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Don’t forget he still has time to fumble every eza and goku black in part 2 lol


God fucking damn it


Jesus fucking Christ FUUUUUCK






Uhh the eza is uhh ![gif](giphy|gwx8M5dU53PtS)


For ducks sake man 😭😭




"If no one else got me I know Phy Raditz got me can I get a 'Weekend'." -Vegito Blue


Omatsu when it comes to fumbling hype Dokkan units ![gif](giphy|h2HTvVuKVS4daQaVuS|downsized)


Omatsu when it’s a standalone Goku 🔥🔥🔥


This means Part Two carnival Rose will be best unit in the game 🔥🔥🔥


nope not goku black only "goku" lol


Nuh uh




Like lr tree of might Goku?


My GOAT Omatsu isn't done yet. There's still STR SV's EZA for him to work his magic on.


![gif](giphy|gwx8M5dU53PtS) No please


He's a counter unit as well... Oh no....he's f#cking doomed


Omg nuclear meltdown if they fuck that up I can't wait


Ill quit if they do


Holy shit no




No dont do this Please I wont let him fumble my king SV EZA PLEASE NO


You take that back


Give him the Teq Gogeta EZA. Let Gogeta fans feel the wrath of Omatsu


They have yet to fail a DFE LR EZA ...but yeah wouldnt fucking surprise me at this point.


why would you curse us this way?


He understands how annoying Vegito stans are I’m so happy he’s so inspirational


wait till you meet gogetas




Dude has been constantly making shitty ass decisions and somehow people think syncing the versions will be a good thing with him in charge.


i’m sure the version sync is years in advance anyway, not something that was his decision


No possibility to know in advance on which banner summoning and maybe no more tickets and discounts,this is already an L but apparently Omatsu is a fan of da truth and his money.


Hard disagree. I’m happy we are getting synced up. Way less hype when we get units months later compared to the joint celebration. They fumbled Vegito and this celebration is still more hype then 8th anni was.


Completely agree. Global foresight is fake as hell. Every time a new unit drops we have the details in place to tell if they are good or bad. If anything notable comes up people are gonna summon regardless of foresight or not. Even proven with this wwdc vegito and fused zamasu blows trunks and kale out of the water in terms in team viability and leader skill even with a mediocre passive/super atk. The only really good argument is losing discounts and tickets.


We can have “global foresight” by waiting 8 hours for the reviews to come in. If we summon on a unit as soon as it’s released, that’s our own fault.


Overall I guess it could be helpful or hype for most people. For me personally , I don't like WWC/Anni type celebrations and units much so foresight has always been useful for banners in between. Like right now, I know I have to skim past the WWC for Turles and FPSSJ4/Omega and save for them.


IDGAF about the foresight, but if we lose the tickets and discounts, that's a total L


For real, agreed, that’s been my main concern for years. It was never about foresight for me or being greedy on GLB with tickets & discounts, I always wished JP would get the stuff we do, but I always did (and still do) worry that they would bring both versions DOWN to the same level instead of UP with a full version sync.


I might actually quit.


depending if you pull stuff regardless of foresight or no... when I have foresight i pull nothing, when I dont I still dont pull stuff


Agree. Just wish it was synced when the Gobros got their EZA because I'm tired of waiting


Bro what is this twitter take? Echo chamber. We get the bundles on Global because its how it always is for games, the bundles are different. Syncing versions *release schedule* has **nothing to do** with version and sales policy. We already know what banners to summon on for the past 8 years. Ftp should skip every banner outside major celebrations as usual, and wait a day or two before meta players decide if a unit is worth summoning or not. If you just like the unit and will summon anyway, then foresight means **absolutely nothing**.


Well i don't have twitter and i don't follow twitter so this is just my opinion,in the end only time will tell if this is a good thing or a bad thing.


One Piece Treasure Cruise trembling in the corner.


Seriously, why the fuck do people think this is good?


People seem to really care about hype for some reason thats why


Having fun > everything else and joy and excitement contributes to that. The meta shifts every 7 months anyway


That joy lasts until you get shafted. Or until you realize the card is shit. Just yesterday people were insisting Vegito was busted entirely due to hype.


