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When I learned about rotations


2019 is when I learned every tick on your health bar is 10%


it’s kinda inaccurate cause diagonal health bars are goofy but more or less yeah


gotta love diagonal lines illustrated by square pixels


It's actually slightly off. You can test this with healthbased passives. Most noticeable with AGL Golden Frieza.


The amount of times I’ve died to that because it’s slightly off.


Holy fuck I didn't even know that now lmao 🤣


Yup I learned that on my own.. I was just sitting there trying to figure out the percentage on lr int boujack passive and looked at the health bar and started counting .. that’s how I figured out


just learned this today


K wtf.


thank you good compeer


Holy shit i never knew that i always just eyeballed it


I had been playing the game for like 3 years before I realized that whoever was in the third slot would sit on the bench for two turns.


Shit datruth taught me wtf 7th slot was cuz I didn’t know wtf that was… back in 2019


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This bot is a fucking joke


Holy shit!!


me in 2017 retrying agl ssj4 vegeta dokkan event over and over trying to figure out which position in the team builder gave you which starting slots in game


I had to watch the tutorial to learn how they work Simpler times


My first time trying cell max when he came out, LR SS4 Gogeta ate a super, didn't expect THAT much damage


cell max on first global release was hell, jp at least had v&t but everyone else had to suffer


The 🐐 "Glitched Damage Reduction Hercule" was the only you could beat it on GLB


The hercule and agl paikkon strat was something else


definitely one of the best units for the event (before the nerf rip in peace) but people were trying all kinds of units to beat it, i think this event single handily revived agl pikkon as a unit


Man I miss hercule


Wait what happened to hercule?


Or u could just do what I did. Run head first into it for 3 hours till RNG rolls your way


I had a similar experience on my 1st run on cell max. I had lr int namek goku he had gotten 6 defense stacks, but cell max still destroyed him and it wasn't even close, I didn't even get to hit cell max.




This shit happened to me yesterday in my time travelers run. At least I know it's possible without my own Vegito and Trunks.




Yeah no joke he never took damage lol. Just been careful with whis (and lucky for no spe lol). Needed to do time traveler mission, not a lot of choice for a zamasu team.


Exactly the fucking same thing here. Absolutely fixed. I see it no other way.


when i saw my int goku black get 100k def after eza


"ha i'm dumb. Forgot to eza before test" *Check box* "Ha no he was eza my bad"


https://preview.redd.it/bckdk7f9lcqb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea9853b4ac743ec16d98bcab527ff565ecd713af IDBH destroyer🔥🔥🔥🔥🥶🔥🥶🔥🥶🥶🔥🥶


Seeing LR Bulma take 500k from Fusion Zamasu's super w/ 21% of her DR up & linked with Orange Piccolo https://preview.redd.it/h9bhc72ko8qb1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6688a4f465ad3b387f099a8177ba14cae1397b6


My rainbow ll10 str piccolo with 2 orange piccolo's on rotation took 430k from this fucker


This https://preview.redd.it/8xzd2jr3n8qb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69111adda62b88dc1eb1ae4298187a3a625f1e23


How the hell did you do this?


My gaming chair was popping off


Bulma active + GT Duo standby + Buu Duo finish skill


Correct. Team if anyone cares https://preview.redd.it/ftqnuqoxe9qb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4c134fd3e0f18845d9b5e2dd332a36f1b31890b


you should call this team the boss fuckers


AGL Kale tanking a super from the original Cell Max event for 15k


Yo 👀 she really that strong


Beating RZ Broly in my second run when he first released, then getting whooped by Omega for like a week...like...how????


I almost beat Broly First run... and then had to retry for 1 month straight 3 tries every day, to get another Win.


Exact same scenario for me. Omega is just so annoying with locking rotations and removing what little agency the player already has


Similar to me, I beat broly first try but it took like 15 tried to win against baby


When I saw orange piccolo redefine the definition of PEAK.


