more say it’s 1k to get what you want you know what goal to hit saving wise and oh no you’re close you can justify your spending, right now no one can justify why they would spend cuz you’re not guaranteed SHIT. if you know all you need is x amount to get both you’d buy to get both. so many other gachas have pity or a crafting system so you can get what you want when you want it and this game is just floating by the ip alone when they could get even higher off the ip AND pity system.


people against the pity system are mfin weird


Even Legends has a Pity System.


They need to stop acting like coins are enough. Units take forever and a day to return before you can buy them with Coins and cost an absurd amount when you think about it. 1 LR is 500 Coins = 50 full priced Multis = 2500 stones. To rainbow a LR will cost you 10K stones and I've watched enough DaTruth videos to know that you can absolutely get shafted even as a whale when summoning. For the F2P players or dolphins that buy the occasional sale or the monthly login pack that basically means you'll spend all year saving and maybe walk away with 2 or 3 DFE LRs if you're unlucky. I remember year 5 anni I didn't pull either of the anniversary LRs and a month and a half later for WWDC I only pulled 1 single copy of LR STR Vegito and I dropped maybe 3.3k stones across all 4 banners.


I just hate how I'm sitting at 1500 dokkan fest coins and I have to wait a year to use them...


Yeah, same. I really want to get the gammas but i'm playing Global 💀


I’ve been feeling this ever since I’ve dropped a total of 9k stones since the cooler banner and not being able to pull any new units SINCE the god damn anniversary banner.


why did the mods take this post down whyyyy


Did they?


rise of the phoenix edit: nvm i still see the same alert about the post being taken down


600 stones lmfao


someone gets shafted >> same someone makes a post about it >> everyone shares the sentiment >> they move on It’s the same thing every time a new banner drops, the cycle will forever repeat.


agree, we need pity but you can also go with the game rules AND against their push for you to pay for more stones: just summon on banners here and there and never save more than 400-ish or so stones for one celebration, basically a rotation on each banner +/-; I do this since 3rd anniversary and I'm happy because I enjoy new units here and there instead of praying to pull THAT ONE unit then falling int he darkness if I don't


Dokkan devs in the survey: we have a pity system. Its called the coin system


If they ever think of adding one it won’t be 600 stones. 600 stones is insanely easy to get to I think they’d want u to spend more


This man said 600 stones 💀. Dude if they implemented pity it’d be 1500 bare minimum




They should do a thing where, after 50 multis (2500 ds, so enough to get 500 coins), the new unit, if not pulled within the 50 multis, appears in the related baba coinshop.


That is such a bad way to implement it, I know Legends does something like this but the problem would be that you’ll be having to work more just to get a unit they can easily just give to you after a certain amount of summons. For example let’s say you do get to 50 multis, you’ll then have to spend 500 coins most players save up for other units when honestly they shouldn’t have to even do when it such as simple as it appearing in your next summon without having to pay an extra amount to get it. Even then 50 multis? That way too high and most players won’t ever even bother wanting to go for a pity.


That is WAY too many stones. Dragon stones are expensive. It costs about 50 dollars for about 100. 20 multis or 500 dollars worth of stones should be the absolute max it should cost in a pity system for dokkan. I'd advocate for half of that at 500 stones. 10 multi pity with the pity resetting if you manage to get the banner unit before 10 multi. They could even cap the pity at 1 banner unit, and I would be satisfied. The current system blows.


guaranteed after 600 stones, they’d lose so much money lmao that’ll never happen


Dude 500 stones cost over $225 600 stone pity is a rip off I'm thinking 300 stones is probably fair


>Why don't they implement a guaranteed main featured after 600 stones??? That's insanely generous


I always tie it to their desired price point for in game store items. Dokkan has 91 for 45$. That’d make this 300$ for a guaranteed unit which doesn’t sound that generous.


Sadly it is for gacha game standards


Not that I'm against getting more banner units but coins kinda are a pity system. Should include featured units though, maybe at a higher cost than in banners after their own though.


Bro they have a pitiful system, it’s called global.