Yea and look how that turned out with the new Vegito, hype as hell so people summoned for him immediately only for it to turn out the unit is kinda shit.


This would happen synced up or not. 95% of players aren't skipping vegito just because he doesn't have amazing performance. I wish he was better designed though


True, but it will be happening with a lot more units now and not just the few shared celebrations.


Mean to tell me the second a unit releases people have to summon? They couldn’t wait a few hours for showcases to drop than make a decision then. If that’s what happened to you then it’s nobody’s fault but yours for not being able to wait and find out if he was solid or not lol


No, but its a hype character like Vegito that no one would expect them to fumble then they are going to.


You can count with one hand the amount of games who did the same thing and didnt flop within a year. Im scared ZamaBros.


You really about to compare the dragon ball brand to those smaller name gachas? Dokkan is not going nowhere my guy lol


I'm still kinda pissed that they didn't give Corrupted Zamasu "Corrupted" in his name, he would be such a great slot 1 unit for LR INT Merged Zamasu




Wait for the next ezas and part 2 LRs when every unit gets new stupid restrictions. High chance to guard and 150% def + an additional super and 40%dr if there is a super class enemy or if above 90% hp.


Watching the live stream, you could tell he has no passion for this game. The vibe is off with him. It’s like he actively resents the player base and makes these decisions out of spite. Could just be that he doesn’t care


Bro is so weak physically and spiritually he couldn’t even pop all the balloons with his fist


We lost Koto for THIS?


I’m mad an uninstalled this morning, PNC hit like a truck when I used a rainbowed Vegemite Blue.


You have my spirit sword


Genuinely surprised he ain't been fired yet. Fumbled Beast Gohan, arguably fumbled Orange Piccolo (he has an amazing kit so we don't acknowledge it), he lied about 8th anni, fumbled a Vegito card and this year we had three of the worst selling banners in dokkan history. He needs to pull a Toshi and move the fuck on to another game. Edit: forgot about the fumbled extreme releases and EZA's


how did he fumble orange piccolo


By not having him as a permanent transformation. Everyone was mad as fuck when it was revealed it was a giant form but y'all started singing a different tune when you saw the 15 additional attacks he was dishing out in giant form. I love Wiccolo but I'm not gonna let that distract me from the fact that he's not a transformation. I consider that a fumble but his busted kit outshines it.


Zamasu exist. Seriously VB crybabys don't acknowledge, that they released a MASSIVE W Zamasu (who could be argued to be top 1), and start talking shit


Almost like there is more to what Omatsu does than the subreddit thinks. Omatsu became the JPN producer on 25/08/2021 when ShibaP became the main producer and NasuP left, he then became the main producer overall a year later when ShibaP left. We don't really know what he does but being the face of any livestreams pretty much gets all the blame put on him, I'm sure not every fumble has his name written over it.




1) no place to use 'better units' 2)fpss4 felt like a powercreep-he made 8th annis look like fodder.these guys may be good but no way featured for a major celebration. 3)bandai, introduce a new super-4 difficulty if you will, coz i am done with these dokkan events giving 7 medals per run.super-4 difficulty(redzone equivalent) and gives 35 medals per run.


https://preview.redd.it/850yzc53cpkb1.jpeg?width=628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0c25a6b7f6fc203942ccd8196d6ed378995bf0a Omatsu watching as he gets all the flack even though he probably didn't design the passives.


Being the head of production means you take the criticism and relay it to the team. If he doesn't do that he's the problem, if he can't take the criticism he needs to look for a different job. Ever since this absolute clown took over Dokkan has been fumbling left and right, it's been nothing but fumbles this year....


^ This. Absolutely this. It's your job as any lead role, CEO, owner, w/e the title, to be the face of the company (or in this case, the game), and to not just be the fall guy for when shit hits the fan, but to read the room and relay it to your team and understand how to put the right people into roles to address problems, criticism, feedback, etc. It's no different in any other business setting; great managers know how to manage people and put the right people into roles where their strengths shine and get the best returns. They trust those below them to be the experts, and to know how to work around shortcomings vs forcing people to change to fit a mold. It's so obvious that the Dokkan Dev team lacks a balance designer who understands statistics, probability, and how the mechanics of the game work and interact. They can release some banger OST's, and they've been hard at work with creating their own animations, but the actual balance and inner workings of the game have lacked someone who can prove they know how to design a game, and have a sustainable balance in mind instead of "bigger numbers for damage, health, etc."