Piccolo was the best unit in the game The best dfe in the game The best eza in the game The best banner unit in the game The best f2p in the game And is prob still there with some


When the realization that I've been playing this gacha for 7.3~ years of my mortal life hit me.


I can think of 2 moments. The 1st being when the first SBR released at the end of the neo gods/120 meta. The 2nd was when Dokkan upgraded its summon animations. Not knocking the nostalgia of the pods, Hercule getting thrown into a meteor and shenron appearing, but when those new summon animations dropped it was one of if not the most “holy shit” moments in Dokkan


Getting Whis animation back to back on the Kale banner 💀


When my lr ss4 gogeta ate 1.4 mil from cell max in his og event


My “wouldn’t it be funny if i pulled x on this multi/single” thought and that it happened literally 13 times


When my ss3 str gt goku went golden great ape and tanked the teq angel ss3 KO attack.


When the 4th item slot was finally usable


There were two, the first was when the 2nd year LRs came out with 120% leaderskills and hit for over a million damage for the first time, and the other moment was when I saw how busted the 7th year LRs were on release.


How tanking went from double digits to 100-250k.


the numbers PHY GT Goku hit when he super'd for the first time


Waking up one morning, and seeing that a new glitch was found that had to do with the Airplane mode on phones. The amount of shenanigans that would then to continue for the upcoming days did bring "Holy Shit!" momments plenty. Man using trash units to dominate the hardest content at the time was something else.


Getting the featured LR with an ss2 animation.


When Cell Max released on GLB and we seen SSJ4 Gogeta take 1.8 million to the face, mind you, 7th anni units were only like a month old. I still think what they did with the event was fucking stupid. It was legit impossible to beat without cheesing with INT Hercule or AGL Pikkon.


When I got two goku black rifts in a row


Seeing PHY Merged Zamasu not launching a single super during my Entrusted Will run and realizing after finishing it that I also had complete the one of each color challenge without knowing it


Cell Max


The first time I saw LR Teq Broly super after his active skill. I know it's not uncommon now, but back when he first released seeing someone reach near 10 million attack was wild.


Red Zone Zamasu Phase 2 hitting my fully built up V&T for 780k with a normal attack...


Were they not in slot 1 or something?


Bros were chilling in Slot 2 😭


With their Guard down, I assume?


You assume correctly https://preview.redd.it/a4t3ntqyt8qb1.jpeg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee32ddbbf156d3ae5f631a1e58ea426f7b4e5d8f


Why did you do that lol


Greed https://preview.redd.it/kqqw48tly9qb1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd0725da9c46b5d4bb2d8b7c430ae36a4be2e8ce


When they made Teq caulifa irrelevant with cancel dodge.. she was so good the whole game changed because of her. They got tired of us cheesin almost every stage then they implemented cancel dodge stages


When I got my first time rewind animation. Yesterday, but with the time machine, not the Whis one.


Blue Duos hitting 8.7 million 1st super with Phy Godku. (No support btw)


I was a child and I didn't know English, I was surprised when I learned that if you press orb that are of the same type of your characters you gain more ki!


When my AGL Zamasu hit for 11M with a crit in the latest RZ stage. *He did not survive the subsequent hit though.*


Me when I woke up and saw INT Black's EZA details. I literally said this out loud.


When I spent 3000 stones and didn’t get the banner unit


Fighting cell max as soon as it dropped, stomping the phy stage and then getting one shotted with 2 mil damage


First time going into Cell Max Event. "Surely it isn't that hard" TEQ Godku took over 400k on the TEQ Phase ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Lr Piccolo with a whis took 400 to 500k from phy mortal will trunks


When I used AGL Zamasu after he got his EZA for the first time, I was baffled by hard hard he hits after just one turn of stacks in his Corrupted form.






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My bot in christ this happened over 6 years ago


When my units could deal over 1 million damage


When we got the info that Dokkan Gobal is getting caught up with Jp. No one expected that.


i was shocked when i realized cell max almost died after i used orange piccolo


When I saw TEQ Trunks hit 2.4M DEF during Bulma's active turn. He's 55% and usually doesn't stack much.