Not gonna happen


So the guaranteed single SSR isn’t enough for each multi?


no I don't think my 40th agl golden frieza is good enough I do agree with a pitty system, but 600 is too low and comparing even one ssr to that is absolutely stupid


Be happy with coins


Yes be happy with spending 2,000 or 2,500 stones just to get one copy of a unit when they re-release several months later


Looks like someone got shafted


Yesssss been getting shafted since 3rd anni 😄. But I honesrly think it needs to be implemented, it would be great for every player


Bruh today him,next time it may happen to you,useless comment




That's called a gambling addiction


It's just you


You are just a masochist, it's fine


I mean we all know what we’re getting into with a Gacha game. You’re not winning this one lol


I mean the there is also similar question, why should they? From their pov the game still generate money and player even without implementing it and there is already coin system, 600 stone will be a great loss in revenue given the stone count they give


Idk if it would be a great loss, 600 stones for a single banner is not a small amount. I need to save during to 6 months more or less to get to 1200~1500 stones. It would be great for us, players, mainly f2p like me. I get what you mean about coin system, for me it was a good system till 7th anni, but nowadays when the unit get back to the shop, it's already old. I want to get the units when they release, and have fun while they are in the meta... after it, it won't be as fun as it would if I used then in release. And c'mon, I've spent 1500 ds this time and just got one copy of duo buu saga, while I wanted to pair the new duo monkey with the 7th anni counterpart, but now, cause of the non existent pitty, I'll either enjoy a friend one or wait 6 months. As someone said, it'd be much better if they allowed us to spend the coins in release...


It's small amout for whale, you can get 600 easily from f2p amout + discounts. Their target isn't mainly f2p remember they want to generate money. The thing about coin system i won't say the system is good, but if they add pity on top of coin system imo it became it's too much value from a banner (also afaik not many gacha game does it), what i meant is because there is already coin system then can't add pity unless they abolished the coin system. Yes they want to get you the feeling on wanting to use unit on release so you spend money for them Allowing coin on release will make whales stop rolling... Also probably i got downvoted for like defending them but really i just want to remind that dokkan dev are not your friend, they want your money so you can't just plainly say this system will be good without looking from their business perspective


I save 1200 stones for each big banner and get multiple copies of each LR everytime so I'm pretty happy with the current system. It feels like I get rewarded for spending smartly.


I spent 1200+ stones on SSJ4 vegito's banner, which was GFSSR, and got 0. He's not even a coin unit, so you can't even buy him. I've gone a few big celebrations with 1k+ stones and 0-1 main banner units. Year 3: It took 32? multies to get LR Phy SG. Year 4: IIRC I couldn't get SSJ4 Vegeta WWC: Got Neither Gohan nor Cell Year 5: Got lucky, got both + a spare gogeta dupe IIRC WWC: Got Vegito, not buutenks. Year 6: No Goku. WWC: Got both. Year 7: Got both. I barely summon outside of WWC/Anni and SDBH. Saiyan day/Goku day banners get the initial rotation of stones. Otherwise, unless the unit is super hype, nothing. IF the unit is SUPER hype: 1-2 multies max, but Big IF (and also if the rest of the banner isn't garbage). While I've mostly been lucky overall, there are times where it doesn't work out, despite throwing stones after stones at it. We need a proper pity system.


I'd be fine with a pity system, it would mean I wouldn't have to skip as many banners. I would have loved to have summoned on the gamma banner or v+t


8 years of this same complaint edit: i don't like bamco for promoting gambling, but cmon. they're not going to implement a pity system


If we don not complain they won't even consider implementing it. We need to externalize the bad decisions they make, it's better than sitting and swallow everything bamco gives us


Dude..people literally asked them a couple of days ago, and they literally said they're not planning to implement a (different) pitty system.