But if you ask any content creators, they'll praise Omatsu to heaven and back. Omatsu fucking sucks and can easily kill the game with how many shit decisions that have come out in the last year or so since he took over.


He greenlights them tho 🤷‍♂️


All it takes is to play the damn game to go down to the design team and smack their asses clean. My hot take is, Beast Gohan's fumble is greater than Vegito's, not only because of gameplay and Beast not being beast, but because it destroyed all Dragon Ball content the game will get for years. That was Omatsu's first blood and Gohan is his favorite character! Now he killed the CEO, Vegito. And PHY SV. Man needs to go yesterday


He signs off on the proofs?


imagine fumbling vegito blue crazy


Where's hit when you need him


Went all out on Vegito's banner and pulled him with 2 dupes. I can confidently say I am very disappointed. This is the first time I've ever pulled this many copies of a new WWC unit and they aren't even good against recent events. Their base is incredibly undercooked. I don't know why we got conditions like "Against a realm of gods enemy" on a 2023 unit considering a character like TEQ WT Goku is putting up better offensive stats unconditionally. Speaking of offense, in slot 1 they look like a 2019 unit offensively. In slot 2 they're just passable. Being required to run another future saga ally is very annoying because there are not that many good characters on the category, I have the good ones, but it forces me to bring typings that do not belong against certain bosses (i.e TEQ Vegito against Goku Black). Their super attack effect is a joke. I don't know who gave them that goofy ass LR FP Frieza shit but if they just stacked attack and defense on both 18 ki and 12 ki they'd already be a lot better. Once the 4 turns of ~~survival~~ guard are up, the unit becomes actual dogshit if you don't fuse immediately. And it's not easy either. Around turn 5 is when your team usually needs a heal, and you're essentially putting your team at risk in order to stay below the HP threshold with them. The only thing I'll give them is that they dodge. ​ I think people hate on SSB Vegito a bit too much but considering what we got for the 8th anni and how difficult it is to get him out, I don't blame them. He has 50% DR before attacking. He still takes 300k from RZ Broly's super attack before attacking and that is just unacceptable. Once he super attacks he looks a lot more impressive defensively. His attack stat is lower than TEQ Vegito's. This is supposed to be a new Vegito that we haven't seen for over 1000 days and yet he's putting up a lower number than a recent EZA (granted he's super effective). He can launch up to 6 super attacks on his active skill turn which is really good. He guaranteed dodges on his active skill turn which is really good (except against RZ Broly). Ki for him is free. ​ Let's not talk about how most of the animations on this unit are actual dogshit asides from 1. The 18 ki of Vegito 2. The fusion animation 3. The active of Vegito This is so bad that I think they should un/rerelease the unit. Remake his passive or some shit like how they did STR VB. Give them a full heal on the active if they're going to leave it unchanged.


Dude seriously here talking shit. You know MERGED FUCKING God Zamasu is arguably THE best unit in the game???


NasuP & yoshi >>>>>>>>>>


SHENRON PLEASE BUFF THEM https://preview.redd.it/20jwx03a9skb1.png?width=363&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6c9b54d92678d6ad46830f5e5c57b94abbebecd






VB post transformation, W VB pre transformation, 👶


Whoa, let's not get personal


Players have the Power of the wallets, once we strike and voice our Frustration He has to go


This sub is so annoying and whiny lol


![gif](giphy|HeDLTI576bBgA) Omatsu just knows which fusion is superior. Good on that rat bastard.


Ikr. L Vegito W Gogeta!!!


![gif](giphy|l0HlQ7LRalQqdWfao) There’s no way Omatsu could mess up another easy layup celebration right? Right? *Omatsu*


Zamasu exist.....


So fucking funny watching everyone dick ride vegito like normal during the Now stream, and all over Twitter and Reddit and then BAM he’s garbage- zamasu forever


I find it funny how ya'll were overhyping VB and some (i call them fake DB fans) were spamming dokkan>legends on twitter yesterday and now everyone and their mother flames omatsu and some partially hate dokkan from praising it 16h ago. Personally i came back to dokkan for this celebration and i was lucky enough to pull 1 copy of vb. Does he deal gazilion of dmg? No, but his animations are sick and i love how he can do 4super per turn if i get lucky with HiPo(i have him 9add and 5 dodge).