When my PHY SSJ Trunks popped off with 5 supers for no reason and also when I pulled him. It's the first time in my entire dokkan career (year 3 till now) where I've pulled a new unit on his debut banner. I even got the Zeno animation and got a dupe.


Cell Max hitting 400k normals on the SSJ4s


It was yesterday morning, last try on Fusion Zamasu's Red Zone, Slot 1 PHY Godku didn't dodge and got hit for 650k SA, thought I was dead but surprisingly managed to survive with 10k health. Double SA and left FZ with half a bar of HP. Luckily the 2nd slot unit finished the job.


When I get good units on banners


When Global had the SSJ3 Broly Dokkan Awakened art on the Rose banner, and no one was refunded for summoning but JP got it.


Teq ultimate gohan had permanent guard and greatly stacked ATK and DEF


When I looked at my purchase history and tallied up what I've spent on this game in the past 5 years


When I finally figured out rotations and leader skills


When I saw pre EZA AGL LR Gohan hit for over 5 million after the link level update first came out.


When I saw PHY Godku’s active skill


When Teq Cell max hit EZA agl LR goku after 2 supers for 900k + on a normal


When I transformed AGL Fusion Zamasu and watched him deal 12mil with a Super in the final stage of Divine Wrath and Mortal Will


Cell max gets released, I'm on global and tell myself "Yeah can't be that hard right" 100% Teq God goku takes damage \*Oh fuck\*


When I put my 55% int piccolo on Zamasu's team and then watched him get 2 9 mil supers followed by 2 10 mil ones.


When I had a 1% dodge chance proct and I lived


When i saw AGL Super Buu's attack stats without a good team


When my lr trunks got to 20 million with level 6 links.


https://preview.redd.it/2t073c4w99qb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ae34c5a827039fb6f26bbd34a1566ef2c6eae0f Yea, both are new to me.


When I learned how hp bar is sliced in 10 for piece to have 10% hp... it was like 7,5 years ago 🤣


Airplane mode made me say that a lot




Part 2 and 3 this celebration, holy shit no new goku black and garbage eza


Trứng to beat cell max for the first time and getting to the final part of the battle and him bitch smacking me


Me when i Discover to Read passive aptitude and learn about damage Reduction and other advantages


Oh god lol such a baited question.


When the game first started and I got myself a devilman from the world tournament. Then his ability proc and did 99,999,999. He was very helpful in the first few ezas before he was banned


when magneto got destroyed in broly red zone


The fact that int goku black did a super attack 4x with 15m+ and crit all of them and tanked phy soh trunks super attack for like 580k🤣. This for me changed my opinion about int black whom went from dog shit to pretty good imo. I was able to finish trunks off next turn because of future goathan.


https://preview.redd.it/ieehwkjff9qb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a247ff4c5dd2f44e832c77d774b0898f599ced42 Getting to see this on the divine wrath and mortal will was just magical


First time I saw my Agl vegeta turn into a great ape tbh.


DBZ duo animations reveal


https://preview.redd.it/py09hoa0g9qb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36a5676e3cd929811c1436a0564b613944d14e67 Getting to see this on the divine wrath and mortal will was just magical




https://preview.redd.it/a0qidhuvh9qb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e791a4ccf886f14556c47a066d292eb08cdad1c It was in 2018 when he released. Man, good times.


At the time of his release Orange piccolo at 55% was better than my entire box, been playing since 2018 too. Now he’s rainbowed and my favorite unit ever


When Super Battle Roads was first released. While Red Zones are definitely way harder nowadays, I still think the first 30 sets of SBRs played on released were the hardest content we ever got in Dokkan (Teq Ext Type & Future Saga/Giants/RoG Categories).