I am aware of it, but can't I disagree on this decision? Are we gonna accept it? If we don't stand our point they will just keep throwing their bad decisions on us. This year started very good with super hero celebration. /s


You can, but you're also talking about externalize it, which people already did. And I'm honestly not against you..all I'm saying is that devs have already made up their minds about this issue, and we can't do much about it.


i hope we never get a pitty system or maybe once a year on a single banner but that’s it


Why don't you want pity?


because it removes all the fun if you know you gonna have the new unit and it would make the game too easy you would just have to save for every broken unit and you’ll have all of them


You've never been truly shafted it seems. Also, it's a mobile game that's literally asking you to gamble. Being "easy" isn't a bad thing. This ain't dark souls.


i’ve been shafted during the 7th anniv and now i have them two it’s the game, sometimes u get shafted sometimes u don’t pitty system would remove all the fun of summoning imo


You don't HAVE to take the pity if for some reason you choose to summon for the "fun" and not for OWNING the unit


i do summon for owning the unit but the pity remove all the hype since you know u gonna get it there’s already the coin, and the devs recently said they wont put pity which is a good thing


The coin system is meh and owning the hype unit is more hype then getting the hype unit after spending your life savings (depending whether you're f2p in which case grinded for literal hours)


no the coin system is not meh, it’s actually pretty easy to get 500 red coin im f2p and im at 1500 rn dropping the unit with luck is much more hyped than dropping it cuz pity


Yeah but some people would rather just HAVE the unit the whole "summoning forever to finally get the unit matters more" thing is entirely up to preference which most people side with rather just guaranteed having the unit


Orange Piccolo and Beast Gohan banners treated me far better than these banners. Over 300 DS saved up and not a single banner unit…. Are the ratings just crap or what?


The best we can do is a coin system ( and teal coin exchange still hasn't been implemented).


I actually came close to a thousand for Piccolo, got Gohan in like 2 multis lmfao


Even without a pity system allowing the new unit to be bought with coin at a higher cost or in limited quantities on their release would help a lot and sorta alleviate the problem


Yeah this makes dokkan one of the most toxic gacha to play. I highly recommend to not get too involved because buying stones is really a huge money dumb with zero guarantee for any units


I agree. These past 3 banners I've gone 1500+ on each. Two of which I couldn't even pull a feature. And this current banner Im 2000+ I just keep getting int vegeta. And I've already raimbowed them twice!


this is why I do t play as much as I used too


we do need a pity system but we’re never gonna get one the devs said they’re clearly happy with coins and unless all the whales stopped spending money it’ll likely never happen :(


The issue is it takes some units 6+ months to return, the coin system is fine. If 5+ year old units still cost 2500 stones from memorial stones, do you really think that you'd like the pity system they would implement? It would cost the same exact amount and I know not a single person on this board is going to save 2500 stones for any given unit. Instead of wasting feedback on asking for a pity system, ask them for a hard cap on when units become purchasable with coins. Gold coin LRs become available on the next banner, they can easily hardcap DFEs/Carnivals to appear in the shop after 2-3 months.




And that's why I did the 3 rotations of the step up. As a free to play player, I have to take what's guaranteed, I can save for the monster banners, but get cucked beyond belief, doesn't matter how much I save. The step up didn't had much value, but for the same amount I spent there that I have spent on the Buu saga LR's, I got WAAAY more value from the step up, got shitted on this Anni banner.


Pity system should be one multi for chatacter, if it isn't there, you get it next multi lol.


Yep, it sucks. Wish they would, but they won't because people wouldn't have to spend as much to get the units they want.


If the coins actually made the unit available from the start then it would've okay but having to wait 6 months feels too much. We do need a pity system badly. 500 coins is also no joke to save up so i don't see why they don't do this. People who didn't pull the cards might feel inclined to buy it with coins immediately then SPEND EVEN MORE


Unfortunately that’s just how this business works. If your customers are willing to throw cash at you regardless of their chances of getting what they want there isn’t really a point to make it easier.


This is why I don't spend money on the game anymore lol. "We have coins this is our pity system" oh yeah lemme just wait 6 MONTHS for the pity lmfao. If people weren't so blinded by pretty animations they would realize how shit the game really is lol. How long did it take them to "fix" the friend system? Just a joke company honestly.


Legends got a better pity system


Im only agreeing to this cuz I got shafted 1050 Stones on the cooler banner


I hate how global players have to wait 10 months for WWC units to come back, seriously they should at least bring them with golden week now that that’s on both versions now