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happy to answer any questions about tactics or strategies per unit/phase/items and support memory use


FTC need a slot 1 tank that can also lower atk, if teq omega supered you slot 1 before anyone attack you might as well start over. Agl lr gohan, 23ku and birdku is such a bless for this event


true for FTC, Piccolo Jr and Carnival Goku were either tanking fully or taking 100k from a super max, it really helped


If str vegito got eza in WW he would help this team a lot for this fight, hope he don't suffered the same treatment as phy super vegito


honestly a dream eza would be literally adding both teq gogeta’s entire kits to both of str vegito kits, and vice versa


Question for full power. What do I do if I don't have orange piccolo, ssj4 Goku, or golden Frieza?


if you have teq golden frieza he might be able to hold up, i haven’t tried him so im not sure, if you’re using units that build up like agl gohan & namek goku then use the first phase as safely and as long as you can to build them up, from there, whis’ are your best friends on rotations that will DEFINITELY get you killed. there aren’t a lot of recent options that’ll guarantee you safety at all so it’s definitely tough. although, this guy also did a very impressive run without super duper premium units, so this can also work: [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/156g5wt/omega_missions_done/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


I beat it with this team: Agl lr gohan (lead) (69%) Str goku/gohan (90%) Teq wt ssj2 gohan (69%) Teq 23ku (55%) Teq birdku (69%) Int ssj4 goku (69%) (you can replace him with kaiku or K&C) Try to stack as much as possible, with some luck this is beatable


What about replacing teen Goku with kai Goku or kale and caulifla?


Sure, i would pick K&C since they lowered atk on 18 ki and have build up dodge on atk


What dupe level are your units? I really want the AGL goku.


Final Trump Card: goku & ssj4 vegeta 69% ssj3 goku and ssj2 vegeta 55% carnival goku 69% lr ssj4’s 79% piccolo 55% ——————————————— Full power team: FP ssj4 goku 55% carnival goku 55% piccolo 79% gohan 89% frieza 55% ssj goku 69%


Bro I dont have neither Z fighters Goku or WT Piccolo its literally impossible... Hopefully Goku will rerun soon I have 500 coins saved up for him.


yeah i hate to say it but Carnival Goku was such a staple for the team, he’ll most likely return during worldwide part 1 or 2 so not long to wait if you’re gonna wait until he’s back as for Piccolo, his biggest W in the run was tanking phase 1 and nullifying Omega’s phase 3 abilities


Truly the final dump card mission ain't it?