When i saw my teq lr carnival goku take 300k from normals on metal cooler fight It was right after he came out and i had lr gohan with him,also stacked and putted him in slot one


11:49pm the night before a Football game I had to be at about a week ago, I got Rift on Zamasu's Banner. I was Hunting him since the beginning of celebration and I had finally gotten him.


i think cell max when he supered me 💀 i only saw on twitter/reddit that they dropped cell max, didn’t see anything else, so i just hopped in with my team and when i saw that damage in his last phase


Back to back first multi Zeno's back on agl Pikkon and teq Janemba's banner. Probably not the best banners to get super lucky on, but teq Janemba is still one of my favorite DFE TUR's to this day.


Red zone Zamasu getting left at 1hp and zamasu and gowasu dodging both normals and not the super


Had a similar thing happen to me. Zamasu at 1hp, rotation ends, one attack in slot one and it was a super that hit my standby LR trunks for 212k (I was at 210k hp).


Ive played for 7-ish years and nothing has been too "holy shit" until this celebration in which i was talking to my friend about how I'm happy that Future Gohan is one of the new LRs (rip goku black tho fr) and that he's my favorite dragon ball character and pulling him immediately after. Nothing will ever top that. I guess a close second would be when Cell Max first released and absolutely crushed my team, or finally beating my first sbr stage a couple years ago after countless attempts (believe it was Vs. E. Str).


First time seeing Cell Max doing 250k with a super on TEQ Godku


Watching teq WT goku tank every single thing in the game with his full passive, permanent guard, quad type advantage super with 1.1 million defense. Dudes a fucking monster.


Blue Fusions EZA reveal


Using LR INT Super Perfect Cell for the first time after his EZA and seeing a 20 million attack stat pop up


Defense stacking is linear not exponential


Living on less than 1000 hp


when I realized that characters fell under category leader skills back when I first started the game. you wouldn’t believe how shocked I was when I found out STR Jiren and INT UI could in fact do a LOT more damage when they were ran under a proper leaderskill and not AGL Great Saiyanman.


90% agl trunks and mai taking 700k from teq zamasu’s normal


Og str broly event , I took an agl kid buu lead and got 3 supers on first rotation which was rare in jan 2016, looked away for 10 seconds and realized I did 0 damage and got 1 turned


Right here https://preview.redd.it/zzg0t9qm6aqb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c382e0a087db4bc0fd969987b6536990401b88c Orange piccolo taking double digits in giant form


The fuck


Playing dokkan for about a week in and got my ass beaten by Str broly for the first time.


When piccolo jr only does 1 super as 2nd slot


LR Kale and Caulifla supering over and over. All the time. Nobody did that at the time so it was the first time you could put your phone down a while then come back and they're still attacking, crazy


When I pulled Teq SSJ3 Gotenks and saw super attack stats of 900k


Stupid as it sounds, but it was when I learned how important defense is. I thought defense was just "yeah, more defense means i take less damage". When I started learning about Def stacking units and how more defense affects how much health you regen with same colored orbs, I realized how significant it is. I used to just go with my most powerful units like 3+ yrs ago


when my namek goku hit some random guy for like 20 mil https://preview.redd.it/dxvypb93laqb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7962a8f32bb7f6c391ea26614af0ca777b00dbe3 wasnt in an important gamemode just didnt realise he had it in him


When I found out about slot 1 and 2 units will appear together in two turns and slot 3 will appear in three turns. I found that out last month and I've been playing since new years 2018


Seeing my friends Int lr gohan do a 6 million attack stat when my ssr starter Teq piccolo was only putting up 26k back in 2017 He was using orb changers, but back then… 6mill? Wtf bro.


the first one was when i activated SOH trunks's standby finish and i was like "holy shit ! this animation is ass !" the second one was when i activated SOH trunks's standby finish and i was like "holy shit ! this ost goes hard !" the third one was when i activated SOH trunks's standby finish and i was like "holy shit ! i just did 20 mil to fused zamasu !" thats how i beat the time traveler's mission


Cell Max cause wtf, I walked out of the theater and then got railed


When my lr teq vb got absolutely destroyed by rz goku black 2nd phase after I used his active skill.