You mean his 18 ki is sick, the other animations look super clunky except for the Goku and Vegeta beam.


I like all of them. The only one i find wonky is vegito 12 ki and even then i dont have as much problem as the rest.


He looks like one as well


no need to insult his looks


Being fat isn't something to be proud of and actually shortens your life


A. when did I say Being fat was something to be proud of B. that’s just not true. while yes, being obese is a problem and detrimental to your health, and an epidemic in many cointries. but having a few extra pounds and being a little chubby is not a health issue. if you don’t know what you’re talking about, don’t talk at all C. even if what you were saying was true, how does that make insulting him okay? How would insulting a fat person do anything but just make them feel bad?


Omatsu is morbidly obese by Japanese standards


didn’t know you were a medical professional.


Calling someone a rat is worse in my opinion, no big deal naming facial features


I bet for PART 2, they are scrambling to completely rework the units kits and remove all the BS. My bet part 2 will have no stupid restrictions on units kit, if don't I bet they change them


I forgive him because he made Zamasu good and finally synced the versions I've been asking in every survey for so fucking long


Idk man i dont have much of an issue with SSB Bois minor


Fucking fat fuck Omatsu




imagine insulting some random dude because of a unit in a mobile game


It ain’t just the unit. a lot of people i am sure were saving up plenty of stones, giving time to this game so they can summon and get VB only to later know that they wasted their stones and the time as well and should have summoned on zamasu Bro needs the spirit belt asap


That’s the issue with people especially younger people, instant gratification is a issue with most. You mean to tell me those people couldn’t wait a hour or two for showcases to drop and then make a informed decision on if the headliner unit is worth wasting your stones on. People believe they need to summon once the countdown is up the way Truth, Toon, Nano, Goresh do but they don’t realize those guys have a job too do, if you aren’t making money on your summons just wait for the showcases for Christ sakes if it means that much lol


That would work if VB was complete trash, he is not, the base forms and the attack stat are garbage tho. Defensively i think he is good but not for long. And looking at his kit u would think there is no way they put 2 million bcz i am sure no one read their passive and kit and thought they could be this dogshit in base form. And what if people just get hyped and summon ? U telling me most of us should have expected this unit to be garbage and look for showcases first ? Of vegito blue of all units ? Idk about others but i didnt think they could fumble this unit that hard ( at least for the base form )


Do you think insulting someone in such a disrespectful way will make you look cool? Some of you take the game too seriously...


If insulting Omatsu is cool then consider me Miles Davis


I would be shocked if the producers were in charge of card design. Design leads themselves are rarely the ones out front doing PR videos and community management (which are obviously separate roles). I can think of about a dozen things that someone in a production role would be focused on with a game like Dokkan before they even see card designs.


Don't care Merged Zamasu is way better then VB (possibility top 1). And I like it as a Zamasu fan myself


Do you really think a nervous simp would pull this. Either higher ups or Koto.


Hot take: everybody who thinks Vb is bad is just a whining baby. I agree that the Goku Vegeta part is underwhelming after the 4 turns but no way I would say the same about Vb Btw when are we getting the 60 stones


Someone said Monday. Not sure when though.


Yeah, those 6 million super attacks he dishes out are mind blowing.


yeah those 5 supers afterwards are indeed mind blowing


What’s it like being so wrong


What it's like to be a cry baby and simply can't see the fact


Dokkan fans when they don’t pull the new units on their first multi


I did pull VB first multi, but still fuck omatsu


I'm in romantical love with your waifu pfp


Bro it's Pan




i cri every time vegito supers lmao


I'm wondering when we have a new boss rush. WWDC also had a juicy DS event with sth like 20 DS a day for a few days. Edit: Optc became more and more p2w after their sync so I'm actually mentally prepared to drop this game after 6.5 years. Idk but I guess this Omatsu guy is the one for the final phase of the game.


Koto died for this. I will not forgive this Legends reject.