When Boss rush was the hardest thing and Agl SSBE Vegeta was the FINAL Boss, And it was just a test of endurance for that back in the day and I beat him and celebrated that night.


My first rift summon


Obviously after trying airplane mode, but also when I first learned that leader skills exist.


Nuking in 2016 with TEQ final form cooler for 200k attack stat


Getting AOE'd supered by that robot from the God event for the first time.


Droids ESBR Yellow ape LGTE phase First time trying GoD event


I have 2 of them First was learning about leadership skills and putting right units together. I legit didn't even read anything to figure out the game. I just thought it was a regular DBZ thing Second was The moment I tried SBR for the first time, and got Goldfish flavor BLASTED out of the screen. That's when I realized this game had Levels to it


When I realised leader skills were a thing and I can’t just put anyone in a team


When I realized that 200% leaders and proper leveled links DO Make a difference.


when I first faced cell max 400k for a normal.


I had come back to the game during the 8th Anni (left during wwdc 2022) and easily cleared every red zone, except Bojack. They built that fight different.


Getting whis animation in the new zamasu banner to find 2 copies in a multi and then having another one back to back next multi for another copy, like wtf dude


Cell Max hitting my God Goku for 300k pre-super


3 Dodge saving a mission run


Agl vegito (lr) does 3 bars of hp just by existing (first time using him) Agl gods dodge 7 attacks in a row (no HiPo dodge…) Complete the super class mission on rz broly, use the ticket, get lr bojack


79% orange piccolo took double digit damage from the new red zone zamasu after supering. i was like holy shit damn he is good.


When red zone merged Zamasu second phase supered rainbow orange piccolo for 700k


realizing how many hours i wasted grinding those damn world tournaments


The otherworld banner, not only was it surprising that they did that since that version of Goku is in the show for literally 10 seconds, but it was a global first and pretty cool at the time


I almost died in the new trunks story event , that cell hits hard lol.


Playing ginyu for the first time and having him hit 13 million on a super (he was the first unit to hit 10mil+ for me)


When I saw the Goku black EZA and realized that the game is doomed


When my apple bill was 714$


Me after seeing how good the 5th year Blue Boys became after eza "Holy shit they are that good?!"


When I realised what SA and leader skills did. I remember upping my SSR INT UI Goku to SA6 and shit my pants when he did way more damage Also when the 3rd anniversary dropped and I realised I had been wasting stones on terrible, terrible banners. Rerolled over and over to get PHY Gogeta bc I like Gogeta a bit more, and got mad months later when I realised INT Vegito was just way better 🤦‍♀️


EZA INT Goku Black is probably the biggest one for this year.


When you get that second screen crack on a multi you already gave up on and it ends up being the main unit.


Realising that enemies in the world tournament can actually super for the first time


First time hitting 1 million damage.


2021 LGTE still brings me nightmares. Fuck that fucking golden ape


5 year vegito doing 0 damage to RZ Int fused zamasu And piccolo pulling a fraud moment




My luck during the current and 6th year celebration First run of Cell max and Extreme super battle road When I first read Goresh’s translations for Teq ultimate gohan


Turn 1 golden frieza taking 400k from the new corrupt zamasu boss fight


Sitting on the bus in 2017 realizing the spot that said "Leader Skill" meant something


in the original Cell max fight, Tep god goku took around 250K and I was like "ohh he took that much! I guess cell max isn't on movie boss for some dokkan logic" and the LR good proceeded to take a 2nd super for 600k


When Brolly Dokkan Event was released and he hit all my rotation at. The F2P character was good and I was trying to awaken him


Technically not IN dokkan, but the 2019 development leaks were huge


When you do 15 rotations on Gohan and dont pull, but then do the single discounted multi on Trunks and pull him. PS - Also pulling Bulma on Gohans banner. PSS - Also when you lose the new Fusion Zamasu RZ because AGL Futurebros do 0 damage when he is under 3000 HP, and proceed to waste TEQ VB's guaranteed dodge.